Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #4

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 4

Technomancer in MCU


“That's not all either. The largest doctors' conference of this century was coincidentally happening right near New Jersey. Almost all the doctors present there have been kidna-, Ahem, Escorted to the Central Park and a large cordoned-off area has been created there for them to treat the patients that can’t be completely healed with the Vita Rays.”, Alfred added helpfully.

New York City

–Natasha Romanoff–

When a high-pitched tearing sound came from behind me, the alarms started blaring in the suit.

“Alfred?”, I asked, turning around.

Before he could reply, I could clearly see Loki riding on one of the whales, with several stragglers riding behind him.

Behind him, I could see a tear in the shield as if something had just cleaved through it.

“The sceptre…”, I realized.

“Yes. The sceptre’s powers can easily breach through the shield but due to the shield’s construction, only that part of the shield is destroyed. With the abundance of shieldbots we have here, that part of the shield will be repaired soon enough.”, Alfred replied.

I could clearly see the shield visibly closing up as Alfred said.

As I was searching for ways to destroy the aliens that had entered the shield with Loki, Banner had arrived and was talking to Steve.

Sighing with relief, I knew that at least the immediate issue was solved.

With a loud tearing noise, Banner transformed into the Hulk and stopped the whale with a single punch.

The whale and its entire exoskeleton nearly toppled over as it groaned in pain at being nearly stopped with a single punch.

Tony took the opportunity and fired a small missile into one of the exposed parts.

“Take Cover”, he shouted.

“Where?”, I thought loudly in my mind.

Thankfully, there was no need as the only unarmoured person here was the Hulk.

In the immediate aftermath of that explosion, Clint and Tony took care of all the stragglers and I went back to see if any of the shelters were compromised.

I arrived at one of the buildings only to find smaller versions of the shield projected onto the people who were actually out into the open, recording everything with their phones.

Groaning in frustration, “Alfred?” I asked, aloud.


“Don’t let the civilians out of the shelter, please.”

“As you wish”

With that, the shields began to literally herd the group into the shelters, despite their asinine protests.


There was a high-pitched buildup of noise that all my instincts were telling me to run from.

I looked up at the shield boundary only to see a white light fill all of my vision.

Silence reigned on the battlefield.

The Feed on the HUD cleared up.

I squinted, only to see a path carved out through the Chitauri bodies right up to the portal.

Partially vaporised corpses littered the boundary of the shields as they lost the ability to float.

The huge locusts like aggregation of the aliens seemed oddly still, as if afraid that they were going to be targeted next.

Then, as if a button was pushed, all the aliens I could see began to rapidly crash on to the shields. Some of them being clearly crushed to death beneath the weight of the aliens behind them yet the aliens continued their frenzied approach.

“Don’t worry, the shields will hold”. Reassured Alfred.


I heard the sound of someone crashing near me.

Looking over, I saw Thor landing wobbly near one of the wrecked cars nearby.

I went to help him but he recovered pretty quickly.

“Loki”, he whispered,” He ran away.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find him.”, I reassured him.

“What kind of seiðr is this?”, he asked, gesturing to the Vita Rays being projected onto him from my suit, healing him from cuts he must have gotten from Loki, surprising even me.

As I was about to tell him what I knew, I heard an unfamiliar voice speak through the armour’s internal systems, “Greetings, Avengers…..”

“Hello, Mystery Guy. Mind telling me how you arranged all this so soon?", Tony asked snarkily, gesturing to the shields and the armours surrounding them, his words having a hint of an accusation with them.

“Would you believe me if I said that I saw the future.” the voice replied.

“Nooo but we would be having some words about you not informing someone about this attack.”, Tony said in a heated tone.

The voice sighed, “Look, We can stand here arguing about it or we can deal with the extra aliens that come out of that hell hole together while Alfred helps in evacuation and healing the injured. I’m on my way as well.”

“I agree.”, I said, surprising everyone.

“What? It’s not like I am not suspicious about the timing but the relevant thing is that the guy is helping and without his help, we would not have been able to do half of what we have done already. So let’s save the interrogation for later when he actually comes here and not as some disembodied voice.”, I argued.

“Like I said, let’s leave this for later.”, the voice said, sounding surprised.

As if his words heralded something terrible, the same high-pitched building-up noise came from before and the floating air carrier floating out of the city fired multiple times.

After my vision cleared, I saw that the entirety of the shield dome was littered with thousands of corpses of the aliens.

The entire sky nearing the Stark Tower where all I could see were hordes of aliens, now remained free.

“Be careful, the carrier will not be able to do that again for quite some time. We must find Loki and close the portal else the invading forces will overwhelm our forces too.”, the voice said.

And I agreed too.

Glancing at the portal, I could clearly see the new wave of aliens coming through the portal but this time instead of crashing to their literal deaths on the energy barrier, they made a beeline towards the carrier, recognizing the greater threat it possessed.

“Loki” I whispered, realizing he was still somewhere commanding the army.

“Alright, here are all your orders, if you choose to accept them”, said the voice.

All of them waited with bated breaths.

“Tony and Clint, you are on straggler duty. We will open up a section of the shield near one of the completely evacuated areas. Your goal is to make sure that the least amount of aliens go past the barrier area on either side and make sure that the load on the carrier is lessened.”

“I don’t take orders from anyone but alright.”, Tony replied snarkily.

“Roger that.”, replied Clint.

“Steve and Natasha, you are on crowd duty. A detailed scan of life signatures of the shielded area has been uploaded on your respective armours. Also, designated shelter zones with fortified areas have been marked. Your task is to make sure that all the people are in the shelters and you might find some people with serious injuries that are only stabilised by the Vita Rays. You need to get these people to Central Park for emergency treatment. Got it?”

“Got it”, I and Steve replied.

“Thor, Find your brother and subdue him. You know he cannot be convinced or stopped now.”

“Yes”, Thor replied somberly.

“And Hulk?”, the voice sounded bemused.

The Hulk grunted back.

A small hatch opened from a nearby shieldbot and a rectangular box cam and attached itself to the Legs of the Hulk.

“These will help you reach the heights necessary for you to SMASH them properly.”

The Hulk grinned at that. It did not bode well for the aliens.

With that, he Leaped straight through the barrier, blasting through the corpses of the aliens and into one of their riders, obliterating it.

All of them leaped into action after that.


Word Count - 1330

Next Chapter - Fury POV

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