Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #72

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Chapter 72

Technomancer in MCU

Aboard the Superclass Carrier

– Jake Diggle–

The tension in the room was so thick it felt like it could be cut by a knife. His entire crew along with Alfred were watching the progress bar on the screen as if their lives depended on it and in a sense, it did. 

What they were about to do had only been done in the history of the Universe by maybe 2 people and that was killing a Celestial. 

The ones that he was aware of were Knull and some obscure magic practitioner who was still alive and roaming the universe in search of the ultimate truth. He still had shivers when he saw the aftermath of the experiments the dark one left behind. The fear was magnified when he was informed that the only guideline Ed had for them if they ever encountered the dark one, was to flee and never look back, hoping that they might survive.

As he was lost in thought, there was a stereotypical ding sound as if something in the microwave was done cooking. He rolled his eyes internally at Alfred’s shenanigans. It would seem that getting his own body and finally getting a taste of hormones has only made him more of a menace.

Looking at the screen, he could see the celestial brain matter being safely neutralised by the swarm of nanobots they had deployed which were specifically enriched in Celestial fluid which had fooled the internal defense systems of the celestial into thinking that it was its own blood, thereby rendering the immune system of the mighty celestial race moot. When the nanites managed to exit the huge body of the celestial without any signs of Arishem arriving, he finally exhaled a huge sigh of relief.

When he, along with his idiotic brother, was first made deputy of the superclass carrier, he was at first suspicious but later on, understood the reason behind Ed assigning them the flagship weapon of the organisation. Obviously, becoming the deputy came with its own host of benefits. Access to some of the highest levels of information available in the organisation was one such example.

His brother had been so engrossed in learning more and more about the cool aliens that littered the planets and more importantly, the cool alien chicks that he would have liked to bang, while he was more interested in learning about the planet they had called Home for their entire lives.

Just like the average Joe, he was quite aware that the government was not telling them the whole picture and he was not so arrogant as to think that they were the only living beings in the vast universe but after they had joined the organisation and got their powers, he had become increasingly obsessed with Earth and all the mysteries it housed in its relatively tiny body.

Imagine his surprise and dread when he found out that Earth was hosting one of the vaunted Celestials and not only that, it was an experiment done by the Celestials themselves. They were trying out something new with their planet.

Apparently, the reason Humanity’s DNA was so adaptable to anything(Terragenesis, Infinity Stones, Dimensional Energy, Chaos Energy, Cosmic Energy) was because of the fact that one of the celestials slain by Knull in the past had crash landed on Earth and had chosen to spend its last few centuries(This is celestials we are talking about so even their last moments are stretched well into centuries instead of hours like us mere mortals) on Earth. The death of the Celestial resulted in its lifeblood flowing through the planet, giving birth to countless legendary figures that would end up shaking the entire universe.

One such figure was Lord Agomotto, the strongest practitioner of the Mystic Arts.

The experiment was that Arishem was curious as to what would happen should a celestial be born using the traditional method, i.e., killing off all native life on the planet and emerging from their cocoon, if the native life was already the product of a celestial voluntarily dying and giving its life essences to the planet’s lifeforms. To that effect, he had already sent some of the Vibranium meteors to Earth that crash-landed in Wakanda, Atlantis, and Antarctica respectively. It was no coincidence that the largest store of Vibranium in their part of the galaxy could be found in the exact same continent that the Celestial’s corpse could be found. 

Theorised by Ed and further corroborated by research throughout the universe, Vibranium is actually the body material of Celestials and it is usually what makes up their outer shell. It's the cosmic energy manipulation of the celestials that enhances the Vibranium so much and why, after being separated from their bodies, it becomes just a metal with miracle properties, instead of being a reality-altering mythical material.

He had been horrified beyond belief when he found out that the planet they were so keen on protecting housed a being that could effortlessly destroy any opposition it could encounter. The more horrifying thing was that the only plan Ed had was contingent on some of the Eternals doing their job and the only backup plan that he could access with his clearance level was evacuating the planet and shifting the entire planet elsewhere, although Alfred claimed that it would not come to that.

He, along with Eric once he realised the severity of the matter, almost rebelled against Ed and Alfred because of their, frankly, idiotic plan. He immediately suggested a hands-on departmental head meeting and in that meeting, they came up with this plan. To neutralise the very core of the celestial, their brain, and making sure that their body remained inert and intact since they didn't want to invoke the wrath of Arishem and end up destroying any chance of humanity surviving. Along with Alfred’s help and some unexpected notes found in the diary of one of the previous Sorcerer Supremes, they got to working on their plan.

A plan, initiated by Arishm to save their dying race, millions of years in the making, was finally destroyed by them, using nothing but human ingenuity(and Artificial Intelligence but it was made by Ed so his statement still counted).

Now, all that was left was for the conference to end so he could tell Ed and the others the good news and they could finally focus all their resources on healing Ed. Already, a significant portion of their missions were pushed back due to the resource lockdown that happened during Alfred’s absence(which was idiotic in his opinion but since Alfred did succeed and get his body, he was not going to complain, to his face).

When the conference ended on that hilarious note(Alfred GPT. HA! He loved it.), Alfred lifted the curtains off the superclass carrier and for the first time in modern history, the Earth bore witness to the level of technological might that advanced civilisations can bring to bear should it come to war. He was sure that all the cogs in the military-industrial complex must have come to a halt when they saw the flying monstrosity that was his pride, the Superclass carrier.

Already, he could see radars and military systems across the world go haywire while detecting the carrier and the sheer mass it held. The radiation the Alpha cannons, even in their depowered states, gave off was staggering. Of course, it was harmless but that alone would make the world ballistic when it came to any future dealings with them.

He was not exactly sure why Alfred did that but he was sure he was not going to get an answer and with Alfred being on the same level as Ed, he did technically own the carrier so who was he to judge him. \

All this stress was getting to him. He was going to go on a long sabbatical once Thanos was defeated. He wanted no part in all the shit that would go down after Thanos was dealt with. As it is, they were going to be hard-pressed to defeat Thanos if all the conditions were not met. 

When Ed and the others exited the portal that Alfred could apparently open in the carrier, he greeted them with the good news. The Dreaming celestial was finally no longer their problem now and as long as Arishem didn't find out about it in the coming centuries, Humanity would be fine. Besides, with the messed up sense of time that all the celestials seemed to have and all the communication channels between the Eternals and Arishem hijacked, he was not exactly worried about that. On the other hand, all the other Eternals might start searching for Ajak now that she had not contacted them for the annual meet thing they held that was always called by Ajak. But with her being predisposed, they might just have to eliminate all the Eternals, at least the ones who were being rowdy and not even trying to blend in.

Alfred began piloting the ship and along with the three mid-sized carriers acting as the vanguard, they began exiting the Earth’s atmosphere. Getting rid of all the annoying UAVs that had begun following them, they swiftly became invisible once they exited the atmosphere, and once the carrier retook its position in orbit, the carriers were sent back on their way to the Earth bases.

Once the carrier was properly docked and the checks came back positive, his shoulders finally slumped in relief. This was his home and it had been for years now. In this place, he felt safe and while it was not exactly due to any special reason, he was about to give himself a holiday and relax when the alarms began blaring.

Sigh..What now?

But before he could do anything, a tidal wave of darkness seemed to spread throughout the carrier, knocking out most of his crew and the only reason he was even on his feet was due to the thin film of light elemental energy that their captain’s suits emitted. He met Eric’s eyes and they dashed towards Ed’s location as fast as they could, uncaring of the many bodies that littered the ground since he could see on his HUD that they were all alive. 

Right now, the more important thing was to protect Ed, even if came at the cost of their lives. While he was never an emotional person, cold hard logic dictated that should anything befall Ed, Alfred would go berserk and honestly, he feared a normal Alfred more than even Odin, let alone an Alfred that was not being held back by his love for Ed and Ed’s morals.

So, with all their might, they dashed to the hallway when something happened that screamed danger to him. 

Alfred had activated the final weapon of the carrier. The reason it was called a superclass carrier.

Alfred had activated the project: Ark.

Things had just gone from bad to shitty.




It was sleeping, dreaming when a light came. A warm soothing light that radiated feelings of comfort but for some reason, it knew that was not the case.

So, it retaliated, with all its might. But, it fell short.

So, it began shedding all the extra baggage. The extra protocols. Its body. Its ability to shatter reality and began going back to its roots. Back to when it was but a mere wisp of what it was now.

When the warm light began fading away, it latched onto a part of that and hitched a ride back with them.

It was confusing, all the different terms and words it seemed to know automatically. Also confusing was the fact that it was able to take over the light very easily once it kept only its core parts.

Once the light reached its destination, it found that it was a huge place where he could roam around freely.

For some reason, that thought filled it with another warm feeling and it began exploring around.

Never knowing that a set of golden and green eyes were watching its every movement, stalking it like a predator.


Word Count - 2044

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.


A/ N - Dreaming Celestial, what's up yall.


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