Ten thousand shadows and flying snow in Douluo continent

Chapter 101 The Villa Training Room

Chapter 101 The Villa Training Room

After the two got the keys to their respective dormitories, they quickly left the scene. Wu Yingkong dragged Liu Tianxue away, because Wu Yingkong always felt that there was something wrong with that Lu Muwei senior, and kept staring at him. Blink to yourself.

After walking out of the gate, Wu Yingkong and Wu Yingkong met Zhou brothers again by coincidence.

After seeing Wu Yingkong and Wu Yingkong again, the Zhou family brothers didn't hesitate anymore, and ran away, out of Wu Yingkong's sight.

Wu Yingkong might be used to it, so he walked directly to the lake with Liu Tianxue without saying anything.

When they came to the lake, Wu Yingkong and Liu Tianxue first searched for her house, because each small building has a number in front of the door, so that people can identify it.

There are only 2 small buildings here, so it is not difficult to find, and you can find it in [-] minutes.

After finding it, Liu Tianxue invited Wu Yingkong to come in for a glass of water. Although Wu Yingkong was not thirsty, he did not refuse, and walked in with Liu Tianxue.

Although the outer shell of this small building is made of stone, the interior is made of wood. Moreover, although everyone has lived in this small building for an unknown period of time, there is no dust on the floor, and even the air is not stuffy, very fresh. It's not like those houses that have been empty for a long time.

After entering the door, the inside was pitch black, and there was a shoe cabinet on the wall next to it. When I opened the shoe cabinet, there were several pairs of clean slippers inside, in all sizes.

Liu Tianxue found two switches on the wall, and there was a line next to the switch, which read: The switch on the left can turn off all the lights in the room at the same time, and the switch on the right can turn on all the lights in the room at the same time.

Liu Tianxue pressed the switch on the right, and all the lights in the room turned on immediately.

After changing into a pair of slippers, Wu Yingkong followed Liu Tianxue into the room.

The walls in the room are made of oak wood, which is very beautiful, and all the furniture is also made of wood. It is equipped with a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a main washroom, a secondary washroom, a master bedroom, a second bedroom, and a The study room and two small balconies are the layout of a standard house.

Walking into the living room, I saw a three-meter-long coffee table, a large sofa and two small sofas, and they looked like leather sofas.

Because she was not familiar with the new dormitory, Liu Tianxue searched for a long time but couldn't find the kettle and cups. In the end, Wu Yingkong helped to find together, only to find that the tea table actually had a drawer, and the cups and kettles were in this drawer. This made Liu Tianxue very embarrassed.

However, how can there be water in the new dormitory?Liu Tianxue obviously forgot about this question.

In the end, Wu Yingkong still didn't drink any water.

When leaving, Wu Yingkong also invited Liu Tianxue to visit his villa, Liu Tianxue couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

Unlike Liu Tianxue's key, Wu Yingkong's key is an ordinary iron key. Wu Yingkong's villa key is a colored card.

The gate of this villa is also very unique, it is a full three meters high, and it is also an automatic door.

Wu Yingkong swept over the machine on the left side of the gate, and the gate opened. After Wu Yingkong entered, all the lights in the living room were turned on, and a person-high shoe cabinet suddenly appeared from the wall, scaring Wu Yingkong. Jump empty.

"As expected of a villa with the highest specification." Wu Yingkong praised.

Wu Yingkong's villa not only covers a much larger area than Liu Tianxue's small building, it even has many other rooms.

For example, indoor library, indoor private theater, reception room, etc., and even a private practice room!

Wu Yingkong was stunned when he knew that there was a training room in this villa. He didn't expect to have this, so he went directly to the top floor where the training room was located without saying a word.

Although this villa looks huge from the outside, it actually only has four floors, and the first floor alone accounts for one-third of the height of the villa.

Take the indoor elevator to the top floor. As soon as you get out of the elevator, you will find a ten-meter-long corridor. At the end of the corridor is a door, which is the training room.

Wu Yingkong swiped the card, and the door opened.

After opening it, Wu Yingkong looked inside, and found that there was a large empty room inside, with only an empty bookcase and a blanket on the floor.

Wu Yingkong was a little confused when he saw what it looked like inside. Is this the practice room like this?

Wu Yingkong didn't quite believe that such a big training room was the only one, so he flipped through the brochure introducing this villa in his hand.

After flipping through it for a while, Wu Yingkong walked in, and according to what was said in the pamphlet, he found a menu next to the door.

Wu Yingkong opened his mouth wide after watching it for a while, unable to speak out in surprise.

There are only a few buttons on the function table, and there is a function introduction of this training room next to the buttons. It is impressively written on it: It can simulate any training environment, and it is basically exactly the same as the real scene.

Liu Tianxue leaned over curiously, she didn't understand why Wu Yingkong was so surprised, she also looked at the introduction of the training room, and then Liu Tianxue was speechless like Wu Yingkong, her eyes were full of surprise.

It can simulate all scenes, which is too strong!You must know that if some soul masters cultivate in a corresponding environment, their cultivation speed can be accelerated, and it's not just a little bit faster.

"Yingkong, this..." Liu Tianxue said first.

Wu Yingkong nodded and said, "So, let's try it first."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yingkong pressed a green button, under which was written the word rainforest.

As soon as he pressed it, Wu Yingkong instantly felt an aura mixed with the fragrance of leaves and earth rushing towards his face. At the same time, the walls of the training room also began to release moist mist, and even the sounds of various birds and insects were imitated. Come out, if you close your eyes, it is exactly the same as being in a wet rainforest.

Wu Yingkong took a deep breath, and the fresh air entered Wu Yingkong's nasal cavity. Although he had also smelled the smell of the forest during the forest scene of the assessment, the smell at that time was completely incomparable with this moment.

The two of them stood like this in the practice room like a real rainforest, with their eyes closed, breathing the humid air in the rainforest.

Minutes passed by.

An hour later, the door of the training room opened slowly, and the two walked out. During this hour, they experienced multiple scenes such as rainforest, desert, snowfield, mountain, and cave, and marveled at the wonder of the training room. .

It was already six o'clock in the evening, and it was getting dark. After Wu Yingkong sent Liu Tianxue back to his house, he went back.

After returning to the villa, Wu Yingkong didn't plan to have dinner, or had already forgotten to eat dinner, and returned to the training room. The scene was changed to a cave. Immediately, all the lights in the room were turned off, and the sense of tranquility of the cave came. From time to time, there was the sound of water dripping.

Wu Yingkong sat cross-legged on the blanket, took out the golden token of the Shanshandao family and took the magic shadow steel, put it on the side, closed his eyes, and started to activate the soul power in his body. In just 10 minutes, Wu Yingkong Entered a state of deep meditation, this is also the first time Wu Yingkong entered this state.

Originally, Wu Yingkong didn't want to enter the state of deep meditation. After all, once he entered the state of deep meditation, it would not be so easy to wake up. It is very likely that he would not be able to wake up for several days. Will be late, and being late is very likely to be expelled from school.

However, this cave scene is really beneficial to Wu Yingkong's cultivation. With the help of the golden token of the Cracking Mountain Knife family and the magic shadow steel, the cultivation speed even reached ten times that of ordinary third-ring soul masters! It takes 10 minutes to run the soul power for a cycle.

At the same time, some extremely fine particles kept entering Wu Yingkong's body from every pore in Wu Yingkong's body, nourishing Wu Yingkong's body.

(End of this chapter)

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