Ten thousand shadows and flying snow in Douluo continent

Chapter 41 The Amazing Wu Yingkong

Chapter 41 The Amazing Wu Yingkong
Wu Yingkong, who was standing under the instrument, couldn't hear the conversation between Chen Bin and Lu Jian, but Wang Tianya and the others were first surprised when they heard that Wu Yingkong was about to face a weight of 150 kilograms, and then began to worry about Wu Yingkong. safety.

Wang Tianya's leg seemed to heal suddenly. He stood up and wanted to argue with Chen Binlu, but was held back by Zhao Hui and Zhao Can.

After Lu Jian adjusted the weight to 150 kg, he confirmed to Chen Bin again: "Are you sure you want 150 kg?"

"Sure!" Chen Bin affirmed.

"Okay." Lu Jian said no more, and pressed the button.

The instrument was activated, but Wu Yingkong still didn't make any movements, nor did he raise his head to see where the iron block fell.

Seeing Wu Yingkong like this, Lu Jian wanted to open his mouth to say something, but was immediately stopped by Chen Bin.

Chen Bin shook his head at Lu Jian and said, "Trust him!"

Lu Jian looked at Chen Bin, but didn't say anything after all.

At this time, the iron block had dropped to [-] centimeters above Wu Yingkong's head, but Wu Yingkong still didn't make any movements, and even closed his eyes.

Wang Tianya got rid of Zhao Hui and Zhao Can, and was about to rush forward when Mo Yi suddenly stood in front of Wang Tianya and said, "You have to trust Wu Yingkong."

Wang Tianya looked at Mo Yi in front of him, then at Wu Yingkong, and suddenly found that Wu Yingkong moved.

Just when the iron block was only five centimeters away from Wu Yingkong's head, Wu Yingkong moved.

Wu Yingkong instantly raised his hands, and the power was instantly released.

The sudden huge force caused the huge iron block to rise by two centimeters.

You know, that iron block weighs five tons!Although the weight of the instrument is currently only 150 kilograms, it is equivalent to the weight of four Wu Yingkongs!A thirtieth-level soul master who can hold a [-]-jin heavy object for tens of seconds is already very strong, but Wu Yingkong still made it rise by two centimeters, which is even stronger than the three third-ring soul masters. Can't do it!

After Lu Jian watched Wu Yingkong raise the iron block by two centimeters, his expression was a little dull, which was unprecedented since the establishment of Tianyun Academy!

Chen Bin was also a little dazed. Logically speaking, a 2th-level soul master of the assault system could lift a 150-kilogram weight for 30 minutes, and being able to hold a [-]-kilogram weight for [-] seconds was already the limit. But Wu Yingkong... really deserves to be his son!

Chen Bin smiled while thinking so.

After Wu Yingkong raised the iron block by two centimeters, he continued to support it.

After persisting for 20 seconds, Wu Yingkong still couldn't see the slightest tiredness on his face, and his legs didn't tremble in the slightest, and he still persisted.

Hold on for another 30 seconds.

At this time, Wu Yingkong had held on for nearly a minute, and he began to look like he couldn't hold on any longer, so everyone thought that Wu Yingkong was about to lose his hold, and Chen Bin was also ready to rush forward at any time. Go out and get ready to pull Wu Yingkong out after letting go.

However, just when they all thought so, Wu Yingkong persisted for nearly 40 seconds before letting go due to exhaustion.

But even if he was exhausted, Wu Yingkong didn't let Chen Bin pull him out, but rushed out by himself at an extremely fast speed, as fast as teleportation.

After Wu Yingkong rushed out by himself, he took a few breaths, walked to the wall under Wang Tianya's surprised eyes, and sat down to recover his strength.

Lu Jian looked at Wu Yingkong and didn't know how to evaluate Wu Yingkong for a while.

Afterwards, Lu Jian began to announce Wu Yingkong's results: "Wu Yingkong, bear weight, 150 kilograms, hold time, one minute and 33 seconds, final score, A+."

Since the strength test exhausted Wu Yingkong's 10 stamina, Lu Jian specially extended the rest time to [-] minutes, so as not to affect the next speed test.

Three to ten minutes later, the physical strength of the five people had almost recovered, and they also started to go to the location of the speed test equipment.

Going around again, after passing through several instruments, I came to a track-like instrument.

The entire instrument is about 50 meters long and two meters wide. There are metal rings every five meters, one at the beginning and one at the end, nine in the track, and a total of eleven metal rings.

Lu Jian took a step forward and said, "This is the speed tester. The test rules are very simple, as long as you run as fast as you can without using your martial soul, soul power, soul skills and soul spirit." This 50-meter-long runway is fine, and since this test does not consume too much physical strength, everyone has to test three times, and the best one is taken as the result, you know."

"Understood." Wu Yingkong said five people.

"Okay, Mo Yi, you come first." Chen Bin said suddenly.

Mo Yi didn't say anything, walked to the starting point in a few steps, and assumed a charging posture.

Lu Jian took out a whistle from somewhere, stood aside, and said, "Get ready, three, two, one!"

As soon as the words finished, Lu Jian blew his whistle so loudly that Wang Tianya and Zhao Hui and Zhao Can covered their ears.

Mo Yi rushed out the moment the whistle blew.

Without using martial soul and soul power, Mo Yi reached the finish line in just five seconds.

"Five seconds, two four, come again!" Lu Jian said looking at a stopwatch that he took out from somewhere.

After hearing what Lu Jian said about the time, Mo Yi shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with his results, walked back to the starting point, and rushed out again at the moment the whistle blew. It took five seconds and fifteen, a little faster than the first time .

Mo Yi was a little tired the third time, and it took five seconds and seven six, a little longer than the first time.

In the end, Lu Jian announced that Mo Yi's speed test score was B+.

The next one is Zhao Hui. Although he is a soul master of the agility attack system, he only has one ring after all, and the martial soul is still allowed to be used, so the speed is naturally much slower. The three times are [-], [-], Eight seconds and two, the final grade is C.

Coincidentally, the next Zhao Can's test results were exactly the same as Zhao Hui's. The three times were [-], [-], and [-]. The final score was also C.

The fourth place is Wang Tianya. The reason why Wu Yingkong is ranked last is to allow Wu Yingkong to rest more. After all, he just persisted for one minute and 150 seconds under a weight of 33 kilograms!

Wang Tianya came down three times, taking [-] seconds, [-] seconds, and [-] seconds. His final score was B+, just like Mo Yi's.

After Wang Tianya finished the test, he looked at Mo Yi proudly, but Mo Yi ignored Wang Tianya at all and turned his head to the side, ignoring Wang Tianya, which made Wang Tianya feel awkward.

Finally, it was Wu Yingkong's turn.

When Wu Yingkong came to the starting point, he didn't make any starting posture, just stood there.

"Get ready..." Lu Jian said. "Three, two, one."

Lu Jian blew his whistle, but Wu Yingkong was still standing there.

 Here, I would like to congratulate us on the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, happy birthday to the motherland!At the same time, I also wish you all a happy National Day holiday.

(End of this chapter)

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