Terrarian in the Dungeon

Chapter 82

My abrupt removal of her cursed collar and stupid-as-hell method of asking Haruhime to join my Familia completely stunned her. So I decided that as she was so stunned I should keep up the nonsense and just drown her in a tidal wave of nonsense until her mind shut down and she would just nod in agreement.

"You said your name is Haruhime right? Well as a hero, Record Breaker myself... Yeah anyway, I am kidnapping you so you can meet back up with your old friends in the Takamikasuchi Familia after joining my Familia." I said shamelessly as I picked up Haruhime in a bridal carry and kicked the sliding door aside as I went into the back little porch area.

"Uhm Jake I deeply appreciate your actions but the Ishtar Familia is going to give you trouble and I don't want to bring you trouble," Haruhime said softly but she didn't struggle in my arms as I leaped a dozen feet into the air to jump atop one of the nearby buildings.

To Haruhime's words, I just paused and took in the burning Red Light District, and then as though in a divine message a massive pillar of golden light pierced through the sky on the edge of the red light district and Haruhime inhaled greatly as her hand went to her semi-exposed cleavage as she hissed. "Ishtar's Falna. I don't have it anymore." She whispered grimacing and I doubted that having the divine framework that boosted your soul to demigod levels torn apart would feel great at all.

"Ahem see Haruhime. As you literally said Ishtar was going to be an issue, she died and got sent back to Tenkai... I didn't think you would ever see such a blunt sign from a higher power that you should come with me." I said smiling with Haruhime snickering at my words and then rolling her eyes as she relaxed in my arms.

"Fine, my dashing hero, take away the used whore and fall to fates machinations," Haruhime whispered so lightly that I could barely hear her but I was a level two that had superhuman senses and could make out her words but those words only made my own eyes.

Sure she was a whore in name but she was still a virgin in all senses of the word, due to her senses being overwhelmed and making her faint at the mere sight of a man's collar bone to say nothing of seeing more of a man.

"Yeah... Anyway, let me teleport us back home." I said popping my magic mirror into my hand and I held it awkwardly so I could look into it with Haruhime still in my arms.

But before I could look into the mirror I heard a cough behind me and my entire body froze as a maleficent weight of power hung on my shoulder with my neck popping under the pressure as I slowly turned to the side as a hand with an adamantine grip gently grasped my shoulder and I realized I was beyond fucked.

"How may I help you, big sister?" I asked respectfully as the silver-haired beauty with her eyes closed held my shoulder in a tight grip.

Alfia, The Silence snorted and I felt her grip on my arm loosen as she smiled ever so slightly as her other hand slowly came up and patted me on my head.

"Good boy... Calling me aunty or something to do with being any form of older address would have led me to send you flying out of Orario with a sound wave." Alfia said sweetly as her hand patted my blond hair into place as she almost maternally sorted out my hair as I stood stock still due to her arm that had locked my shoulder in place. "So... I hear you are the lover of Bell Cranel? Materia is looking for her but with her being in the dungeon I couldn't let her go into there." Alfia said conversationally and my mind stalled and broke as hundreds of questions ran through it.

'Like I knew the dungeon could bring people back to life if they died within it and thus Alfia could be brought back. But how in the hell did Materia, Bell's mother get brought back to life?' I thought desperately but either way, I silently nodded to Alfia as I could feel she was above Ottar in strength and unless I summoned the Wall of Flesh right here in the middle of Orario I had no boss monster that could buy me more than a couple seconds.

Haruhime herself was stock still in silence as she barely was capable of shaking silently under the weighty gaze of the 'Demon of Talent' Alfia.

"Yes, I am the lover of Bell Cranel," I said simply confirming her question but I made sure to not stutter or show weakness despite both of us knowing she was far beyond my strength.

Alfia at my words smiled chuckling softly as her hand holding my shoulder squeezed softly making me grimace at a reminder of her strength as something above level seven as I knew being reincarnated by the Dungeon gave the person greater strength than they had in life to say nothing of how they could also eat dungeon monster cores to gain even further strength regardless of the Falna.

"I won't bother saying anything about hurting her as she is strong and talented enough to be only below your own talents having leveled up in less than a month... Nor will I bother with nonsense about you being worthy of her as she is a young adult capable of fighting in the dungeon and making her own choices. But don't get between her and my little sister Materia or we will have issues Jake Barriss." She warned me as she took a step back from me.

"Now go ahead and take your new pet back home. And welcome to the family Jake Bariss... We shall show this lower world of Genkai what the personification of Talent is and take over this entire plane of existence." Alfia said proudly as she walked away with her potent magic causally keeping soot and smoke away from her form as she walked back into the flames filling the Redlight District.

And you know what... Anyone who gets in her way can just bemoan their fate. 'Canon is fucked and I have no idea how to feel about that.' I thought wryly as I finally looked into the magic mirror and with a swirl of spatial magic I was teleported back home, and the moment I landed back in my room, I collapsed into the bed with Haruhime landing on my chest with a grunt at the impact. But she said nothing as her hands tightened in my clothes as she panted at the simple bodily reaction of escaping from death.

"She was scary," Harhuime stated and I trailed my hand up from her back to gently pet her golden fox ears as I just stared at the ceiling.

For a few moments I just stared at the false night sky above me as my mind ran through that whole encounter and as much as I was happy for Alfia not giving me issues with Bell. But that whole showing the world the personification of talent in the 'family' and taking of Genkai sounded like it was going to be a pain in the ass. "At least if you marry me, she will be your sister-in-law." I joked and Haruhime looked up at me with horror seemingly at the thought of sharing a Christmas dinner with the scary as-hell Alfia.



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