TF Amethyst

TFA2 11.1 – Highly Valuable Complex

TFA2 11.1 – Highly Valuable Complex

In Levsait, the biggest military facility was the fuel depot. It took up to 60% space in the Logistics and Support Area. In addition, it was located in the same complex of ammunition depot and spare part depot. And Count Isak knew that TF Amethyst's combat potential was closely related to the availability of fuel, ammunition, and spare parts for their war machine. 

Therefore, Analyst Jackson predicted that the three-in-one complex that store ammunition, spare part, and fuel would become the main target of tunnel attack. By utilizing a seismic detector, Analyst Jackson, four technicians from Mobile Construction Group, and a 6-man Tunnel Rat squad combed the complex carefully.

The job was not complicated. They only had to drill a 5 cm hole as deep as 20 meters before inserting a seismic detector. However, the portable seismic detector only had a detection area of 100 square meters, so the combing could not be done in fast pacing.

At the same time, not far from a hole that was being drilled, Lt. Colonel Parker, the CO of Tunnel Rat Company, and Sergeant West from Military Police casually had a chat. Like other personnel who participated in the combing operation, the two also had to skip their dinner and replace it with a snack bar.

"Sir, can other MCG's technicians join the comb? At current pace, it will take us four days to comb the entire complex,” asked Sergeant West.

Lt. Colonel Parker put a piece of snack bar in his mouth before replying, “Well, the order to comb Levsait and Raisait just came out this afternoon, while MCG has a tight schedule. 

So they have to reschedule their priority, and then divide the team and working area, followed by preparing the equipment. We are lucky enough if the massive comb can be started tomorrow morning.

As for this complex, Jackson insists we have to comb it as quickly as possible. And so, here we are."

“I see.” Sergeant West replied and lightly nodded three times. 

Then, a series of assault rifle’s outburst suddenly broke the silence of the night. Sergeant West immediately turned his gaze to the direction of the assault rifle’s outburst.

“What the… it's from the barracks.”

“Yeah,” Lt. Colonel Parker said as he also turned his gaze to the direction of the assault rifle’s outburst. “The kitchen, mess hall, and recreation building are also located over there.”


At the same time, Tunnel Rat’s personnel loaded and locked their carbines, and then checking their other equipment. At a glance, it was easy to tell that the preparation for sudden versus contact already became their second nature.

Seeing his men's swift reaction Lt. Colonel Parker couldn’t help but smiled inwardly. Then, he said, “Sergeant, ask for confirmation from MP's personnel who guarded the barrack.”

Wasting no time, Sergeant West pushed PTT button in his chest and made a call asking for confirmation. And as he waited for the return call, an intense series of gunshots was heard. 

“Sir, no one is answering," Sergeant West said as he furrowed his brow.

In an instant Lt. Colonel Parker let out a deep sigh. “Hate to say this, but they're already dead.” 

Sergeant West’s gaze immediately turned sharp. He couldn't accept it when someone casually concluded that his comrades had died without confirming it first. 

"How can you so sure, Sir?”

“Long experience, Sergeant.” Lt. Colonel Parker replied before pushing PTT button in his chest. “Big Rat to all Rat One, be advised, we have a possibility that hostiles are already inside the wire, immediate retreat to the building and set up new defensive line.”

[Rat 1-1 to Big Rat, copy.]

[Rat 1-2 to Big Rat, roger.]

[Rat 1-3 to Big Rat, understood.]

Once all Tunnel Rat’s squads at the outer perimeter responded to his warning, Lt. Colonel Parker immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Wasting no time, he then radioed Tunnel Rat’s shooter on the rooftop.

“Big Rat to all Red Two, eyes up and cover our retreat.”

[Rat 2-1 to Big Rat, we have your six.]

[Rat 2-2 to Big Rat, received and understood.]

[Rat 2-3 to Big Rat, roger.]

[Rat 2-7 to Big Rat, sorry to break the sequence, but our guest already arrived, around 200 bowmen and swordsmen, 400 meters from the front gate, approaching by foot.]

“Big Rat to Rat 2-7, copy that.] Lt. Colonel Parker took a deep breath before pushing the PTT button once again, “Big Rat to all Rat Two, you have green, shoot to kill, I say again shoot to kill, Big Rat over and out.”

As shooters on the rooftop opened fire to welcome the uninvited guest, Sergeant West casually asked, “Sir, do we really have to retreat into the building?”

‘What a dimwit…’ Lt. Colonel Parker cursed inwardly before replying, “Sergeant, I only bring 80's men with small arms. They will not be enough to secure this freaking huge complex. The opposing force will overrun us from all directions in no time.” 

“Understood, Sir.”

“Personnel in this complex also have to prepare ammunition at every landing pad on the roof."

“For your men, Sir?”

“Yes, but also for other units. Our intel states that Makai Guard is able to launch a tunnel attack with a total strength of 40-60 thousand combatants, and they just arrived inside our wire.”

“Roger that, Sir.” 

Finally, a deep concern flashed in Sergeant West's eyes. Without delay, he radioed CO of three-in-one complex and relayed Lt. Colonel Parker's request.


Although the three-in-one complex was the largest military complex in Levsait, most of the surface in this complex was grass field, with a 3-meter high wire fence as outer perimeter. On the surface, the complex only had five four-story buildings.


Each building was equipped with a rooftop landing pad for V-22 Osprey or CH-47 Chinook, and access to a giant nine-floor underground storage. Of the five buildings, one was located near the front gate, while the other four were located in the middle of the complex

Therefore, retreating from outer perimeter could not be done in quick manner. Fortunately, Tunnel Rat’s shooters on the rooftop managed to repel the uninvited guest. And so, most personnel who retreated from outer perimeter managed to enter the buildings in the middle of the complex safely.

As the last men who withdrew, Lt. Colonel Parker chose to enter the building near the front gate. After a brief radio contact with Command Center, and some coordination with officers in the complex, he then headed to the rooftop where Tunnel Rat's shooters took position.

“Sir.” As Lt. Colonel Parker approached him, Lieutenant Ramirez reported, “Their main unit just arrived.”

“How big?” Lt. Colonel Parker asked as he received a long-range night vision scope from one of Tunnel Rat’s personnel.

“A few thousand, they circle us at a distance of 900 meters from the fence.”

“Fuck me!” Lt. Colonel Parker took a deep breath as he observed the thousand hostiles surrounding the complex. “Our shooters can reach them, but their number is too big.”

Lieutenant Ramirez nodded and replied, “Yes, they are.”

Tunnel Rat’s shooter was as good as any shooter from other special mission units in the Ground Combat Group. By using AWM 338 Lapua Magnum, they could nail an adult's center-mass from a distance of 1500 meters. However, their number was less than forty and currently Lt. Colonel Parker only brought fourteen of them. Even if they have unlimited ammunition, fourty shooters would not be able to withstand let alone break a human wave tactic numbered a few thousands.

Lt. Colonel Parker lowered the long-range night vision scope in his hand before turning his gaze to Lieutenant Ramirez, “For now, our main option is medium range combat.”

“With all respect, Sir. Eighty dudes with carbines and precision rifles will not stop our guest, no matter how good our marksmanship.”

“I know, but that’s the only option we have at the moment."

"Damn…" After a deep sigh Lieutenant Ramirez continued, “If only there is some medium fire power stored in this place.”


Lt. Colonel Parker lightly nodded and said, “Some armorers try to assemble M240 and MK 19 from spare parts they store over here, and out of a hundred and eleven personnel in this complex, sixty men and women will join us as combatant.

Right now, Command Center is trying to prepare attack hellos, artillery strikes, and a small group of first responders they could gather. However, they have to grasp the whole situation before they can take any action.

We also can’t ask for reinforcement from Raisait as they are also taking tunnel attacks."

Question mark instantly appeared on Lieutenant Ramirez’s forehead. “Doesn't this complex have irreplaceable strategic value?  Why does Command Center not send the first responders here right away?”

Lt. Colonel Parker calmly explained, “They already airlifted some available first responders to the barracks in the Logistic and Support Area to prevent mass slaughter conducted by our guest."

"Mass slaughter, Sir?"

"Yes, our guests kill and decapitate every single one of our personnel they managed to capture."

"What a savage."

"Yup, and even now, the fight to defend the barracks in the Logistic and Support Area is still going on fiercely." With a regretful tone Lt. Colonel Parker continued, "Unfortunately, our guest already took over Buriek Guard Area and Tuscan Guard Area, along with half of Logistic and Support Area, and connected the three. In short, they already established a foothold to attack the center of Levsait.

At the moment, we don't know if the attack on this complex is a diversion or main attack. So, Command Center can't deploy our first responder carelessly."

“Understood, Sir,” Lieutenant Ramirez calmly replied.


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