TF Amethyst

TFA2 12.3 – Second Counter Attack

TFA2 12.3 – Second Counter Attack

After passing the age of 40, Captain Rummus concluded that his duty as commander of General Khartoum's bodyguards would become his final station. Even in his wildest imagination, he never thought that his rank would rise to a brigadier. Moreover, the promotion was a follow-up for his appointment as Commanding Officer of 1st Tuscan Light Brigade.

After undergoing the formation process and hundreds of mock-up battles, the 1st Tuscan Light Brigade finally received its first assignment. The Brigade would be deployed to Sandhur Region as part of campaign to hold the invasion from Kingdom of Makai.

Then, this afternoon Brigadier Rummus got a notification that most likely Tuscan Guard Area in Levsait would become the target of a tunnel attack. He then proposed to use Tuscan Guard Area as bait. Without hesitation, Nate agreed to his proposal. Based on Nate's calculation, losing a whole area to contain tens of thousands of hostiles was a fair trade.

Wasting no time Brigadier Rummus issued an evacuation order. In three hours, non-combatant and all transportable assets have already left Tuscan Guard area. Then he ordered every combatant under his command to take position on the rooftop.

Unfortunately, the 1st Tuscan Light Brigade didn't have enough time to set up a proper ambushed. Moreover, the number of attacker was far greater than the initial estimation and they were coming like an unending flood.

Therefore, in the end 1st Tuscan Light Brigade had to retreat to the second defensive line under the cover of Molotov catapult salvo. However, although Molotov catapult salvo managed to destroy almost every building in Tuscan Guard Area, it failed to destroy the entry point of tunnel attack.

“Fuck!” from an observations post in the second defensive line, Brigadier Rummus observed the opposing side's battle formation. Then, he turned his gaze to Major Terry, his XO. "I should have listened to your advice, directly using Molotov catapult from the start and did not try to defend Tuscan Guard area.


That way, the Molotov catapult will inflict a bigger damage and maybe even seal the entry point for a while.”

Major Terry slightly nodded before saying, "Well, we only suffered a few hundred wounded without fatalities, while our guest lost a few thousand combatants. So it’s still an acceptable outcome.”

“Yeah, but it’s painful for me, to see their battle formation line up so smugly in front of my nose.” 

“In that case, let’s not wait any longer. We are ready to cut their head, soften their defense by dropping some firecrackers, and going in for final touch.”

Brigadier Rummus turned his gaze to Major Terry, and then he gave his authorization, “Let’s launch the counter attack.”



Wasting no time, Major Terry carried out the order.


One kilometer south of Tuscan Guard Area, around 8,000 combatants from 24th Makai Guard Division line up in a neatly battle formation. Even from a distance, it was easy to conclude that their formation was solid and their fighting spirit soared to the sky.

It was quite reasonable as previously 24th Makai Guard Division managed to smash Tuscan Guard's ambush only by relying on brute strength alone.

The 24th Makai Guard Division did lose a few thousand combatants. They also failed to secure the targeted non-combatant and targeted loot. However, the most important thing was, they managed to gain a firm foothold in Levsait. Also, they managed to secure the entry point in the middle of Tuscan Guard Area so the next wave of combatant could arrive with ease.

Of course, General Ludua and all officers in 24th Makai Guard Division fully realize that their position was vulnerable. A battle formation in the open was a tantamount of inviting TF Amethyst’s artillery strike. Unfortunately, they didn’t have other options as all buildings in Tuscan Guard Area were on fire and some had even collapsed to the ground.

General Ludua and his officers were in the middle of a strategy meeting when eastern horizon was suddenly filled with hundreds of fire spears. In an instant, the Old General and his officers held their breath. But fortunately, the flock of fire spears did not fly to their position.

Then, the loud hum of hundred fire spears turned into an explosion as they landed on Buriek Guard Area, followed by a dazzling flash that made the night sky blinking for a few seconds, but it was not the end. A moment later another series of stronger explosions and dazzling flash hit Buriek Guard Area one more time. This time the explosion and dazzling light last for 20 minutes.

Without much difficulty Staff Officer Rada concluded the target of fire spears strike, "It seems TF Amethyst picked 34th as their appetizer."

“Fortunately, they managed to take Buriek Guard Area almost intact. So they will have a lot of buildings to be used as shelter,” said one of brigadiers in 24th Makai Guard Division.

Another brigadier immediately added, “As for us, we are in the middle of open field. We have to attack as soon as possible.”

Staff Officer Rada nodded before giving his agreement, “True, TF Amethyst will not use their insane artillery strike on us as long as we manage to enter close quarter warfare with them."  

Hearing his officers were able to maintain their morale even after seeing a glimpse of TF Amethyst's fire spears, General Ludua immediately took a breath full of relief. “Count Isak had issued an order to attack the center of Levsait, so let’s start the march.”


Wasting no time, all officers in 24th Makai Guard Division returned to their unit. Before long, the march to center of Levsait began.


About 1200 meters from the location where 24th Makai Guard Division held strategy meeting, four sentries were lying motionlessly on the ground. From a slit on their throat, blood was flowing out like a small creek.


Meanwhile, a few meters from the dead sentries, three people with ghillie suits took a firing position. Sergeant Park took the rear position. He kneeled while his hands firmly held a loaded HK416D. Behind him, Captain Karrak sat behind a long-range low-light observation scope mounted on a tripod. Next to Captain Karrak, Sergeant Rickard operated an AWM 338 Lapua Magnum. 

This 3-man shooter team had an objective to eliminate the top leader of 24th Makai Guard Division, just before the artillery strike was launched.

Seeing that 24th Makai Guard Division had started their march, Captain Karrak immediately pressed PTT button, “Archer 4-9 to Command, do we have green?”

[Command to Archer 4-9, do you have a clear shot?]

“We have, General Ludua is inside our line and range.”

[Are you sure it's him?]

“Absolutely,” Captain Karrak firmly replied. 

Every time they fought for Kingdom of Makai as hired swords, Tuscan Guard always became spear tips for 24th Makai Guard Division. Moreover, in the last war with Kingdom of Horrep, General Ludua made a fatal mistake and it cost a lot of Tuscan Guard’s personnel. Therefore, Captain Karrak could recognize General Ludua and other officers from 24th Makai Guard Division almost instantly. 

[You have green then, and three minutes before we launch the artie.]

“Roger, Archer 4-9 over and out.” After taking a deep breath, Captain Karrak turned his head to Sergeant Rickard, “Be ready.”

“Finally,” Sergeant Rickard calmly answered.

“Tango challenged, old man on the table, black armor, red cape.”

As he shifted AWM 338’s fire-selection lever, Sergeant Rickard replied, “Copy, old man on the table, black armor, red cape.”

“Range, one-two-four-niner to the table. Wind, five miles pushing left.”

“Copy, range, one-two-four-niner to the table. Wind, five miles pushing left.” After making a slight adjustment, Sergeant Rickard continued, “I have tango inside.”

“Send it.”


One and half seconds later, General Ludua grinned as he gripped his left waist. Then, as two of his bodyguards dragged him, Captain Karrak said, “Scratch on left waist, tango is still open, send second shot, same value.”

"Copy." After a quick target reacquisition, Sergeant Rickard gently squeezed the trigger.


This time, the projectile hit General Ludua’s nape and burst out of his face along with pieces of his skull and brains. Then, the remains of General Ludua’s heads powerlessly fell to his chest.

“Nice headshot, tango expired, let’s scram.”


Wasting no time, three personnel of Archer 4-9 got up to their feet and ran as fast as they could. A moment later, a salvo of footbows rained down the firing position they left behind. Then, as if it was a response for the footbow salvo, a flock of 122 mm rockets with thermobaric warheads hit various concentrations of 24th Makai Guard Division. 


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