TF Amethyst

TFA2 13.5 – Surrender

In a neat coordination and movement, light infantry company under Captain Murphy's command rappelled down to the dim lit underground tunnel. Once the first squad arrived at underground tunnel’s floor, they immediately secured the area and found a lone survivor who surrender without giving resistance. Then, the remaining personnel followed along with heavy equipment, ammunition, and other supplies. 

Before long, three checkpoints were established. One to seal the route to Levsait, another one to seal the route to Raisait, and the last one to seal the route to Battle Group A's First Camp. In short, Captain Murphy’s company had the objective to prevent the opposing side from sending reinforcements or conducting a quick retreat. 

After making sure that each checkpoint was solid and properly set, Captain Murphy then took a position in one of them that sealed the route to Levsait. As he sat down and leaned his back on the sandbag, Sergeant Reyes, a former member of US Green Beret Operational Detachment Alpha or in old times known as The A-Team, handed him a cup of hot coffee. 

“Your coffee, Sir.”

“Thank you, Sergeant.” After taking a sip of his coffee, Captain Murphy then looked at the huge pile of the ESA victims in one corner of the Underground Tunnel, “I hope the fight will end before those bodies start to rot.”

“Aye Sir,” Sergeant Reyes replied before putting a piece of crackers into his mouth.

Then, Lance Corporal Joseph who sat next to Sergeant Reyes turned his gaze to Captain Murphy and said, “Sir, may I ask something?”

“You may, Corporal.”

“Why did we only bring 7.62 mm machine guns? Shouldn't we also bring .50 Cal, considering that the opposing side is using human wave tactics?"

After taking a second sip of his coffee, Captain Murphy gave Lance Corporal Joseph a questioning look. “Corporal, in the pre-deployment training on earth, one of the lessons we received in indoor class is ‘Learning From Korean War Tanker’. Do you remember the content of this lesson?”

"No, Sir. I only remember the indoor class is boring as hell, while the outdoor class is tiring me to the death," replied Lance Corporal Joseph innocently. 

‘The fuck, if he isn’t my best shooter at close quarter, I will have kicked him out of my unit,' Captain Murphy muttered as he turned his gaze to Sergeant Reyes. “Sergeant, please educate this ignorant Corporal.”

“My pleasure.” Without delay, Sergeant Reyes started his explanation, “In the early 1970s, the M1 Abrams designer took the time to gather lessons and experience from US Army's tankers over the past 20 years.

And they got input from Korean War tankers that the reason why their columns were often getting overrun by human wave tactics was because they ran out of ammo. As they could only bring 600-900 rounds of .50 Cal.

Therefore, when these veterans saw that Abrams's initial design had two .50 Cal but only one 7.62 mm machine gun. They immediately suggested that the setting be converted into one .50 Cal and two 7.62 mm machine guns.

By using this setting, every Abrams' crew will be able to carry 600-900 rounds of .50 cal and 2 x 5400 rounds of 7.62 mm. And on several occasions this setting proved to be quite effective in warding off the human wave tactic."

"I see." Lance Corporal Joseph nodded a few times before continuing, “So that’s why each one of our checkpoint is equipped with four M240, along with two spare barrels and 6,000 rounds of 7.62 mm for each machine gun."

“Yes, something like that.” Captain Murphy calmly replied before continuing in an icy tone, "And after we complete our mission, this company must repeat the pre-deployment training."

In an instant, other personnel who heard Captain Murphy's words immediately looked at Lance Corporal Joseph with a gaze as sharp as a sword, as if they said, ‘Let’s skin this idiot for good.’

However, public execution for Lance Corporal Joseph must be postponed because from a distance footsteps were heard and closing in.

Not long after that, one of the M240's Gunner shouted a warning, "Contact front, tight and solid column, 400 meters and steadily closing In."

Wasting no time, Captain Murphy used his NVG to check the incoming column. Then, he calmly ordered, “All gunners, light them up.” 


Each one of Gunner replied as they adjusted their aim and shifted the safety lever to full-auto. Then, almost simultaneously they squeezed the trigger gently.

Ratatar! Ratatar! Ra-tatar! R-ra-tataarrrrr!!

A loud series of deafening sound filled every corner of underground tunnel as a well placed 3-round burst showered the incoming column. As a result, the hostiles in the leading position fell to the ground rapidly. Even so, the column kept moving forward bravely.

Unfortunately, in the underground tunnel, even a half-baked gunner would be able to turn a 7.62 mm machine gun into a ruthless meat grinder. And so, after six minutes of sustained fire, the last combatant from the opposing column finally fell to the ground.

While observing hundreds of bodies lying on the puddle of their bloods, Captain Murphy said, “Stay frosty, they may only scout elements before the real retreat attempt."

“””Aye Sir,””” every personnel around Captain Murphy calmly replied.



Dark clouds filled Count Issak's face to the brim as he observed the underground tunnel’s map on the table, or to be precise, the location where the tunnel branched to Levsait and Raisait. 

'I knew they had insanely high-level technology, but how could they find the underground tunnel’s weakest point in such a short time, and then wipe out the incoming reinforcement in one go.’

The more he contemplated the situation he was facing, the more wrinkled appeared on Count Issak's forehead. It was natural as shortly after the element that attacked Buriek Guard Area and Tuscan Guard Area were wiped out, the reinforcement he was waiting for also met with similar fate.

Then, as Count Issak sighed deeply to calm his mind, one of his staff officers came to him. From hesitation in the staff officer's eyes, Count Issak could guess that the report he brought was not good news.

“Spill it, what is it?” ordered Count Issak.

“Sir, we lost the squadron we sent to secure the breaching in the underground tunnel.”

“So, we can't call our element in Raisait to regroup here, or retreat to first camp."

“Yes, Sir.”

“Fuck!” In an instant, Count Issak felt that the burden on his shoulders became ten times heavier.

"Sir, it's no longer possible to continue our offensive, but we still have enough personnel and supply to defend tunnel under our control." The staff officer paused for a moment before continuing, “We should take shelter over there before it’s too late, and then let’s hope the first camp manages to build up sufficient reinforcement to destroy the blockade in the tunnel and link-up with us.” 

TF Amethyst had shown their ruthless determination by destroying their own infrastructures in order to wipe out elements that attacked Buriek Guard Area. Therefore,it was only a matter of time before the same tactic descended on Logistic and Support Area.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Count Issak then said, "It’s a feasible idea. However, will TF Amethyst let us execute it?”

“I believe they won’t let us go easily, but they just send a message to propose a temporary cease fire so Viscount Issel can personally offer you an option to surrender."

"Are you sure Viscount Issel comes to offer me an option to surrender?"

“Yes, Sir, I already confirmed it twice. He was waiting for you at the empty field 100 meters from our outer line and was only escorted by an iron carriage driver."

Deep surprise was clearly visible on Count Issak's face, but only for a moment before being replaced by a steel determination. "Let's exploit it to the fullest then. Pull back our elements into underground tunnel while I meet Viscount Issel."

“At once, Sir,” 

Once the staff officer left him, Count Issak rushed to wash his face and tidy up his clothes. Not forgetting, he also wore his luxury fur mantle that symbolizes his status as a noble. In short, he did everything to make sure that he would carry his pride and dignity in the meeting with Viscount Issel.

A moment after he got a reply for his request to meet with Count Issak, Viscount Issel received an update from command center that the opposing side showed a sign of conducting a massive retreat into underground tunnel.

Then, thirty minutes later Viscount Issel saw two figures approaching his position. The first figure wore luxury and glamor clothes. He also walked with steady steps and a high lifted chin. With ease Viscount Issel recognised this figure. He was Count Isak, and behind him was captain of his personal guards.

After seeing Count Issak shamelessly showing off his empty superiority, the negative sentiment in Viscount Issel's heart immediately soared to the sky. Fortunately, Viscount Issel managed to put aside his feelings and then hardened his resolve to persuade Count Issak to surrender.

As soon as Count Issak arrived two steps before him, with a friendly tone Viscount Issel greeted him, "Count Issak, we meet again.”

“Yes, we do.” Count Issak slightly nodded three times, and then calmly said, “I hear you want to offer me the term of surrendering."

A steel determination flashed in Viscount Issel eyes as he said, “Yes, I do, and considering that we are old acquaintances, I will put my life to preserve your dignity in the process.”

“On what term?”

“Total surrender.”

After silence for a moment, Count Issak asked, "Do my elements in Raisait also receive the same offer?"

“Yes, and they had already agreed to surrender when I'm on my way here." A big lie slipped out from Viscount Issel's lips, but fortunately Count Issak had no way to confirm it.

“Give me three hours to discuss it with my men.”

In an instant, Viscount Issel shook his head. “I’m sorry. Count Issak, you should decide now or never.”

“Then I will fight to the last man.”

“Count Issak, right now, your men are no different from a big school of fish inside a small barrel. TF Amethyst will slaughter them in one breath of time."

“I know, but it’s better that way rather than Prince Makar's wrath descending on my family due to my cowardice."

Wasting no time, Viscount Issel used his tablet to show Count Isak a certain building in the Battle Group A's First Camp. “We have confirmed Prince Makar's exact location. If you refuse to surrender, we will launch a surgical attack on his war strategy room. A single round of high-power artillery shells is all we need to eliminate him and his high-born officers."

Hesitation immediately appeared in Count Issak's eyes, but only for a moment before he firmly said, "TF Amethyst wouldn’t dare. Killing a prince will make Kingdom of Makai declare TF Amethyst as an eternal enemy, and the two will fight to the last drop of blood.

However, based on the assessment to their previous conflict with Northern Coalition, Makai Intelligence Service had solid conclusion that TF Amethyst will avoid that scenario."

“I doubt it.” A thin smile bloomed in Viscount Issel’s lips before he calmly continued, “I believe Makai Intelijen Service already sniffed TF Amethyst intention on Makai Royal City. As they deliberately leaked several pieces of information regarding the attack.

 So I will help you to confirm it. Next week, TF Amethyst will launch the attack under callsign Tiger Leap. And actually, even before the versus contact occurred, TF Amethyst had hardened their resolve to neutralize threats from Kingdom of Makai for once and forever.

They will not even hesitate to erase Kingdom of Makai from the map if situation demands it. And so, killing one or two princes in the process is only a natural course of action for them.”


Unconsciously, Count Issak swallowed his saliva hard. As someone who knew Viscount Issel quite well, he was fully aware that Viscount Issel was an honest person with a simple personality. In short, he was the type that didn't know how to scheme or lie. So he easily believed Viscount Issel's words.

However, Count Issak couldn't just surrender. “Viscount Issel, if what you say is true, then it’s the more reason for me not to surrender and help TF Amethyst ease their war effort. For your information, I still have eight thousand loyal and ready to die combatants."

“Well…” Viscount Issel took one step closer to Count Issak as he whispered, “If Prince Makar dies, then you will lose your protector. No matter the final result of the war between TF Amethyst and Kingdom of Makai, you will become one of scapegoats for the failure of the attack attempt at Levsait. 

However, if Prince Makar survives while authority in Makai Royal City gets crushed until beyond recognition, then he will have a good chance to seize the throne.

And like I said, I will help you preserve your dignity. TF Amethyst will even make a false statement regarding the loss they suffered, in order to describe how great the damage you bring in the offensive on Levsait.

That way, the general public will not be willing to see that the only figure who is able to make TF Amethyst spill their blood is receiving punishment because he tried to save the life of his remaining loyal and brave subordinates.

In short, we will make you into an iconic hero who almost defeated the undefeated TF Amethyst.”

After slightly snorting, Count Issak said, “You talk as if TF Amethyst is a God of War. Even though they have a very high technology level and insane military capability, attacking Makai Royal City and crushing it into pieces is not an easy feat. 

There is a very long corridor that they have to form and secure before they can launch a substantial offensive on Makai Royal City."

“What you said is true. At first, I also have my own doubt.” Viscount Issel paused for a moment before continuing, “However, the longer I interact with members of TF Amethyst, the more I'm sure that the most dangerous aspect of TF Amethyst is not their unparalleled technology level, but the mindset of their members.

In summary, even if TF Amethyst's technology is on a similar level or even slightly lower than Kingdom of Makai, I will still bet my money on them.” 

"It seems you have an unmeasurable confidence in TF Amethyst."

"I do."

After contemplating for a while, Count Issak asked, "Do you really only ask me to surrender and not to become TF Amethyst's spy?"

Viscount Issel firmly nodded. “Yes, after TF Amethyst finishes with Makai Royal City, I believe Kingdom of Makai will think a thousand times before starting a second conflict with TF Amethyst. At that time, even if you are not our spy, I'm sure you will gladly choose friendship over hostility.”

“I see.” And as he sighed, Count Issak dejectedly muttered, ‘So  it had come to this.’

In the end, Count Issak decided to surrender and Viscount Issel fulfilled his promises. Every single one of POW got humane treatment without tarnishing their dignity. The only assignment given to the POW was to help the identification and burial for their fallen comrades.

Not long after that, the element that attacked Raisait also surrendered. This surrender marked the end of Battle Group A's offensive on Levsait and Raisait.


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