TF Amethyst

TFA2 15.1 – The Fallen

With a complicated expression Prince Portho looked at Captain Kasino, the man who just asked him to voluntarily became a prisoner of war and stopped Battle Group B's Offensive. In short, he had to trade his chance to seize the throne with his life.

It took a whole three minutes before Prince Portho finally managed to calm the turmoil in his heart. Then, he said, “Captain, you and your men did so well, so far.

However, right now, your only option is to kill me or become my prisoner.

And I can promise you one thing. Even if your unit had killed a lot of my combatant, no harm will come to you and your men while you all becomes my guest."

Captain Kasino casually replied, “Well, coincidentally, I and my men are ready to die if Your Highness Prince Portho refuse to surrender."

“Really? Is your unit some kind of suicide squad?”

“Sort of.” After silent for a while, Captain Kasino continued, "However, I will try to bring my men home alive, if it's possible."

“Do you have other option to offer?” asked Prince Portho.

“My offer remains as it is. Your surrender, Your Higness.” As he took out his tablet, Captain Kasino continued, “But please listen to my explanation before you make a decision."

It was quite difficult for Prince Portho to let go of the chance to win the throne. But in the end, compared to his life the throne no longer looked as good as it should. At least, he was still a prince if he lived, and he could enjoy his commensurate lifestyle as long as he did not show hostility to anyone who managed to win the throne.

After taking a deep breath, Prince Portho immediately said, “Let me hear it then.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.”

Without delay, Captain Kasino showed Prince Portho the aerial footage around Geko-01. Followed by the remaining Battle Group B's strength in their nearest forward stations. The footage was very clear and detail. To the point it made Prince Portho stammered for some time. With ease, Prince Portho understood why TF Amethyst was really good at conducting night attack. 

‘Under the darkness of the night, they have a landslide tactical advantage,’ muttered Prince Portho as unconsciously he swallowed his saliva. Turned out, the intel from Makai Intelligence Service regarding TF Amethyst's night vision capability was like a description of a lake, when in reality it was a vast ocean.

And as he saw the shock on Prince Portho’s face, Captain Kasino immediately explained, “Your Higness, if you refuse to surrender, then TF Amethyst will launch air strike to other ships in this convoy. And even If, let’s say, my team fail to escape, then we will kill you and all people in this ship before fight to the last men.

After that, TF Amethyst will launch the second wave of attack on your remaining fleet in the three nearest forward station. In short, TF Amethyst will eliminate you along with Battle Group B's combat element.”

“However,” In a single glance, Prince Portho immediately saw the direction of Captain Kasino's explanation. "If I surrender and Battle Group B go into stand down, then I will still have my men and the remaining military resource.”

“Yes, when the war is over and you returned to Kingdom of Makai, some of them will definitely show you their gratitude for saving their lives. They will still following you even if you are a former prisoner of war.”

In a regretful tone, Prince Portho replied, “Even so, only a small number of my follower will be remains loyal to me. Human is greedy and ungrateful by nature. Most of my follower is likely to be joining my brothers."

“Maybe, but it's hard for me to imagine how that scenario will come into reality."

Seeing Captain Kasino confidently expressed his view, Prince Portho immediately asked, “Captain, why do you think so?”

“Because right now, both Battle Group A and Battle Group C had already lost their capacity as a combat unit. What is left of them is only their command element and logistic element. They practically lost almost all of their combat element.”


As Prince Portho looked at him with widened eyes and hanging mouth, Captain Kasino added, “In this war, Kingdom of Makai is not under a life threatening circumstances. Meaning, losing almost all of combat elements in this war is a fatal mistake.

Therefore, I believed most of noble families will not let their remaining younger generation to join an incompetent leader."

Captain Kasino then showed Prince Portho the footages that backed his words. Starting from the piles of dead combatants in the underground tunnel, the destruction around FOC Venom, and huge panic that descended on Battle Group A's First and Second Camp. And then, followed by the insignificant remains of Battle Group C.

In the end, because he was worried that Prince Portho would make a wrong decision, Duke Fogel also persuaded Prince Portho to save Battle Group B from a total annihilation.

‘Well, unless Kingdom of Makai receive a military aid from some 1st world authority, then it could be said that the war against TF Amethyst will end up in a bitter catastrophe,' muttered Prince Portho before he agreed to surrender.


After conducting a sea burial for their fallen comrades, Battle Group B's personnel then started the evacuation. Other than Prince Portho, Duke Fogel, a small number of female servants, engine crew, and key personnel in the bridge, only slave women and slave children remained in Geko-01.

And in addition for asking for the bodies of two fallen frogmen, Captain Kasino also requested that all slave women and slave children on other ships be transferred to Geko-01. A request that Prince Portho happily complied, considering that he also began to doubt the effectiveness of human shields. Moreover, when Battle Group B stopped the campaign against TF Amethyst, the slave women and slave children would became a useless burden for the logistic element.

The transfer of slave women and slave children took a long time. Fortunately, there were no problems that arose during the process. As the sun rose in the eastern horizon, a group of slave women and slave children from the last destroyer was successfully moved in to Geko-01. Wasting no time, the destroyer then went away and joint with the rest of the fleet.

In total, Geko-01 got additional 952 slave women and slave children. Lieutenant Kidd then gathered all of slave women and slave children in the main assembly hall in the second level cabin. After that, he called a number of slave women representative and gave them a short brief.

"My name is Kidd, a lieutenant in TF Amethyst Frogmen Platoon." Lieutenant Kidd paused for a moment before continuing, "First, please follow my instructions and you will not suffer any harm.

Second, you can take water, fruit, nuts, and bread as much as you need from supply quarter. But after that, you can not leave this hall without permission.”

“Yes, we understand and obey.” 

The slave women representatives answered in unison with a respectfull tone. At the same time, a thick curiosity grew in their eyes. It was quite reasonable, as for the first time in their life someone politely introduce himself to them, and he even gave them a permission to take food and water as much as they needed.

“Any question?” asked Lieutenant Kidd.

After a moment of silence, one of the slave women representatives warily raised her hand, and after Lieutenant Kidd nodded his head, she immediately asked, "Do we really can take water and food as much as we need?"

“Yes, you do. Also, if you need something else, you can ask me or,” Lieutenant Kidd using his chin to pointed two frogmen who smoking next to the door as he continued, “my men.”

“Yes, we understand and obey.”


Wasting no time, the slave women then took water and a huge amount of food. Well, basically they took and distributed all fruits, nuts, and bread in the supply quarter. After that, they ate it at a moderate portion, and wrapped the rest on cloth they could find and held it tightly. As if it was the most precious treasure in the world.

Seeing that scene, Lieutenant Kidd said nothing. He was also silent when seeing the slave children happily ate the slightly rotten apple along with its core and the worm.

‘Well, in a few hours they will enjoy a meal a whole universe better. But for now, I should not spoiled their joy and let them enjoy it to the fullest,’ muttered Lieutenant Kidd as he went to the bridge.


From the bridge, Captain Kasino observed Battle Group B's convoy that slowly disappeared behind the horizon. Then, Lieutenant Kidd entered and immediately approached him.

“The slave women and slave children have calm down.” Lieutenant Kidd calmly reported, and then he asked, “Top, do you want to conduct a quick sweep? Who know if Prince Portho or Duke Fogel hid a nasty spoiler, then waiting for us to let our guard down before attacking from an unexpected direction."

“No, this ship is too big while we don’t have enough manpower, and a small patrol team was too easy to be silently anihilated." After downing a mouthful of water, Captain Kasino continued, “Let’s just established some check points. And in case there are unidentified people approach it, let's just shoot them."

Lieutenant Kidd nodded and then said, “Three men in the bridge, three men in the main assembly hall, three men in the war strategy room, and the last three in the engine room."


“I will stand by in the main hall then.”


After Lieutenant Kidd left the bridge, Captain Kasino then turned his gaze towards two body bags in the deck. Previously, he deliberately ordered to place the two fallen frogmen on the deck. Therefore, in case unforseen emergency arose, it would be easier and faster to evac them.

‘Rest in peace, Brothers," muttered Captain Kasino as he recalled the six fallen frogmen one by one.

Lieutenant Sullivan 'Sully' Brooke, British SBS

Sergeant Torres 'Thor' Benelli, Italian COMSUBIN

Sergeant, Kim 'Kimchi' Jun-ah, ROKN UDT / Seal

Sergeant Luke 'Woody' Westwood, US Naval Special Warfare Development Group

Sergeant Todd 'Toddler' McCool, US MARSOC 

Sergeant Paijo 'Petruk' Raharjo, Indonesian Marine Amphibious Airborne Reconnaissance 

After taking a deep breath, Captain Kasino then closed his eyes and offered a silent prayer for his fallen brothers. Telling them that they didn't need to worry about the mission and could crossing into afterlife peacefully.


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