TF Amethyst

TFA2 17.2 – Uninvited Guest

TFA2 17.2 – Uninvited Guest

Buriek Continent’s East Coast

19:49, 28 Oct 2025

Under the darkness of the night, 30 small boats carrying 180 personnel from 19th Reconnaissance Company approached the east coast of Buriek Continent. Most of the journey from Renne Island could be said as easy walk because the strait they had to pass was quite calm. Challenge only started to appear when the convoy entered a distance of 2 km from the beach, where the waters were full of scattered reefs, whirlpools, and strong currents. 

In such a treachery waters, even the smallest mistake in reading the current would result in hard collide into the reefs, and it was unlikely that the small boat would survive. While for the boat's crew, it was almost impossible to swim their way to the beach. Their only choices were dragged by current, and then drowned or slammed into the reefs. In short, they would end up as food for the fishes in case a mishap occurred.

Fortunately, 19th Reconnaissance Company was consisted of the most seasoned sailors in Battle Group C. Even under the darkness, they could navigate their way in most possible route. One by one the small boats passed the treachery waters and arrived on the beach. Each boat crew then pulled their small boat out of the waters. After that, they regrouped at the starting point of a small trail, right at the base of a cliff wall.

Wasting no time Captain Lekre did head count. "Any casualties?"

“Two boat crews. One from first platoon, and another one from my platoon,” Lieutenant Tormun replied.

Lieutenant Asai then added, “It's either they drowned or drifted away from landing point."

“We don’t have time to confirm it. Let's proceed with our mission.”


“Asai, take the lead. My platoon will tail you at 400 meters away."


”Tormun, leave some of your men to guard the boats, and send the rest to find other route and scout the nearby area.”

“Consider it done.”

“Let’s move out then.”


Without delay 19th Reconnaissance Company swiftly carried out their objective.


As soon as he received the reconnaissance report from Captain Lekre and his unit, Staff Officer Gordie immediately reported to Prince Dellan and Duke Velker. As he marked a location in the giant strategic map on the table, he said, “Your Highness, Ser Duke, our reconnaissance element found a village, 3 km from the landing point."

"Good, give us the detail," Duke Velker ordered.

"All buildings are intact. Consisting of 16 houses, two blacksmith workshops, three horse stable, and a small inn which is also a tavern.

But the villagers have gone, no farmland while vegetable plots near their home has been harvested cleanly, and then they covered it with ash and coarse salt. As for the village's well, they filled it with sand to the brim."

“I see.” As he observed the village's location Duke Velker continued, “We don't lack of supply. We also have enough support elements to dig new wells. So it's not a big problem. What matters is the route from the beach."

Without delay Staff Officer Gordie continued his report, “To pass the cliff wall in the beach, we found five small trails near the landing point. Every single one of it went to the village. 

Horses can pass it with ease, but unfortunately cart will not be able to."

“And the main road to the deeper areas?”

“It’s in a good condition, but we will need cavalry scout to check it further.” Staff Officer Gordie paused for a moment to look at his note before continuing, "And we are ready to launch the second phase. We had marked the most possible landing route using a campfire. Therefore, we expected that each landing boat can pass the cluster of reef near the beach safely."

After slightly nodding his head Duke Verkel said, “Launch the second phase then.”

“At once, Ser.”

After Staff Officer Gordie left, Duke Verkel and Prince Dellan then discussed the main strategy of Battle Group C. It could be said that the two were not lulled by the success of landing on Renne, Ranna, and Ronno. They fully realized that it was not a true victory, as the opposing side chose to let them had it. The opposing side would only face them in a place where they had a good chunk of advantage.

In summary, the true battle would only start when Battle Group C's ground elements entered the deeper part of Buriek Continent.

“Your Highness, I believed you already formulated the best possible plan based on our current situation,” Duke Velker firmly said.

“Sort of,” Prince Dellan calmly replied. “Mount a harassment attack on the nearby region to lure Buriek Guard out to the open. 

Cavalry on the night and Rider on the daylight. Based on their respond, I will decide where we will direct our main unit."

“Execelent.” Duke Velker nodded in agreement. “Going directly into their stronghold is too dangerous. Fortunately, we have enough intel related to Burriek Guard's campaign in Sandhur Region. We will not make the same mistake as Sandhur Guard did.”

Prince Dellan nodded before asking, “Then what about you? We have more than enough warships and Riders to guard Renne, Ranna, and Ronno. We can’t just let them stay idle doing nothing.”

“Your Highness, if it pleases you, I plan to launch an attack on Sommer Island."

Prince Dellan didn't reply, but turned his gaze to the strategic map on the table. Sommer Island was located 180 km north of Renne and crystal detector detected at least 40 destroyers docked in this small island, along with activities of dozens Riders and TF Amethyst's aerial assets.

In the middle of its journey, Battle Group C sent a task force consisted of two carrier ships and 80 combine escorts as a challenge, but the opposing side didn't answer it. Even so, Duke Velker ordered the task force to maintain their position at the distance of 40 km north of Sommer Island. Now, Prince Dellan finally understood the reason. From the beginning, Duke Velker already put Sommer Island as his target.

“How big the strength do you need?" Prince Dellan casually asked.

“I will only need 300 Riders and a small scale landing troops. But for the warships, I will bring 80% of Battle Group C's total strength.”

In an instant Prince Dellan was able to perceive Duke Velker’s plan. “Do you plan to use fire power on our warships to crush the defender?”

“Yes, Sommer Island is surrounded by deep waters. Even a carrier ship can approach it up to dozens meters from the shore. Therefore, it will be a waste if we don't use our fire power to the maximum."

“I see.” After contemplating for a moment Prince Dellan said, “Well, you can use our fire power as much as you want. But as you already knew, you had to secure TF Amethyst's personnel as many as you can, along with their equipment.” 

After a slight grin Duke Velker replied, “Understood, Your Highness.”

Wasting no time, Duke Velker then conducted a final check for his plan. In summary, he would left most of carrier ships, transport ships, supply ships, and landing ships, along with 500 frigates to secure the perimeter.

Then, an hours before midnight, he led the rest of Battle Group C's warships to sail north. He separated the whole pack into three Task Forces, to close Sommer Island from three directions simultaneously.


Forward Radar Station Goblin, Sommer Island

02:10, 29 Oct 2025

As soon as the two received notifications that a huge pack of uninvited guests were on their way, Lt. Colonel Gillray and Rear Admiral Norrak immediately went to command center, without changing their pajamas first.

Once he looked at the Reaper’s footage on the main screen, Rear Admiral Norrak in an instant gasped. “The whole pack consisted of more than three thousand ships, but they only brought a few hundred supply ships and transport ships. It seems like they planned to launch a short but intense operation.  

And if there is no storm they will arrive at dawn, and I'm sure they will immediately launch an attack."

After heaving a deep sigh Lt. Colonel Gillray said, “Why do they put their attention to this insignificant rocky island? We don't provoke them and I believed they don't understand the strategic value of this radar station.

Why don't they just put their focus on the beach landing and receive the full package of welcome party from our ground element?"

“Ser Gillray, I’m afraid their way of thinking is beyond our understanding.”

"I guess so." After taking another deep sigh Lt. Col. Gillray continued, "Admiral, before they finish their blockade maneuver, I think you should send your destroyers away."

“No, I will deploy them to form a static defensive line around this island.”

“That move will cost you every single one of your destroyers.”

“I believe my destroyer squadron will be able to sink a few hundred opposing ships in the process. So it’s a good trade.”

“I see. I will prepare our final defensive line then.”

“Well, I have to brief my sailors and Riders, so I need to take my leave, and may gods who reside in heaven help us all.”


Wasting no time, Rear Admiral Norrak then left command center. Meanwhile, Lt. Colonel Gillray approached Captain Floyd.

“Captain, send a request to Yellow Tail. Let's see if their guided-patrol boat can help us. We need to upgrade some of the opposing ships into submarines."

“Copy, but Sir, I had to remind you. Our guided-patrols boat carries ammo in a very limited amount.”

“It's better than no help at all."

“Understood, Sir.”

Without delay Captain Floyd sent an emergency request to Yellow Tail Naval Station. After that, he helped Lt. Colonel Gillray to coordinate defensive measure in Sommer Island, along with the evacuation of some civilian personnel.


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