TF Amethyst

TFA2 19.1 – Evolution of Buriek Rider

Command Center, FRS Goblin.

05:16, 29 Oct 2025

In a calm tone, Major Hanneson gave Lt. Colonel Gillray an update, “All the weapon systems we have were already in ready-to-engage alert. Even though we don’t have anti-ship missile to launch a preemptive strike, we have enough ammo to defend the perimeter for two days.”

“Good.” Lt. Colonel Gillray nodded in satisfaction, 

After a moment of silence, Major Hanneson then asked, “Sir, do we have reinforcement?”

“We do.” Lt. Colonel Gillray calmly replied. “An hour ago, Castle Lagra had finished packing all Harpoons deployed on Sandhur Region. However, as the opposing Riders are operating in the area, the delivery can only be done after sunset.” 

“I will prepare a team to receive those Harpoons then.”


Wasting no time, Major Hanneson then returned to his station. At the same time, Captain Floyd approached Lt. Colonel Gillray and reported, “Sir, opposing side just scrambled their Riders.”

“How big?”

“More than two hundred, approaching from four directions.”

“They don’t even give us time to take breakfast.” After gulping down his coffee in one go, Lt. Colonel Gillray ordered, “Give a green to our Riders and alert our defenders in the outer perimeter. We are engage.”

“Aye Sir.” Without delay, Captain Floyd carried the orders.


On September 10, 2025, or to be precise six days after the peace agreement was signed, TF Amethyst and Buriek Guard established an elite school for Buriek Riders. It was officially called Rider Aerial Combat School, while the Riders called it Tom Gun. Its main purpose was to teach the modern art of aerial combat and to ensure that the Riders who graduated were the best Riders in the whole planet. 

Six weeks later, 182 Riders and Weapon Officers completed the training, 80 Riders and Weapon Officers were then deployed in FRS Goblin under the command of 71st Mohawk Squadron, and this morning they would have their first aerial battle.

One hour before sunrise, the Riders and Weapon Officers had already started the final preparation. First, they wore their flight suits and flight goggles. Then, they checked IR Strobe and IFF Transponder strapped on their Cloud Hawk’s ankle.

After that, Riders checked the display tablet mounted on his saddle. This display tablet was connected to the tactical data link, INS, and other net-centric. So they had to make sure everything was working properly before the flight.

Meanwhile, Weapon Officers prepared their HK M320 Grenade Launchers. One was as main weapon and the other one was as a back-up. Then, they strapped it to their saddle along with 128 rounds of 40 mm sub-munition. 

And finally, shortly after sunrise all Cloud Hawks under command of 71st Mohawk Regiment took off. They smoothly leave behind the landing pad before splitting into four squadrons.

In the squadron that flew towards the south, Brigadier Ugla took the leading position. As soon as he saw a group of black dots in the distance, he immediately checked the display tablet. Then, he pressed PTT button.

“Alpha-01 to 71-1, we have 60 tallies, be ready to engage.”




Twenty Riders from 71-1 Squadron calmly replied one by one, and Brigadier Ugla immediately smiled inwardly. ‘Let’s see how effective our new doctrine and tactic is.’

A few seconds later, the two groups of Cloud Hawks had entered a distance of 200 meters, right before the salvo of arrows could be launched. However, 20 Cloud Hawks from 71-1 Squadron suddenly broke their formation and flew into multiple directions. Without delay, Makai Riders conducted hot pursuits.

As his saddle facing backward, Weapon Officer Berrik easily spotted the incoming three Makai Riders. He then said to Brigadier Ugla, "We got three tails. It seems like they recognize you as a big target.”

“Well, kill them then.”

“Roger.” Weapon Officer Berrik then took a 40 mm sub-munition round from ammo-belt in the saddle.

The 40 mm sub-munition round basically was a smaller version of beehive round. It had 120 steel darts inside the projectiles, and on its neck there were marking: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, which the meanings were safe, detonation at impact, detonation at 10 meter after muzzle exit, detonation at 20 meter after muzzle exit, and so on.

To select the desired detonation mechanism, Weapon Officer Berrik only had to shift the numbers on the projectile's neck until it was paralleled to the red arrow mark. For his first target, Weapon Officer Berrik selected a detonation at 10 meters after muzzle exit. Then, he loaded the 40 mm sub-munition round into firing chamber and took aim.

“Good bye,” Weapon Officer Berrik said as he gently squeezed the trigger.

Thumb. . . . Blaaaaarrr!!

The 40 mm sub-munition round smoothly flew into the leading Rider, exploding right  5 meters before him, and sending out bursts of 120 steel darts that have been coated with neuro-toxin agents.

Most of the steel darts hit Makai Riders in the leading position, while some of them hit the one behind him. The penetrations were not deep, but undoubtedly fatal. As neuro-toxin on a single steel dart was more than enough to kill a Rider or Cloud Hawk in a split second. 

As a result, the two Makai Riders and their Cloud Hawks met their end before they had a chance to close their eyes. Their bodies then plunged to the sea surface, creating a big splash and some bubbles, and then slowly sank. 

As for the third Makai Rider, as he tried to understand what had just happened to his colleagues before him, the second 40 mm sub-munition round exploded in front of his face. In an instant, the third Makai Rider and his Cloud Hawk followed the fate of his two colleagues.

“All tails have been eliminated," Weapon Officer Berrik calmly said as he took the 40 mm sub-munition case out of firing chamber.

“Good job." 

Brigadier Ugla then checked the display tablet on his saddle, and he was not surprised when he found that the sky to the south of Sommer Island was clear of unidentified blips. After observing the sky one more time, he then pressed PTT button.

“Alpha-01 to Command, we have eliminated all hostiles in our sector, requesting permission to engage opposing warships.”

[Command to Alpha-01, you have green, go get them.]

“Copy, Alpha 0-1 over and out.”

A moment later, all Riders under 71-1 Squadron’s command flew towards their new preys, or to be precise the incoming Battle Group C’s warships.


“What the, that’s too fucking fast. It's not a fight but pure slaughter.”

From Korral-01's bridge, Admiral Jarros observed how the aerial battle between Buriek Riders and Makai Riders took place. Even in his wildest dream, Admiral Jarros had never imagined that 20 Buriek Riders would be able to wipe out 60 Makai Riders in a few seconds.

Then, wasting no time Buriek Riders were approaching in full speed. Judging from their flight path, it seemed Korral-01 was their main menu.

“Defend this ship at all cost,” ordered Admiral Jarros. "Right now, their heart and mind must be overflowing with confidence. Let’s exploit and use it to slaughter them."

"At once, Ser."

Staff Officer Lowiz immediately carried out the order. A moment later, the ballista crew and footbowmen on Korral-01 were already on combat alert. They filled the 300 meters long upper-deck to the brim.

Based on Buriek Riders' campaign on Sandhur Region, they knew that Buriek Riders would attack by utilizing high-speed maneuver in low altitude. Therefore, they would let them come as close as possible before launching the salvo.

Unfortunately, battlefield was unpredictable most of the time. Buriek Riders did not perform high-speed maneuver at low altitude as expected, but leisurely circling Korral-01 at an altitude outside the reach of footbow and ballista. They flew like a flock of hunters who observed their prey, just before the start of a gangbang party.

In an instant, chill running down on the back of footbowmen and ballista crew on Korral-01. Somehow, they knew a shitstorm was going to descend on them.

Blaaarrr! Bla-bla-blaaaaarrrr! Bla-blaaaarrrr! Blaarrr!!

Without any warning, a rain of projectiles as big as a fist hit Korral-01 and exploded. A moment later Korral-01 had turned into a big floating swiss cheese, while Buriek Riders moved to the next carrier ship.

As he felt Korral-01's speed decrease, while its deck slowly tilted to the side, Admiral Jarros immediately realized his flagship was beyond saving. After having a deep sigh he ordered, “All hand! Abandon the ships!”

“But Sir…” Staff Officer Lowiz wanted to argue, but in the end he said, “At once, Ser.”

Wasting no time, Staff Officer Lowiz launched the evacuation protocol. At first, he chose one of the cruisers that escorted Korral-01. However, after they finished with the carrier ships, Buriek Riders continued their gangbang party on the closest cruisers. In the end, Staff Officer Lowiz could only choose one of the biggest destroyers as flagship for First Task Force.

Overall, Buriek Riders' attack only lasted around 40 minutes. In this time span, First Task Force lost 3 carriers and 24 cruisers. Unfortunately, the other three Task Forces also suffered similar fate.

Even so, Admiral Jarros did not cancel the attack on Sommer Island. From frigate Toppo-01's bridge, he coldly looked at 20 Buriek Riders who flew back to Sommer Island.

“Start the landing, the faster we seize Sommer Island, the less we have to suffer any loss.”

“As your command, Ser.” Without delay, Staff Officer Lowiz carried out the order. 

A few minutes later, thousands of landing boats swiftly moved towards Sommer Island from four directions. Each one of them carried 30 landing troops with determination as hard as steel. 

All officers and personnel who participated in the attack on Sommer Island were aware that when they retreated, they would become an easy meal for Buriek Riders. Therefore, they fully supported the decision to continue the attack on Sommer Island. In fact, right now their determination to win the battle had increased by several folds.


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