TF Amethyst

TFA2 20.1 – M2A5 Ripper in Action

Initially, Harley Quinn wanted to equip 12th Base Guard Regiment with 12 units of M1152 Ripper. However, because Buriek Guard required many Humvees for their new doctrine, the plan then had been adjusted.

As replacement for the Humvees, Logistic and Support Group proposed M2A5 Bradley. Coincidentally, TF Amethyst had too many M2A5 Bradley stationed to guard Harley Quinn. Without delay, 12 units of M2A5 Bradley were transferred to 12th Base Guard Regiment.

The modifications to change M2A5 Bradley to M2A5 Ripper went smoothly, as each M2A5 Bradley already used RIwP turret, along with Chain-gun M230 30 mm and Medium Machine Gun M240 7.62 mm. The mechanics from LSG only had to add the sensor and 7-tube Talon launcher they took from M1152 Ripper.

Once the M2A5 Ripper was ready to be deployed, the next challenge was the method to deliver it to Sommer Island. TF Amethyst only had Hercules as a means of heavy airlifting. Meanwhile, even if M2A5 Ripper used remote-turret so its combat load decreased from 27 ton to 23 ton, it was still above the maximum payload of Hercules.

Fortunately, the mechanics from LSG were ready to double their workload to support the airlifting operation. They partially disassembled each M2A5 Ripper into a few big parts, and then reassembled it in Sommer Island. It was one hell of tiring and complex procedure, but everything went smoothly.

And this morning, M2A5 Rippers from 12th Base Guard Regiment would taste their first combat action. On the second defensive line at north perimeter, 3 units M2A5 Ripper sat silently facing the sea. They looked like a small pack of iron beasts. In one of them, Sergeant Ruppert observed the incoming warships through electro optic. Then, a radio call came in.

[Command to All Beast, be ready, you have green to neutralize opposing destroyers or cruisers.]


[I say again, you have green to neutralize opposing destroyers or any ships equip with trebuchet.]

Hearing the order, question marks immediately filled Sergeant Ruppert's mind. Laser range finder showed him that the opposing destroyers and cruisers were still outside of M2A5 Ripper's effective range. Meanwhile, the smaller warships would enter the footbow range in 2-3 minutes.

Wasting no time, Sergeant Ruppert pressed PTT button. “Beast 0-2 to Command, are we only have green for opposing destroyer or cruiser, confirm?”

[Command to Beast 0-2, confirm. Footbow will not hurt our defensive line, but their trebuchet is a different story. It use 5-liter clay jar filled with oil lamp as ammunition, and had an effective range up to 1.5 km. Don't let them firing it.]

“Beast 0-2 to Command, received and understood.”

[Command to all Beast, any other question?]


[No? Then, give them hell, Command over and out.]

A moment later, the opposing corvettes and frigates started launching footbow salvos. Before long, the second defensive line was tightly covered by arrows, and the number increasing in rapid pace. However, the defenders firmly stayed at their position.

All gunners and shooter stayed put at their firing post, made of sandbags for the wall and roof. Meanwhile, riflemen and crossbowmen lay down on the ground under a huge shield. The huge shield was more than enough to cover an adult from head to toe, and it was specifically designed to neutralize arrows or crossbow bolt. So far, the huge shield worked perfectly well. Therefore, the defender could casually ignore the rain of arrows that hit their position.

At the same time Sergeant Ruppert patiently waited. Until finally, Sergeant Charlie said, "Top, the opposing destroyers and cruisers are entering our range. I need you to mark our target.”

“Copy, give me a minute.” 

Sergeant Ruppert immediately switched the electro optic from observation mode into searching and tracking mode. Then, he started marking the opposing destroyers or cruiser that entered Talon laser-guided rocket’s effective range. As each M2A5 Ripper was connected through digital net-centric, every vehicle commander would be able to see which target that had been marked by other vehicle commander on the team.

Therefore, there would be no scenario where two M2A5 Rippers aimed at same target unintentionally. And so, in the engagement against a huge number of oppositions, the firepower would become much more effective and efficient.

As he continued marking opposing destroyers Sergeant Ruppert said, “Charlie, you can start to nail them. Use proximity fuse to hit the trebuchet’s ammo.”

“Copy.” Wasting no time, Sergeant Charlie aimed at first destroyer, right on the pile of clay jar next to the trebuchet. Then, as he pressed the firing button he calmly said, “Rocket away.”


While leaving behind a loud hissing sound, a single Talon laser-guided rocket smoothly leaving the launching tube, then flew towards its target.

On the sea level, Talon had an effective range up to 3.5 km, maximum speed of Mach 2.5, and an accuracy of 0.2 meter. In short, the rocket passed a few frigates and corvettes in a blink of one eye before arriving in front of its target.


A cone-shaped blast fragmentation and heat wave up to three meters radius perfectly hit the pile of clay jars filled with oil lamp, and turned it into huge camp fire. The destroyer's crew tried their best to kill the fire, but it was futile effort. The fire was too big and spreading too fast. In a few seconds, two-thirds of the destroyer had already been engulfed by fire.

With a calm gaze, Sergeant Charlie observed the unfortunate destroyer. Once he was sure it no longer a threat, he turned his intention to the next destroyer. Then, he pressed the firing button. “Second target, rocket away.”

The second Talon also hit its target fatally. Unfortunately, before Sergeant Charlie could hit the third destroyer, it had already turned its course and went outside of Talon effective range. Then a radio call came in.

[Command to all Beast, you have green for opposing corvettes and frigates, but use your gun and conserve your rocket.]


[I say again. All Beasts, you have green for opposing corvettes and frigates, but use your gun and conserve your rocket. Engage as soon as you ready, Command over and out.]

Without delay, Sergeant Ruppert rewrote all targets that he had marked. Then, he started new procedure to mark the new targets. A moment later, Sergeant Charlie already hit the first corvette by using Chain-gun M230 mm. He chose 30 mm Air Burst-Tracer round and every single one of them could made 0.5 meter hole on the opposing corvette, at slightly above the water line, right on the engine room.

In summary, Sergeant Charlie only had to use three 4-round burst of 30 mm AB-T to upgrade each opposing corvette or frigate into submarine. Unfortunately, the opposing corvettes and frigates had already started their escape as soon as the destroyers and cruisers taking a fatal hit. Therefore, Sergeant Charlie only managed to kill five frigates and three corvettes.


Command Center, FRS Goblin

From aerial footage sent by Reaper, Real Admiral Norrak observed how the rain of arrows hit Sommer Island from all direction. He knew that the second defensive line would survive from the salvo. But even so, his heart refused to calm down as the salvo was thick and without pause.

Fortunately, a moment later M2A5 Rippers started to launch retaliate fire. Each fire was brutally accurate and killed its target in a few seconds. But somehow, this precise and lethal fire power made Rear Admiral Norrak's heartbeat became more erratic, while cold sweat started drenching his back.

“Even in my wildest dream, never did I imagine I will witness a one side slaughter like this one."

Lt. Colonel Gillray who stood next to Rear Admiral Norrak calmly said, “We can’t hold back when we are outnumbered by a few thousand warships. No matter how low their technology, we shouldn't underestimate their will to kill us.”

“Yeah.” Somehow, a sense of pity towards the opposing sailors filled Rear Admiral Norrak’s heart to the brim. ‘I hope this versus contact made them realize. TF Amethyst is not someone they want to mess with.' 

And as if it was an answer to Rear Admiral Norrak's hope, the opposing warships suddenly stopped their advance and salvo before conducting hasty retreats. They went into all direction as fast as they could, leaving behind Sommer Island as if it was a lair of man-eating demon.

Once all opposing warship went out of M2A5 Ripper's effective range, Lt. Colonel Gillray then turned his gaze towards one of intelligence officers in the room. “LT, do we have the tally?”

“Yes, Sir. In total our Beast kills 4 cruisers, 48 destroyers, 97 frigates, and 64 corvettes.”

“Not bad.” Lt. Colonel Gillray nodded as a satisfied smile bloomed in his lips. “I hope this versus contact will make them stay at a healthy distance for a while.”

"They will, Ser Gillray," Rear Admiral Norrak confidently said.

Without delay, Lt. Colonel Gillray then brought Rear Admiral Norrak into his office to enjoy a light breakfast.


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