TF Amethyst

TFA2 8.1 – The Survivors

TFA2 8.1 - The Survivors

With steady steps, 900 personnel of 2nd Vanguard Squadron approached the beach. Sword and dagger in the waist, while ready to fired rapid-loading crossbow in their hands. Their targets were survivors of the landing attempt who reached the shore and scattered in small groups along the beach.

The thick fog had disappeared, so the visibility had increased and they could vaguely see the survivors' silhouette. Some were standing, several others were kneeling, but most of them were lying in the sand with two or three arrows stuck in their body.

Then, most of the survivors immediately stood up. They drew their weapon and took a stance to welcome the approaching 2nd Vanguard Squadron. However, it was clear that they were not ready to fight. They were too tired, low on morale, and outnumbered by a landslide difference.

The 2nd Vanguard Squadron's personnel stopped at a distance of 20 meters before the first group of survivors, and then a Centurion moved forward. 

As he calmly looked at the 40-50 survivors in front of him the Centurion said loudly, "Surrender, drop your weapon, lift your hands above your head, and we will treat you humanely."


The Centurion looked at the tense faces in front of him before adding, "We will tie your hands until you arrive at POW camp, but you won't be harmed."

A survivor immediately stepped forward and asked, "What about our injured comrades?"

"We will help them as best as we can," replied the Centurion.

"You mean by giving them a quick death?"

"No, we will try to save them, but our paramedics can only start working after we secure the area."

"I want a guarantee from one of your officers."

Wasting no time Captain Isak stepped forward and stood next to the Centurion. "Isak, Captain of Buriek Guard, commanding officer of 2nd Vanguard Squadron of TF Amethyst. You have my words that anyone who surrenders will suffer no harm."

The survivor who asked for the guarantee immediately replied, "Glithor, Lieutenant of Makai Guard, Commanding Officer of 6th Company, 3rd Landing Troop. My Unit is in your custody, Captain."

"Very well, Lieutenant. You will not regret your decision," Captain Isak said respectfully. 

Lieutenant Glithor and his men then dropped their short word and raised their hands above their heads. After their hands were tied, they were asked to sit on the sand. Right next to them, 2nd Vanguard Squadron's personnel neatly lay the wounded survivors. They then distributed fresh water, two big gulps for each survivor.

Meanwhile, not far from the group of survivors who surrendered, Captain Isak approached a 5-6 year old boy. The Boy sat shivering from the cold while hugging a small wooden plank tightly and he kept looking at the sea looking for something.

Captain Isak knelt before the boy and asked gently, "Boy, you can put the wooden plank down."

"No." Fear was visible in his gaze as he looked at Captain Isak, but the boy continued with determination, "Mom told me to not let it go, whatever happens."

"Your mom asked you not to let it go so you didn't drown, but now you've already on the shore."

The boy pressed his lips together, and then asked, "Ser Soldier, do you know where my Mom is?"

Captain Isak immediately sighed silently. "I'm sorry, Boy. I don't know where she is, but I already confirmed that there are no survivors that remain in the water."

"Liar, you can't see in the darkness," the boy said stubbornly.

Captain Isak then showed and explained to the Boy the aerial reconnaissance footage displayed in his tablet, and the Boy started to sob afterward. But fortunately, he let Captain Isak took the wooden plank from his hands and didn't resist when Captain Isak lifted him and hugged him, even though his sobs became a little harder.

"Boy, what's your name?" 


"Wiek, you can call me Captain Isak and believe in me you are safe now. We will take care of you. But we have to leave this place before the slavers come back."

Wiek didn't answer and just looked at the sea while sobbing. Captain Isak then handed over Wiek to a Centurion.

"His name is Wiek. Escort him to paramedics on the double, his body is too cold like ice."

"At once, Sir."

After the Centurion walked into some distance, Captain Isak then continued to search for other survivors, especially the slave children.

In the offensive on Lagra City, Captain Isak killed a lot of children in the city wall and it left bitter after taste in his heart. After that, he refused to execute a group of children who surrendered, but failed to save them in the end.

Therefore, in the Oplan Black in The Night he tried to find salvation to ease the dark burden that gripped his heart up to this very moment.


Captain Isak just managed to calm a boy who wanted to go back to the sea to look for his little sister, when a Centurion approached him.

"Captain, we have a situation?"

Captain Isak immediately frowned. He then turned his gaze from the boy who being taken to the paramedics to the Centurion before him.

"Explain it."

"A group of survivors saved some slave children while swimming to the shore, but now they use the kids as shields."

"Take me there."

"Aye Sir."

Without delay the Centurion jogged and Captain Isak followed him.

A moment later, the two arrived in an area where a platoon surrounded and pointed their loaded crossbow at six survivors armed with daggers. Three survivors placed their dagger to the throat of three sobbed slave children, while the other three took a stand that showed their determination to fight to the death.

Meanwhile, in front of a survivor who seemed to be the leader of the group a little girl was lying in the sand. A wide red cut gaped in her throat, and the moonlight reflected in her blood and tears that had not dried up.

Captain Isak immediately approached Lieutenant Merrak, who stood only a few meters in front of the survivors.

"Lieutenant, what happened here?"

"Their leader cut the girl's throat before the talk started, to warn us that they prefer to fight to the death rather than to surrender."

"It's despicable and risky, but also a strong move. I admit," Captain Isak nodded before asking, "Other than fighting to the death or surrender, do they have other options in mind?"

"They will wait until their crystal communicator is active, and then request a landing boat to pick them up."

Captain Isak then turned his gaze towards the leader of the survivor group, "My name is Isak, Captain of Buriek Guard, commanding officer of 2nd Vanguard Squadron of TF Amethyst. May I know with whom I am speaking to?"

The leader of the survivors replied, "Taberk, Brigadier of Buriek Guard, commanding officer of 5th Brigade, 3rd Landing Troop."

"Brigadier Taberk, Sir, hate to say this but your plan will not work. TF Amethyst will destroy any ship who tried to approach the beach without exception. Surrender is the only way if you want to live and we will not harm you in any way." 

"Unfortunately, it's too late for me. Your Lieutenant said it. I threw away my life when I killed this damn whelp," Brigadier Talberk said as he kicked the little girl's body, "and the only thing I can get is quick death or torture."

"Sir, surrender and you have my words that you and your men will suffer no harm. But if you harm the other three kids, I promise, my men will peel your flesh from your bone like how we peel an orange." Captain Isak then shouted an order, "Men, lower your aim, don't give these gentlemen a quick death."

In an instant every loaded crossbow was being pointed to the feet of the survivors, and panic immediately flashed in their eyes.

"Captain, swear to the gods and to your ancestor that you will keep your words," Brigadier Taberk said.

Captain Isak nodded firmly, and then with solemn voice he swore, "I swear in the names of gods and my ancestor, no harm will befall on Brigadier Taberk and his men."

Brigadier Taberk and his men immediately took a breath full of relief. They then lowered their Dagger and dropped it to the ground.

"Captain, my unit is in your custody."

"Very well, Sir. I guarantee you will not regret your decision," Captain Isak said with a respectful tone.

Wasting no time Lieutenant Merrak and his men started to work. A moment later, the six survivors already sat on the sand in single file, facing the sea with tied hands. While the three slave children were taken to paramedics.

As for the unfortunate little girl, they put her body into a body bag. TF Amethyst had determined that they would provide a proper funeral service for the unfortunate slaves, so they would bring their body to Lagra City.

Then, Captain Isak took Lieutenant Merrak to some distance. He pointed at Brigadier Tarberk and his men using his chin before calmly saying, "Slit their throat."

"But your oath, Sir?"

"I'm the youngest of eight children. When I was two years old my parents decided that I was just another useless mouth to feed. They then sold me to a slaver. To this moment I still curse them and their ancestors." Captain Isak paused for a moment before continuing, "As for gods, I don't give a damn about gods who let a kid get slaughtered helplessly."

"Understood, Sir."

Lieutenant Merrak then whispers to some of his men. They then grinned as they drew their dagger silently. A moment later, they approached Brigadier Taberk and his men from behind, and yanked their hair before swiftly making a long slit on their throat.

Gurgle and coughing was heard as Brigadier Taberk and his men fell to the side. Their body were twitching and kicking weakly for a moment, and then stopped moving for good.

The closest survivor group who surrender was looking at the small slaughter with a look full of terror. But they immediately took a breath full of relief because Lieutenant Merrak and his men did not approach them.


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