TF Amethyst

TFA2 9.2 – Start the Tunnel Attack

First Camp of Battle Group A, War Strategy Room.

17:05, 2 Nov 2025

Battle Group A finally completed the underground tunnel that would be used to attack Levsait and Raisat. After the routine of morning assembly, the assault troops gradually entered the tunnel and stood by in their designated position. 

At the same time, the slave workers gradually exited the tunnel while wearing combat uniform which had been prepared for them beforehand. The switch ran all day with ease. And so, Prince Makar held the last strategy meeting in the afternoon.

With a calm gaze, Prince Makar observed Levsait and Raisat's layout on the table. Then, he turned his gaze to Marquise Orev. "Let's start the meeting." 

"Understood," Without delay, Marquise Orev explained the latest situation, "90.000 elite troops already stand by in their designated position. Extended from 2nd Camp to the exits in the targeted area and will start the attack at 22:00.

We had also filled the underground storage room with five days’ worth of provision and water."

Prince Makar nodded before asking, "And status of the diversion?"


Marquis Orev firmly replied, "We can launch it at any time. We will throw every mercenary and our second-line troops to attack Camp Venom. This servant will supervise it directly. If window of opportunity appears, we will exploit it and switch into an attack to kill."


Prince Makar smiled in satisfaction before looking at the three areas in the Levsait's layout alternately. The objectives in this area were Logistic & Support Area, Buriek Guard Area, and Tuscan Guard Area. With element of surprise and initiative in their side, the assault troop would have a chance to seize their objective and established foothold inside the opposing perimeter.

However, if the exits were turned out in the middle of landmine or area for TF Amethyst’s combat unit, then it would become uphill battle for the assault troop.

Prince Makar turned his gaze to Count Isak and said, "I hope our troops don't arrive in the wrong area."

Seeing the worries in Prince Makar's gaze, Count Isak immediately said, "Your Highness, I guarantee it with my life that the underground tunnel ended in the designated area." 

Wasting no time Marquise Orev added, "Each targeted area has a size of several square kilometers, so the possibility for our tunnel to end up in another area is low."

"I hope so." Prince Makar lightly nodded before continuing, "I manage to ask Portho to delay Battle Group B’s second offensive. I hope it will make TF Amethyst lower their guard because the calm over the past few days. So, let's exploit this opportunity as much as possible."

""Understood,"" Marquise Orev and Count Isak answered in unison.

Duke Kalzar who had been silent, decided to say, "Count Isak, your intel regarding layout of Levsait and Raisat have deciding value in our offensive. It will give you the biggest credit even if you don't lead the attack on Levsait directly.

So, are you sure you still want to lead it directly?"

Count Isak hide ambition in his heart as he replied in humble tone, "Ser Duke, I know Levsait's layout like the back of my hand. This knowledge will become great help if I stay with our troops in the field."

"I see," Duke Kalzar replied briefly as he ignored the faint gleam in Count Isak's eyes.

In a sense, Duke Kalzar could tolerate Count Isak's hidden ambition. The problem was that high-born officer had a tendency for spontaneous initiative in order to secure their personal agenda. And in many case, it ended up as a disaster.

Therefore, Duke Kalzar would prefer a base-born officer to lead the troops in the field, as they were always following battle plan unconditionally.

Prince Makar also realized Duke Kalzar's worries. But in the end, he chose to go with his decision to let Count Isak led the offensive to levsait. He smiled while looked at Count Isak deeply. 

"Very well, if this attack success, I will raise your rank into a marquise and double your territory."

As he slightly bowed to Prince Makar, Count Isak said, "This servant will bet his life for the success of this offensive. May Gods in heaven bless us a victory."

"Good." Prince Makar nodded and smiled in satisfaction before continuing, "I and Duke Kalzar will supervise our operation from here. So please follow our direction as we are the one who know the big picture of the battlefield.

Sviek Guard and Rivek Guard will join in the second phase of tunnel attack, with total strength 70.000 elite troops.

Battle Group B is already on the way. Our Riders and their Riders will scramble at the first light tomorrow. As for their landing troops, a numbers of hand-picked elite personnel will silently approach the cliff on the southern tip of Levsait by using small raft, and then conducted climbing assault.

This attack will become our decisive battle against TF Amethyst. If it fails, then we will never have another chance."

""Understood,"" Marquise Orev and Count Isak answered in unison.

A moment later, Prince Makar held the ritual of Last Dinner Before The Battle. He personally asked Count Isak to sit next to him. The two then happily enjoyed the best cut of roasted deer, along with the savory of deer's blood soup.


Command Post, FOC Venom.

20:50, 2 Nov 2025

At midday, Colonel Glass received a warning regarding the possibility of tunnel attack to Levsait and Raisat. Then, one hour ago Battle Group A deployed more than one hundred thousand combatant to the border fence. They neatly lined-up behind the massive piles of sandbags, wooden planks, and dozens of wells they dug three days ago.

For the last few days, mercenary under command of Battle Group A also flooded the field around Camp Venom by using water from the well. As a result, they managed to turn the blackened and dried field full of skeleton into a muddy blackened swamp.

Then, as Colonel Glass took a deep sigh, a massive numbers of carts full of sandbags suddenly came out from the storage houses and moved towards border fence. In matter of minutes, the stacks of sandbags before the border fence increased by several fold.

As he observed the Battle Group A's line-up through main screen, Colonel Glass said, "130.000 combatants, two times bigger than last attack. They sure have abundant manpower."

"No worry, we will stop them." Major Kimber paused for a moment, and then she continued in regretful tone, "But it will perfect if only they attack this camp by utilizing tunnel attack."

Colonel Glass replied weakly, "Yeah, it's a shame that they bypass this camp."

Actually, under the massive of hesco barriers and sandbags that formed FOC Venom's outer wall, MCG put a row of seismic detector. This seismic detector was the old model from the last period in Vietnam, but it was still effective tool even in modern era.


If seismic detector detected human activities in the underground, MCG would immediately drill a hole and NBC Team would then pump in a high-dose sleeping gas. And so, the tunnel attack would end up as a nasty disaster. Unfortunately, to this moment the expected tunnel attack still hadn't arrived.

And finally, Battle Group A started their night attack on FOC Venom. As the opposing side made their move, Colonel Glass said, "Molotov Catapult, point of impact at 1800 meter. Rifle teams, weapon at discretion. Other elements, on standby."

"Roger." Wasting no time, Major Kimber executed the order.


Eight hundred meters from the border fence, Marquis Orev and some of his officers observed the Battle Group A's Line-up. Once the last cart finished unloading the sandbags, he immediately nodded in satisfaction.

"Pull back all slave workers into safety distance and launch the diversion."  

"At once, Ser." A Brigadier who stood next to Marquis Orev immediately reached out for his crystal communicator and relayed the order.

A moment later, the mercenaries in leading position started to wear head cover, coat, and gloves made of coarse and thick cloth. After that, they poured down cold water on their body before started working.


The mercenaries swiftly built two walls made of sandbags. It was 0.8 meter thick, 1.5 meter high, and were1.8 meter apart. Every 1.6 meter, the mercenaries would connect the top of the two walls using five wooden planks before covering it with sandbags.

In short, they built a small sand tunnel. In total there were 12 sand tunnels. It went to Camp Venom in zig-zag pattern. The mercenaries generously poured down cold water on the tunnel wall and dotted roof. They also covered the tunnel floor with a layer of thick sand. 

Then, when the tunnel reached a distance of 1800 meter from Camp Venom, Molotov cocktail started raining down on it. However, the Molotov cocktails that accurately hit the tunnel didn't broke and spread the fire, as the tunnel were made of wet and soft sandbags.

Moreover, as if they had already expecting it, the mercenary calmly took cover under the dotted roof. Then, they would grab Molotov cocktail that fell on the tunnel's floor and throw it out. As for the Molotov cocktails that fell on the dotted roof, the mercenaries easily reach them and throw them away.

"Very good." Seeing that the sand tunnels manage to neutralize Molotov cocktail, Marquis Orev immediately grinned from ear to ear.

"In the battlefield, initiative and counter initiative will always become each other's tails. This time, we do the chase properly and manage to snatch the lead," The Brigadier who stood next to Marquise Orev happily said.

Marquise Orev happily nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

The Brigadier then proposed an idea that suddenly appeared in his mind. "Ser Marquis, perhaps we can use the slave workers to build the sand tunnels."

In an instant, Marquis Orev gave the Brigadier a sharp glare. "Are you trying to tarnish The Highness Prince Makar's reputation?"

As cold sweat drenched his back like a flood, The Brigadier dropped on his knee. "No, Ser. This lowly servant doesn't dare."

While maintaining his chilling tone, Marquis Orev continued, "Know your place and don't propose anything unless you had been requested to."

"Understood, Ser."

"Good, now get up. If TF Amethyst's aerial surveillance sees someone is kneeling in front of me, they will definitely mark me as a delicious target."


Wasting no time, The Brigadier got up to his feet. A moment later, a series of loud bang started to fill the night air in rapid pace, followed by some mercenaries who fell to the ground. 

However, Marquise Orev was not worried as Battle Group A didn't lack sacrificial troops. In order to lure TF Amethyst's attention, Battle Group A was ready to send every combatant in their reserve.

“Finally, their sharpshooters join the fun.” In a calm voice Marquis Orev then said, "Send message to War Strategy Room, we can start the tunnel attack."


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