That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The abacus failed

Chapter 5 The Abacus Failed

The last sunset passed through the gray-stained lattice glass and shone into the slightly deprecated office, adding a faint, warm orange color to the office, with a trace of hot wind coming from the open window, facing the quarrel. , Shi Ning, who had always been out of the way, faced the blowing wind and looked out of the window.

She, maybe, can’t go back;

She, it is very likely that she will stay here all her life;

She, I am afraid, is about to face a new round of growth.

So, all her efforts in her previous life were all in vain? !

No, how can she let her efforts go in vain? Even if she can’t go back, she can still live out the original wonderful!

She, Shi Ning, never bowed her head to admit defeat!

Shi Ning’s mind was drooping with his eyes down, rolling, stirring, and his eyes became heavier and heavier, like a barrel of explosives, only one spark was ignited.

“My granddaughter has been beaten up like this. Not only does your school not call for my granddaughter, but also want to expel my granddaughter! Ha! I don’t want to give my family an account of this matter today, no one wants to leave!”

“Tell my family Ningning like this, without any compensation, and thinking about expelling the child. If you don’t solve it properly, I will go to the Education Bureau to sue you teachers who have no morality!”

The old lady of Shi’s family had opened fire at the principal, teaching director, and class teacher Deng for at least ten minutes. The combat effectiveness still did not weaken, and the spray of drool splashed everywhere.

The old lady stopped the fire and took a breath, and the assisted Yan Luhe immediately took it, “Yes, even if expelled, it is our Ningning expelling your school! What broken school, what key middle school, I am! My Ningning is not rare!”

The two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law joined forces and sprayed it to the school leaders and teachers who were unable to resist. They simply let the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law finish the spray before talking about business.

didn’t know what the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law said when they tried to spoil, the dean finally couldn’t bear it, “What is it called! If you want to leave, please leave me immediately! School is not the place where you spoil!”

“Leave and leave! Who is rare to have a broken school!” Yan Luhe, with joy in his eyes, screamed to the ground, and she started to walk outside, who had been firmly grasping Shi Ning’s wrist, “Ningning, go, and auntie go home Don’t be afraid! If you don’t read, don’t read, you can sleep in every day and never worry about being late again!”

The irritability in Shi Ning’s heart had reached its peak, but Yan Luhe jumped out to death, like a fire lead, and ignited with a “boom” when Ning was irritated, turned his head, dark eyes filled with misery and looked at Yan Luhe. Let me go!”

Just a few words, but it seemed like a flood that came with the potential to destroy, so that Yan Luhe, who was not wary, was frightened, and quickly let go like an electric shock.

Don’t expect Shining to have a good temper. Shi’s family in Sijiucheng, and Shining is the most nasty one of all Shi’s family!

Shining is born with a pure and noble nature, and he wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. He never needs to look at his face. The arrogance cultivated in his bones, arrogant and arrogant, but also arrogant and convincing.

Student scum Ning is also arrogant, it is arrogant, unflexible, annoying, rude arrogance, so, at this moment, Ning said “Lao Tzu”, it is not surprising, I just think it is normal.

Liu Yunlan received the old lady’s wink again, and finally got the action. She raised her hand and stopped the impulsive concubine, her voice choked: “You, even if we leave, we must first find the culprit who beat Ningning. It’s just that, Ningning can’t be wronged in vain.”

Can’t be like a shrew, just pick Shi Guan Shan who took the shot at the critical moment, and said in a deep voice, “Sister-in-law is right, what mess you add, you have to ask for the explanation before leaving!”

turned to Shi Ning again and said gently: “Ningning, come, tell your uncle, who hit you today? We can go, but we have to figure out things before we drop out.”

Coaxed and deceived, encouraging Shining to agree to drop out.

Based on their understanding of Shining, they would definitely agree to drop out. When the boss asked about the situation, he couldn’t blame them for not persuading them. It was Shining’s own choice, and they didn’t force it.

The old lady’s abacus is very precise, but the present tening is not the former one, the present tening…Sorry, there is no word “drop out” in her dictionary!

If there is really no way to go back, then she won’t let herself live again!

“Who said I would quit school?” Shi Ning said lightly. Although his voice was low, to Shi’s family, it was no less than a bomb dropped.

Yan Luhe was the first one not to tighten, and said sharply: “Why don’t you want to quit school!”

“Luhe!” Shi Guanshan reacted the fastest. He flashed his body and stood in front of Yan Luhe. He blocked his wife’s gaffe, and then resolved it to Shining, “Your aunt is caring but chaos, Ningning, don’t worry about it.”

In the dark, Shi Guanshan squeezed his wife’s arm severely, and quickly awake him, don’t do anything bad!

The old lady also hated her little daughter-in-law for being uncomfortable, but she hated Shining’s sudden clear brain, and her eyes became a little gloomy when she turned to Shining, “Ningning, the school has already let you drop out, and you can’t tolerate it. forget about it.”

Teacher Deng, who rushed to the door to stop people, saw this, and backed silently like a transparent person…Stand up in place less than one meter from the door, like a cat guarding a cub, ready to rush out at any time to prevent Shi Ning from being taken away by her family.

Shi Ning noticed Teacher Deng’s movements early. She didn’t look at the old lady. Instead, she smiled at Teacher Deng first. She smiled lightly, very sunny and very clear, like the dew in the lotus leaves in the morning sun, glowing. Clean with a trace of dust.

Teacher Deng, who has always been thinking about students, was stunned at first. In a flash, he seemed to understand something, and bright colors flashed across his eyes.

This child, there is still help!

Aware of this, Teacher Deng took another step, locked the dark green painted office, and buckled the door together.

Shining’s smile deepened, and even the corners of her mouth were curved. She laughed for less than a second, and the laughter muscles pulled to the nasal muscles. A tingling suddenly struck him. The smile turned into a stern smile and directly amused Teacher Deng.

While everyone’s attention was not on the two of them, Teacher Deng quickly pointed to himself and said silently, “Don’t be afraid, there will be nothing wrong, let the teacher handle it.”

In the eyes of Teacher Deng, Shi Ning saw the real anxiety and concern from the heart, instead of…like the so-called “family”, only relying on his mouth to talk.

The relatives of Shi’s family seemed to support Shining, but in fact, they took the opportunity to pull the hatred and make school leaders hate Shining even more, so as to achieve their goal of letting Shining drop out. But it was a ruthless trick to ruin the future.

She would be really stupid if she didn’t understand what was going on anymore. The weird that came out of her family when she saw her, she finally had an answer.

Crazy, huh, little trick.

Need the support of the little cuties, the support of the little cuties, the love of the little cuties, and thank the little cuties for their perseverance to Qingyun.

The new article sets sail, and the cautious man who has always wanted to open a new article is ready to have fun.

In 2014, I met the little cuties in Yunqi. In the blink of an eye, from 5 years to 2019, I have always had the support of little cuties in the ups and downs. I am grateful for it, but I can only give it to me.

(End of this chapter)

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