The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 140: The Mad Hunter

Jay was completely angry when he took a look at the note which was supposedly written by the sorcerers.

He didn't know what was the best thing to do now because he didn't know where to go or what to do.

Though one thing was for certain and that was about Jay who would kill the sorcerers even if he were to meet them only for once or even for a single second.

"I will not let them live at all..."

His anger was at its peak and he wanted to completely destroy each and everything that would stand in his way.

He was about to leave when all of a sudden the door opened and the nurse entered inside.

Many more people were behind her who had also come to see him.

It was probably because, he has shouted a moment ago which actually made the entire building tremble.

Even the people who were in the other building which was beside this one, had their window glasses cracked.

"What are you doing!!?", the nurse asked while glaring at Jay.

The same question was asked by others too because they were quite disturbed by what he has done right now.

It was by no means some ordinary hospital, it was one of the largest hospitals as it was already mentioned so there were a lot of patients there.

A guardian of each and every patient had come to his room in order to shout at him because of what he had


"Come on! Speak something!!!?"

"Why the heck did you scream so loudly?"

They asked him again and again which started to slowly bug him.

He had his gazes fixated on the ground all these times as if he ground was looking at the broken statue of his sister in the ground.

All the people who were looking at him seemed to have been frustrated because he wasn't answering anything.

One of them moved forward and walked towards Jay with anger that was clearly seen on his face.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Are you mute?"

The person asked but then again Jay didn't answer him.

The man wasn't particularly muscular, he could be seen as some average man who wasn't even a hunter but claimed to he so.

"This is a hospital especially for hunters... do you know that?"

"They are the ones that protect us..."

"Look at me, I Protect you, But because of punks like you we get tired and fail to do our job..."

The man kept boasting about many things. Most of the things that he told were just fabricated to which Jay didn't pay any attention.


After the long lecture, all of the people who were standing outside started to clap.

This basically rose his mentality and then he seemed to be even more proud because whatever he told was 100% true.

Regardless, it didn't have any effect one Jay. He just kept on standing like a statue in the same place whole staring at the ground.

It seemed as if he too had stopped blinking his eyes just like Sera earlier.

The man got even more annoyed by that and bent his head to see what Jay was staring at.

After judging the exact position of the eye angle, he took a look at the back onky to find some pieces of rocks were fallen.

"Ah? So these are the things at which you were focusing on rather than us?"


The man looked at the rocks or pieces of the statues with sinister like face.

He laughed a bit and said, "Guys, look at him; he is ignoring us while staring at the rocks that are fallen here..."

The man had some extraordinary ability to catch the attention of the crowd by saying some rather extraordinary words at the right situation and right now also he did the same thing.

"Why don't we just throw them out?", the man said with a sinister like laugh.

All of them agreed to that right away. Though the nurse didn't entertain such a behaviour which they were trying to do, she didn't particularly stop them.

She just stood back and watch at what they were doing.

It was as if they were ganging up on him. The man was also getting a large amount of support.

He slowly walked towards the statue and slowly bent himself to pick a piece of the rock up when all of a sudden he paused.

"Eww... this is dirty, it's right place isn't my hands..."


He smiled and said, "Its right place is under my feet..."

The man then moved his right foot towards the pieces in order to stamp them when suddenly a loud noise was heard.

It probably happened in a blink of an eye and the man himself was comfused too.

All of a sudden everything looked upside down to him and it was only after a moment did he realise that it was not the world, in fact he himself was upside down.




The man now screamed at the top of his voice because of the immense pain that he felt as he was slammed to the wall.

He did realise it late because of the shock which he had, but the pain didn't cease to stop.

All his back was literally covered with blood and at least tens to twenties of his bones had cracked and broken.

The rest of the people who were standing had their jaws dropped.

They literally didn't see exactly what had happened but there was only one person to suspect and that was Jay.

That was because it was only Jay who was close to the man and others couldn't have possibly done that while staying far away!

Their eyes were fixated on Jay and the nurse was also looking at him.

Even now he had his gazes lowered.

Then all of a sudden, he lowered himself and did a squat. Then he started to lift each and every piece of the statue that had broken earlier.

He wrapped all of those in a cover that had been placed in the Room.

He then slowly started to walk towards the door from which he was going to move out.

But that was blocked by others who were constantly looking his way.

Jay just said one word - 'Move' - and just by hearing that and looking at his fierce reddish black gaze, all of them disappeared in an instant.

The entire area was quiet for some reason and probably it was because they were able to feel a weird pressure on them.

The pressure was nothing more than the killing intent that Jay was giving off which spread through out the hospital.

No one even dared to stand in his way. All he did was simply walk out of the building.

He stood in front of the main road where many people were either walking or were driving their cars.

Each and everyone who passed by the area felt the massive killing intent. The range was 200m and everything within thy area experienced this pressure.

Jay then clenched his fist and grit his teeth. Even now he hadn't completely lifted his gazes.

He just said - 'Stealth' - immediately after which the pressure decreased.

Stealth was supposed to be a skill that would get developed with the hunter or user. It would develop in such a way that it would be able to suppress the killing intent and the hunters presence and probably that was why it was a great skill.

But such a skill of such a high caliber also failed to suppress all of his killing intent.

Jay then said another word - 'Accep' - slowly in a low voice immediately after which he vansished from the entire location which the pressure tol banished from the area.

"Phew! That was close!"

Many of the people sighed with relief as it seemed like they had just survived from a death like situation.

The nurses and the doctors came right away in order to take the man who was slammed on the wall away.

The man was badly injured and was required to undergo operation as what the doctors suggested.

The others who barely survived had been traumatised after experiencing this.

They could even hardly sleep since the moment they ceoild close their eyes, they would remember the scary face that Jay had made at that moment.

This was a topic which should have spread like wildfire but it seemed like no one even dared to open their mouths to tell anything.

It seemed like the news reporters were somehow reported about it and thus they just fabricated whatever came to their mind.

They just wanted a topic to gossip about and wanted the TRP rate of the channel to rise as that was their main aim.

'A mad hunter who just went on with a mind set of killing had run away from...'

The news was being shown on the T.V.

"Sigh, I don't know how much of a trouble this boy would create, don't you think so Sir Res?"

"Yes Young... you are right..."

It seemed like both of them were having a beer whole they stared at the screen where Jay's photo was shown.

To be continued...

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