The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 145: The Nine Out Of The Twelve Generals - Part 2


[ Dark Healer ]

[ Dark Summoner ]

[ Dark Beserker ]

[ Dark Scholar ]

[ Dark Assassin ]

[ Dark Beast Tamer ]

[ Dark Knight ]

[ Dark Necromancer ]

[ Dark Sorcerer ]


Jay could clearly see their names on the screen that was displayed by the system.

He read through all of them and recalled the nine occupations that were placed on the slabs.

Though he considered them as occupations, it seemed as if those were rather the names of these generals.

But just by looking at them, he couldn't identify which soul was possessing whom, but thanks to the system, that problem was solved.

Nevertheless, it was quite the bother to take a note of all their names and all the abilities they posssessd.

He wanted to take a look at all those stats too to ensure that they are strong enough to face them.

'System, display their stats too...', he thought in his mind.

Immediately after that the system displayed another message which contained everything about their ranks.



[ Dark Healer ]

Rank: S

Attack: 233 || Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 266|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 299|| Max. Speed: 999

-> Exceptional regeneration power.

-> Able to heal any and all with 100% efficiency.

-> Boosts Healing in the presence of Dark Affinity.

-> Presence Of Healer within the radius of 1 km of the king inflicts 15% Of healing boost on the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Summoner ]

Rank: S

Attack: 297 || Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 655|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 299|| Max. Speed: 999

-> Can summon any type of Beasts or Dark Beasts

-> Number Of Summoner creatures boosted with the presence of Dark Affinity Of The Beast.

-> Presence Of Summoner within 1 km radius of the king increases chances of dropping of legendary items for the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Beserker ]

Rank: S

Attack: 299 || Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 599|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 399|| Max. Speed: 999

-> Increases it's own stats by 100 points when enraged.

-> Increases the stats of the King when present within a radius of 1 km by 50 points when enraged.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Scholar ]

Rank: S

Attack: 299|| Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 355|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 299|| Max. Speed: 999

-> King's personal scholar and adviser who manages the jurisdiction of the kingdom.

-> Increases intelligence stat by 50 Of the king when present within 1 km range of the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Assassin ]

Rank: S

Attack: 433 || Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 655|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 899|| Max. Speed: 999

-> King's personal assassin who kills anyone upon his order.

-> Conceals 10% Of the King's Presence when present within a radius of 1 km of the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Beast Tamer ]

Rank: S

Attack: 133|| Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 195|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 199|| Max. Speed: 999

-> King's personal Tamer who tames any and all beasts.

-> Increases the efficiency of taming if the Beast Tamed by Dark Attributed or somewhat related to it.

-> Increase the Affinity Of Beasts with the king when present within the radius of 1 km of the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Knight ]

Rank: S

Attack: 883 || Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 889|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 899|| Max. Speed: 999

-> King's personal body guard and personal knight.

-> Increases the moral of the army with its presence.

-> Increases all stats by 500 Of the king when present near king in the radius of 5 km.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Necromancer ]

Rank: S

Attack: 183||Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 155|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 199||Max. Speed: 999

-> King's Personal Necromancer, can rise any being from its dead state but with 50% reduced stats.

-> Revives beings with 100% of the stats if related to Dark Affinity.

-> Revives beings with 200% Of the stats if the beings are of Dark Affinity.

-> Raises the control over deads of the king when in the radius of 3 km of the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]

[ Dark Sorcerer ]

Rank: S

Attack: 299|| Max. Attack: 999

Defence: 190|| Max. Defence: 999

Speed: 121|| Max. Speed: 999

-> A Mage specialised in the Dark Magic.

-> Increases the casting of magic of the king when near by 500 m of the radius.

-> Decreases mana consumption or MP points reduction by 90% Of the king when in a radius of 1 km of the king.

[You have no access to further information due to your low level]


Jay went through the stats of everyone carefully and understood each and everything.

Though he was just worried about one thing that was constantly showing.

'You have no access to further information due to your low level' - that was being shown after each and every stats that was being displayed to him.

Just by seeing that he understood that he was not upto the mark and was still quite weak.

But that didn't prevent him from thinking about saving Sera.

But then again, after going through their stats, he figured out that they were still weak.

Not a bit, but by a lot means, they couldn't possibly even be compared to his rank and powers.

Though the dark knight and some of them did have quite the high amount of stats, most of them could still be considered weaker than him.

'Are S ranks supposed to be only this strong?, he wondered.

He also thought about their physical bodies.

The bodies which they had been possessing were that of humans which were without a doubt quite fragile and if in that body they were to use all of their powers, the body might end up getting ripped apart.

That would be quite the trouble and bothersome for someone like Jay who doesn't want any one to die at times like now.

"They are good... but I'm worried about the hunters whom they have possessed...", was what Jay said loudly.

Akaluman heard it and murmered to himself, "Sigh, he still has quite the weak heart..."

He then stared at Jay and said loudly, "Listen boy, is you wajt to win something, you need to sacrifice something..."

"You mean to say... To gain something, we have to lose something?", was what Jay asked.

The dragon nodded his head to his saying.

Jay wasn't unfamiliar with that saying and without a doubt understood it perfectly.

But the thing was that he wasn't ready to lose anyone.

All of a sudden the dragon asked, "Decide... whether you want to save them, or your sister... whether you want to lose them, or your sister..."

Jay couldn't have probably decided about it right away because he had a totally different thinking in his mind.

No matter how hard the dragon would try to convince him, he wouldn't just let all the hunters who were in front of him, die just like that.

"No! You aren't understanding me... I want to save all...", was what Jay said.

He was quite stubborn and didn't listen to Akaluman.

Sebas and Katherine including Wolfy and Rick, could see Jay arguing with Akaluman.

They could see that the talks were that of quite higher level and thus thought that it would be best not to meddle in between them.

But then again, they waited eagerly but patiently to see what Decision Jay would take because the fate of the hunters and her sister, was in his hand.

"Just... what do I do...?", he grabbed his head and kept on thinking.

No matter how hard he thought, he failed to find a solution.

"Then What do you want? Throw the dungeon on them and kill them?", Akaluman asked.

It seemed as if he too was quite frustrated from the way Jay was acting.

"...", Jay was now questioning himself what would be the best.

Furthermore he was just quite for a while and was just thinking about what Akaluman said when all of a sudden he remembered something.

"You said that there were 12 generals right? 9 of them are here... then What happened to the other 3?", Jay asked.

The dragon was now completely quiet, he didn't know what to answer and was just averting his gazes.

"Huh...? Tell me...", Jay was waiting patiently to find out what had happened but Akaluman didn't even say anything.

Jay was now tired of waiting and said, "Come on... I'm in need to help..."

He started to think again when all of a sudden he remembered that he owned the sky dungeon too.

"Wait a second...", he knew that there would have been something in the dungeon that could help him.

It wasn't by knowledge that he came to know, it was just his instincts crying out and saying him to use the sky dungeon.

He turned his head towards Akaluman and asked, "Could there be something in the sky dungeon?"

"Wait... Sky dungeon?!!!!", Akaluman shouted when he heard that.

"How did I end up forgetting that place!!!?", he asked himself with a shocked tone.

Jay was now sure that there was definitely something in the Sky dungeon that could have helped him.

But that was only a thought or faith for now.

He then right away asked the system out of the blue to confirm if that could actually aid him.

'System, what are the chances of defeating the 11 sorcerers or running away alive from them if I were to use the help of sky dungeon?'

Just after he asked that, the message appeared on looking which, he was completely awed.

"What the... heck!!!?"

To be continued...

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