The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 150: The Staff Of Las Veronica - Part 2

No one told him that it was the crystal that had to be placed there.

It was just his instincts that made him do that and it seemed like it was indeed worth the effort.

A bright red shine was seen from the square space that was present there.

Jay left stone and landed on the ground immediately after which he picked up the sword which he had used as stepping stone earlier and out it inside his inventory.

Then he looked at the massive door which was opening slowly.

Although it didn't seem like a door, it could be considered as one because it was like that if an entrance.

The walls basically split and right after that another blinding radiance was seen from the place ahead.

It seemed as if there was another chamber right in front of him.

'Tap Tap Tap'

He just walked towards the chamber in order to see if the so called thing that he was looking for was present there.

The moment he entered the chamber, he was awed to see that it was completely filled with gold coins of immeasurable value.

Though he was shocked after seeing them because the mountains of gold voins that were present were more than enough to make him the richest man of the earth, he hesitated a bit.

It seemed like his instincts were vary of something and that was probably the gold coins itself.

'It's better if I don't touch them...', he said to himself and just walked ahead.

All he wanted to do was find a weapon which Akaluman described though telepathy when Jay asked, 'So, how does the artifact looked like?'

'It's a weapon...'

Despite the system locking his skills, he was able to communicate with them which was a good sign for him because of that didn't happen then it would have indeed been another annoyance for him.

Regardless, Akaluman describes the weapon after hearing which he started to look for it in the area.

'It's a weapon which is somewhat similar to a long rod or a spear but it would have no blade on it...', was what Akaluman had told Jay.

'Hmm... according to what he told... it would be just like a bamboo stick that is used in circus...', he thought.

'Or... it could be a staff?', he didn't want to neglect any possibility and assumened everything that came into his mind.

"But, there is nothing like that here...", he said while looking here and there.

"The only thing that's present here is the immense gold and some statues that are completely made up of gold...", he said.

There were many statues present there which seemed as if they were used for decorations in some time.

Moreover, he could see some other items such as a plate or jewelleries that we'd emade up of gold and other jems too.

He wasn't interested in them for the time being and looked for the staff but ultimately failed to find anything of that sort here.

'Damn... just where the heck can it be?', he started to cuss when all of a sudden his glances fell upon a chest box or a treasure box that was placed on top of a gold coin mountain which was within the reach.

"A... treasure box?", that not much of an odd sight for him to see, but without a doubt it felt a bit off because there was nothing else like that in the area.

No matter where he looked, that was the onky cheat box present there.

'Could it be...?', for a second he wondered if the staff or the rod could have been kept inside that and thought about opening it.

But just before climbing in the mountain of coins, he paused and took a keen look at the box.

"Isn't the box too small to have a staff inside it?", he asked himself whole looking at the box which was made out of wood.

That too confused him because when everything in the area was made up of gold, why the heck will something be made up of wood?

He couldn't think about it clearly and didn't want to think either because that would just divert his concentration.

"Uhh... waiting here wont solve anything...", he said to himself.

He took a few steps back because no matter what happened he didn't want to touch the gold coins.

Immediately after walking a few steps back, he ran with all his might and jumped towards the box.

"Yes... I'll reach it..."

'I will...'

'Reach it?'

He thought that he would end up reaching the box because as mentioned, it was within his reach and the mountain of the coins was only for a name sake and didn't have that much of a height anyway.

But then all of a sudden he felt otherwise.

When he jumped, the hill or the mountain looked quite small and it really did seem as if he would reach.

It was not as if his calculation went wrong or something went wrong with his mind, just that he felt as if the mountain never shortened.

The distance between him and the chest felt to be same and probably remained same and that's why he felt as if the mountain and coins had started to grow probably because of getting stockpiled.

He wasn't able to reach it in the end for some reason and ended up falling in the pile of gold coins which he was trying to avoid since earlier.


The same gold coins about which his instincts were warning about, had now completely covered him.

"This is..."

He started to sink in the coins which now seemed like a vast sea.

Though it was just his imagination, it wouldn't be an exaggerationto call it the sea of coins either because it was literally pulling him down too.

"No... I...", for a moment he regained his calm and was somehow trying to get out of it.

But by the passage of each second, his mind also started to go crazy and now the only thing that he could see through his eyes was the gold coins.

"Coins... I want more coins..."

There was literally coins everywhere for him and he too started to grab them one by one as if he would be bathing in them.

But little by little he was losing his rationality and was saying weird things.

"My coins!!!"


"I want more!!!!"

His rambling didn't stop and he kept shouting in the chamber which was slowly closing now.

The statue of the woman which he had seen earlier that was placed on the other area, showed anchange in its posture or rather its expression changed.

It smiled a bit when it could hear Jay's crying out, both due to pain and greed.

Though the smile didn't seem to be like that of a sinister one, it did feel as if it was evil.

It was as if everything happened the same way as it was planned and by this happened, the statue seemed quite pleased.


Jay kept sinking and he couldn't get a hold of himself right now.

He was not in the right state of mind in the first place and that was probably because of all the gold coins.

The coins slowly started to stack upon him which made it hard for him to breath.

'Wh-where am I...?'

All of a sudden Jay opened his eyes only to find himself surrounded by darkness.

'Wha-', he was too confused right now and was going to ask about what had happened when all of a sudden his breathing had become very much difficult to him.


He started to shout in pain because he could hardly even breath now. Moreover it felt as if he was getting crushed under something.

"What's happening...?", he failed to understand anything and slowly yet steadily his eyes began to shut.

'I am...'

'Dying...?', that was the only thing that came to his mind as he shut it completely.

It was as if he had given up on life at the moment.

He didn't think about anything else because of the magic that was on the coins which had influenced his mind.

It seemed quite easy to give up on anything and perhaps that was why she chose to do that.

Regardless, he has already take the decision and it seemed that it was his final call.





"Huh...!?", all of a sudden Jay opened his eyes when he heard a voice which was quite loud.

"What...?", he was confused as to what had happened. He turned his head here and there to check the situation and his surroundings when all of a sudden he found a familiar face standing in front of him.

He was completely shocked when he took a look at the person who was right before him.

His eyes were completely widened and it felt as if the eye balls could pop out at any moment from the sockets.

He could barely even believe at whom he was looking at.

"D... dad...?"

To be continued...

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