The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 165: The War - Part 5

Jay closed his eyes yet again. He started to concentrate his mind and was thinking about the area right after which he used an attack to completely destroy the area on which he was standing.


[ You have used the skill Dark Lightning ]

A large amount of lightnings that were appearing to have dark mist around them appeared and shattered the area as if it was nothing.

Res and the sorcerers paused when they felt another shock wave that had generated from the place where Jay was standing.

It was quite strong and probably that influenced them. Regardless, they turned their heads towards Jay only to find a lot of lights emerging from the area.

All of a sudden the circle that he'd been concealed all this time became visible and the became invalid too.

Furthermore, all the true sorcerers finally appeared and were visible in the sky.

The fire Sorcerer too flew quite high and joined them while Res missed the chance to attack him and finish him off when he was alone.

'One... two... three...'

Jay started counting one by one while staring at them.



'There are a total of eleven sorcerers?'

Jay looked with confusion at them.

Right now it was quite abnormal to see all of them appearing right in front of them because until now they had been hiding and it was probably due to Jay, they appeared.

Regardless, they knew that they had to fight with them for sure so both of them steadied themselves Ina battle stance.

'Damn... so they had been just laughing all this time while watching was fight?'

'They were literally toying with us...'

Jay grit his teeth on the thought that they were indeed just making fun of them.

Just by this Jay understood that they were far superior to him and probably that was why he failed to detect them earlier.

The eye of the Darkness hadbeen already deactivated so he couldn't use even that to detect them which proved that he was quite weak.

But at the same time he was shocked to see that even Res failed to detect them.

It could have been probably because he didn't observe his surroundings probably or it could have been because he was busy in fighting.

No matter what the reason was, it was the truth that even Res failed to detect them so that meant that they were either on Par with Res or were far more stronger than him.

'Jay clenched his fist because now he was completely aware of the fact that no matter what he would do, they would be unaffected.

Also, other than the dark lightning skill, other all skill seemed quite useless to him.

He couldn't use any of them right now and probably that was what he regretted.

But little did he know that he indeed had one skill which would help him a lot right now. He had basically missed that spell just because he had never used or seen it until now.

"Huh...? This!?"

All of a sudden the ground started cracking under them which was probably due to the immense pressure that was even felt by them.


[ Intense killing intent detected ]

[ The System is suggesting to enter Stealth mode to reduce the affect of the killing intent by 10% ]

The moment Jay noticed the system's message, he understood the reason behind the immense pressure.

He slowly raised his head only to find all the sorcerers giving terrifying gazes.

He almost instantly did as he was asked to do by the system and used the skill stealth.


[ You have used the skill Stealth ]

It was a skill that neglected all the physical attacks or barriers, so without a doubt Jay had high opinions about it.

But the pressure hasn't decreased even after using that and even if it did, it was almost negligible in front of the large pressure.

He noticed the system's message once again and found that the stealth could only reduce it by 10%.

'The heck... even stealth cannot protect me from this?', Jay was shocked by that.

He knew that the sorcerers were quite powerful but he never expected that their killing intent was more than enough to give him so much of troubles.

But there was nothing that he could do.

Even the skill stealth wasn't of any help to him. So all he could do was rely on Res because right now it seemed as if Res didn't have any much of problem under the pressure.

That was to be expected since Res was powerful enough to neutralise the pressure.

Jay was just looking towards him while trying to fight against the pressure. However the efforts were futile.

Regardless necessary for him to not give up right now because if he were to do that then everything would have been over.


[ You have used the skill Accel ]

Jay had already used the skill Stealth and now by using Accel He decided to go near Res because that was the only option left for him.

He almost immediately looked at Res and asked, "Sir Res, are you alright?"

Since he was in his stealth mode Res failed to notice him but he had already experienced a similar situation earlier in the dungeon by which he understood that Jay was nearby.

"Yes, I'm fine...", Res nodded his head and said that.

But that was not entirely true. It seemed as if he was indeed injured which was evident as he had fought a Sorcerer not long ago.

So without a doubt his mana and energy would have been quite less when compared to earlier.

"So what do we do about them sir Res...", Jay asked.

"...", Res didn't have any answer for that because d expire being such a strong hunter he failed to stand strong in front of them so without a doubt he knew that Jay would end up as a sacrifice in their hands.

That was something he didn't want to happen because of which he decided to withdraw.

"Jay... I guess we should leave..."

Jay was shocked to hear that. Earlier, when he had told about coming here, Res seemed to have been anticipating about it.

It seemed like he wanted to take some revenge and probably because of that he wanted to come here.

However it seemed like that was a waste and now he himself was asking if they could return.

Jay was speechless when he heard that because he had no intentions of returning after what the sorcerers did to his sister.

Furthermore, he didn't want to take the risk of them doing the same thing again sometime later because that would end up hurting other people too.

That was why Jay wanted to put an end to them once and for all.

Moreover, he wanted fl get revenge for what they had done because it caused a lot of commotion for him.

That was why he couldn't accept the fact that Res was asking to leave the place just like that so he said, "I don't think that would be a wise choice..."

The moment Res heard that, he just nodded his head but now he himself wasn't sure of what they had to do when Jay thought of suggesting something.

"Sir res, why don't you open a portal to let some of my friends to come here...?", Jay asked.


Res was not so sure about this despite the fact that he had agreed to do this earlier.

That was because he had never met or known about any of them so it was quite vivid for him to just agree to something like this.

However, it seemed as if that was the only thing left that they could do right now.

'"Very well then... let's do that."

He slowly raised his left hand right after which some weird reddish aura gathered around his palm.

It took the shape of a sphere and then disappeared while a portal appeared right in front of him.

The Portal was without a doubt connected to the place which Kay wanted since he had already told about its location before they came here.

'Listen to me... Sebas...'

Jay used telepathy to communicate with Sebastian since had to inform them to enter it too.

'Yes master?'

'A portal might have appeared in front of you...'

'Yes master... there is indeed a portal that appeared just a second ago.', Sebas said with a humble tone.

'Yep, then listen... I want you to enter it while bringing others too...'

Sebas understood what Hay said right after which he asked all of the warriors and other people that were present there to march into the portal.

The communication was cut probably because Jay has nothing more to say.

He just waited for them to enter the portal there and exit here so that he could gain a bit more of the powers.

Also, he was expecting one more thing which he recalled while thinking about the army and that was about the bluffs and effects that would be provided when the 9 generals would be near him.

Furthermore with the help of Runes he would be able to amplify the effect and with these things he has finally decided to take the sorcerers head on.


Jay clenched his fist and gulped a large amount of dry saliva right after which he raised his head at once and roared.

"Are you ready to die!!!?"


To be continued...

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