The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 168: The Promise

Two people were talking to each other while sitting in some area. the area was completely dark and thus they weren't seen but it was sure that a girl and a boy was present.

In front of them a large screen was present in which they could see all the monsters and the sorcerers that had arrived.

"Alright sis, I won't kill him will I know...", the boy said.

"Good, and don't you interfere much because this might disturb his awakening...", the girl said.

"Yes, I won't and anyway, he is going to get awakened soon...", the boy said.

"Eh...? Then doesn't that mean that our work is done? Shouldn't we return now?", the girl asked.

"Argh, sis, you are no fun! I just want to see if he can really become what he desires or will he become the person whom we fear about..."

"Listen, just by changing the timing of awakening by providing him a system, the history would be changed so you don't have to worry! Let's just...", the girl seemed quite hesitant to agree to what the boy was saying and they were arguing about this.

"Hmm, I guess it would be better to watch him for a bit longer because we need to be assured that he won't go down to that path again...", the girl said after pausing for a brief moment.

The boy nodded his head and both of them finally come to a common conclusion about what they had to do.

But even now their identity remained unknown and Jay had no idea that he had been being watched by someone all this time.


Since now Katherine had already taken Jay to a safe place, Sebas thought that it was the best time to start the attack.

He turned his gazes towards the sorcerers that were levitating in the air and said, "Death... is the only punishment that you will receive for laying your hands on our king!"

Right after that he shouted with all his might, "Charge!!!"

The moment that was told, all the beasts and monsters that were present there took their battle stance.

The vampires rushed first since it was an order from their side right after which all the goblins rushed when the Goblin Supremes gave a similar order.

Then the ogres also dashed towards the Sorcerers and their summons which was the same for Xyros too.

However the Generals stood there and did nothing because they had no one to lead them.

Furthermore, the generals didn't have complete will of their own because the souls hadn't stabilized yet. Because of that they didn't have a mind of their own and were just like some zombies without any rationality.

Regardless, right now even the sorcerers had given a somewhat similar orders and started to attack them.

A huge elephant appeared which was white in color which stomped many goblins from the army.

Moreover, the elephant then was trying to kill all the ogres and the vampires too, but the giant serpent that was present there, ended up wrapping the elephant almost instantly.

It's grip was tight enough to completely destroy the summon which vanished as soon as it's energy depleted.

The sorcerers were shocked when they saw this. They could barely take their eyes off of the thing that was happening.

But that didn't mean that they could just sit and watch everything that was happening.

They to had to fight since in terms of numbers Jay had quite the advantage due to which they had to exert a large amount of strength without which they couldn't have possibly escaped right now.


The sorcerer of wind and the sorcerer of Earth also sent out their summons but unfortunately they to collapsed soon.

They indeed damaged and caused a large number of casualities, but right now it was quite less for them since all that mattered right now was winning the war.

Sebastian was fighting against the Sorcerer of Fire who was quite strong.

Sebastian was barely able to hold his ground against him but no matter what happened he didn't give up and continued to fight him.

Regardless, he was just fighting not to win against the sorcerer, but to stall for time because he knew that once Jay were to recover and rise again, he would take care of the situation.

That was the unparalleled amount of trust which he had on Jay so right now he didn't divert his mind and just kept facing the sorcerer.

Since the sorcerer specialized in magic, their powers covered quite a wide range which was quite advantageous to them right now.

As the enemies were spread far wide, all they had to do was just fire the attacks without actually aiming which would take care of most of them.

Thanks to that a lot of time was being saved for them and all the concentration could be put towards the chanting of the spell instead of some random confusion.





Large and loud number of noises could be heard again and again. They weren't ceasing at all and no matter what happened the attacks just kept growing strong in a timely manner.

'Damn, I didn't expect this...'

'They are too strong...'

Sebas was quite confident that they would win when he saw the huge number of forces that had gathered.

But right now only after facing them head on, he realized that he was just delusional.

'Ya... that's right...'

'If it was so easy then my liege would have already won and wouldn't have required the need to summon us...', was what Sebas thought.

But he couldn't get distracted right now. He just kept his calm and did what was important right now.

The higher ogres and their leaders were also fighting with all of their powers only to stop the sorcerers.

They weren't able to over power them no matter how much of a force they used.

'Tsk, what the heck are they doing anyway?', Sebas got angry when he noticed that the so called generals weren't doing anything.

'Why are they standing like statues...?', he was totally confused.

For a moment he thought that they might have wanted to betray Jay and on seeing his weak condition, they decided to do that.

However that didn't seem to be the case which he understood when he recalled the fact that the generals moved only on the orders of the Dark Overlord and no one else.

The fight was just getting intense with the usage of large spells. It was the same for the leaders of each tribe who were also using their strongest attacks.

The shock waves that were being produced were more than enough to render any average human unconscious and right now Rick could have been targeted by it.

But thanks to Res nothing happened to him because he too had formed a protective barrier for themselves due to which the shockwaves didn't have much of the effects.

'Looks like I need to enter the battle field too...', Res decided to step in because he had successfully recovered a large amount of his mana which he had lost earlier.

Also his fatigue had reduced and his stamina returned due to which he felt that it would be best to help them instead of staying low.

He stood up and was then slowly walking out if the barrier when suddenly Rick asked, "Where are you going mister?"

Res paused and then said, "To fulfill a promise which I had made long ago..."

Right after saying that he dashed to the field where the war was currently taking place.

The so called promise which he said was probably much more important than his own life since he ran towards the field without caring for his life eve to the slightest.

Rick failed to understand what he meant by that but he was aware of one thing that right now Res wanted to do something very important that could probably help in winning the war.

Despite the little amount of contribution that he could give, it would have been rather essential right now


Res used his flames to fight against the sorcerers who were right now completely surrounded by the other monsters.

No one stopped him from entering the fight because right now even the slightest amount of help would amount to a great contribution.

Regardless, Res wouldn't have stopped either even if he was told to because he had to fulfill a promise which he had made long ago.

That was probably why he jumped high in the air and aimed at the Sorcerer who was still being suspended in the air.

While other Sorcerer were fighting on the ground, only one Sorcerer was left out who was just levitating at the same place and was doing nothing.

At least that was what everyone felt, but little did they know that he was the one who was the reason for the sorcerers' strength.


Res forced a lot of fire spheres to appear in his hand and extended it towards the sorcerers to kill him or at least injure him.

"Just DIE!"


To be continued...

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