The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 170: The Master Of Sorcerers - Part 2

The one who had been levitating in the air was pushed back by 50 meters and now he was intensely glaring at Res.

'Are you kidding me? I used almost all of my powers...'

'It could only push him back by little?'

Res was completely shocked to see that happen. He thought that if he were to use his entire power then the sorcerer would have ben injured at least by little.

However, never did he expected that the sorcerer would be unscathed as if nothing had happened.

Res was slowly falling towards the ground and thought about using the portal but right before he could do that, all of a sudden his body became immobile.

'Huh? What just...'

It was as if he had become a statue. He could neither move his arms or legs nor could he use any of his skills.

A large amount of killing intent rendered everyone immobile and that was something no one had expected.

The sorcerers were completely fine, but remaining all the beasts that were on Jay's side were paralyzed.

'Damn...', it was the same for Sebas. Even though he had used a large amount of strength to hit the Fire sorcerer, now he was completely powerless due to which he couldn't fight back against the killing intent either.

Even if he had some power left, he couldn't have possibly defended himself against such massive energy.

A huge sphere was formed in this sky. It was completely red as if it was engulfed with the flames of sun.

In fact, it looked exactly like the sun when it is the brightest. The dark attributed beasts were naturally weak against light and due to that their powers had already started to decrease.

"No way..."

"Just what kind of monster is he?", Res asked himself.


He asked this not because of the sphere, instead that was because the sorcerer's form started to change.

Earlier he had assumed a human form, but when he started using his powers for real, his form completely changed and now in place of human, a weird creature was present.

"Took me long enough to revive a small fragment of myself..."

"And when I'm finally back, I find pests injuring me?"

The weird creature said that loudly. The voice echoed throughout the area not only in everyone's head, but also in their hearts as if it was resonating with the pulses.

"No way... was he fighting such a monster before his death?", Res asked in a low voice.

"Pests... all are pests..."

That's what he said and released the sphere while aiming at the ground.

Res had seen Jay's dad, David, die in the hands of this very sorcerer but he had no idea that a small fragment of the devil was inside him.

It was only now he found out when he felt an evil aura from the person.

A devil's power cannot be compared to anyone else's powers. They are almost at the equal footing to the Gods so obviously there wouldn't be anyone that could stop them other than Gods.

That was what everyone believed, but they had missed one such important beings who were the ones that stopped the battle of the Gods and Devils.



The ground started to shake tremendously and most of the beasts who were paralyzed where now free to move.

"Well well, I didn't think that I would end up finding you here...", a loud and arrogant voice was heard.

All of the ones that were standing turned their heads towards the voice which included Res and the Devil who was floating in the air.

"N-no way..."

"W-what are you doing here...?", the devil was now sweating profusely.

The dark aura around him also started to fade and it seemed like he was quite nervous.

"Why are you here... Akaluman!?", he asked.

All of the people where shocked too and couldn't hep but widen their eyes as a reflex.

Their jaws had already dropped and they were astonished to the maximum degree.

The ground that was shaking tremendously was due to the one who was walking with his heavy legs despite the present of the wings.

Res freaked out when he saw too and ended up asking despite knowing, "A... a dragon!?"

Yes, Akaluman had made his appearance and was standing quite arrogantly.

It seemed as if he had regained his size. The aura that he was giving off was nothing to be ridiculed at.

Just by looking at that anyone could end up being fainted.

"What is one of the true dragons doing here?", he asked again.

"Do you expect me to answer your question, pest?", Akaluman asked.

All the remaining sorcerers on the ground had already trembled in fear. They had no idea that they would be seeing a dragon visit them. That was the same with other monsters too.

A dragon, especially a true dragon is one of the strongest being who can rival the Gods and Devils!

It was these dragons that had stopped the ling war of the Gods and Devils. 

That was why the devil was scared because he was not in his complete form and even if he was complete, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to win against Akaluman.

"Anyway, I don't have time for this, just get out of here.", Akaluman said in a loud and dominating voice.

The devil could do nothing but obey since he was far inferior but for some reason he didn't back off. It was probably because of his pride and ego since till now he had been quite arrogant and was at the top but in a moment he was shown his place.


"I will at least injure you and leave!", he said this and fired the sphere with all his might which he had been holding on his right palm which was facing the sky until a while ago.

He disregarded the fact that the other sorcerers could also get hurt and instead, he just attacked because he wanted to at least hurt Akaluman.

Right now, Akaluman hadn't regained all of his power. It was true that his form was back but his power was way too less to even block such an attack.

It was quite hard for him to even maintain his large form so he was also put into a predicament.

If the devil had noticed that the dragon failed to did anything, then he would attack even more and won't leave because there wouldn't be any better chance than this to finish a dragon and gain recognition.

The sphere had already powered up so the explosive the power that it contained was enormous.

'Damn, I didn't expect him to fire that...', Akaluman was shocked and he was trying his best to think of a way to stop the attack from reaching the ground.

'Looks like I have to-', Akaluman wanted to take the risk of allowing his body to face the attack.

A dragon's scale can be considered to be one of the strongest materials ever known so he thought that he would let the attack hit his body.

But that was too risky because his body was not immortally strong either!

'Let's leave the rest to the fate.', he said and just slowly moved and positioned himself exactly below the sphere.

Res was free to move because of which he had already landed on the ground. Right now all were expecting the dragon to stop the attack but only Akaluman knew about his own condition.

Even he vampires weren't aware of his exact situation at the moment and just blindly trusted him.

"Come at me! I'll face you with my body!"

"The remaining pests, get out of my sight!", he shouted much more loudly.

All the sorcerers that were on the ground ran away and hid near the tree or some rock because they had also lost a significant amount of power.

They no longer believed in the master sorcerer as they had found out that he was a devil!

Other too did the same. Even though they believed that the dragon could stop the attack, their body had already moved just by looking at the size of the attack.

'Damn, I wish that it won't be painful...', the dragon thought in his mind.


Just just stood at the same place with his eyes closed by the sphere never did hit him.

In fact, even if he were to stand there for eternity, the sphere wouldn't have even neared him.

He was confused and thus he opened his eyes a bit only to find a magnificent sight right in front of him.

"Brat...?", the dragon said in a low voice.

In front of him, Jay was levitating in the air. He had already stopped the attack completely by absorbing it's explosive power completely.


[ You have used the skill Absorb ]

[ You have absorbed a large amount of energy which will be stored in void temporarily ]


To be continued...

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