The Adventurer’s Academy

Rin, The Adventurer, Part Ten

The camp, once engulfed in the chaotic frenzy of battle, gradually settled into an uneasy calm as the shadows dispersed.

A collective sigh of relief resonated through the air, mingled with the lingering awe inspired by Xhez's mysterious intervention, and the horror of having witnessed several people lose their lives. 

Amidst the curious glances cast toward the water sprite Rin had acted as a wall of sorts, keeping people from pestering her. That said, she was curious as well. 

She gestured for Xhez to step away from the others, finding a secluded spot where their conversation wouldn't be overheard.

"What was that back there?" Rin inquired, her eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and gratitude. "I mean, I know your voice is magical but I haven't seen you do something like that before." 

Xhez, still shimmering with the residual magic of her song, looked at Rin with a thoughtful expression.

"It was a type of banishment song. My mothers taught me about it when I was very young. I have not seen those kinds of monsters in years, but the song still works against them."

Rin's eyebrows arched in surprise.

"What were those monsters anyway?" 

Xhez's usually innocent eyes darkened briefly with memories.

"My mothers called them 'echoes'. Creatures born from death and darkness. They can consume the light within a person's soul. Good that we stopped them." 

Rin took a moment to absorb the information. 

[Monsters born from death and darkness... Yeah, not the best sign of how this region is doing.] 

Before Rin could delve deeper into her thoughts, Jany's voice interrupted their conversation.

"Rin, this girl cannot be healed through conventional means." She pointed at Lisa. "The shadows cursed her. We must take her to my people. She's in poor condition, and they may be able to help her. It would also be a good opportunity for me to firmly pay you back for helping me earlier," she declared with a serious expression. 

Rin nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation.

"Right. Let me inform Maria and Cara about this. They should know what's happening."

She made her way to where Maria and Cara were overseeing the aftermath of the battle.

Both teachers wore expressions of concern and fatigue, their eyes reflecting the toll the recent events had taken on them. They'd been left unscathed but the others' conditions weighed heavily on them. 

"Maria, Cara," Rin addressed them, her tone conveying the urgency of the matter. "Uh, this is Jany. She's a resident of Cardana. Jany says we should take Lisa to her shamans for healing. She's in a bad state."

"... Shit," Cara hissed as her eyes went from Lisa to Jany herself. "So, she's Cursed?" 

"She is," Jany stated. Even standing in front of these powerful individuals, Jany spoke with authority. "My people can help her but we must leave quickly. She does not have much time." 

Maria and Cara looked at each other, both considering this issue. 

"Alright. Rin," Maria stepped forward. "Take Lisa with you and go with her." 

Rin nodded, acknowledging the directive, but before she could move, Maria continued with further instructions.

"Alea, go with them."

Rin's eyebrows furrowed in protest. She hadn't noticed, but Alea had been standing close by.

"What?" Alea asked, shocked. 

"These enemies are weak to Essence. Xhez is a gifted mage but she's still just one girl. Head out with them." 

"But..." Alea paused, however, as Maria looked back at her. Finally, she sighed. "Fine." 

"Wait, I'd rather have Sara with us. She's better in a fight."

Maria, however, remained resolute.

"Sara stays with the group. That sword of hers works against the shadows. We need her fighting capabilities here. Alea, go with Rin. Protect them."

Cara, sensing Rin's reluctance and understanding her concern for Lisa's safety, nearly moved to accompany them, but Maria raised a hand, halting her.

"Cara, you stay here too. I need you with me." 

Cara looked like she wanted to argue against that, but she instead hunched over slightly and nodded. 

The weight of responsibility settled on Rin's shoulders as Maria's instructions sank in. Reluctantly, she accepted the task at hand.

As she turned away, she saw Eve looking her way. Knowing about that crush the fairy had on Lisa, Rin tried to give her a reassuring smile, wanting to let her know the girl would be fine. 

"Alright," she responded, her gaze shifting to Jany, Alea, and Xhez. "Let's go. We don't have time to waste."


The night air hung heavy with the aftermath of battle as Rin, Alea, Jany, and Xhez ventured into the shadows beyond the campfire's glow.

Rin bore the weight of responsibility, Lisa's limp form draped over her back. Alea couldn't help but voice her discontent. 

"Ugh, so much mud and... Yuck!"

Rin rolled her eyes.

"You signed up to become an adventurer and you're that grossed out by just mud?" 

"Am I not allowed to have preferences?" 


Jany, leading the way with a determined stride, glanced back at the duo.

"We shall head back to my camp so I may grab some supplies and check in on my brother. Once we've done so, I will have my companion fly us to Cardana. Though, one of you may have to stay behind." 

"That won't be a problem," Rin replied. "Xhez knows a spell that can change her size. She can just make herself smaller." 

"Ah. In that case, perhaps we can all make it in one trip." 

Soon, they arrived at that camp once again. 

The boy who had been injured earlier had since woken up and was sitting with his back to Jany's drake companion.

He sat by a makeshift fire, his gaze locking onto the approaching group. Jany's eyes softened at the sight of her brother, a mix of relief and concern in her expression.

"Brother, these are the ones who helped us. Rin, Alea, and Xhez," Jany introduced them, her voice holding a note of gratitude.

Rin gave a nod of acknowledgment, adjusting Lisa on her back. Alea offered a hesitant wave, still wary of the unfamiliar surroundings. Xhez, ever curious, observed the boy with a quiet curiosity. 

"Thank you for your help," the brother spoke, his voice carrying the weight of recent events. "Jany, are you sure you should not send them on their way?" 

"No," Jany responded. "I have a debt to pay back." 

"Ah, I see. Give me a moment, I will-" 

"No," Jany replied. "In case the others do not take kindly to me bringing strangers home, perhaps it would be best if you remain here." 

Rin's brows shot up. 

"But, what about the shadows?" 

Jany's brother answered the question himself. 

"I can repel them," he stated. "The attack earlier happened because we got careless. I will not let that happen again." 

"Indeed," Jany said. "Now, let us go." She went to grab a pack of leather. Reading her intentions, the drake adjusted its position, preparing itself to let her mount it. "Your friend does not have much time left." 


One by one, they slowly got on the drake's back. 

And, before long, they were taking to the sky, with Cardana on the moonlit horizon. 

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