The adventures of Jaina the s*x slave.

1-39 to honor his wishes

Jaina curled into the arms of Roric, feeling a great sense of relief to be held by her master. All she needed right now was to feel that belonging and know she was owned. Roric wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tightly, resting his chin on her head as he let out a sigh.

“I am sorry about last night,” Roric said softly as he stroked her back. “But I knew you would agree to do it if you heard about how much money he was offering.”

“It’s alright,” Jaina whispered as she rubbed her cheek on his fur. “You made me feel like a slave, and I relish knowing that you used me to make yourself happy.”

“But I wasn’t happy,” Roric replied. “Last night, all I wanted was you in my arms.”

“Oh, Roric,” Jaina said and smiled widely. “Why do you love me so much?”

“Because you are everything I ever hoped and dreamed for,” Roric answered. “And when New Eden opened, you practically begged me to make you my slave.”

“I did beg you,” Jaina laughed. “I begged you to collar me and never let me go.”

“I remember you said you wanted me to make all your decisions for you,” Roric added. “And use you like I did in our MMO.”

“And you do, every day,” Jaina said with a smile as she enjoyed being in his arms. It was funny how she could enjoy a night full of sex with a stranger but find herself desperate to be in Roric's arms afterward. It was as if she needed to be reaffirmed that she had done it all for him, and he was pleased by her efforts. Now was no exception as he held her in those furry arms and made her feel special.

“So, what does it feel like to be in chastity?” Evalynn asked as she came up behind Jaina to rub her shoulders.

“You know, I kinda like it,” Jaina replied. “There is something arousing about not being able to touch yourself. I know I can't have sex unless Roric removes my belts, and it feels like I am making a sacrifice for him.”

“Do you still feel guilty about going free?” Chandice asked, drawing a look from Roric.

“Why would she feel guilty?” Roric asked.

Jaina sighed and explained her final encounter with the lizardman. He went out of his way to make it special and paid all that money because he wanted to be the last man who would know her body for the next fifty years.

“Forty-seven,” Roric corrected and looked down at the belts around Jaina's breasts and waist. “So, now you feel guilty that we took his money, but he isn't getting his wish?”

“A little,” Jaina replied with a shrug. “He even gave me a parting gift and shoved a large red gem into my body. He assumed I wouldn't be able to get it until after the belt came off.”

“So it’s inside you right now?” Gisley asked as she came close enough to touch Jaina’s stomach.

Jaina nodded and shifted in Roric’s lap so her belly was where the others could reach it. The metal bands of her belt covered her waist and straight up her groin, but she felt around the side until she could feel it.

“Press here,” Jaina said and let Gisley and Evalynn feel.

“I can feel it!” Gisley said excitedly. “It’s a big gem!”

“I can feel it too,” Evalynn added. “He must have been very smitten with you.”

“That’s just it,” Jaina said. “He wanted to be the last man who would have sex with me until the time ran out.”

“He even paid extra to be the one who put the belt on her,” Chandice added. “He was very into knowing he was the one who locked her up. He even made her beg him to lock her away.”

“It was so intense,” Jaina said with a sigh. “He really made me feel like this was for good.”

“And you made him feel like he had been special to you,” Chandice assured. “And let's be honest, he was special to you. I think that gem was his way of saying you truly gave him a magical experience.”

I suppose I did,” Jaina said and ran her hand along the belt. “But I still feel obligated to keep it on.”

“Well, you can’t,” Roric insisted and turned Jaina’s head to look into her eyes. “That is my decision to make, and I need you to dance and service more customers.”

“I will do anything you tell me to,” Jaina replied and leaned in to rub her nose on his. “I am your slave girl, and you will decide what I can and can't do.”

“Aww,” Gisley sighed. “I love it when she’s so sweet.”

“Coming from the woman whose heart is like pure sugar, that is quite a compliment,” Evalynn said.

“All of my girls are sweet,” Roric said and reached up to pull Gisley and Chandice into his embrace with Jaina. “And you make the men fall in love with you.”

“I like it when they fall in love,” Gisley cooed softly. “I feel so good when they look happy.”

“I like it when they tell me they love me,” Evalynn added. “Some of them want to kiss through the whole thing.”

“Speaking of lovers,” Jaina cut in and ran a hand along Evalynn’s back. “Has Droslin been to see you?”

“Last night,” Evalynn said with a nod. “He came over with the rest of the rogues and couldn’t wait to get his hands on me.”

“I worry that boy is becoming too attached,” Chandice said. “He can’t seem to live without you.”

“That is a concern,” Roric agreed as he held all three of his beauties. “But I think the best way to deal with it is how Jaina helped Sergius.”

“You mean help him find a real girlfriend?” Jaina asked.

“Why not?” Roric asked. “If she helps him find a woman to share his love with, it will make the transfer of emotions easier.”

“I suppose it would,” Jaina agreed with a nod.

“He would need to be looking for another first,” Evalynn pointed out. “I am not sure he’s doing that knowing how easy I am to access.”

“Probably not,” Chandice agreed. “You may have to make the suggestion. Tell him you can't be his forever and you would like to help him find somebody who can be. Then it feels like you care about him so much you want him to be happy when you're gone.”

“I can try,” Evalynn said with a shrug. “But when we finally move on, he will have to come to terms with it. I have told him that I am Roric's property, and he is only allowed this romance because Roric says he can have it.”

“Just make the suggestion that you want to help him find a proper girlfriend,” Chandice urged. “That should get him thinking about it, at least.”

Evalynn agreed to talk to him about it as they huddled together and began to put on one another. Jaina loved that she had so many beautiful women to play with, and all of them loved her. She settled in to be a part of their love when a question came to mind.

“Oh, you never told me how much we made last night,” Jaina said and looked at Roric. “I know my lizardman paid you handsomely.”

“He paid us three thousand three hundred gold for the rights to be your last lover for fifty years,” Roric said. “Including the other men, Chandice's women, the dancing, and then what your sisters made, we brought in twenty-two thousand gold.”

“Twenty-two thousand!” Jaina said in shock and bolted upright. “Are you serious?”

“You made most of it,” Roric said and looked deeply into her eyes. “Rajeen was right. The men went wild over the chance to have a harem girl and increase her time in chastity.”

“Forty-seven in one night,” Chandice added. “What I find funny about that is how much they paid just to go in and get it over with. The ones paying much less for Evalynn and Gisley took far more time.”

“A lot of them were pretty brief,” Jaina agreed. “Some of them weren’t in the room more than five minutes.”

“That just means all those men cared about was being able to brag that they contributed to her chastity,” Evalynn suggested.

“Whatever their motivation, it drove them to be quick and allowed us to send a lot more than normal at a very high cost,” Roric agreed. “Six to ten an hour for nearly six hours, all paying three hundred and fifty gold.”

Jaina reeled as she tried to wrap her head around it. In one night, they had made back all the gold they spent helping repair the town they left. A week's worth of dancing like this, and they would have over a hundred thousand gold to build their home with. It was a dream come true, and she looked at Roric with tears in her eyes before gently planting her lips on his muzzle.

“I love you,” Jaina whispered. “Please use me to make all the money you can.”

“I intend to,” Roric replied and then shifted to place Gisley and Evalynn on the bed. “But first, we need to get those belts off you.”

Jaina nodded and stood before him as he fished out what looked like an old-fashioned key with a blue stone. He explained that Rajeen had given it to him as a means to unlock the belt. All he had to do was tap the magic disk that held it together, and it would come apart. She watched as he tapped the magic disk, causing it to flash and then drop out, releasing the lock on the belt. He tapped the smaller one holding the metal bar, and it too came apart, freeing Jaina's sexy parts.

Gisley and Evalynn helped remove the belts and set them aside as Roric reached down to fondle Jaina's tender folds. Jaina smiled to feel Roric's firm hand touching her special place and spread her legs wider to give him more access.

“Where is the gem?” Roric asked as he reached a finger into her body.

“Oh, I feel it,” Jaina said, trying to push the object out. “But he pushed it in so deep I can't seem to move it.”

“Try pushing on it from the outside,” Evalynn suggested and used her hand to feel for the stone. She then pressed three fingers into Jaina's stomach, trying to dislodge it. Gisley helped to press from the other side, but they had to admit the stone wasn't moving.

“I think it might actually be in your womb,” Evalynn suggested. “I hope that wasn’t enchanted to do something once it was inside you.”

“I hope he hasn’t found some magical way to impregnate you,” Chandice said with a degree of worry in her voice.

“I doubt he would do something so cruel,” Jaina said. “He was a sweetheart, and I think the gem was a way for me to remember him when the belt finally came off.”

“Well, there is only one way to get it now,” Roric said and looked to the girls. “Everyone, show me your hands.”

Gisley, Evalynn, and Chandice held out their hands so Roric could inspect them. He chose Gisley because hers were the smallest, so she was selected for the task. Jaina was going to bend over and spread her legs while Gisley reached in and pulled the stone out by hand.

Jaina got into position, leaning on the bed with her rear presented to the room. Gisley knelt behind her and stared into Jaina's pussy as she considered how best to accomplish her task.

“Just reach in and pull it out,” Chandice urged as Gisley tested Jaina’s folds.

“It would be easier if she was wetter,” Gisley suggested, leaning to the side to look into Jaina's eyes. “I am going to make you orgasm.”

Jaina nodded as Gisley kissed two fingers before rubbing them into Jaina's flower. Jaina had a good wet orgasm a moment later, shared by Gisley, who squealed as her collar made her share it.

“Oh, I forgot that was going to happen,” Gisley complained while reaching between her own legs. “Now I am all wet too.”

“You are always wet,” Evalynn laughed. “That’s why everybody likes to eat you.”

Gisley humphed and reached her hand up, pressing three fingers into Jaina's body. Jaina moaned and rocked her hips as Gisley struggled to get more fingers in.

“Are we sure this will fit?” Gisley asked as she found herself pushing hard.

“The accommodate skill will make it fit,” Jaina replied with a groan. “You just need to thrust at it like a man would.”

Gisley nodded and began to work her hand, firmly fucking Jaina’s wet pussy. She giggled while slowly working her way into Jaina’s body. She leaned in hard as Jaina let out a deep grunt, then her hand was swallowed by Jaina’s tender lips, closing around Gisley’s wrist.

“This is fun,” Gisley said as she started to feel around inside.

Roric started to laugh as he noticed the big smile on Gisley's face. She was enjoying her task so much that her antenna had fully extended, and her eyes were sparkling.

“We have a very strange relationship,” Chandice said as she leaned over to see Jaina’s pussy more clearly.

“It may be strange, but it is a lot of fun,” Roric said, reaching up to stoke Jaina's head as she jumped from the fingers moving inside.

“Are you playing in there?” Jaina asked as Gisley pushed deeper, looking for the gem.

“I can’t find it,” Gisley replied and leaned into Jaina to push her arm in deeper. “How far did he push it in?”

“He used his fingertips to get it way up there,” Jaina grunted.

“Well, it isn't here,” Gisley replied and leaned into Jaina, her arm slowly being swallowed up. “Oh, wait. I think I feel it!”

“Good, because I am pretty sure you are in my lungs,” Jaina groaned.

“I think I got it,” Gisley replied as she started to pull back. “Wow, it’s big.”

Gisley’s arm slowly came out, dragging a bulge down Jaina’s stomach. She reached the tunnel of her passion and found it very difficult to go any further.

“My hand is stuck,” Gisley said as she pulled, causing Jaina’s pussy to bulge out but not release its death grip.

“That's how accommodate works,” Roric said. “It lets a man in, but if they have a knot, it holds them fast until they are done.”

“So, what do I do?” Gisley asked as she tugged again, causing Jaina to let out a deep groan.

“Hmm, you have brought it most of the way out,” Roric said. “Let it go and pull your hand out. Let’s see if Jaina can push it out from here.”

Gisley smiled and released the stone before pulling her honey-slicked hand from Jaina's body. It came away with a sticky plop, leaving Gisley's hand covered in Jaina's love.

“Now, see if you can push it,” Roric suggested as Jaina nodded and focused. She groaned and announced it was moving before her pussy suddenly bulged. A red glass-like object appeared between her lips, and her little hole widened as the gem began to slide out. It fell into Gisley's hands to reveal it was a beautifully faceted red gem, almost as large as a tennis ball.

“Wow,” Chandice said as she looked at the prize. “He wanted you to have that?”

“Apparently so,” Jaina said as she looked back to see Gisley holding it up.

“That is an impressive gem,” Roric said before looking at Jaina. “But I feel like this belongs to you.”

“I have to admit I think we should keep it,” Jaina said. “I feel like I should do something special with it.”

“I think you should keep that gem,” Roric said as he pondered a thought. “In fact, I think you should keep it inside you.”

“You do?” Jaina asked in surprise as Gisley handed her the large gem.

Roric nodded and explained that he could see Jaina wanted to honor the lizardman’s dream somehow. So they would use some of their gold to have the gem mounted to a vaginal plug. For the next forty-seven years, Jaina would wear the plug in honor of her lizard man lover, only taking it out when her pussy was needed for sex.

“I love you,” Jaina said and threw her arms around him. “Thank you for understanding and making this special.”

“Thank you for making such a sacrifice for me,” Roric replied. “You have come here to dedicate your life to serving me, and I will always see that as the demonstration of love it is. It’s hard to believe you three want me to be your master.”

“Now I feel left out,” Chandice said as she folded her arms. “If I knew slavery was going to be this beautiful, I might have considered it.”

“You are perfect just the way you are, Roric said and held out a hand to pull her to the bed. She sat beside him and Jaina as he stroked Jaina's hair. “I need help caring for my three girls, and they need a woman who understands what women need. You complete our family, and we will build a beautiful life together with you and I at the head.”

Jaina stretched across the two of them as Gisley and Evalynn crowded in to share the loving moment. It was a lovely moment that Jaina needed badly to help reaffirm her place in Roric's harem. She might belong to Rajeen right now, but in the end, it was Roric who owned her heart. She held up the gem and turned it over in her hands, feeling something special inside. That man wanted her to have this as a memory of their time together. She would treasure it always and keep it safe inside her body where it belonged to honor his wishes. Who knows, maybe she would meet him again one day, and she could thank him for the gem.

For now, she started to feel very sleepy, her long night of sex finally catching up with her. Roric noticed her drowsy eyes and tucked her into bed while Gisley sprinkled some glitter on her head. She dreamed that she had worn the belt for forty-seven years, and her lizardman returned the day it was meant to come off. He was the first man to make love to her when she was finally free of the belt. When they were done with their night of passion, she dreamed that he asked her to put it back on so that only he could love her.

When she opened her sleepy eyes, Gisley was curled to her chest, sleeping soundly and probably in a dream of her own. The others were gone, but a note by her pillow said Roric had taken them to the bank to deposit the gold. He also took her gem to have the plug made and would return to take them to dinner.

Jaina let out a contented sigh and rubbed the shoulder of her sleeping companion. She lived a life full of love, where her only purpose was to make herself and others happy. She longed for the day they would build their home so she could finally wear Roric’s chain and dance before his throne.

A little later, the door opened, and Evalynn walked in wearing a beautiful white and gold dress. Her hair was braided in a looping pattern, and she had lovely earrings dangling from each ear.

“You look wonderful, Jaina said as Gisley shifted a little. “What’s the occasion?”

“Chandice bought us outfits,” Evalynn said and came to sit on the bed. “She says she wants us to look the part of proper ladies from time to time.”

“So we’re proper ladies now?” Jaina said with a smirk.

“It would appear we get to play the part once in a while,” Evalynn replied and stroked Gisley's head. “But this little flower was always a proper lady.”

“She is very sweet,” Jaina greed. “So sad she picked prostitute by accident, but so wonderful that she found purpose in it.”

“I am sad I didn’t pick prostitute,” Evalynn joked. “She can please men so easily. All she has to do is touch them.”

“I doubt the men would be happy if she used her special ability to make them cum seconds into their lovemaking,” Jaina said.

“Oh, but she doesn't do that,” Evalynn said and explained how Gisley used prolong to give them a good long session, full of hot sex. Then when they do cum, she reached for their cock with her special touch and gave them a full minute-long orgasm. They left exhausted and raving about how she drove them wild.

“Wow, she does that for all of them?” Jaina asked.

“As far as I know,” Evalynn replied and smiled slightly. “She likes them to praise her for making them so happy.”

“Aww, our sweet prostitute wants to know she's doing a good job,” Jaina cooed as the door opened and the others came in. Chandice had on a lovely black gown cut low around her chest and woven with a pattern of green threat that resembled flames. She announced that it was her new warlock outfit and came with some small bonuses to her imps.

“It looks sharp,” Jaina said as Gisley finally stirred, opening her eyes to smile at Chandice.

“You look pretty,” Gisley said and stretched her arms.

“I got you a gift,” Chandice said, taking out a blue gown with purple swirls and silver flowers.

Gisley squealed and jumped out of bed to try on the gown, taking it up eagerly and dancing in a spiral. She ran to the mirror and held the dress over her naked body, her little butt swaying in her dance.

“Just seeing that dance made the purchase worth it,” Chandice whispered to Roric.

“She certainly seems happy,” Roric agreed as Jaina got up and joined his side.

“You bought a girl a fancy new dress. What did you expect was going to happen?” Jaina said, then went to help Gisley try it on. Gisley bounced as the garment fitted over her body, leaving her shoulders bare and making her look innocent.

“How do I look?” she asked with blue eyes that sparkled with joy.

“Umm, was that the look we were shooting for?” Evalynn asked.

“No, but I like the effect,” Chandice said with a pleased smile.

“Great, now we are going to have to beat the men off with a stick,” Jaina laughed.

“I have a very sharp glaive that can do wonders for keeping men at bay,” Evalynn offered.

“We shouldn’t need that,” Roric said while looking Gisley up and down. “And you look radiantly beautiful.”

Gisley smiled so wide Jaina was sure it was painful. She bounced a little more before turning to the mirror, trying to see herself from every angle.

“It really is a pretty dress,” Jaina said.

“A pretty dress for a pretty woman,” Roric said and walked up to wrap his arms around Jaina. “We got you a dress as well,” he said.

“Oh, is mine going to make me look like a school girl?” Jaina teased.

“No,” Chandice laughed. “But now that you planted that image, I might get you that one next.” She reached into her backpack and pulled out a silver and white gown woven with little blue stones. It had long arms and a skirt that went to her ankles. It was covered in lace and ruffles, but the back was wide open, and the top clung to her chest.

“My, My,” Jaina said as she took the gown in her hands. “I feel like a princess on her way to the ball.”

“We wanted something that matched your purity,” Roric said as Jaina burst out laughing and nearly fell over. She stumbled to the bed with tears in her eyes as she struggled to get control of herself.

“What’s so funny?” Chandice asked.

“My purity!” Jaina wheezed, trying to catch her breath. “Oh, I am laughing so hard I could pee!”

“I don't think somebody considers herself very pure,” Evalynn commented.

“Oh, common,” Jaina protested. “I could give a succubus a run for her money with the body count I’ve had.”

“That doesn't mean your not pure,” Roric countered. “You do that because I tell you to, and you obey. But inside, your heart is full of love, and you desire to give people meaningful experiences. All three of you would rather make love to a man than just have sex, and it shows.”

“Well, I appreciate your definition of purity, but I think the dictionary would disagree with you,” Jaina countered and held out the dress. “Still, I love this outfit.” She smiled and put the dress on, bending over at the hips so her loved ones could see her pussy. Once the garment was in place, she held out her arms and turned about so everyone could admire it.

“You do look like a princess,” Roric said approvingly.

“Thank you,” Jaina replied, doing a little curtsy. “This fits amazingly well. How did you know my size?”

“Because it's modeled on me,” Chandice said and walked up to run a hand along Jiana's arm. “I love dressing you all, and I noticed you, and I wear the same size. Not that it matters much, the dresses are magical and will adjust to fit a range of sizes.”

“Oh, right,” Jaina replied with a nod. “I remember that from a Reddit post. Well, thank you for the dress. Is there anything I can do to show you how much I appreciate it?”

“I can think of plenty of ways for you to show your appreciation,” Chandice said hungrily.

“I can start showing you right now,” Jaina offered with a lick at her lips.

“Oh, I would like that, but Roric has one more gift for you,” Chandice said and stepped back.

Jaina looked to Roric, who held out his hand to reveal her red gem. It was now mounted to a golden stem made of corded spirals. It was as long as her hand and ended in a curved shield made of thin wires to that it looked like lace.

“My gem,” Jaina said in surprise and reached up to run a finger over the red object.

“Now, it can stay where it should but is easily removed when you need to,” Roric said and handed it to Chandice, who walked behind Jaina.

“Bend over, lover,” Chandice said as she ran a hand over Jaina’s rear.

Jaina nodded and reached down to lift the hem of her dress while bending over, so her butt was presented to Chandice. Chandice smiled and worked the gem in until it popped into place.

“I am doing a lot of bending over for you today,” Jaina laughed.

“Well, you are my girlfriend,” Chandice replied and tested the fit. “It seems to be firmly in place. See what you think of it.”

Jaina turned her rear to the mirror to see the golden shield perfectly cupped her full pussy. It was now encased in a cage of golden bars, locked away as safely as if she was wearing the belt.

“This is as protective as the chastity belt,” Jaina said as she rubbed at the cage to discover she couldn't stimulate herself at all.

“It was meant to be,” Roric said. “I wanted you to feel locked away while it was in.”

“I do feel locked away,” Jaina said and looked to the others. “Why do I feel better to know that’s back inside me?” Jaina asked as she stood up.

“I think the lizardman went out of his way to make that encounter special,” Roric said. “He touched your heart and made it clear he wanted you to keep that gem inside until the belt came off. Naturally, you want to honor his wishes, and it makes you feel better to know you are doing so in some small way.”

“Why are you so willing to let us do this?” Jaina asked and looked at Roric. “You care so much about our feelings that you allow us to have attachments to other men.”

“That's easy to answer,” Roric said and looked from face to face. “I know without doubt or reservation that you all belong to me and that any attachment you share with another is only with my permission. If I told you to stop, I know you would do so without so much as an argument.”

“Of course, we would,” Evalynn replied. “I didn't understand this at first, but you're the one that makes this possible. I need to know you are going to love me at the end of the day, or I couldn't go through with it.”

“Me neither,” Gisley added. “I like it when they fall in love with me, but I know who my master is, and I need his approval.”

“Which is why I don't need to lock the collars,” Roric said and cradled Jaina in his arms. “I also know that by helping you honor that man's wishes in some small way, you will love me more for it.”

“You are the rarest man in the world,” Jaina replied. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have met you.”

“I am the lucky one,” Roric replied. “Your selfless devotion to obeying me has created a life full of magic. It has also shown two others how wonderful it could be and drawn them into our family. I mean what I say when I tell you that you are the greatest treasure in all the world.”

“Awww,” Gisley said and joined the hug. Evalynn and Chandice joined a moment later, the five of them embracing as they acknowledged they were a family.

When the hug finally broke up, Roric stepped back and told his girls he wanted them to make love. The three smiled as Chandice went to the head of the bed and laid back, lifting her dress before becking Evalynn in with a finger. The elf woman crawled into the bed and gently nestled her face between the woman’s legs. Gisley climbed in after, laying on her back under Evalynn and pulling the woman down. Her warm tongue began to lick, feasting on the folds above as Jaina bent over the edge of the bed and pried the fairy's legs open. Now she joined the line, savoring the flavor of fairy glitter as she lapped up the sweet honey.

Roric sat back and watched, waiting for the chain reaction he knew was coming. When it finally hit, it was Chandice who had the orgasm first. Shared orgasm triggered Evalynn a second later, but then Gisley was triggered by Evalynn. Jaina was only a few seconds behind as she shared Gisley's orgasm, her body quivering as the spasm ran down the line of women.

Roric waited till they had a few more, the orgasms coming in rapid succession. Then he ran a hand along Jaina’s rear, teasing the skin around her golden shield. He leaned over to whisper in her ear as she feasted on Gisley’s body.

“I almost forgot to tell you,” Roric said as she continued to eat. “I ran into your lizardman while out in the streets. I told him how grateful you were and that you wished there was some way to thank him. I then gave him a small jar of Gisley's glitter and told him which nights to use it so Gisley could find him to pull you into his dreams. On those nights, you will be his to use how he wants and thank him for his generous gifts.”

Jaina moaned in Gisley's body in response as she kissed her neck. She began to wonder if the dream she had just had, was actually her lizardman lover? It was so magical a thought that it made her want to cry for joy. Roric made all of this possible, always pushing to fulfill the dreams of his slave girls. She couldn't imagine loving Roric more than she did now and knew her devotion would never waiver even after a thousand years.

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