The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 73 - The Storm VI

The urgency in Staff-Sergeant Venn's voice crackled through the comms as the command channel clicked to life for everybody at the same time, a clear and undeniable warning that reverberated through the battlefield.

"Masks, Masks, Masks! Now!" His words, strained with the weight of imminent danger, served as a stark reminder of the peril they were in.

Instantly, Thea, Lucas, and the group of defensive heavies sprang into action, their movements a blend of urgency and trained discipline.

As they sprinted towards the safety of the trenches, each of them rapidly checked the integrity of their armour seals. In Thea's case, she swiftly ensured her mask was securely fastened, a crucial barrier against the impending chemical onslaught, yet likely futile in the face of the unmistakable inferno descending atop them.

The scene unfolding just mere dozens of metres above them was surreal, almost otherworldly.

The descending blanket of fire, slow yet relentless, was like a deadly snowfall, an eerie juxtaposition of beauty and destruction. It was a scene that would be etched in Thea's memory forever—a slow-motion horror that threatened to engulf them in its fiery embrace.

Thea's mind raced, torn between the instinct to flee and the harsh reality of the situation.

Would she have preferred a swift end in the flames, assuming the shells had descended further before exploding, to this agonisingly slow wait for the inevitable? The thought was fleeting but chilling, and she pushed it aside, focusing solely on reaching the trenches.

The escalating tension was amplified by Thea's vivid recollection of Lt. Jorvik's Warfare 101 Lecture, which she had attended alongside Lucas. Her exceptional memory, usually an asset, now only served as a conduit for a deeper understanding of the danger they faced—a more thorough reason for her anxiety and fear to take proper hold.

Lt. Jorvik had meticulously covered a wide array of ammunition types used by the UHF AD in T1 battlefields. Among these was a particular type of shell, colloquially known as “Fire Blanket” shells. Technically, they were termed “Igni-Tenax Shells,” but this formal nomenclature was rarely used in the field, marines generally preferring to call them IgT-Shells for short.

These shells held a more special position within the UHF's arsenal.

First and foremost, they were considered a type of T1 ammunition. Unlike regular artillery munitions that could be endlessly printed on-site by portable printers, these specialised shells required a proper logistics network for transportation, secure storage, and delivery.

This inherent logistical complexity made their use a significant strategic decision; not one to be taken lightly.

The fact that these shells couldn't be endlessly produced and had to be physically transported to the front lines simultaneously meant that each shell was a precious commodity. The strategic implications were enormous—using these shells indicated a serious commitment of resources and intent by the Stellar Republic

Furthermore, the nature of T1 ammunition meant that each shell was not just a simple piece of ordnance but was also infused with either high-tech enhancements or T1 System Materials. In the case of IgT-Shells, it was the latter that was key.

While the shells themselves were outwardly simple, lacking any intricate technological components, their lethality was derived from the System Materials included within. This aspect transformed what would normally have been standard artillery shells into instruments of devastating chemical warfare, capable of creating a deadly inferno with some additional terrifying and unique properties, which were impossible to be produced by typical ordnance.

During the Warfare 101 Lecture, Thea had found herself awestruck by the sheer scope and complexity of the System's materials and the variety of ammunition types that were employed in T1 battlefields.

Lt. Jorvik had presented an extensive list of ammunition types and Thea had counted over 20 different T1 Materials contained within, each one tailored for specific tactical purposes. Yet, he had emphasised that these were merely the "most commonly used" types, hinting at an even broader array of specialised munitions beyond what was covered in the lecture.

The range of T1 Materials and their unique properties underscored the depth and versatility of the System Materials. Each one was seemingly designed by it to achieve specific outcomes on the battlefield, from piercing the toughest defences, over altering physics on a fundamental level, to creating impassable environmental hazards for the enemy.

The Igni-Tenax Shells, which had piqued Thea's interest, were a prime example of this innovative use of System Materials within modern System-sanctioned warfare. They were an ingenious blend of two T1 Materials: Ignium and Tenaxium.

Ignium, the core component of the IgT-Shells, was not just any ordinary flammable material.

Its properties went far beyond simple combustion; it was a material that operated on an almost molecular level. Upon ignition, it didn't just burn—it actively disintegrated anything in its path, breaking down every substance into its individual molecules to sustain and continuously intensify its fiery existence. This relentless breakdown and consumption meant that it would continue to blaze until every last particle of Ignium was fully exhausted, regardless of whether it landed on dirt, water or the very air itself.

But what made these shells particularly insidious was their combination with Tenaxium.

Tenaxium was the antithesis of Ignium in its behaviour. Where Ignium destroyed, Tenaxium bonded, merging with anything it contacted at a fundamental level. This fusion created a dual-natured reaction: The destructive force of Ignium tearing apart molecular bonds, fueled by Tenaxium's unifying capabilities.

This synthesis of Ignium and Tenaxium in the IgT-Shells resulted in a substance with catastrophic consequences. On contact, it would latch onto any material, bonding at an atomic level, and perpetually consume its surroundings to feed an ever-intensifying inferno.

The implications for anyone caught in its path were dire.

Unless protected by armour entirely composed of T1 System Materials, even a single droplet of this hybrid substance could lead to rapid and total annihilation. The only recourse in such a dire situation was immediate amputation of the affected area, abandoning it to the ravenous flames while seeking safety from the expanding sea of fire.

In the midst of the descending fire blanket, Thea couldn’t help but be reminded of the grim reality of their situation. The IgT-Shells represented a level of warfare that was both terrifyingly efficient and horrifyingly inescapable—they needed to get into some solid cover; now.

As Thea and her group neared the relative safety of the trenchline, the descent of the fiery blanket loomed ominously, mere metres above them. The heat was already oppressive, a scorching wave that penetrated even the advanced Spectre armour she donned.

The heat reminded her of one other, extremely pressing issue: Her Caliburn.

The weapon had already been close to overheating before, due to her rapid-firing to destroy the two anti-armour cannons, but the rapidly increasing ambient temperatures were likely going to exacerbate the issue. In a swift, almost reflexive motion, Thea gripped the Caliburn’s tightly, before she briskly racked the bolt mid-run, a necessary action to release the pent-up heat from the weapon's recent firings.

The heat discharge from the Caliburn burst forth in a blazing eruption, briefly creating a spectacle that made the descending hellfire seem momentarily benign in comparison.

The searing wave from the Caliburn washed over her, the sensation almost akin to her flesh searing beneath the armour. It was a fleeting yet intense experience, a moment where the line between agony and relief blurred. But as quickly as it had surged, the wave from the Caliburn receded, yielding to the relentless advance of the fire blanket above.

As Thea hastily addressed the immediate danger posed by her overheating Caliburn, another pressing concern dawned on her: their chances of reaching safety were rapidly dwindling.

The trenches, with their protective plasteel domes, promised a temporary refuge from the impending fiery onslaught, but the descending inferno of the IgT-Shell was mere moments away from engulfing them.

In a serendipitous display of teamwork, Lucas, alongside one of the heavies equipped with a similar solid-cover shield, instinctively coordinated their actions. With a swift, fluid motion, they hoisted their shields overhead, expanding them to their maximum size. It was as if they had transformed into living, breathing bulwarks, their shields morphing into a makeshift canopy of impervious T1 material, offering a crucial barrier against the fiery deluge.

Beneath this improvised umbrella, the other three heavies converged protectively around Thea, instinctively forming a defensive cluster.

Their movements, now restricted by the necessity of maintaining this protective formation, became a cautious and measured advance. Each step was deliberate, their progress a slow, methodical trudge towards the relative safety of the trenches.

The oppressive heat from the descending blanket of fire was almost tangible, wrapping around the group like a suffocating cloak. Thea thought it couldn’t get any worse, but as the IgT-Shell’s fiery blanket reached their level, it reacted violently with the ash and debris littering the ground.

The temperature soared to unbearable levels, and the flames took on an eerie green hue, casting a ghoulish light on their surroundings. The air itself seemed to scream in agony, the sound so primal and terrifying it was as if the very atoms were decrying their untimely deaths.

This cacophony of atomic anguish resonated in a way that was almost physical, assaulting their senses.

Lucas and the other heavy, their faces etched with determination and strain however, continued to hold their shields steadfastly overhead. The shields, though robust, began to emit a faint glow, indicative of the extreme heat they were deflecting.

Thea, nestled in the eye of this infernal storm, felt a wave of nausea and disorientation wash over her.

The heat was like nothing she had ever experienced; it was as if she were standing within the central heart of a star. Her head pounded with the intensity of the noise, the screaming atoms resonating in her skull. She focused on taking shallow breaths, but even this small act brought its own form of torment.

Each inhalation felt like drawing in a scorching gale. The air inside her sealed armour had heated to a dangerous level, turning every breath into a searing pain that scorched her lungs. The prickling sensation on her skin intensified, a constant reminder of the inferno just beyond their protective shell.

Despite being at the centre of their formation, shielded by the bodies of the defensive heavies, Thea could feel the relentless assault of the heat. It was a physical force, pushing against her, trying to penetrate the protective circle they had formed.

She closed her eyes briefly, fighting off the dizziness that threatened to engulf her, aware that losing consciousness now would be a guaranteed death sentence.

The heavies around her grunted and groaned, their movements growing increasingly laboured as they inched their way forward. The trenches, their temporary haven in this hellish landscape, seemed agonisingly distant despite being mere metres away. Each step was a battle against the oppressive heat and the disorienting, nightmarish cacophony.

What made the whole ordeal even more problematic, however, was the fact that the blanket had now fully descended, burning the very ground they intended to walk on. The flames, hungry and relentless, consumed everything in their path, leaving behind a hellish landscape.

The defensive heavies, encased in their Ultra-Heavy T1 Armour, were somewhat insulated from the direct effects of the IgT-Compound, but even they were not immune to the extreme heat radiating from the blanket.

Thea, less protected than her counterparts, found herself at the mercy of the defensive heavies' quick thinking and resourcefulness.

They worked tirelessly, using their shields and melee weapons to clear a path through the burning debris. Their actions were precise and calculated, avoiding any direct contact with the incendiary compound that threatened to consume them. Thea watched, her vision blurred by the intense heat, as the heavies manoeuvred the scorching dirt, ash and debris with urgency, creating a semblance of a safe passage amidst the chaos.

Every second was a battle against the oppressive heat that seemed to press in from all sides.

The air was thick with heat and the acrid smell of burning. It was oppressive, suffocating, a physical weight that pressed down on Thea with each laboured breath. Her eyes stung and watered, but she dared not close them, not even for a moment. The threat of the IgT-Compound was omnipresent, a single touch being all it would take to seal her fate.

Through her blurred and tear-filled vision, she witnessed the tragic fates of less fortunate marines.

Those who had been unable to reach the safety of the trenches in time, or those who had been splashed with the deadly compound, met their end in horrifying silence. Their demise was almost instantaneous, the compound's ferocity leaving no opportunity for screams or cries of pain.

It was a silent, terrifying vision of lethal efficiency.

At that crucial moment, a sudden, piercing sensation of impending peril surged through Thea's chest, her Psychic Foresight screaming a warning of an imminent threat. The sensation was sharp, a clear and unmistakable alert that danger was rapidly closing in.

Trapped within the tight circle formed by the defensive heavies, she found herself ensnared in what had transformed from a protective barrier into a potential death trap. The heavies, while shielding her from the relentless assault of the IgT-Compound, inadvertently blocked any path for quick evasion.

Instinctively understanding the gravity of the situation, Thea's instincts kicked in. She had no room to manoeuvre, no way to sidestep the impending attack. Her only option was to make herself a smaller target, to minimise the potential impact. With swift, decisive action, she dropped to the ground, her body instinctively curling into a tight, compact form.

Every muscle tensed, ready for the unknown but imminent strike.

Even as she was mid-air, falling to the ground, she activated her proximity comms, her voice a sharp, commanding echo amidst the chaos, "Get down!" The warning was clear, a desperate attempt to alert her comrades of the looming danger.

It was a split-second decision, one born of the need to survive and protect.

Instantly reacting to Thea's urgent call, the heavies around her displayed the kind of unflinching discipline and readiness that only battle-hardened soldiers could muster.

In a fluid, almost rehearsed motion, they all simultaneously moved to evade the unseen danger, while meticulously maintaining the protective formation beneath their shield umbrellas. Lucas and the other heavy with a solid-cover shield adjusted their stances, ensuring the shields remained aloft even as they prepared for evasive action.

Amidst this orchestrated chaos, a high-calibre bullet, seemingly fired blindly from one of the heavy weapon emplacements atop the wall, streaked perilously close. It seared through the air, its trajectory altered by its passage through the fiery IgT-Compound, gaining a deadly coating in the process.

The bullet narrowly missed the first heavy, but found its mark in the arm of another—a female heavy to Thea's immediate left. The projectile, now enshrouded in the volatile compound, tore into her ultra-heavy armour with a horrific force, creating an opening through which the compound began its merciless work.

A gut-wrenching scream pierced the air as the female heavy experienced unimaginable agony. The IgT-Compound, lodged deep in her arm, began an unstoppable, violent reaction.

It tore through her molecular structure, igniting her from within in a horrific display of fiery destruction. The flames, voracious and unrelenting, rapidly engulfed her entire form, a gruesome spectacle confined within her sealed T1 armour.

In a final act of selfless bravery, the female heavy, with what little strength and consciousness she had left, leaped into the surrounding inferno. Her decision was one born of sheer will and determination, a sacrificial move to prevent any risk of the compound splashing onto her comrades. Her body, now a self-contained inferno, vanished into the flames, her armour a momentary silhouette against the backdrop of the descending firestorm, before it rapidly crumpled, melted and vanished into the inferno.

The rest of the group, witnessing this tragic yet heroic act, felt a mix of horror, admiration, and a renewed sense of urgency.

They all now understood the insidious nature of the simultaneous attack: The combination of the IgT-Compound with a blind barrage of bullets created a scenario where each shot had the potential to become a fiery executioner.

Resuming their formation with haste, the group reoriented themselves for the final stretch towards the trenches. Thea swiftly regained her footing, bolstered by the heavy's quick manoeuvre to fill the gap left by their fallen comrade.

Their advance, though harrowing, was now bolstered by the sight of their goal—the plasteel domes of the trenches, now awash in the IgT-Compound.

These domes, though coated in the compound and clearly being dismantled by the Ignium within it, as well as melting from the enormous heat created by it, held up better than anything else around them.

As they neared the trenchline, the first of the heavies reached the domes and began the arduous task of clearing the fiery compound that pooled at the entrance. Using his shield, he scooped and flung away the hazardous material, creating a makeshift path to the safety within. His actions were precise and deliberate, yet definitely tinged with a speed that spoke of the urgency of the situation.

But just as they seemed to be making progress, a series of thunderous explosions ripped through the air, momentarily drowning out even the pervasive roar of the flames that surrounded them. The sound was deep and resonant, reverberating through the ground and the very air around them, signalling another drastic shift in the battlefield's dynamics.

Chunks of debris, all alight with the fiery embrace of the IgT-Compound, began to rain down around them. The massive pieces of wreckage bore the distinctive markings of both UHF and Stellar Republic fighters, creating a surreal collage of destruction in the fiery hellscape. Each impact sent showers of burning compound and twisted metal scattering in all directions, adding another layer of danger to their already perilous situation.

Amidst the chaos that raged on the ground, a new battle had seemingly erupted simultaneously in the skies above.

The UHF command, quick to respond to the new threat, had evidently launched a counteroffensive to challenge the Stellar Republic's sudden and unexpected deployment of aerial forces. The fact that the Stellar Republic had brought their fighters into the fray marked a significant escalation in the conflict—likely as a further combined assault to break the UHF’s rudimentary fortifications, so the IgT-Shells could claim their victims.

It was a stark reminder that the battlefield was multidimensional, with threats and engagements occurring in every conceivable space.

The heavies around Thea instinctively tightened their formation upon this revelation, moving closer to shield her from the deadly rain. Their movements were synchronised, each one acutely aware of the vital role they played in protecting the only member of their group without the protection of Ultra-Heavy T1 Armour.

Meanwhile, the heavy at the front, tasked with clearing a path to the trenches, seemed to find an additional reserve of strength and urgency. His movements became a blur as he shovelled away the small lake of the deadly compound, creating a narrow but vital path to the relative safety of the trenches.

In this chaos, another one of the constant stream of high-calibre bullets, continuously being fired blindly from one of the heavy weapon emplacements atop the wall, tore through their formation. It narrowly missed the heavy at the very front, instead striking the right hand of the heavy to Thea’s right.

Upon impact, his hand erupted in flames, the IgT-Compound instantly igniting. Without a moment's hesitation, the heavy, his face a mask of grim determination, drew a massive shotgun-like weapon. With a grimace of pain and resolve, he aimed it at his own shoulder and pulled the trigger.

The resulting blast was brutal and decisive.

The heavy's Ultra-Heavy Armour, designed to withstand incredible forces, was no match for the point-blank discharge. The arm was severed clean off, torn away in a horrific spray of blood that instantly caught fire, adding to the inferno around them.

The heavy stumbled, reeling from the self-inflicted wound, but quickly regained his balance. With remarkable presence of mind, he raised his one-handed shield to cover the bleeding stump, protecting it from any further exposure to the deadly compound.

Thea, Lucas, and the surviving heavies, still reeling from the heavy's self-mutilation, were jolted back into the present by a thunderous explosion overhead. The din and heat momentarily paled as they instinctively looked up.

In that surreal, elongated moment, the fiery blanket above seemed to tear open, a gap in the inferno exposing the chaotic sky. A flaming chunk of one of the UHF fighters, its once-proud form now reduced to a smouldering wreck, plummeted toward them.

It descended like a meteor, its fiery tail trailing smoke and sparks, an apocalyptic vision etched against the backdrop of the battle-ravaged sky.

The group, frozen in a mixture of awe and terror, realised the imminent danger. The wreck, hurtling down with catastrophic force, threatened to obliterate anything in its path.

Lucas, ever the protector, acted first, his survival instincts kicking in.

He shouted a warning, his voice barely audible through the comm over the roar of the descending debris. The group, spurred into action by Lucas' call, scrambled to move, knowing that even their ultra-heavy armors would not withstand a direct hit from such a massive object.

In that heart-stopping moment, Thea felt herself suddenly propelled through the air with astonishing force. Her grip on the Caliburn faltered as she was flung toward the trench opening. Time seemed to stretch, elongating the moment into a surreal tableau.

She saw Lucas where she had just been, his arm outstretched in the wake of his desperate throw, his figure framed against the fiery chaos around him, a lone bastion against the apocalypse.

The heavy who had been working to clear the trench entrance, with a soldier's instinct, dove into the trench just moments before Thea hurtled through the same space. He immediately positioned himself above her, his bulky frame forming a protective barrier against the lethal IgT-Compound dripping from above.

Beside them, the heavy with the solid-cover shield, in a frantic bid for safety, leaped toward the trench.

But fate was cruel and swift.

As he made his move, the burning wreckage of the UHF ship crashed down with a deafening, ground-shaking thud.

The impact was instantaneous and catastrophic, obliterating everyone it engulfed.

Thea, dazed and disoriented, found herself being dragged further into the trench by the last surviving heavy. Behind them, a shockwave laden with more fiery destruction and IgT-Compound blasted through the area, a relentless tide of annihilation following the path of the wrecked ship.

Their scramble into the relative safety of the trench was frantic and frenzied, driven by the primal urge to survive. The trench, once a symbol of slow, grinding warfare, had become their only refuge in a landscape that had transformed into a hellish inferno.

The world outside the trenches had fully transformed into an unfathomable inferno, a maelstrom of fire, death, and destruction, epitomising the relentless and merciless nature of the Stellar Republic's counter-assault.

This landscape of destruction underscored one grim truth for Thea: War, when waged by forces equally empowered by the Allbright System, was a relentless, unforgiving theatre of devastation and unfathomable loss…

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