The Allbright System - A Sci-Fi Progression LitRPG Story

Arc 1 - Chapter 76 - Infiltration Prep

The minutes that followed were filled with animated conversation as the team reconvened, sharing stories and experiences from the fierce onslaught at the wall. Thea listened intently as Isabella and Desmond recounted their roles in the initial assault.

As Corvus had mentioned, they had teamed up with a group of offensive heavies, embarking on a crucial mission to neutralise the anti-armour cannons. The trench lines had served as their stealthy pathways, allowing them to move undetected and launch surprise attacks with their heavy arsenal.

Isabella's eyes sparkled with excitement as she recounted her experience with the RC-05, known among UHF marines simply as the "Crusher".

Thea couldn’t help but find the nickname a bit mundane, a stark reminder to what happens when grunts are left to name their own gear. However, the weapon's capabilities seemed anything but bland.

Described by Isabella as an oversized rocket launcher, or more aptly, a rocket cannon, it had proved to be a formidable weapon. Thea raised an eyebrow, listening with a mix of awe and concern as Isabella described the weapon's powerful kickback, which had dislocated her shoulder despite its integrated grav-lock feature.

To Thea's surprise, however, Isabella seemed less perturbed by the clear flaw in the weapon’s design and more thrilled by its sheer power. She even expressed a keen desire to acquire one after the assessment, throwing a playful glance at Thea and jesting, "So I can actually do my job and don’t have to rely on our scout’s overpowered gun," her voice laced with mock exasperation.

Thea chuckled at Isabella's feigned pout, amused by her teammate’s unabashed enthusiasm for the heavy-duty weaponry.

Desmond's tale of the siege was as gripping as it was insightful, a rare glimpse into the strategic mind of Alpha Squad's typically reticent drone operator. His account of the Crusher’s might left no doubts about its destructive capabilities, impressing even him with its ability to obliterate the Stellar Republic's heavily fortified anti-armour cannons in mere shots.

Thea listened intently, keen to understand the intricacies of operating in such an extensive and chaotic battlefield. Desmond detailed how he had expertly utilised his drones, not just for reconnaissance to identify the targets, but also to assist in precision strikes by relaying crucial targeting data directly to the offensive heavy units. This synergy of technology and firepower had been pivotal in their operations.

The team had used the trenches to their advantage, swiftly emerging to unleash the Crusher’s firepower and then vanishing before the enemy could pinpoint their location. They had judiciously avoided firing from the same spot twice, a smart move to evade sniper fire or more devastating countermeasures. His drones also played a critical role in confirming the successful neutralisation of the cannons, a final step in their meticulous strike plan.

However, Desmond's attempt to infiltrate the Stellar Republic’s electronic systems atop the wall presented a different challenge. He recounted getting close enough with a drone to attempt a hack during one of their movement-phases in between attacks, only to find their cybersecurity defences dauntingly robust, way beyond his current skill level.

Yet, there was no hint of frustration in his voice, just a matter-of-fact acceptance and a resolve to find other vulnerable points. His confidence was unshaken, underpinned by his belief in the inevitability of his success given enough time.

“After all, defending against me trying to break into their electronics would require someone to monitor it, otherwise anything’s hackable. Given infinite time, there’s nothing I can’t get into. So all I have to do is find an area that doesn’t have such robust defences and meticulous monitoring, and I’m in,” he had asserted with a confident smile.

As Lucas, Karania, and Thea took turns recounting their roles in the initial assault, a pattern emerged in their storytelling.

Each narrative skillfully sidestepped the final, harrowing moments on the battlefield. The details around the deployment of the IgT-Shells, with its traumatic aftermath, were conspicuously absent.

It was as if by mutual, unspoken agreement, they chose to bypass those final, chaotic minutes, summarising their experiences with vague references to their demise and subsequent revival in the respawn pods.

Thea noticed this deliberate omission, realising it wasn't just her who had been deeply affected by the IgT-Shell bombardment. The scars of that experience were shared silently among them all.

As the group wrapped up their exchange, a unified sense of purpose settled among them.

They recognized that it was time to shift their focus to the primary objective of their assessment. The battles and skirmishes they had faced until now were just the prelude to the real challenge that lay ahead in infiltrating Nova Tertius.

With this understanding, they each began to make individual preparations for the upcoming mission. It was a moment of transition, from the reactive chaos of the initial assault to the more deliberate and strategic approach required for their main task.

Thea, turning her focus inward, accessed her profile.

[Status, Attributes & Currencies]:

Thea McKay - Level 6.98 - Contribution Points: 520 / 533 - Unspent Attribute Points: 0

HP: 131 / 131 - Stamina: 165 / 165 - Focus: 177 / 225 - TBD - TBD

Class: None - Specialization: None - Title: None - TBD - TBD

Strength: 3.38 | 3.18 (+0%) + 0.2

Finesse: 4.73 (+0%)

Vitality: 2.51 (+0%)

Recovery: 2.72 (+0%)

Stamina: 3.11 (+0%)

Focus: 4.31 (+0%)

Perception: 8.45 | 5.28 (+60%)

Resolve: 9.55 | 5.97 (+60%)

[Psychic: TBD (+0%)] (Locked[?] 24.82/30)

[TBD: TBD (+0%)] (Locked)

System Credits: 13,300

System Merit: 2,465

As Thea perused her profile, she immediately noted an important detail: The rewards from the initial assault hadn't yet been credited.

'It seems like being below the battlefield doesn't count as being "out of combat" for the System,' she mused. This observation didn't particularly unsettle her. In fact, she found herself in a contemplative bind since the incident involving her Psychic Gate on the return to the front lines.

Thea pondered her next steps. 'Should I really be investing more into Resolve and Perception?'

The possibility that enhancing these attributes might inadvertently trigger her Psychic Gate again loomed in her mind. The risk felt too great, and she couldn't take the chance without understanding the implications fully.

She had decided to postpone any further allocation of her Attribute Points until after the assessment, the morning after the incident itself. She figured that, by then she would be able to consult with someone knowledgeable about the Psychic Gate phenomenon and get a direct answer to the myriad of questions that roamed in her head.

Consequently, the absence of the level-up rewards from the recent combat, which remained pending, seemed inconsequential to her.

‘Guess my Attributes won’t change for a while. But my Abilities have definitely seen a massive surge in levels that I haven’t really kept up-to-date on.’

Her Abilities had been gaining rapid level-ups as a result of the generalised experience gain that was part of the System rewards, whenever she left combat. As a result, most of her Abilities had shot up from being essentially unused at Level 0, to most of them being Level 3-4, with some even being close to reaching the coveted Level 5—unlocking more minor alterations for her to choose.

Due to the fact that most Abilities didn’t drastically change from level to level, as well as the fact that she had been positively inundated with work, however, Thea hadn’t really spent the time to carefully comb through each of her Abilities and the corresponding level ups, to see just what exactly she might be able to do with them now.

‘Now’s likely the best time. I probably won’t find as much downtime once we’re in the city,’ she mused, as she pulled up her Ability window—albeit this time, in a more condensed fashion. Thea specifically asked the System to give her only the differences from Level 0 to whatever current Level the Abilities had now. She didn’t need the full descriptions again, after all.

[Active Abilities 5/5 - Condensed: Level 0 -> Current]

[Active (Silver) - Sensory Overdrive | α - Level 5]

Factor: 500% -> 750% - Effect Duration: 0.5 -> 0.75 seconds - α Duration: 0.1 seconds

[Active (Silver) - Sky Step - Level 3]

Duration: 1 -> 1.33 second(s) - Maximum Planes: 1 - Maximum Weight: 150kg -> 165kg

[Active (Iron) - Penetrative Shot - Level 4]

Factor: 5x -> 7x - Maximum Material Tier: 1 - Effect Duration: 1 shot(s) or 1 -> 1.5 second(s).

[Active (Iron) - Inspect Target - Level 3]

Maximum Targets: 1 - Perception Scaling: 20 -> 23%

[Active (Copper) - Improved Sprint - Level 3]

Effect Duration: 10 -> 10.75 seconds - Boost Factor: 50% -> 53% - Maximum Movement Speed: 30m/s -> 34.5m/s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Passive Abilities 5/8 - Condensed: Level 0 -> Current]

[Passive (Gold) - Detect Weak Spots - Level 0]

Perception Scaling: 10% -> 10%

[Passive (Silver) - Meditation Focus - Level 3]

Factor: 500% -> 575% - Perception Limit: 1% -> 2%

[Passive (Silver) - Silver Respiration - Level 3]

Additional Time: 60 -> 66 Seconds - Increased Pressure Resistance: Minimum

[Passive (Silver) - Armour of Resolve - Level 3]

Resolve Scaling: 25% -> 28%

[Passive (Iron) - Agile Stealth - Level 3]

Finesse Scaling: 50% -> 56%

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'This is unexpectedly convenient,' Thea thought with a hint of surprise and gratitude, observing the neatly organised list the System had provided. She hadn't anticipated such a precise response to her needs from the System, and it was a pleasant sight.

Her thoughts drifted towards her abilities, particularly [Penetrative Shot], which was rapidly approaching Level 5. 'Given how crucial it's been so far, I need to be very thoughtful about the minor alteration I choose for it,' she contemplated, her eyes scanning the details of her abilities. The fact that she couldn't use [Penetrative Shot] with her primary weapon, the laser-based Gram, was a limitation she keenly felt.

'Wouldn't it be great if the alteration could make it compatible with laser weapons? Is that even a possibility within the System’s rules?' she wondered, hopeful yet uncertain.

Thea acknowledged her limited understanding of the Allbright System's intricacies. This lack of comprehensive knowledge made forward planning challenging, especially regarding potential alterations. “Maybe a discernible pattern will emerge after a few more alterations,” she muttered quietly to herself, tucked away in a far-away, solitude corner of the squad room.

Reflecting on her repertoire of Abilities, Thea considered [Sensory Overdrive], [Penetrative Shot], [Sky Step], [Armour of Resolve], and [Agile Stealth] as her core skill set.

She acknowledged that [Silver Respiration] might have joined this list under different circumstances, particularly if the assessment had provided more opportunities for proper long-term sniping or stealth encounters.

However, her missions so far had been dominated by direct combat or guided stealth missions, leaving little room for utilising [Silver Respiration] to its full potential.

The Aspect of [Silver Respiration] that intrigued her the most was its pressure-resistance enhancement. For someone with a relatively low Vitality of around 2.5, the ability to withstand percussive forces more effectively was an invaluable asset. It was a hidden gem in her skillset, one that could significantly bolster her survivability in the field, although one that had not come to bear so far, for better or worse.

Thea leaned back thoughtfully, contemplating her next steps. "[Detect Weak Spots] is definitely joining my top-tier list soon. It's already proven to be an invaluable asset," she noted to herself. This Ability, a reward for one of her Accomplishments, had shown its worth in ways she hadn't initially anticipated, when it had allowed her to take out the anti-armour cannons in combination with her Caliburn and [Penetrative Shot].

‘That really is an exceedingly powerful combination…’

As for the rest of her Abilities, Thea viewed them as beneficial but not critical to her current objectives. They were useful tools, yet they didn't resonate with her as being indispensable for her role. These Abilities were marked in her mind as potential candidates for replacement or modification once the assessment concluded.

With her mental review of Abilities complete, Thea shifted her attention to her gear, meticulously going through each item.

She was determined to ensure she hadn't overlooked any essentials for their foray into the city. While it was plausible that they could find resources like food, water, and miscellaneous items in the megacity, given its vast population, Thea was not one to leave things to chance.

Her upbringing in Lumiosia's undercity had ingrained in her the importance of self-reliance and preparedness. Relying on scavenging in an unfamiliar, densely populated environment was not a risk she was willing to take lightly.

Moreover, Thea was acutely aware of the directive to avoid unnecessary harm to civilians or their property. The consequences of such actions, she knew, could extend beyond the immediate tactical implications.

The assessment could potentially penalise them for any missteps in this area. 'I can't afford to lose even more points over stupid, avoidable mistakes,' she thought with determination. 'Every action counts, and I need to ensure we all adhere to the rules set forth for this operation. I don’t want to get penalised for somebody else messing up, either.'

Sovereign Alpha sans Corvus had gathered again, half an hour later, to discuss any remaining requisitions following their individual gear checks.

The atmosphere was one of focus and determination as each member shared their insights on what might be essential for urban operations. Isabella, with her real-world experience in urban warfare, naturally took the lead in the discussion.

Her insights were invaluable, and the rest of the squad absorbed every word with keen attention, understanding the weight of her experience.

Just as they were wrapping up their conversation, the door to the squad room opened, and Corvus stepped in. His presence seemed to shift the energy in the room; his initial weariness was replaced by a sense of pride and joy upon seeing his team proactively preparing for what lay ahead.

"I’m relieved to see you all so prepared, especially after the challenges of our initial engagement,” Corvus began, settling beside Lucas on the couch. "I've just been briefed by Staff-Sergeant Venn. We have about half an hour before we move to the staging area."

He then shared the details of the upcoming operation. "There will be 38 squads in total from our wing involved in the infiltration. For our group specifically, there will be six veteran infiltration squads, and three other Alpha Squads alongside us – Empyrean, Ascendant, and Hegemon Alpha. Our collaboration will be crucial for the success of this initial part of the mission. Once we’re inside the city, we will mostly split up and do our own things, but until then, we’ll be together." His tone was serious, underscoring the importance of their task.

Corvus's gaze then fell on each squad member, lingering a bit longer on Thea. "I trust in your professionalism and discipline," he stated firmly. "This is no place for careless mistakes or juvenile pranks."

Thea felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as she promptly responded, "Yes, sir."

Inwardly, she couldn't help but feel a bit singled out. ‘One little slip-up, and it's like you're branded for life,’ she mused ruefully, resolving to be extra cautious in the upcoming mission, so as not to solidify this blatantly unfair view of her.

Corvus cleared his throat, signalling a shift to more critical matters at hand. "The infiltration mission we are about to undertake is pivotal. We're not just sneaking behind enemy lines; we are paving the way for the main UHF forces to breach the city. This is about creating opportunities, finding weak points, and exploiting them," he explained, his tone growing more intense with each word.

He paused for a moment, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "Once we're in the city, our main objective is to destabilise the Stellar Republic's defences from within. We need to be smart, covert, and above all, effective. The risks are high, but the rewards for success are even higher."

Corvus then turned to each member in turn, his gaze inquisitive yet firm. "I need confirmation that everyone is adequately prepared for urban combat and prolonged engagement without immediate resupply. This includes extra ammunition, medical supplies, and anything else you deem necessary."

After a round of affirmative responses, Corvus's expression turned grave. "Remember, if any of us fall behind the wall, rejoining the squad won't be straightforward. We have no planned secondary infiltration. Those who perish will likely be reassigned to the frontal assault until the city's defences are compromised enough for our forces to push through."

He let that sink in before continuing. "The final phase of our assessment will involve securing a strategic point within the city and holding it against counter attacks until the main UHF forces can reinforce our position. This is where we make our stand, where we prove the worth of Sovereign Alpha. It's imperative that we stick together and watch each other's backs when we get to that point."

The squad members absorbed Corvus' words, each of them contemplating the gravity of the situation. Corvus let the silence linger, ensuring his message was fully understood, before taking another deep breath and continuing with a more urgent tone.

“Now, onto potentially the most crucial part of our briefing. Legate Kuan has confirmed the presence of two enemy Aces at the central wall, directly opposing our main forces. This aligns with command's expectations, and in response, we've deployed two of our own Aces to counter them. However, the whereabouts of the last Ace assigned to this sub-battlefield remains unknown, and that's a significant concern."

Corvus paused, gauging the reactions of his squad. "Legate Kuan is sceptical of the Stellar Republic having a strategist Ace like himself. The pattern of their tactics so far, while initially surprising and thoroughly devastating with their ambushes, has settled into a predictable rhythm, lacking the nuanced strategic play we'd expect from a high-calibre commander. This leads us to two possible scenarios: Either their remaining Ace is concealing their strategic prowess for a critical moment, or they are another combat-focused Ace."

His expression grew more serious, emphasising the weight of his next words. "If it is indeed the latter, and we're dealing with a combat-focused Ace, our operations within the city must be approached with extreme caution. We can't afford to underestimate the Stellar Republic. A surprise encounter with an enemy Ace can and absolutely will jeopardise our entire mission. I had hoped that all enemy Aces would be accounted for, before we started the infiltration, but the enemy has deemed it not to be.

"Staff-Sergeant Venn's analysis points to a high probability that the last remaining Ace is indeed being reserved for such a critical role, likely to counter infiltrators like us. This Ace could be anywhere, lurking behind any corner, waiting for the opportune moment to strike against key targets—targets which, coincidentally, align with our mission objectives."

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "Our primary goal is to complete our mission without direct confrontation with the Ace. If we do encounter them, our protocol is clear: Avoid engagement and immediately report the sighting. We have specialists like Ace-hunters and assassins among the infiltration squads who are better equipped to handle such high-priority threats."

Corvus's gaze swept across the room, meeting each team member's eyes, ensuring his message was clearly understood. "Heroics have no place in this scenario. Our mission's success depends on stealth and strategy, not brute force. If you sense even the slightest indication of the Ace's presence, fall back and inform command. We cannot afford to take unnecessary risks."

As he finished, Corvus scanned the room once more, his gaze seeking confirmation of understanding and compliance from each member of Sovereign Alpha. His leadership was not just about giving orders; it was about ensuring every member of his squad was prepared for the realities of the mission ahead and fully understood the dangers that came with fulfilling it.

Corvus, with a palpable sense of relief, sank further into the couch, his body language visibly relaxing. The tension that had been evident in his posture a moment ago seemed to dissipate, replaced by a more composed demeanor.

Thea observed Corvus thoughtfully, contemplating the complexities of leadership. 'Balancing such diverse personalities and talents, while also optimizing our individual strengths must be an arduous task,' she mused internally, appreciating the challenges of his role as their leader.

Karania, ever the pragmatic and caring medic of the group, broke the ensuing silence with her characteristic mix of professionalism and warmth. "Alright team, I've stocked up heavily on medical supplies for this infiltration. Don't play the tough marine with me. If you need medical assistance, come straight to me," she began, her tone both firm and empathetic.

"I'm handing out a kit to each of you with painkillers, stamina boosters, and regenerative aids. Use them wisely and within the prescribed limits—no more than two of each within a 12-hour period. And please, log their use in your profile. We don’t want anyone suffering from an avoidable overdose. Our mission's success hinges as much on our well-being as on our combat effectiveness," she concluded, handing out the kits.

As Karania distributed the injectors she ensured that each member of the team received exactly fifteen injectors—five for pain relief, five for stamina enhancement, and five for regeneration. The injectors had likely been part of the comprehensive supply crate that had been allocated for the initial assault on the wall but now, they were being repurposed for the critical mission ahead.

‘Resourceful as always,’ Thea thought with a slight smile, as she packed away the injectors she had just received from Karania into her own pack.

Once Karania had completed her rounds, Isabella stepped forward, her presence as imposing as always.

She began wordlessly distributing white-foam grenades to each squad member, adding to the already significant arsenal they had amassed. Thea watched with a slight sense of awe as her own grenade count rose to a considerable total of 17, reflecting on their earlier supply run where she and Karania had gathered a substantial number of these grenades already.

The room was filled with a sense of solemnity mixed with determination, as each member of Sovereign Alpha meticulously checked and prepared their gear and backpacks, ensuring they were as prepared as possible for what lay ahead.

The white-foam grenades, recommended at the outset of their assessment by Isabella due to her seasoned experience in the complexities of urban combat, had proven to be exceptionally valuable throughout the various stages of their assessment already.

Their versatility had been demonstrated in various situations: from providing Thea with impromptu sniper platforms during the initial stages of the mission, to creating critical cover for Isabella and Lucas amidst the intense counter-assaults that marked the early ambushes.

More recently, these grenades had played a pivotal role in their skirmishes with Stellar Republic squads, skillfully deployed to obstruct enemy lines of fire and facilitate safer advancement. This tactical use had not only enhanced their manoeuvrability but also provided them with strategic advantages in several tight situations.

Given their proven track record, Thea had no reservations about Isabella's insistence on stocking up heavily on these grenades for the upcoming infiltration mission.

It was clear that in the dense, unpredictable terrain of an urban environment, the white-foam grenades would be even more crucial than ever. Their ability to quickly alter the battlefield dynamics could very well be the deciding factor in the success of their mission in Nova Tertius, so Thea was extremely happy with her current number.

As Thea meticulously arranged her backpack, ensuring that both the white-foam grenades and injectors were easily accessible, she also placed a few of them strategically within the storage compartments of her armour for quick retrieval. In the midst of her focused preparations, Corvus's voice suddenly cut through the concentrated hush enveloping Sovereign Alpha.

"Alright, squad, it’s time," he announced, his voice breaking the silence with an air of immediacy. "Staff-Sergeant Venn just sent word: The infiltration schedule has been advanced. We need to head to the staging ground immediately."

He rose from the couch, his movement marked by a reluctant sigh, as if bidding farewell to its comfortable embrace. A hint of playfulness and competitiveness crept into his tone as he added, "We're about to have our first encounter with our fellow Alpha Squads. Let's show them what Sovereign Alpha is made of and see if they can match our calibre, shall we…?"

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