The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 126:

The girl hesitated as if lacking confidence.

Hendrik, who had been listening, was surprised and interjected.

“You have Akan Cream? Did you buy it? Where did you get it?”

“No! I didn’t buy it. It’s just that… well…”

The child stammered and bowed her head, speaking in a voice that crawled and crept.

“Actually, I found a discarded tube… There was a tiny bit of cream left…”

“And you applied it?”

The child nodded, her face turning red.

It was embarrassing to say that she had applied just a tiny amount.

She had scraped it out with their nails and applied it to her younger brother’s forearm, resulting in this.

Arin spoke with a face that seemed like she was about to cry.

“I applied the cream so that it wouldn’t hurt… But it ended up like this. Other people have experienced the same thing. If you use the cream that someone with the disease used incorrectly, it spreads. I… I didn’t know!”

The child murmured with a voice full of self-blame, tears filling her big eyes.

“I really… I really didn’t know.”

Of course, she couldn’t have known.

The girl looked to be merely six or seven years old.

Kalia saw her own childhood self in the tearful child nervously fidgeted with a ragged cloth.

Of course, not all memories from her childhood were fully intact due to her father’s magic. Nevertheless, it seemed like her appearance when she saved Simon was similar to the child’s.

Digging through trash to find something to eat, hunching her body in the darkness to protect herself…

Kalia knelt down, adjusting her eye level to meet the girl’s, and suddenly reached out to embrace the child’s head.

At the same time, she embraced the younger sibling who was crying in the arms of the older.

“It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

She felt the child’s body trembling with a start.

The children hugged Kalia, frozen stiff, in a tight embrace.

“It must have been scary. And you must have been very hungry. But it seems like you took good care of your younger brother.”

Patting Arin’s shoulder gently, the girl soon buried her face in Kalia’s shoulder.

“It’s, it’s, it’s okay… H-h, it’s okay. H-hu, hu…”

Trying not to cry, her eyes turned red, and they shed tears even larger than her brother’s.

Even in the comforting embrace, Arin couldn’t act mischievous.

How harshly had this young child experienced the world at such a young age?


Simon somehow seemed to understand Kalia’s comforting heart holding the child.

He also vaguely saw the image of that girl who had saved him once in the appearance of this child.

‘…I think we should expand the support for orphanages.’

At the same time, he didn’t forget to advocate for increasing the welfare budget by squeezing the prince’s funds.

Allen approached, hesitating.

“I will examine these children. We should take a closer look at their wounds after they’ve been cleaned.”

Kalia nodded in response and then looked at Hendrik.

“Are these children supposed to be quarantined separately?”

Hendrik shook his head in response.

“No, we have examined several patients and found no infected individuals within the branch. The same conclusion was reached at the Mage Tower. It seems that the infection doesn’t spread in such a manner.”

“Then why were other patients isolated?”

“Perhaps it was done as a precaution, considering the high number of infected individuals. Besides, since we don’t know exactly how this disease spreads, they were isolated as a temporary measure.”

Kalia let out a small sigh of relief, as if expressing gratitude for the situation.

“When we go inside, the doctor will provide you with warm food. They won’t do anything bad, so please come with us.”

Upon hearing Kalia’s words, Arin and Michelle exchanged glances.

Then they quickly nodded.

At the mention of a meal, Michelle’s cheeks already flushed red.

From the children’s perspective, Kalia’s proposal was actually appreciated.

They were afflicted by the terrifying disease, and the empty plaza had no one to beg from.

Even if they wanted to go to the isolation center, they couldn’t, as they were too scared.


At that moment, Sasha, who had been embraced in Hemmie’s arms, moved.

“Sasha, why are you acting like this? Are you feeling frustrated?”

As if indicating for Hemmie to let go, Sasha squirmed and forcefully pushed her away.

At that moment, Sasha’s disappeared wings reappeared.


Hendrik and the two children’s eyes widened at the sight of wings appearing behind the baby’s back.

Kalia, Simon, Hemmie, and Allen also looked in astonishment at the boy, who suddenly escaped from Hemmie’s arms and flew into the air.


Sasha clumsily moved his wings and then fell into the arms of the children who were staring at him in awe.

To be precise, he jumped into Arin’s embrace.


Arin was taken aback and instinctively hugged Sasha.

Then, with a face that seemed like she was about to cry, Arin looked at Kalia and Simon in astonishment.

“What, what should I do! I, I touched the baby!”

Concerned that their fingertips, affected by the skin disease, might dirty the baby, Arin hastily handed Sasha over to Kalia.

“Quickly, quickly!”

“The baby will be fine. He will be alright. This baby is very healthy. He’s a bit special.”

Kalia took Sasha in her arms from Arin and reassured her.

She didn’t think that simply holding the baby would cause any harm to Sasha.

Above all, Kalia had a feeling that Sasha deliberately jumped into Arin’s arms.

“Abuu, Abu!”

Of course, at the moment, Sasha was playing with Kalia’s hair, pretending not to know anything.


Kalia glanced down at her little son and raised an eyebrow slightly.

When Sasha glanced up at her, his rosy cheeks formed a lovely smile.

‘Oh dear, I’m melting. Melting. This mischievous baby is melting my heart.’

Kalia stopped unnecessary thoughts and embraced Sasha.

After caressing the trembling little body a few more times, she handed Sasha back to Hemmie.

“Alright, don’t worry too much. Go inside quickly. We’ll be back soon. Considering the situation, we need to act promptly.”

Leaving behind those who bid them farewell, Kalia’s group immediately headed towards the lord’s castle.

* * *


Buford opened his eyes, which he had shut in the moving carriage.

He felt a soft knee.

“You’re awake. I was just about to wake you up.”

Damon, with a faint smile, brushed Buford’s hair behind his forehead and whispered.

His husky voice clung to Buford’s ear like poison.

“How far are we?”

“Antik. If we go a little further, we’ll reach the Fairy Tree that was chased by the arrogant Rojas’ wizard. Right there.”


Buford sat up, pretending to remember.

His neck felt stiff from sleeping for so long.

Buford stretched his stiffened shoulders and neck muscles and pulled the curtain that covered the window, revealing the outside.

The scenery of a city he had seen once before flashed by.

The only difference was that there were no people passing by.

Buford smirked and murmured nonchalantly.

“This city has also become a city of the dead.”

“It’s a pity that we couldn’t get those fairies back then. But it seems that the fairies and the tree were sealed due to their severe injuries.”

The clear energy that should have been felt as soon as they entered this city was absent.

Although not dead, it had undoubtedly suffered injuries to the point where considerable rest was needed.

“If those fairies had been unharmed, this city would have been somewhat protected.”

They may have looked like children, but those fairies were high-ranking ones.

They were fairies who had spent a long time in the outside world, not in the fairy forest, gradually accumulating power and possessing quite formidable strength.

Although not as powerful as the Fairy King’s tribe, they had enough power to neutralize minor magic.

Buford and Damon’s carriage raced through the city, surveying the surroundings as if flaunting.

In the distance, they saw the Fairy Tree standing silently like a rock.

They could also feel the gazes of the villagers, who appeared suddenly, observing the outsiders.

The residents cautiously opened their windows and watched them with guarded eyes.

It was an interesting sight.

Just a year ago, the whole village was lively like a festival, but now the entire village has died because of a mere disease.

Damon, who was observing them through the carriage window, chuckled.

“A demonic disease that rots the skin. Isn’t it ridiculous? Real demons don’t mess around with something as trivial as skin. Well, the real terrifying thing isn’t a skin disease, though.”

She flopped down on Buford’s lap like a cat and reached her hand towards the sky.

The floating Akan Cream spun round and round.

“All this chaos for a little cream—deception, murder, violence.”

The cream that had shown the only effect against the demonic disease.

In fact, without even knowing that it was the exact opposite, the Empire was excited about this cream.

“But actually they didn’t even know that skin disease spread because of this. Stupid guys…”

One of the genius mad doctors had created the contagious disease cream.

The cream, designed to suppress any manifestation of power, quickly spread the disease among ordinary people.

When applied once or twice, the skin would appear seemingly unaffected, like any other wound. When applied a second time, even the wounded area would appear clean.

By layering it three or four times, the skin gradually became addicted to the cream.

Then, at some point.

When the energy of the cream disappeared, the skin would start to itch, and eventually, it would turn black.

But if the cream was applied again, it would temporarily alleviate the symptoms, only to darken again once the energy of the cream dissipated.

Repeatedly doing so would quickly deplete a whole jar of cream.

That’s when it began.

Those already addicted to the cream became sensitive and violent.

They would scratch their increasingly blackened skin until it bled, tormented and desperate to escape those symptoms.

“We need Akan Cream. Akan Cream!”

Neighboring houses, once friendly, were raided, threatened, and plundered, until mistrust began to brew among them.

And then it went even further…

“What are the nobles doing? They probably hoarded Akan Cream for themselves, right? Selfish beings!”

“The imperial family, incapable of even curing this skin disease! Incompetent. Absolutely incompetent. If they think they can become Emperor or royal just by being good at fighting, then we’ll have to show them how ferociously we can fight!”

“All of this is because of the absence of Simon. No, wait! It’s because of the sudden disappearance of General Kalia…!”

Blaming the higher-ups for their failure to correct this, they began searching for a target to release their ferocity.

Anxiety breeds discord.

Definite symptoms and unfulfilled needs fuel it.

And so… it makes the entire Empire fall ill.

All because of this one skin disease.

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