The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 129:


The white bandage that was wrapped around the child’s arm fell to the floor.


At the same time, the mouths of the adults surrounding the child hung open.


Just like Arin, the black stain on Michelle’s arm had disappeared as well.

Once the red scratch marks from scratching were removed, the child’s arm looked clean and unharmed.

Michelle and Arin both widened their eyes in surprise. Arin alternated her gaze between her brother’s arm and Kalia, blinking in disbelief.

“As expected…”

Kalia looked at Sasha, who was playing with her hair while nestled in her arms.

Sasha, who met his mother’s gaze, smiled.

“Sasha, you did that?”

Kalia touched her own nose to the child’s nose and spoke.

Simon, who was nearby, asked stiffly.

“What do you mean, Kalia?”

“Well, you see… Before we left earlier, Sasha suddenly jumped at Arin. It might sound strange, but it felt like Sasha did it intentionally.”


“And after that, Arin’s infected area miraculously healed. So I wondered if Sasha had something to do with it.”

Upon hearing her words, everyone in the room looked at Kalia and Sasha with perplexed expressions.

Kalia, who had performed an extraordinary feat, and yet she shrugged her shoulders as if it were nothing unusual.

Among them, Hendrick was the most confused.

Not only was he unaware that Kalia was the descendant of the Fairy King, but he had no idea what kind of blood Sasha possessed.

‘Also, how did Kalia and Simon’s baby grow wings on its back?’

Hendrick stared at Kalia and Sasha with eyes full of confusion.

Kalia said with a slightly puzzled expression.

“Even if everyone looks at it that way, it’s difficult for me to explain exactly. It was just a feeling. But to find out exactly what happened, it’s not my job, but Simon’s, who is smarter and wiser than me.”

Cruelly, Kalia passed the buck to Simon as she said so.

‘Oh, dear…’

Simon sighed as if it were difficult and lowered his head.

He soon reached out his hand and embraced his son, saying:

“It seems that our son has a special power. Alright, I’ll look into it.”

It was a skin disease that even the wizards’ healing spells couldn’t cure.

Moreover, a baby who had no knowledge of magic had healed the illness.

It was clear that it wasn’t exactly magic, but rather the realm of some kind of energy.

After thinking for a moment, Simon turned to everyone and said.

“First, let me communicate with the Mage Tower and His Highness.”

* * *

Sasha and the children were sent back to their rooms.

There was nothing good that the children needed to hear.

Besides, it would be a bit ridiculous to surprise Louismond, who still didn’t know about Sasha’s existence, at this timing.

Soon, the light extending from the communication device projected an image in the air.

Then the faces of the wizards residing in the Mage Tower and Prince Louismond appeared in the air.

-You’re contacting me quite early.

Luismond, whose complexion had worsened even more during that time, greeted Kalia and Simon with a weak smile.

It had been said that they would arrive in about a month, but already a whole month had passed.

Now there were only three weeks left until the Imperial Conference, and in the meantime, Louismond had become almost emaciated.

“I’m sorry. We had circumstances that couldn’t be helped. By the way… what else has happened? Louis, your complexion has gotten worse.”

Even in the blurry image, Louismond’s complexion didn’t look good.

Louismond chuckled bitterly and said,

-My father, the Emperor’s condition has worsened. The palace even says that he might not last more than three months, let alone this year.

Simon’s gaze on Louismond became even deeper at those words.

He hadn’t expected the weakened Emperor to recover from his illness and rise again, but he didn’t think the situation was so serious that it would happen immediately, as in today or tomorrow…

Fortunately, there was no sign of sadness on Louismond’s face.

It was because the Emperor had already prepared for his death since he had fallen into ill health.

The problem was the turmoil that would arise along with the Emperor’s death.

The state of affairs was already chaotic, and it was impossible for opportunistic factions not to seize this opportunity.

Whether it’s inside or outside the Empire.

-But there’s something more serious than this. You must have seen it on your way up, but the skin disease spreading within the country is severe. It hasn’t been officially announced, but the mortality rate is increasing over time.

“What is the mortality rate?”

Henry from the Mage Tower, who was quietly listening, answered Simon’s question.

-As of yesterday’s count, it was about 11.7%, but it’s not exact. It’s difficult to conduct investigations at the moment… However, the more serious issue is the riots caused by the ‘demonic disease’.


-Yes, those affected by the skin disease are unable to control their emotions and anger, causing riots. Most of them are targeting the royal family.

“The royal family? Why?”

When Henry couldn’t answer the question, Louismond, in a sarcastic tone, spoke instead.

-It’s because the royal family is incapable of curing a simple skin disease. There are rumors spreading that the nobles are hoarding the only remedy, the cream.

The faces of everyone present froze.

Sometimes, an epidemic could generate more fear than a war.

In any era, in any country, an epidemic was a grave precursor to the collapse of a nation.

That’s why it had to be contained before the disease spread.

Swift action was needed more than ever.

Louismond was well aware of that.

-I didn’t expect it to spread this quickly. I was actually certain it wasn’t an epidemic. So, I thought if we could just control the capital, the main outbreak place, it would be enough…

Louismond paused and tightly closed his eyes.

A dark shadow fell beneath his beautiful blue eyes.

-It has almost covered the entire Empire in an instant. I was too complacent.

Simon touched his forehead, feeling his weight of self-blame.

Taking a small sigh, he asked Louismond and Henry,

“Medicine or magic doesn’t work, right?”

-That’s correct. But the strange thing is…

Restlessly grinding his lower lip, Henry spoke with a confused expression.

-Well, none of the wizards have been affected by the disease. The priests in the temples and the swordmasters as well.

“…Most of them are nobles, so the misunderstandings among the commoners must be even deeper.”

Louismond nodded grimly on the screen.

It was truly maddening.

Could the disease selectively attack people?

Was that possible…

“What about the temples? Healing powers include divine energy, right?”

-The temples… Hu-u, don’t even mention it.

“What do you mean?”

-Actually, originally, divine energy was the only thing that showed any effect on the disease. There was a child sponsored by some noble who fell ill and was brought to the temple.

“And then?”

-When they poured out divine energy, the child recovered. And people started flocking to the temple. But… the problem is, the priests who had been healing the disease one by one started collapsing.


Kalia’s brow furrowed as she listened.

Hendrick and Derek had the same reaction.

-After that, even in the temples, they started avoiding the disease. People were more terrified, calling it a characteristic of the ‘demonic disease’.

“…I see.”

Simon’s slow voice carried significant meaning.

He opened his eyes slightly, as if pointing to a certain thought.

-That’s why I need you to come a little faster and discuss it with me. The people are even more anxious now that they think you’re not here. I’m asking for your help.

A barely visible smile appeared on Simon’s face as he listened.

Now, it seemed like he understood something.

“Yeah. Got it. We’ll hurry.”

* * *


After ending the communication with Simon, Louismond leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh of relief.

He had said that Simon and Kalia would arrive in a week.

How comforting those words were…

He felt his long-standing headache subside slightly.

‘By the way, stop the distribution of Akan Cream?’

Louismond recalled Simon’s final words a while ago.

He said he would explain in detail when they returned and warned to be cautious of ‘Akan Cream’.

He also mentioned that if the Prince of Akan were to come, he should have the battalion of wizards as an escort.

Along with the suggestion to disguise high-ranking priests with divine energy as wizards.

“Be cautious of the Prince of Akan, Louis. No, be cautious of everything coming from Akan. And don’t take your eyes off Marquis Aonti. And other nobles who have a close relationship with him.”

The message came that the Prince of Akan would arrive within two days.


It was a small country that had broken away from Rojas.

Until now, he had barely been known, even though his name gained some recognition due to the rise of Akan Cream with the outbreak of the ‘demonic disease’.

But why did Simon suddenly warn to be cautious of Akan?

If there was something Louismond absolutely believed in, it was first Kalia, and second Simon.

Kalia had a simple and righteous personality and would never deceive anyone. And even Simon, even if it was a hassle, would never do such a thing.

Except for Kalia, there was no one in this world who had no lingering attachments.

So Louismond could trust them even if they claimed to have seen the Demon King one day.

“…Akan aside, why are the other coalition countries acting this way?”

The ‘demonic disease’ wasn’t the only thing that troubled Louismond’s mind.

The situation in neighboring countries was also concerning.

Some had declared a severance of ties with the Empire, and there were countries that had been friendly with Rojas but remained silent without any news.

Among them was Nathan, who proposed a marriage alliance with him.

Nathan was the largest ally, but they declined to attend this Imperial Conference.

No, it would be more accurate to say that all communication had been cut off.

That’s not all.

Some countries refused to export grain for ridiculous reasons.

Even in domestic production areas that used to produce more than a certain amount of wheat annually, reports came in saying that the supply suddenly decreased.

As a result, prices were skyrocketing, and the already harshened humanity due to the epidemic was becoming almost calamitous.

In that moment, Louismond suddenly realized.

‘Come to think of it, wasn’t the owner of that wheat field Marquis Aonti?’

His rank wasn’t high, but he was the owner of the largest wheat field in Rojas.

Louismond laughed bitterly.

How could Simon, who was on the opposite side of the Empire, notice that strange point?

He was truly an exceptional person.

Shaking his head despondently, Louismond closed his eyes.

Regardless of the circumstances, the news of an absolute ally’s arrival alone alleviated the anxiety he had been feeling.

His stiffened shoulders relaxed a little.

Knock, knock, knock.

At that moment, the sound of knocking accompanied the entrance of Louismond’s aide.

“What’s the matter?”

“A guest has arrived. They have requested an audience with Your Highness and would like to inquire.”

“A guest? Is there someone coming to visit now… Who is it?”

His words made the aide hesitate.

“Well, actually… They are not from our noble circle.”

Approaching Louismond, he reached out a brooch on the desk.

The brooch, made of opal, had an engraving of a pattern from a country that he was familiar with.

As Louismond examined the brooch, he looked up at his aide.

He gazed at him, asking with his eyes, ‘What is this?’

With difficulty, the aide opened his mouth.

“Someone who introduced themselves as Nathan’s princess is requesting an audience with Your Highness.”

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