The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 140:

Flap, flap.


Small and adorable wings were moving behind the baby’s back.

Startled by the soft touch that grazed his fingertips, Louismond looked at Kalia in astonishment.

Kalia faced the now pale-faced Louismond and chuckled before speaking.

“Well, I didn’t know, but I’m actually a half-blood fairy.”


“By chance, I found my family. But it turns out they’re all fairies. Ah, my father was human… but he passed away.”

For someone speaking so nonchalantly, the content was too shocking.

Louismond couldn’t say anything except for keeping a grin on his face.

In the midst of it, his mind was rapidly processing the sudden influx of information.

‘So, Kalia’s paternal side is human, and her maternal side is fairy. That’s why she couldn’t find them despite searching. No, that means the Supreme Commander of the Rojas Empire is a half-blood fairy…?’

It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but he felt strange.

Louismond moistened his dry mouth with cold water and rubbed his forehead.

‘Come to think of it, Simon is a quarter-elf… So, a half-blood fairy and a quarter-elf… Hm… Let’s stop thinking there, my head hurts. The important thing is that Kalia and Simon are happy, and they are my friends. Yes, yes… ha.’

Cutting off his lengthy musings, Louismond looked at the baby in his arms.

The baby, with emerald green eyes resembling Kalia’s, opened them wide and stared intently at him. He was incredibly gentle and adorable.

Even the flapping wings on his back seemed cute once he accepted them.

“You… have a very adorable child. Haha.”

In response to Louismond’s praise, Simon straightened his shoulders and nodded confidently.

With a raised chin, as if it was only natural, his expression was even a bit smug.

“Aren’t you envious, Louismond?” Simon smirked at Louismond’s bewildered head-shaking.

“I’m not in a situation where I envy you or anything, so what’s the point? Ah, well, it’s good timing. I also have a surprising story to tell you.”

Louismond called the person who had been waiting for it.

The princess who had sought refuge in Louismond’s palace for safety took a step forward upon his summons.

Kalia and Simon looked at Louismond with puzzled expressions upon the appearance of a stranger.

Who could it be?

As soon as Janice entered the room, she greeted the two people she saw with an expression that couldn’t hide her tension.

With a raised hand, Louismond gently patted her shoulder, implying that she shouldn’t be nervous.

The contact was so subtle that it could barely be felt, but it was enough.

She wished the warmth of his large hand could stay a little longer.

Louismond glanced briefly at the smiling Janice and cleared his throat before introducing her.

“Let me introduce her. This is Nathan’s princess Janice Khan Arcandium. She arrived in Rojas a few days ago, going through hardships.”

Upon his words, Simon’s eyes widened as if he remembered something.

Standing up abruptly, he looked at Louismond with a truly surprised expression and spoke.

“Louis, I heard that the situation isn’t suitable for romance…”

Dumbfounded by the unexpected words, Louismond stared at Simon.

Simon smirked and said teasingly, “Wasn’t there talk about strategic marriages? When did you become so close that you travelled between kingdoms without us? When did you ever complain about not having me and Kalia…?”

“W-what…! No, it’s not like that, Simon.”

Realizing what he meant a bit late, Louismond stood up abruptly and extended his hand.

Simon shook him off as he stumbled with a red face and greeted Janice deftly.

“It’s a late greeting. It’s an honor to meet you like this. I am Simon Terroan.”

“I’m Kalia Tacskate, who used to be the Supreme Commander.”

Following Simon’s greeting, Kalia also showed her courtesy towards Janice.

“Ah, I am Janice Khan Arcandium from Nathan. It’s an honor to meet the esteemed two of you.”

In a moment of surprise, Janice also extended her greetings to the two people.

With a slightly flustered face, Louismond looked at the three of them.

“It’s our honor, indeed. His Highness’ friends are our friends, so please treat us comfortably.”

“Ah, well… To call me a friend of His Highness Louismond, I…”

“Ah! I see. Well then… if you are His Highness’ lover, we will serve you with even more respect.”

Interrupting Simon’s endless misunderstanding, Louismond interjected with a pale face.

“I told you that’s not the case, Simon. I’m sorry, Princess. It seems that the Duke of Magic has misunderstood something.”

“Oh, I’m fine. It’s just a misunderstanding… really.”

“If I have caused any offense, I sincerely apologize.”

“Oh, no, it’s not necessary. I’m really fine. I’m just embarrassed that I caused such unnecessary misunderstandings.”

“Your Highness, there’s no need for you to be embarrassed. Everything stemmed from the misunderstanding of that wicked wizard, or rather, the Duke of Magic.”

Simon and Kalia exchanged bewildered glances as they witnessed the conversation between the two.

It was clear to anyone that there was an atmosphere of an imminent romance.

Blushing, being cautious, constantly conscious of each other’s presence.

And yet, they say it’s not a romantic relationship… Well…

But if it’s not a romance, then why is the princess from a distant land here, going through hardships?

Moreover, she came alone without any attendants.

Simon apologized to her with a more formal smile and tone.

“I apologize for my misunderstanding. Even if I acted impolitely, please be understanding. I hold deep affection, so I unintentionally acted without hesitation.”

“No, it’s fine. I was aware that the two of you have a complex relationship. I wasn’t uncomfortable, so there’s no need for apologies.”

Gracefully responding beneath her roughly grown hair, the princess retorted.

Observing Louismond, who was gazing at her without missing a single detail, Simon chuckled.

Louismond, who is skilled at wearing masks, couldn’t hide his gaze to that extent.

Even if he denies it now, Simon couldn’t help but wonder if there might be some changes between the two.

“Well then. If it’s not a love story of His Highness Louismond, could we hear the surprising story that will astonish us? It seems to be related to the princess of Nathan.”

The four of them settled into their seats, capturing the light atmosphere.

While Kalia laid Sasha on a baby carriage, Simon cast a spell to enhance soundproofing and security in the vicinity.

Louismond was the first to speak, explaining briefly about Janice’s visit to the palace and the overall story about the demonic disease.

He also included the recent strange behavior of some young nobles.

“It’s not a good timing. There have been various minor riots happening here and there, particularly this month when the Coalition Conference is taking place. The capital guards are constantly on high alert and responding to the incidents.”

“Have you considered postponing the Coalition Conference?”

“I did. I even sent official letters, but the strange thing is the attitude of the Allies. They are actually insisting on holding the Coalition Conference more forcefully.”


Louismond sighed with a perplexed expression.

“I couldn’t figure out why until now… but with the arrival of the princess of Nathan, some of my questions were answered.”

“Could it be that Akan is involved in this?”

Kalia, who had maintained silence until now, interjected.

Louismond and Janice looked at Kalia in surprise before nodding.

“Yes, Akan. That country got involved in the midst of it.”

“…Using Nathan as an example, after visiting Akan, my brother became obsessed with madness.”

“Madness… Are you saying he went crazy?”

In response to the questioning, Janice let out a small sigh.

Her voice trembled slightly at the suppressed sigh.

“Yes. To be precise… it was the demonic energy.”

Janice briefly recounted her story, abbreviating it, to Kalia and Simon.

The two of them listened intently to Janice’s serious account.

It was somewhat predictable, but it was not without shock.

Even if it wasn’t a major Empire, to easily swallow up a country like that…

It couldn’t be anything but a frightening force.

“Akan’s reach won’t be limited to just Nathan. I believe that most of the nations that have changed their stance have fallen into Akan’s clutches. They must have been tainted by black magic or poisoned.”

“Like the Empire citizens who were poisoned by Akan Cream?”

At Simon’s question, both Louismond and Janice nodded in agreement.

That meant that similar events had occurred in other countries, targeting the nobles, just like what happened with the help of the Akan Cream.

But why couldn’t they have poisoned the nobles in Rojas first?

‘…Could it be because there are many priests from the temple among the nobles in Rojas?’

Rojas regarded the Sun God, who led them to victory in the Holy Demon War, as their patron deity.

Noble offspring often walked the path of the priests.

Though not a holy Empire, they were not lacking in divine power.

‘Or perhaps they did it to reverse public opinion…’

Whatever the reason, there was undoubtedly a hidden scheme of Akan.

“In any case, that prince from Akan doesn’t seem to be easily dealt with.”

“Are you talking about that red-haired prince?”

“Yeah. Boldly enough, he gave me wine mixed with demonic energy. He even removed a cork if I wanted to drink it.”

“He gave you wine mixed with demonic energy?”

In response to Simon’s incredulous words, Louismond took out the Akan wine he had placed in the display cabinet.

“This is it.”

Louismond placed the wine on the table and spoke.

“Even if I sensed Akan’s true intentions, the situation is bleak right now. We need to eliminate the black magic they keep pouring out…”

Louismond’s words came to a sudden halt.

While sipping the dark wine, Louismond, as if hiding his desperation, calmly asked.

“Simon… Is that possible?”

Simon didn’t answer easily. Magical and demonic power were different forces.

While it was possible to defend against it using magical power, eliminating the already spread demonic energy was… almost impossible.

‘But I have a thought.’

Simon first brought up the common knowledge.

“Demonic energy is similar to a curse. It attaches itself to the bloodline and destroys the person. But curses are powered by demonic energy, while magic is a power from another realm, making it difficult for their powers to affect each other. As long as it’s not killing a subject infected with demonic energy.”

It was said that it was impossible to get rid of the ‘demonic energy’ itself unless all the people of the Empire were annihilated.

Louismond’s face twisted with despair.

Simon, who was staring at him intently, exchanged glances with Kalia.

Understanding his intention, Kalia nodded first.

“…However, there is someone who can purify magic. And it can be done on a wide scale.”

Louismond’s head shot up at Simon’s words.

Janice also held her breath, looking at Simon with a hopeful expression.

Someone who could purify demonic energy, and if it could be done on a wide scale…

Just that alone gave them hope.

Looking into the gleaming eyes of the two, Simon glanced at Kalia.

“It’s me.”

Kalia smiled faintly and spoke to Louismond and Janice.

“I believe I can purify demonic energy, Your Highness.”

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