The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 277 - I Owe Her

Chapter 277 I Owe Her
The following day, Murong Ye and Gong Yu arrived in C City. Although all means of transportation had been interrupted in C City, fortunately, Murong Family not only had helicopters, but also had private airliners. It was hard for the airliners to find a landing place in C City, so, Murong Ye transferred five helicopters, accompanied by Second, Little Three and many retinues.

Murong Qingtian took charge of family business again with Little Five as his assistant while Gu Yuxuan and Murong Xu took care of Niannian.

It seemed that everything had been arranged well, so, Murong Ye and Gong Yu left A city at ease with large amounts of food, water, and medicine. They prepared these sufficient supplies not ony for that they might need to use them when they found Murong Yunxi but also for that they could distribute them to their staff in the branch comapny in C City as benefits. Also, they could donate the rest of supplies to the stricken area.

The earthquake seemed to have left C City in ruins during the destructive disaster, and only a few buildings survived it. Fortunately, the earthquake happened at the sunset, when people were off work and did not go to sleep yet, thus, many people managed to escape out before their houses collapsed. However, the earthquake was so fierce that a number of people got injured, killed or missing.

When such a disaster occurred, all people must seize the golden 72 hours to save the wounded as many as possible. Thus, mass troops, firemen and policemen would be sent to the stricken area for the rescue.

Murong Ye contacted Fourth first when he arrived in C City. It had been 15 hours since the earthquake occurred. During the 15 hours, Fourth seached through the settlements but still failed to find Murong Yunxi, so he came back to the nearby pedestrian street and continued to look for her.

When Murong Ye finally met with Fourth, he found his eyes bloodshot, his clothes ragged, his face covered with dust and indistinguishable, and dirt over all his body.

Fourth hugged Murong Ye with his badly mutilated fingers and cried. “Sorry, Big Master, I didn’t take care of her well!”

Fourth cried out of breath, letting out all the pressure and emotions he had in his heart during the last dozen hours. Second and Little Three couldn’t believe their eyes when seeing Fourth boldly hug Murong Ye because they dared not to even touch Murong Ye.

Murong Ye didn’t push Fourth away but let him give vent to all his emotions in his heart. In fact, he had regarded them as his brothers at the bottom of his heart, although he never told them his thoughts or showed his feelings on his face. To him, they were not only his subordinates, and at this moment, he knew that Fourth felt regretted.

As they started to look for Murong Yunxi in ruins, lots of soldiers and firemen searched the wounded in the ruins as well. One after another, they helped out many survivors but didn’t see Murong Yunxi at all.

Gong Yu asked hesitantly, “Could it be that Xiao Xi is not here? She might have been rescued?”

Fourth shook his head. “Many people have been rescued from here, but they have been sent to the nearby rescue stations and settlements. I’ve searched these places but failed to find her. I also inquire the survivors there but no one saw her or someone like her.”

After hearing the answer, Gong Yu became more desperate because he thought Murong Yunxi was possibly still buried under ground since they could not find her where she might go or be sent to. If he was right, the fact would be too upset to take in. It had been over 24 hours since the earthquake occurred, and the longer it was, the worse the things might go, and the less possible it was for Murong Yunxi to survive. Upon thinking of this, Gong Yu and those with him all felt their heart sink.

At the moment, Murong Ye’s cellphone rang; it was a call from Murong Qingtian. “It’s me, Xiao Ye, how is Xiao Xi now? Is there any news about her?”

It came to an urgent voice from Murong Qingtian when Murong Ye answered the phone, and he could feel the worry and fear carried in the tone.

Murong Ye heard the old tottering voice from his father. He kept quiet for a while, for he dared not to say anything. Murong Qingtian’s firm voice sounded again. “Xiao Ye, although I’m getting old now, I do have experienced a lot. Just tell me what happened to Xiao Xi and I can bear it.”

Murong Qingtian didn’t hear his son’s response. He started to guess that Murong Yunxi’s situations were very bad. He held his breath to wait for the final sentence of the bad news.

Murong Ye felt a pain in his heart. Suddenly, he realized that if Murong Yunxi actually did not survive the earthquake, it would be such a hit for his father to suffer, and it was really cruel for his father, who had lost his lover and spent twenty years to find his daughter back, to lose the family happiness he just enjoyed in his late years.

“We haven’t found her yet, and we will continue to search her with all our strength. I believe that God blesses the good man.”

“OK, no news is good news. At least, we could reckon that she is still alive since she hasn’t been found killed. I’m waiting for you to bring her back safely.”

It seemed that Murong Qingtian was not talking to his son, but talking to himself. Maybe at the moment, he did have the hope in his heart.

“Sure, I will bring Xiao Xi back safely. I promise.”

“OK, I am waiting for you to come back safely together. Remember to take care of yourself.”

After Murong Ye hung up the phone, he couldn’t calm down for a long time. He stared at the ruins in front of him, and his heart became more and more empty. How could he explain to his father if he couldn’t bring back Murong Yunxi?

Or, how should he face himself first?

At this time, Gong Yu and Fourth suddenly screamed. “We found someone here! We found someone here!”

Hearing the voice, Murong Ye and the men with him rushed to Gong Yu. Where Gong Yu stood, there was a huge floor slab laying there, and below the floor slab, there were many smaller slabs, between which, they saw an arm of someone. The sleeve were so dirty that it was hard to tell whether it belonged to Murong Yunxi or not, but, from the looks of it, it should be a woman’s arm.

Two soldiers nearby came to help. The huge floor lying there was so heavy that it was hard for only several people to lift one foot of it.

At this moment, someone exclaimed from the other side. “Here, here are two people alive.”

After hearing this, the soldiers looked at Murong Ye and other people, and one of them said, “There are two people needing help over there, what about we go to help them first. It is very difficult for us to move this huge floor slab for the time being, so, I think, we should go there to help before it’s too late.”

Murong Ye looked at the arm that seemed to belong to a woman; his intuition told him that the woman was Murong Yunxi, so, he shook his head and said, “No, I won’t give her up.”

On hearing this, the soldiers tried to lift the floor slab again with Murong Ye and other people but failed to move it even a little bit.

At last, the soldiers had to give up and turned to the other side.

Gong Yu stared at the heavy floor slab in a settled way and started to observe the situation below. At last, he suggested, “Why don’t we dig from below? Although it won’t be easier than moving the floor slab, it may work out. Anyway, we can’t continue on saving her if the floor is stuck here.”

Murong Ye couldn’t think of any better way. He nodded. “Let’s try it.”

Then, the several people began to dig from below with their bare hands, which caused pain to them both mentally and physically.

Half an hour later, they finally managed to dig out a hole that allowed one person to pass at a time. Gong Yu was about to went into the hole without hesitation when Murong Ye grabbed his arm and said, “Let me go.”

“No, I’ll go, it’s ok.” Gong Yu did not take the advice and tried to get into the hole.

Fourth pulled Gong Yu out hastily and came into the hole himself.

Although they had dug out a hole, it was unknown whether the hole was solid or not, which could be really dangerous. Once the upper part of the hole collapsed, the huge floor would fall down and crush people’s heads. Even if the upper part didn’t fall down itself, it would still be dangerous to get in because aftershock might strike at anytime.

Both Gong Yu and Murong Ye were shocked. Fourth said in a calm tone, “If something really happens, this is what I owe her and I am supposed to pay her back.”

After saying that, he turned around and started to draw out small stones. After cleaning up the small stones, he began to pull out larger floor slabs.

Murong Ye suddenly grabbed Fourth’s clothes, and his eyes were filled with tension and anxiety as he said, “Fourth, be careful.”

Fourth took in Murong Ye’s expression, and he smiled brilliantly and fearlessly.

He replied firmly as if he were making an oath, “Don’t worry. I will accompany you all my life.” After hearing the words, Murong Ye felt a sting in his heart.

Fourth then turned around to pull the floor slabs out. As soon as he did that, a layer of dirt scattered down, and dust got into Fourth’s eyes. However, he continued his actions with tears blurring his sights. As the floor slab above shook violently again, his heart skipped a beat. People watching him outside also held their breath and stared at Fourth closely.

A short while later, the shaking stopped, and nothing dangerous happened, so, everyone present was relieved a little bit.

Fourth continued to pull the floor slab out little by little with caution. Finally, he drew the floor slab out. Meanwhile, he fell backward with the slab due to the force of inertia.

Murong Ye took hold of Fourth quickly and Fourth returned him a gentle smile.

“Let’s go on!”

After that, when Fourth was about to get into the hole again, Second was faster than him to rush into the hole. Before Fourth could pull him out, he started to draw out the second floor slab.

Everyone held their breath with their eyes fixed on Second. However, the ground suddenly began to shake violently at the moment…

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