The Best Actor’s Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

Chapter 319 - Extra Story— A Fierce Slap to the Face

Chapter 319 Extra Story— A Fierce Slap to the Face
The owner of the academy went forward and raised Yun Muxi’s painting high so that everyone could see it clearly. Whether it was the painting itself, the handwriting on it, or the poem, the painting appeared perfect and impressive to everyone in the academy.

Even more, someone appreciated the painting so much that he even bade for it at a high price. As more people joined in the bidding, the competition between Yun Muxi and Gongsun Weiwei was turned into an auction. Amused by the scene, the owner of the academy turned to enquire Yun Muxi’s opinion.

Yun Muxi had been penniless since she came to this world, so it would be great if she could earn some money through the painting and no longer lived depending on Duanmu Gongyu. As a girl that came from modern times, she upheld the belief that women should be independent. Besides, Duanmu Gongyu was just her friend, she had no reason to financially rely on him.

Yun Muxi nodded her agreement without hesitation at the owner.

The academy now actually served as a spot for auction. Duanmu Gongyu helped increase the price, like a shill, and the painting was finally sold at one hundred thousand taels, which also proved that the painting was highly appreciated among the bidders.

This was totally out of Yun Muxi’s expectation and was a slap to Gongsun Weiwei’s face. At the point, Gongsun Weiwei had just finished half of her painting of a beauty, and no matter it was a good work or not, she lost the round anyway.

After the first round, the owner of the academy had some men move the brushes and ink away and fetch them a guqin. The second round started.

Having suffered a fiasco before she could even finish her painting, Gongsun Weiwei took the initiative to play first in this round.

Her voice sweet and tender as she sang, her slender fingers plucking the strings gracefully, the lyrics beautiful and in rhyme, Gongsun Weiwei presented a wonderful performance.

Taken away by Gongsun Weiwei’s sweet voice, those who were present all felt the beautiful melody lingering around their ears long. They could not help but gasp with admiration. “She lives up to her reputation as a peerless talent.”

Gongsun Weiwei nodded at the crowd with a smile of confidence as she finished performing. After that, she shot Yun Muxi a mocking glance as if she were saying, “You’re too inexperienced to compete with me, girl. Let’s wait and see how you will win me.”

Yun Muxi did not hurry to the center of the stage after Gongsun Weiwei walked down. Instead, she borrowed a dress with long sleeves from the owner of the academy and changed into it before she walked onto the center with elegant steps.

She eyed around and started playing the guqin with her slender fair fingers. As the beautiful melody rang out slowly, Yun Muxi started to sing a touching song in her clear voice.

How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky.

I do not know what time of the year; it would be tonight in the palace on high.

Riding the wind, there I would fly, yet I’m afraid the crystalline palace would be too high and cold for me.

I rise and dance, with my shadow I play.

On high as on earth, would it be as gay?

The moon goes round, the mansions red, through gauze-draped window soft to shed; her light upon the sleepless bed.

Why then when people part, is the oft full and bright?

Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; the moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.

There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.

So let us wish that man will live long as he can! Though miles apart, we’ll share the beauty she displays.

Yun Muxi danced with the music she played. She sometimes waved her long sleeves with one hand and plucked the strings with the other, and sometimes exchanged the movements of her two hands.

It might appear easy as she waved her sleeves, twisted her waist and lifted her legs; however, it required a supple body and coordination in body movements to do so. Besides, to dance with more grace while playing guqin, she had to keep the two kinds of movements in harmony.

Despite all the difficulties, her dance looked graceful, and her voice sounded rich and sweet as she played the guqin skillfully.

The song she sang was created based on Prelude to Water Ripple, an ancient poem written by the famous poet Su Shi, and was popular among the people of modern times. From this, one could see how great the song was.

Yun Muxi’s performance stunned everyone present. None of them had ever seen such a show before, and they began to regard Yun Muxi as an extraordinary talent who was good at writing poems and could dance while singing and playing an instrument.

In actual fact, Yun Muxi did not do the show for the first time. She had once performed it on a New Year Party in middle school.

Back then, she put much effort in choreographing the dance and practiced really hard playing the guqin, which she was not good at. The show came in handy in this round. Yun Muxi firmly believed she could defeat Gongsun Weiwei.

Frustration caught Gongsun Weiwei. She never expected Yun Muxi to perform better than her and that she would lose this round. Her eyes were bloodshot with jealousy, her nerve stood out on her forehead, and her tightly clenched fists turned pale.

Duanmu Gongyu was amazed by Yun Muxi’s performance because he had not expected her to perform even more wonderful than before. Eyes shining with admiration, he stared at the stunning woman in the center of the stage, overwhelmed by a strong affection for her.

The audience was taken away by Yun Muxi’s performance until the owner of academy took the lead to applaud. Then, a prolonged stormy applause broke out in the academy. At the scene, Gongsun Weiwei blushed probably because of anger or shame. Though her performance was rather perfect, the audience obviously favored Yun Muxi’s more. Despite herself, she had to admit it.

Losing the second round was another fierce slap to Gongsun Weiwei’s face. At the point, she could say nothing to defend herself but to admit defeat.

The owner of the academy enquired if Gongsun Weiwei wanted to continue the competition. He was trying to help her by offering her a choice to quit since they were from the same town.

However, his kindness was not appreciated. Gongsun Weiwei chose to continue on. As she thought, giving up now was equal to losing the third round, but if she managed to defeat Yun Muxi in the round, she would not end bitterly on the whole even though it would not make any difference on the result of the completion.

In the third round, they would compete in playing chess.

Having learned playing chess from her father since a child, Yun Muxi was an expert in chess. However, Gongsun Weiwei knew nothing about it.

Yun Muxi’s father was once a chess champion among amateurs. If not for his dream of becoming a doctor, he would have become a professional chess player and made greater achievements in this field. Yun Muxi was a quick learner when she was a child, because of which, her father taught her how to play chess so that she could play with him. Under her father’s training, the quick-witted Yun Muxi became a skilled chess player.

The third round started soon. Each of Yun Muxi’s moves was so rapid that Gongsun Weiwei had to react in a hurry, which resulted in her making mistakes and losing grounds. In less than fifteen minutes, Gongsun Weiwei was pushed to a corner and had no choice but to surrender.

The last round ended quickly with Yun Muxi’s wining before the onlookers could even react. Duanmu Gongyu, who was a master in chess as well, was full admiration for Yun Muxi upon taking in her deliberate moves and quick actions. “She is indeed impressive. I’m so lucky to have saved such an outstanding woman,” he thought.

The fact that she lost all the rounds of the competition frustrated Gongsun Weiwei hard. She almost went mad being jealous of Yun Muxi and was at a loss for words. She had intended to slap Yun Muxi on the face through the competition, but unexpectedly, she became the victim of her own scheme.

Without any words, Gongsun Weiwei tried to leave, but Yun Muxi stopped her with shouting at her, “Hey, why are you in a hurry to leave? We’re not finished yet.”

Gongsun Weiwei replied both angrily and embarrassedly. “Haven’t we agreed on a competition of three rounds? The competition was over the moment the third round ended. Sorry, I got to go now.”

“No, it’s not over yet. We’ve had a rule that the loser will have to grant a request of the winner. Are you trying to break your words by leaving this way?” Yun Muxi responded in an unhurried tone.

So embarrassed and ashamed, Gongsun Weiwei wanted to leave the place and go home as quickly as she could, and she had cast the promise behind her back. At Yun Muxi’s reminder, Gongsun Weiwei finally realized the competition was not actually over. At the very beginning, she accepted the rule with an intention of separating Yun Muxi and Duanmu Gongyu after she won, so that she might be able to marry Duanmu Gongyu. Never had she thought she would lose in the end.

“What do you want from me?” Gongsun Weiwei sounded depressed.

“Well, stop coveting Duanmu Gongyu and give up your designs on him. He has made it clear he has no feeling for you, so, stop harassing him, ok?”

Until then, the onlookers finally realized that Gongsun Weiwei overestimating herself and coveting other’s husband caused the drama and brought shame upon herself.

Ashamed, resentful, and helpless, Gongsun Weiwei promised in front of the crowd that she would no longer covet Duanmu Gongyu or do anything to pursue him. After that, she glared at Yun Muxi, the woman who brought the humiliation she had never tasted to her. To Gongsun Weiwei, it was the hatred not to be forgotten, and she would get back at Yun Muxi someday.

After Gongsun Weiwei took her leave in fluster, discussions broke out among the crowd. Those who admired her all got disappointed at her, while those who hated her for her arrogance despised her even more. Her reputation was ruined completely.

What’s worse, because of the drama, no one came to compete for Gongsun Weiwei’s favor. After all, no good man would like to marry a woman with poor character, let alone accept a matrilocal marriage.

Despite the fact that Gongsun Weiwei was an outstanding woman in some way, she was outdone by Yun Muxi. Furthermore, having been spoiled long by the people around her made her an arrogant and haughty woman that few men could put up with. Men with machismo and self-esteem would never want to marry such a woman. As a result, Gongsun Weiwei failed to find herself a matrilocal husband, and it was highly unlikely that she could get married, but this was way down the line.

After winning the competition, Yun Muxi made a name for herself as a rising star and idol of the new generation.

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