The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn

Chapter 54

Chapter 53 Chuxin [One more] (crazy for her)

Few ballet dancers will choose the stage where “Giselle” is most evaluated, because this drama is a romantic ballet, which requires extremely high performance and rendering power of dancers.

In other words, it requires acting skills. It is not enough just to have ballet skills.

In terms of stage rendering, it is precisely Jiang Yu’s strong point.

She didn’t hesitate anymore, even if she hadn’t practiced her skills to the point of perfection, but as Qiu Li said… so what.

As long as the audience can see her, as long as she can present the audience in the most perfect state, it is enough.

The light tone slowly turned into ice blue, shining on the **** the left side of the stage. She was wearing a white lace and fluffy dress with her calf, standing on her toes, slowly entering the stage.

This scene is about the ghost abandoned by the heartbroken fiance, revenges the heartless man who walks into the forest, and tempts him to dance with him until his heartless manpower is exhausted…

However, after hearing the regret of his lover at the grave, the ghost Giselle chose to forgive and protect him from death.

In the lover’s immense regret and sorrow, Giselle and the ghosts disappeared into the bell of dawn.

For this stage performance, Jiang Yu chose Giselle’s classic solo dance to perform.

The whole dance was performed in dark blue tones. She jumped briskly and smartly, like a ghost of the jungle, following the melody of the music, she slowly began to dance.

The most beautiful part of ballet lies in the jumping of the toes, and the performance of this dance has extremely complicated toe skills, which can highlight the skills of the ballerina.

Jiang Yu’s eyes always fall below, and there is unspeakable compassion between his eyebrows, especially around the fallen lover. That beautiful dance shows light and darkness, love and suspicion, death and relief, vividly and vividly. .

When the audience watched Jiang Yu’s performance, the whole process was silent, and her emotions seemed to be substituted into the play. In the elegant melody, they dreamed back to the faint blue forest.

In the audience, Wen Lun watched Jiang Yu’s big jumps that ended, and his eyes revealed an unprecedented light.

Jiang Yu was not particularly skilled in this performance, and one can imagine how hurried she rehearsed.

However, the slightly jerky interpretation gives people an indescribable sense of expectation.

As far as the stage effect is concerned, just look at the reaction of the audience in the audience.

There have just been so many diversified performances, and high-quality ballets of various schools have been performed in turn, but there are very few stages that can silence the audience for so long and have a long aftertaste after the end…

Jiang Yu did it.

In this regard, she has won everyone.

However, Wen Lun thinks this way, it does not mean that the teachers of the judges, headed by Bai Shuyi, will be satisfied with Jiang Yu’s performance.

Even Shen Aoqing, who is next to Wen Lun, arrogantly commented after watching Jiang Yu’s entire performance: “Wild Luzi.”

Wen Lun said: “It is indeed a wild road, just like Bu Tanyan back then.”

Shen Aoqing glanced at Wen Lun, and said a little jealously: “You compare her with Bu Tanyan, you overestimate her, right?”

“It may be far away now, but it doesn’t mean that she won’t be able to do it in the future.” Wen Lun said lightly: “Don’t forget, she only prepared for this dance for three days.”

Shen Aoqing stopped talking, and looked at Jiang Yu with her arms in her arms, with a trace of unnoticeable anxiety in her eyes.

Indeed, Shen Aoqing asked herself whether she could achieve the level of Jiang Yu if she was only given three days.

Really not necessarily.

On the side of the judges’ stage, several teachers from the EFDC class gave Jiang Yu’s dance a high degree of praise—

“I believe that through the reaction of the audience, you can also tell that Jiang Yu’s performance is perfect.”

“Yes, I am worthy of being a lover of Teacher Bai Shuyi.”

“It can be said that this is the most perfect performance tonight.”

For their comments, Jiang Yu politely expressed his gratitude. Of course, he was also clear in his heart that some of these teachers praised her because they were sincere, but they also greeted her with calligraphy.

Jiang Yu looked at Bai Shuyi, who hadn’t spoken for a long time.

Bai Shuyi’s face…not pretty, his expression tense, very serious.

“Jiang Yu, during this time, you have been guided by me. Therefore, I have something to say. Your dance today made me very dissatisfied.”

The audience was shocked when he said this.

I’m not satisfied with this kind of dance. Teacher Bai Shuyi is too strict!

Everyone felt unbelievable, but this was in Jiang Yu’s expectation. She said: “Teacher Bai, there are indeed many parts that I am not proficient in. This is my fault.”

At this time, Lin Miao and Mu Zixian in the back row quickly explained to Jiang Yu: “She only has three days to practice!”

“Someone said it was good to jump with her, but it was not Jiang Yu’s problem!”

Jiang Yu immediately gave them a wink and asked them not to explain.

Esmeral’s teacher is notoriously strict. This is not the place to listen to explanations.

The same is true for the ballet stage. The actor makes a mistake on the stage, but he cannot explain the reasons to the audience after the performance is over.

Not ready is not ready, she doesn’t need to make excuses for herself.

Bai Shuyi sullenly continued: “The biggest problem is not that the practice time is short, but that you didn’t take what I taught you before. Or, do you think I taught you wrong?”

When this is said, it is very serious.

The classmates in the back row looked at each other, some squeezed a sweat for Jiang Yu, and some people eating melons showed a lively look, waiting for Jiang Yu’s answer…

Jiang Yu paused and said, “I did… I didn’t use all my thoughts on details as Teacher Bai said.”

Because she doesn’t have so much time, like the previous performance with Wen Lun, she digs out the details bit by bit and performs precise calibration of the details.

She must present the completeness of the stage in the shortest time. Therefore, she spends more time on design and rendering, including expressions, emotions, and her own interpretation of the story…

Since childhood, Jiang Yu has watched Bu Tanyan’s performance video more than a hundred times, and has also watched it in comparison with other ballerina videos.

Why Bu Tanyan can become a legend in the dance world is because she is different from others, she is not dancing, her dance is telling beautiful and moving legends.

Only when the core of the story is given to dance, can it arouse the broadest resonance of mankind, and it can be moving and emotional.

Jiang Yu wanted to dance like Bu Tanyan, not just being a dancing robot.

Bai Shuyi denied Jiang Yu’s opinion, and said, “If you continue to do this in the future…I can’t teach you.”

Jiang Yu remained silent, and the atmosphere became rigid.

At this time, Xue Jiayi, who had not spoken, laughed: “I heard that Jiang Yu only has three days. It is not bad to be able to practice to this level.”

“Thank you, Teacher Xue.”

Xue Jiayi didn’t help Jiang Yu to speak, she just liked to be angry at Bai Shuyi.

She knew that Bai Shuyi was definitely out of jealousy.

Just like when the two of them watched Bu Tanyan dance together, that kind of atmosphere, kind of emotion, kind of contagion… no one can match.

She can make the audience cry while watching the ballet; she can make the whole scene silent for a long time after the performance is over;

No one can do her style so far!

But Jiang Yu just felt like Bu Tanyan, if given time, her way forward would be limitless!

Xue Jiayi knew that this was the place that made Bai Shuyi’s throat the most.

She raised her arms and watched the excitement, and said leisurely: “Shuyi, I think you are too strict with Jiang Yu. Besides, your modest style may not be suitable for her.”

Bai Shuyi gave Xue Jiayi a cold look.

Xue Jiayi’s words hit her sore spot.

That’s right, the ballet education she received since she was a child is the orthodox education, which requires every detail to be perfect and there can be no mistakes.

But by the way… I met Bu Tanyan when she was sixteen, and the girl’s dance completely subverted her cognition of ballet.

In the past, the so-called perfection she was required of did not exist here at Bu Tanyan. Bu Tanyan dances as long as she wants to. As long as she is within the framework of the norm, she can fully express the expressive power of her dance.

The audience shed tears for her and went crazy for her.

And she Bai Shuyi, she believed in the dogma for so many years, although it is not wrong, but it is not the most perfect.

All her hard work, from small to large countless days and nights of hard training, have been wiped out completely.


Fortunately, Bu Tanyan is dead, and there will never be a second Bu Tanyan.

After more than ten years of comfortable life, Bai Shuyi has gradually become famous.

But today, a Jiang Yu suddenly appeared, making her nightmare shrouded again…how could Bai Shuyi be willing.

“Jiang Yu, if you go your own way, I can’t teach you.” Bai Shuyi zoomed in directly, stood up, and said to Jiang Yu: “I think every teacher in Esmera does not want to teach one. Disobedient student.”

As soon as this statement was made, the surrounding students felt incredible.

This…is it to give Jiang Yu a failing grade!

If Jiang Yu could fail this performance…then what they danced, wouldn’t it be unbearable to be eye-catching!

Jiang Yu also didn’t expect that Bai Shuyi would say such a thing.

Even if she does not dance well, it is absolutely impossible to fail!

“Of course, it is not easy for every classmate to enter Esmeral. I won’t give any failing scores.” Bai Shuyi turned around and said: “As long as you admit your mistakes and admit that the dance style you just did was wrong, And I promise that I won’t commit any more in the future, so I can continue to stay, and I will still accept you as a closed disciple.”

Xue Jiayi looked back at Bai Shuyi, somewhat surprised.

Bai Shuyi has been keeping people as light as tea, gentle and kind as a mentor for many years, but he didn’t expect it to be for Jiang Yubeng today.

She knew that firing Jiang Yu was definitely not Bai Shuyi’s original intention, she just wanted her to bow her head and admit her mistake.

Acknowledge that the path you chose was wrong, and that Bu Tanyan’s path was wrong!

It seems that after so many years of fighting, everyone is dead, and she hasn’t swallowed it yet.

A cold smile hung from the corner of Xue Jiayi’s mouth.

Jiang Yu’s hand clenched tightly, she didn’t want to admit her mistake. I don’t think what is wrong with the idol and idol style I have chosen.

Obviously, Teacher Bai Shuyi dislikes Bu Tanyan very much.

But Jiang Yu could not deny the path he had been doing for so many years in order to please Teacher Bai Shuyi.

Dance… The performance is for appreciation. Only by empathy can the audience be impressed.

The expressiveness of the dancers gives empathy to the story.

She is not a dancing machine, and she never wants to be a dancing machine. This is her original intention.

Esmera is not her end point. Although this is the shortest way to the end, if you give up your original intention in order to stay in Esmera… Jiang Yu can’t do it!

As Qiu Li said, as long as you can dance, isn’t it the happiest thing?

What swan queen, what four little swans…it doesn’t matter, as long as she can dance, even if it is on the street with people coming and going.

“I am right.”

Jiang Yu gritted his teeth, looked at Bai Shuyi, and said loudly: “Bu Tanyan is the starting point and ending point of my love for ballet, I will never lose it!”

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