The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Found by Her Biological Parents

Translator: Tuiwen  Editor: Tuiwen

“Tangtang,” Aunt Liu finally exclaimed as soon as she saw Yao Tang come out of the valley. Breathing a sigh of relief, she immediately rushed towards her. “Didn’t you hear the news? Your parents came to find you – your biological parents. They’ve even sent a few people to wait for you outside the chief’s door.”


Yao Tang had just enjoyed her harvest up in the valley when she heard her next-door neighbor. At the sound of her voice, she couldn’t help but furrow her eyebrows in disbelief.

Biological parents? It wasn’t as if she had known them in the first place.

She simply shrugged and turned away. While others may have regarded it as a sign of compliance in meeting her supposed “biological parents”, she truly couldn’t care any less.

Aunt Liu stared at her passive expression, furrowing her eyebrows. She had once felt so sorry for her – a little girl abandoned by her parents at the village entrance. She remembered how scared that little girl was when she was being picked up by Old Master Yao. She was so fragile then, but now…


It’s as if she really didn’t care to meet her parents!


“I don’t know if you know this – probably not, but your biological parents? They’re filthy rich!” Aunt Liu wagged her fingers. “Probably came from a prominent family line too – have a butler and everything. In fact, their butler is the one who’ll pick you up…Butler Shen’s his name!”


“He even gave us $500 each just to keep an eye on you! How generous is that?”


Seeing her shrug, Aunt Liu bit her tongue and pulled Yao Tang to the entrance of the house. “Don’t believe me? I’ll show you. Do you see that car over there? I’ve only ever seen that in the movies!”

As they moved even closer, they could see the black luxurious car parked right at the village chief’s house.

It was a Rolls-Royce Phantom, 460 horsepower, with a 6.7 T standard wheelbase edition. Not only was it very limited, but only a few in the country ever had the luxury to own one.


Aunt Liu couldn’t help but glance at Yao Tang in pity. The young girl may have come from quite a wealthy background, but she didn’t even get to enjoy it.

Hell, she didn’t even have any guardian left to take care of her now. The old couple who had taken her in already passed away five years ago, leaving her alone in the big, wide world. There was a time that she felt sorry for her, but it seemed that her prayers had finally come true.

The young girl was finally getting what she deserved.

Aunt Liu’s sobs and calls attracted the attention of the villagers nearby. Even from afar, Yao Tang could sense the hardened jealousy in their gazes, boring against her back. If they had a choice, they probably would’ve already stabbed her in the back if it meant taking her place.


How the tables have turned.


Yao Tang followed the old woman’s footsteps, entering the chief’s house. Just as she did, she heard a voice sounding from the other end of the room. “Are you Yao Tang?”

Butler Shen casually looked at the newcomer up and down, widening his eyes in much surprise.

The girl was drop-dead gorgeous!

Her small face was exquisite, looking as if she had just bathed in milk and cream. Her fair and delicate skin seemed unusually flawless, given the years she spent in the valleys. And her eyes – her deep dark eyes that felt as if they were staring deep into his soul.

If someone had said she was a model, he would’ve believed it – no doubt.

He blinked, obviously surprised. It had taken a few moments before he finally pulled himself together. His stunned expression immediately shifted to that of coldness and indifference– to think that Miss Yao Ran had shed tears because of this girl!


Yao Tang turned to the unfamiliar man.

The middle-aged man’s face seemed serious – with his narrowed eyes and thin lips. His suit was well-ironed, and there was something about his stance that exuded superiority and arrogance.


Butler Shen took this time to scan her over, sizing her up.

While her face was outstanding, he couldn’t say the same for her presentation– clearly she was not as civilized as Miss Yao Ran.


Yao Tang was wearing some ratty clothes, already a bit off-white from all the hours spent under the sun. He could even see some splatters of mud across the corners of her shirt. Her hair carelessly hang on her shoulders, all tangled and dry. She didn’t wear any jewelry either, except for the simplistic pendant on her neck.

Recalling the teacher he had spoken with, he remembered the way the old man had described her – unruly and willful. The young woman had never listened to any of his lectures, even contradicting him from time to time! Truly a shameless student!


Even if she was better looking, how could she ever compare to the lovely Yao Ran?

Yao Tang simply shrugged in response and logged into her WeChat. It had been a long time since she last checked in. Her eyebrows shot up in the air when she saw hundreds of unread messages – all from the person named “R”.

The latest message she had was from half a month ago.

The earliest – a month ago.

[Sister Tang, the Yao Family – you know, that nouveau rich family from City A. They’re probably going to find us soon. ]

[Guess what?]

[Turns out the Yao Family brought back the wrong baby!]

[Sister Tang, do you want to see them? If you don’t, I’ll find some of my guys to block them.]


[I still can’t believe that those two idiots could give birth to a genius like you, haha!]

There, on one of the latest messages, was a more detailed outline of the Yao Family.

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