The Bloodline System

Chapter 1599 You're Joking

Chapter 1599  You're Joking

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Aildris addressed the group. "We have our individual paths to follow, but our ultimate goal is the same. We must stay connected and be ready to support each other when the time comes."

"We've been through a lot together. No matter where we go or what we face, we are family. Stay safe, everyone, we'll meet again," Endric stated.

"Take care, everyone. I'll see you when I see you," Falco added.

"Be careful out there. Do come back safely," Angy said to Endric.

E.E. clapped Endric on the shoulder. "Keep in touch, alright?"

The group told one another goodbye and got ready to part ways.

Ria grinned in excitement. "Let's go, Endric. Adventure awaits."

"You know, it's not all gonna be that simple, right?" Endric had to remind Ria that it was going to be dangerous.

With their farewells said, the group began to disperse. Falco turned to head back to Earth, his mind already on the reunion with his father. Angy prepared to return to the MBO and E.E was ready to head back to the independent council. They could onlyhope for Gustav's safe return. Aildris set off to take his rightful place as the leader of his family.

Endric and Ria set off together in Gustav's spacecraft.

"This mission is important. The Outworldly needs all of his sacred items."

Ria nodded. "I understand, Endric. I intend to take it seriously."




In a high-tech laboratory on a secluded part of Earth, the air buzzed with the soft whir of advanced machinery and the faint crackle of static from numerous holographic projections.

The room was large and filled with gleaming surfaces as well as an intricate array of scientific instruments. Holograms of molecular structures, energy fields, and biomechanical blueprints floated in the air, casting a soft blue glow over the metallic walls.

Grand Commander Shion, an elderly but authoritative-looking man with a mane of silver hair and a diamond shard embedded in his forehead, stood at the center of this laboratory.

His silvery eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail with an unreadable expression. Beside him was Scientist Merkle, a slim man with sharp features and intense, intelligent eyes that seemed to see beyond the present.

"Merkle," Shion began with a resonant and commanding tone; "you mentioned a breakthrough in your research regarding the dark plane. I'm eager to hear the details."

Scientist Merkle nodded with a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Indeed, Grand Commander Shion. We have made significant progress. Our research team has been working tirelessly, and we've developed two new methods that could change the tide in our struggle against the dark plane."

Grand Commander Shion's expression remained stern, though his interest was piqued. "Go on."

Merkle gestured to a nearby holographic display, which shifted to show a complex energy diagram. "The first method involves stabilizing our soldiers' strength while they're in the dark plane. As you know, the dark plane has a debilitating effect on our forces, weakening them significantly. We've discovered a way to counteract this effect, allowing our soldiers to maintain their regular strength levels despite the plane's influence."

Grand Commander Shion nodded while absorbing the information. "That is indeed promising. But you mentioned a second method as well?"

Scientist Merkle's eyes gleamed with a mixture of excitement and caution. "Yes, the second method is even more revolutionary. We've found a way to harness the dark plane's unique energy fields to amplify our soldiers' strength to unprecedented levels. By tapping into the dark plane's latent power, we can significantly enhance their abilities, potentially giving us a decisive advantage. However, that isn't all. This second method is also more complex because, this technique harnesses energy from both the dark plane and the future potential of the Mixedblood soldiers. The result is a dramatic amplification of their strength, multiplying their capabilities many times over."

Shion raised an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. "Amplifying their strength sounds like a significant advantage. Why not focus solely on that?"

Merkle sighed, knowing the difficult truth he had to convey. "While the amplification method offers immense power, it comes with severe risks. The dark plane's energy is highly volatile and unpredictable.

By tapping into their future selves, the soldiers effectively accelerate their life force consumption. After the battle, they are likely to perish due to the immense strain on their bodies and minds."

Shion's eyes narrowed, considering the implications. "I see. So, the first method provides stability and safety, while the second offers power but with greater risks."

"Exactly," Merkle affirmed. "We must weigh the benefits against the potential dangers. While the amplification method could give us a critical edge in battle, we must be cautious in its application."

A heavy silence settled over the room as Grand Commander Shion absorbed the gravity of Merkle's words. "So, if we pick the amplification method, we're asking our soldiers to make the ultimate sacrifice," Shion said slowly with a heavy voice. "Yet, if we're not ready to put everything on the line, we risk losing the battle entirely."

Merkle nodded with a resolute expression.

Shion's gaze was intense as he considered the options. "This is a difficult decision, but one we must make with clear eyes. We cannot afford to lose this battle. Focus your efforts on refining the amplification method. We need to ensure it is as effective and safe as possible under the circumstances."

Merkle met Shion's gaze, understanding the gravity of the command. "I will prioritize the amplification method. Our team will work tirelessly to perfect it. With your permission, we will begin advanced trials immediately."

 "You have my permission. How soon can we expect results?" Grand Commander Shion inquired.

Merkle considered the timeline, already calculating the necessary steps. "If all goes well, we should have preliminary results within the next few weeks. We'll start with controlled simulations and move to live trials as soon as we are confident in the process."

Shion's expression softened slightly, showing a rare moment of empathy. "Remember, Merkle, these are not just soldiers. They are our people... the live blood of the future generation. Ensure that every precaution is taken to protect them, even as we push forward."

Merkle placed a reassuring hand on Shion's arm. "I understand, Grand Commander. We will do everything in our power to safeguard their lives and honor their sacrifices."

Grand Commander Shion nodded, a rare smile touching his lips. "Good. Keep me informed of your progress. The fate of our forces—and perhaps even the fate of Earth and the entire universe—rests on our ability to navigate these challenges."

With a final nod, Grand Commander Shion turned and left the laboratory. His mind was already shifting to the broader strategic implications of their work and how he would break the news to the other Grand Commanders.

Merkle watched him go, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders.


The lab buzzed with a renewed sense of urgency as Scientist Merkil briefed his team, outlining the critical steps needed to advance their research.

The following days were a blur of intense activity. Scientists and engineers worked around the clock, their focus on perfecting the amplification method. The air was filled with the vibrations of advanced machinery, the flicker of holographic displays, and the quiet murmur of intense discussions.

Grand Commander Shion visited frequently to observe the simulations, review data, and provided guidance. His authoritative demeanor inspired confidence and determination in the team.

One afternoon, as the sun cast long shadows over the secluded facility, Shion and Merkle stood before a large holographic projection displaying the latest data from the trials. The screen showed a detailed analysis of the energy flow, the physiological impacts on the soldiers, and the projected outcomes of the amplification process.

"Merkle, these preliminary results look promising," Grand Commander Shion remarked as his eyes scanned the data. "But we must be absolutely certain before we move to live trials. The stakes are too high for any margin of error."

Merkle nodded with a serious expression serious. "I agree, Grand Commander. We've seen significant improvements in the simulations, but we need to ensure the process is as stable as possible. We're conducting rigorous stress tests and refining the energy transfer protocols to minimize the risks."

Shion's gaze was intense. "And the soldiers? Have you identified those willing to undergo the trials?"

"Yes," Merkle replied. "We've carefully selected volunteers who understand the risks and are prepared to make the sacrifice if necessary. They are some of our most dedicated and courageous individuals."

Shion had a slightly sentimental look in his eyes. "Their bravery will not be forgotten. Ensure that they are given every support and preparation needed. They must be ready in mind and body."

 "We will do everything we can to honor their commitment and protect their lives," Merkle stated.

The days turned into weeks, and the trials progressed with increasing success. The team fine-tuned the amplification process, addressing each challenge with meticulous attention to detail. The volunteers underwent rigorous training, both physical and psychological, preparing themselves for the immense task ahead.

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