The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 59

Chapter 57 Urban emotional drama let Kihara fly hit

Kihara Shenquan, a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has broken away from low-level tastes… In order to bring a beautiful future to the school city, he will not hesitate to degenerate into darkness, great and great. Sublime again!

But now, our great Master Shenquan is very angry. He has his own dignified generation, and there are still two rats who dare to invade the headquarters of the hound troop led by him… This, this is simply seeking his own death!

Kihara immediately furiously rushed into the crown and waved his big hand. The younger brother next to him immediately armored his upper body and opened a formation to wait for him. He wanted to let the enemy know: Shenquan is very angry, and the consequences are serious!

Lin Luo felt very entangled. Originally thought that Shirai Heizi would help. Relying on her spatial mobility, it was not a simple matter to deal with a Kihara… Although Kihara abused one side in the original book, it was because he was against one side. The ability to pass is well understood, and there is a means to restrain him, and at that time the party was still in a state of mental disability.

But Shiraihei has nothing to do with him. No matter how good Kihara is, he can’t suppress Shiraihei’s ability, right?

But he never expected that when he was less than ten meters away from that building, Shiraizu’s ability suddenly lost control, and the two of them were forced out of the eleven dimension space and fell out of midair. If It’s not that I entered the state of concord in time, and magnetically attracted the iron rod next to him, I am afraid that I will not die or become disabled after falling.

“I’m sorry, I dragged you down.” Baijing Heizi said guiltily, her face was a bit ugly, slightly pale.

“No, it has nothing to do with you, it is my carelessness.” Lin Luo shook his head, somewhat blamed himself, this time it was indeed his carelessness, he thought of Muyuan too simply.

Kihara Shinken…Oh, Kihara Shuta is one of the researchers who developed super powers. It is not an exaggeration to call him the most talented researcher, and he is the leader of the hound army. , The first friend of the Hanged Man (Mist), wandering in the darkness of the academy city, there are certainly not a few capable people who usually suppress it, so how could he as an ordinary person not have any means to restrain the capable people? !

The energy reduction system, if it is correct, should be such a thing.

Although the capable people seem to be instantaneous when using their superpowers, at that moment, they have gone through countless complicated calculations in their minds. The so-called energy reduction system is able to emit a special sound wave, which can disrupt the calculation formula of the capable person, making them unable to use the ability.

In the past, there was a **** woman with the same surname, Kihara, who had a long name with extra letters and a psychopath. She used this device to completely seal the abilities of the gun sister, and then defeated her. Then the more talented Kihara Shenquan should also be. It would be right. After all, the hound troops are all incapacitated. Even if they have the most advanced weapons, it is obviously not enough to use firearms and weapons for those who want to deal with all kinds of strange abilities.

“It’s the energy derating system, right?” In less than half a minute, Bai Jing Heizi’s face had almost returned to normal, she raised her head and looked at the building hundreds of meters away and said. She hadn’t thought of it when she was recruited just now, but now she immediately remembered that this kind of device that can seal the ability of the capable person has also encountered it before.

“Well, it should be.”

“But why didn’t you get affected, and instead used your abilities?” Bai Jing Heizi looked at Lin Luo with a confused expression in his eyes.

“Uh.” Lin Luo was taken aback. He really didn’t expect this. When he fell from mid-air just now, he entered the same state without thinking. Not only did the two land safely, but they even moved away quickly. The building… But the energy reduction system can block the superpowers of the capable person. In theory, he should not be able to use the ability.

Could the ability given by the book of contract ignore external interference?

Lin Luo thinks this possibility is very high. After all, he is not a capable person in essence. The reason why he can use superpowers is because he has copied Mikoto’s abilities. The calculation formulas in the brain are copied over… without any calculations, instantaneous thoughts. In a way, this method of using super powers is more convenient than those with real abilities, and it does not have any side effects.

Lin Luo didn’t know how to explain to Baijing Heizi, so he could only do things casually. At this time, he showed classmate Heizi’s lady-like attitude. He didn’t have any gossip questions, just bowed his head thoughtfully.

…Although he can use his superpowers without any scruples, ignoring the energy reduction system, Lin Luo didn’t plan to rush up like this. A LV3 electric shock capable person, he didn’t think he had done a hound troop before, even if he was contracted. The book of the book may not be able to block the opponent’s bullets.

Again, his current strongest weapon is Bai Rui!

“Snack liberation!”

With a pinch of the index fingers of both hands, Xiaobai immediately got out of the seal, still so awe-inspiring… Heizi was stunned on the spot as soon as he saw it, her body shook wildly!

Lin Luo didn’t bother to explain to her, it would take so many words to explain each one so clearly!

Under Lin Luo’s order, Bai Rui rushed towards the building hundreds of meters away without making a sound… After all, it was late at night. If Bai Rui shouted, it would disturb his dreams, and it might even cause countless others. Onlookers watched the crowd.

Seeing Bai Rui’s huge body rushing over, Muhara and his little brothers were immediately dumbfounded. When have they seen such a terrifying monster? At first they could shoot a few shots, but this bullet hitting Bai Rui’s body was almost like tickling. Not to mention reducing HP, they couldn’t even break defenses, and Bai Rui’s charge could make them. People turned their backs on their backs and pissed…Of course, Lin Luo was restrained, otherwise Bai Rui really started to come and they would only be able to make snacks.

It’s not that Lin Luo is kind-hearted and doesn’t want to kill them. In fact, he also wants to completely solve the hidden danger of the hound troop, but the problem is that the hound troop is a group of direct friends of the hanged man. It’s extinguished, it’s hard to guarantee that the hanged man will not rush into the crown and become a confidant…

“Well, the energy derating system has been solved, let’s go now.” After a while, Lin Luo said to Baijing Heizi.

“Hey, how did you know?” Various question marks flashed across Heizi’s head.

“Because I am the prophet emperor of LV5.” Lin Luo smiled, how could he not know that he is connected with Bai Rui’s soul, and any movement of it can be controlled by himself, as long as a thought in his heart destroys those super large Energy reduction devices are not easy.

“…” Heizi felt that the guy in front of him was too mysterious, and shook his head, simply stopped thinking about it, grabbed Lin Luo a space to move the two immediately disappeared from the same place.

When Lin Luo and Heizi saw Muyuan, he was stopped by Bai Rui. Rao was calm and damp, with a look of fear on his face. As for the other members of the Hound Troop, except for a few people on the ground, he was groaning. In addition, most people are already awake, but no one is dead.

“This guy is Kihara, he really isn’t a good person at first sight.” Kuroko looked at Kihara hostilely, and then looked at Lin Luo a little eagerly, “How do we get the device you mentioned next? We need to torture him. Is it? I’m good at this.”

It was said that it was to deal with Kihara with Lin Luo, but from the beginning to the end of the battle, he seemed to be of no use, which made Kuroko very entangled. If he did not show his hand at the last moment, then this trip would be completely soy sauce. Up.

But obviously, Kuroko’s soy sauce is settled this time.

“Well, leave this to me.” Lin Luo calmly waved to Heizi, and then walked to Kihara’s body, “Kihara has a lot of numbers, right, I think you should also be a little bit in the current situation. Understand, I won’t say much nonsense. I want a passable capacity jammer. Can you give it to me?”

“Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?” Da Shi is worthy of Da Shi. Even at this time, he is still unconquered. If it were an ordinary villain, he would have already knelt down and begged for mercy.

“Well, I knew it would be like this. In fact, I didn’t want you to say it right away at the beginning, so it’s Q&A time…” Lin Luo paused, and then asked, “What is your dad’s last name?”

boom! He heard the sound of Heizi falling to the ground, but Kihara was stunned.

Snapped! Lin Luo snapped his fingers. With this sound, Bai Rui’s body shrank quickly, becoming almost like an ordinary human, and then his slender tail encircled Kihara’s body and flew up to the sky…

After circling a few times, Bai Rui landed with Muyuan, and Lin Luo asked again: “What is your father’s last name?”

“…” Kihara was dizzy and couldn’t answer at all, so Lin Luo snapped his fingers again, and Kihara flew into the sky again.

After returning to the ground for the fourth time, Kihara finally understood that if he didn’t tell the truth, he would have to fly in the sky for a while.

“Your father’s last name?”

“Kihara!” Although his head was dizzy, Kihara answered quickly.

“Well, very good.” Lin Luo nodded, “Then the second question, what is your father’s friend’s last name?”

“Huh?” Kihara was stunned again.

Snapped! Kihara flew into the sky for the fifth time.

Return to the ground in half a minute.

“Well, the question just now may be a bit difficult for you, so change to another one. What is your mother’s last name?”

This Kihara was able to answer, so the suffering of flying to the sky was avoided.

“Next question, what is your mother’s friend’s last name?”

The answer was no, so Kihara flew up to the sky.

When he returned to the ground, Kihara almost collapsed. What the **** was this TMD? !

“What’s your name?”

The answer is correct, Kihara rests in place.

“What is your family name?”

The answer is no, Kihara flew in the sky for a while.

“This year you are Geng Geng?”

The answer is correct, Kihara rests.

“How many friends do you have?”

The answer was no, Kihara continued to fly.

“Your sister’s last name?”

The answer is correct, Kihara is on standby.

“Your sister’s friend’s last name?”

The answer is no, Kihara Fei.

“You…what are you doing?” Kuroko looked at Kihara flying in the sky and said that he couldn’t understand it.

“I’m training him.” Lin Luo explained.

“Huh, training?”

“Well, you should know, when we are training a dog, if the dog makes a mistake, we give it a stick. If we do it right, we reward it with a bone. Over time, the dog will develop a habit. Don’t do something wrong… the truth is the same, because I can’t tell whether the device Kihara gave me is real or fake, so I have to develop a habit for him before that. When I get to my question, I immediately say the correct answer. Well, it’s just a kind of conditioned reflex in short.”

“…” Hei Zi.

Because it took a little time to explain to Heizi, this time Kihara flew a little longer in the sky. When he came down, he was already foaming at the mouth and his eyes were staring at Venus. In view of this, Lin Luo let him rest for five more minutes.

Five minutes later, Lin Luo asked again.

Kihara becomes a trapeze again.

Heizi took the opportunity to ask: “But you can’t be sure what he said at that time must be true?”

Lin Luobai glanced at her, and said with contempt: “There is more than one way to ask a question. The big deal is that we have repeatedly verified that if Kihara can’t come up, let him fly in the sky for a while.”

“…” Well, Heizi admitted that he was out of date.

Finally, a few hours later, Lin Luo finally got what he wanted with satisfaction, but at this time the wooden principle fell to the ground like a rotten puddle, indicating that he could no longer fly.

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