The bottom trainer in the elf world

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
"Why don't you change your clothes?"

Xing Nai walked out of the technical department with Xia Yan and Unicorn who had just rested for an hour.

Xia Yan didn't have any objection to the fact that the club wanted to test the unicorn, and even readily accepted it.

He also wanted to see how much the unicorn had changed after eating two worm-endowing fruits.

And the club obviously also attaches great importance to the talent, potential and ability of the elves, and showing more things is conducive to staying here better.

He has been training in the training room, and he can't hide anything, it's just a matter of time.

"I only have this suit."

Wash it at night and wear it during the day, just right.

Xing Nai patted her face speechlessly, "Then you should buy some clothes for yourself this time, and pay attention to the image of the club."


His voice was a little weak, and an hour's rest wasn't enough time for him to fully recover.

Anyone who has been through the night knows that sometimes a short break is often better than no rest, and you will be more energetic.

"The supervisor is a person who cares a lot about his image, so I don't know if you will leave a bad impression by doing this." Xing Nai muttered in a low voice.

Leading Xia Yan through complicated corridors to the supervisor's office.

This was the first time Xia Yan met the supervisor after joining the club.

Seeing the executive sitting on a chair, well-dressed and with backcombed hair, gave him his first impression.

It's dangerous!
This supervisor gave him a greater sense of danger than the Kairos he met when he was snatching the fruit, even if it was a human being.

When Xia Yan was looking at the supervisor, the supervisor Luo Tuo was also looking at him.

When he saw Xia Yan's tattered clothes and bad hairstyle, he couldn't help frowning.

But when he noticed the huge unicorn on his shoulder, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It is indeed a special unicorn insect that has never been seen before.

Putting away his expression, he stretched out his hand to signal Xia Yan to sit beside him first, and took the document from Xing Nai.

Glancing at it, the surprise in his eyes was even worse.

Looking at Xing Nai who was facing away from Xia Yan and the others again, she made a decision in her heart.

And Xia Yan noticed that besides him, there were already two other people sitting in the office, one of them was followed by Bobo, and the other was followed by an Arbor snake.

Regarding Xia Yan's approach, neither of them expressed anything, and could even feel the looming hostility from them.

They are in competition.

Even the Arbo snake that was approaching grinned at Xia Yan and the unicorn, showing off its sharp fangs.

Can this unicorn bear it?


He stared back fiercely.

It's just a bo snake, it's not like you haven't beaten it before. Believe it or not, you still want to eat your poison sac after killing you?

After a whole day of adventure in the wild, and the "big scene" of snatching the fruit at night, being chased by dozens of insect elves, including the powerful Big Needle Bee and Kairos, the viciousness of the unicorn gradually gradually Worked out.

Abo Snake was a little surprised to see that his usual intimidation didn't work, and he was even glared back fiercely.

Or some inexplicable panic in my heart.

The look in the eyes of that unicorn just now, is it wanting to eat it?
This absurd idea, it feels very real.

Abo Snake was devastated, and as the trainer of Abo Snake, he was even more afraid of Xia Yan and the unicorn.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, sat on the chair expressionlessly, lowered his head and squinted his eyes, taking the time to rest.

There will be another wave of going out missions later.

Although the other trainer with Bobo was also hostile, he was more curious about the unicorn.

Such a big unicorn?Bigger than Bobo.

After a while.

Supervisor Lotto read the information in his hand.

His eyes swept over the three of them, he paused for a second on Xia Yan and the unicorn, and said, "You guys did a good job, and the cleaning task is considered a success. For junior training partners, you can get 200 alliance coins for every elf you clean up .

Go to the finance department later to receive your due rewards. "

The three just nodded without showing much joy.

They knew that the key to this mission was not the remuneration, but the promotion of the title.

There is a big difference between primary sparring partner and intermediate sparring partner, not only the salary, but also the commission that each sparring partner can get, that is the real big deal.

Luo Tuo pondered for a while, and flipped through the documents in his hand again.

Then he said: "I believe you also know that this mission is related to your promotion of professional titles, but there is only one place."

Hearing this, Xia Yan slowly raised his head.


"This time, 0451 was promoted to the intermediate training partner." The result was quickly announced in an unquestionable tone.


The trainer who used the Arbor snake who learned the result suddenly got up, with a look of disbelief, pointed at Xia Yan and the unicorn and said:
"Just this man dressed like a beggar and a bigger unicorn? I heard that he didn't come back last night, so he escaped in embarrassment today."

Before Xia Yan could speak, Luo Tuo rested his chin on both hands, his sharp eyes fell on the man, and he said calmly, "0413, are you questioning my decision?"

Being looked at by Luoto like this, 0413's heart trembled inexplicably, and he quickly said: "No, I... I just don't think he is qualified to be promoted to an intermediate title at all, let alone a unicorn."

In the eyes of most trainers, unicorns are synonymous with "weakness".

Xia Yan didn't speak, it was very unwise to contradict the leader in the workplace, wearing small shoes was considered a trivial matter.

He wanted to see what Lotto would do.

Loto nodded calmly, but turned to look at Xia Yan, and said calmly, "0451, show it to him."

Xia Yan understands.

"Unicorn, bug bite."

There is no hesitation, and there is no need for any hesitation. Survival of the fittest is the essence of this world, not to mention the Rockets behind Silver.

He even suspected that Director Loto was a member of Team Rocket.

Hearing Xia Yan's order, the unicorn immediately rushed towards Abo Snake, with a blue halo on its mouth.

It's not pleasing to the eye for a long time.

Just now I was angry with myself.

Before dealing with Arbor snakes, unicorns still need to be restrained with silk threads, but now
Abo Snake's trainer 0413 also reacted quickly, with a hideous face, "Abo Snake, bite!"

Hearing this, the Abo Snake opened its mouth wide, and bit back fiercely at the pounced unicorn.

But next second.

A surprising scene appeared.

But he saw that the unicorn directly threw down the Arbor snake that jumped up.

Even if the size of the unicorn has doubled, it is still small compared to the Arbor snake, but it is relatively smaller, but it directly suppresses the Arbor snake, pressing it firmly to the ground, and the sharp spikes on its tail Poke on the upper jaw of the Arbor snake, interrupting its biting move.

At the same time, the unicorn's mouth ruthlessly bit the Arbo snake's seven inches, the only yellow scale on its body.

"Just right!!!"

Accompanied by the scream of the Arbor snake, the yellow scales splashed, and the mouth of the unicorn dived deeply into the muscle of the Arbor snake.

With just one click, Arbo Snake loses its ability to fight.

After finishing all this, the unicorn stood on the Abo Snake, glanced at it with disdain, and slowly crawled back to Xia Yan's shoulder.


Weak chicken.

0413's expression froze completely. Looking at the Abo Snake who fell on the ground and fell into a coma, he opened his mouth for a while and didn't know what to say.

Luoto watched the scene without any fluctuations, then turned his head and said to Xing Nai, "Tell him to get out."


Xing Nai responded in a low voice, looking at the calm Xia Yan with some surprise.

This is only his seventh day at the club.

Seven days ago, he and the unicorn were not so strong.

It can even be said to be weak.

In her opinion, Xia Yan and Unicorn were just lucky enough to enter the club, and their strength is definitely at the bottom of the club, even if they usually work so hard.

A unicorn is a unicorn after all.

Unexpectedly, in just seven days, 0413, who entered the club more than two weeks earlier than him, could not withstand the unicorn's move with his Abo snake.

Surprised, stunned.

"0451, turn around and go to the human resources side to register for the intermediate title, and then take your unicorn data form." Ignoring 0413, who was absent-minded, Luo Tuo said.

The other elf, seeing this scene as Bobo's partner, didn't dare to speak.

Obviously, none of them are opponents of Xia Yan and Unicorn.


Xia Yan got up and went forward to take the form, but when he saw Director Lotto's outstretched wrist and the logo printed on the white shirt under the suit, his pupils shrank unconsciously.

I saw a red letter embroidered on the back of his cuff.
Fortunately, Xia Yan bowed his head in time without showing a gaffe.

Lotto withdrew his hand, took a deep look at him, and waved his hand.

Xia Yan didn't stop, turned around and left directly.


Ask for a monthly ticket~~~ah~~~100 monthly tickets can be added~~
(End of this chapter)

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