The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 34: My Feelings

November 8th, 2088

Veronica’s POV


I am sitting in the back room of the Nine Lives Trading Outpost, which apparently is the home base for Terra.  I am sipping on some freshly brewed tea and the memory of facing death just a few hours ago seems so distant.  Kira is sitting across from me, also drinking some tea.  We have long since introduced ourselves and I have discovered that she is a very nice girl. 

We had a good deal of fun swapping stories about Terra and I feel like she could be someone I could eventually become friends with.  Although for right now, the thought of trusting someone else just doesn’t seem possible for me… with the exception of Terra.  As a bounty hunter he must have heard about my bounty and the 700 gold coin reward for my capture.  Yet he instead chose to save me and risk setting an entire country against himself. 

Why?  That question is rattling around my head as I recall how he saved me.  And the shock I felt after seeing his face… And the feeling of safety from being in his arms…  And the warmth of his body being pressed against mine…  The only fond memories I have had in the last 70 years have all been spent with him.  The emptiness within me disappears and I feel alive again when I am with him.  When I’m with him, I’m happy…  Is this what they call love?

When did I fall in love with him?  Was it from the very beginning?  I had felt a connection between us from the start, which only intensified the longer I was with him.  After Malkith, I would always look forward to spending time with Terra.  I could relax around him.  I felt safe with him.  I was able to be myself without feeling awkward or judged. 

But all that made my love bloom, it wasn’t where it started.  I think it was when Terra saved me in Malkith.  He without hesitation protected a stranger even though I was a noble whose kind generally treats commoners like trash.  He didn’t try to enslave me afterwards, which was in his rights as stated by the Chain of Dominance, he simply protected me out of instinct.  Such inborn kindness is a rare thing indeed in this world.  Terra tries to act cold and indifferent, but I know he’s truly kind at heart.  Yeah, I think that’s what first made me fall in love with him.

As I was deep in thought, I heard footsteps and Terra walked in shortly after looking completely fine.  He looked at me and flashed another one of his brilliant smiles.  “So you guys made it back safely, that’s good.  I finished up everything on my end too, so for now you’re safe.” He told me.  I opened my mouth to say my thanks but instead I asked “Why?”  I have to know why he’d do so much for me. 

Terra thought about it for a moment and then responded “At first I thought I was doing it on a whim, but now that I think about it I did it because you became someone I didn’t want to lose.  You became one of the few people I could trust.”  He fell silent once more as if he was deciding something.  Someone I didn’t want to lose.  Someone who I could trust.  Those were words I hadn’t heard from anyone before.  Those were the words that I had longed to hear from someone else for so long.  I had been so desperately trying to make a connection with another person since my mother died.  I had been so desperately trying to be valued by someone else.  And now Terra said those words to me.

I am no longer alone.  This thought is echoing over and over again in my mind.  I finally have someone by my side.  The only person in this world that I trust, the only person who I have wanted to be with in the last 70 years, the only person that I love.  Terra then spoke up again as I had just finished my revelation.  “And since you have become someone I can trust, I guess I’ll show you who I am.” 

Suddenly, his cat traits started to vanish while a pair of rounded ears appeared instead.  “I should properly introduce myself.  My name is Minato Cross.  I go by the name Terra and I am a human.”  Normally I would be completely shocked at this, but right now I don’t care.  It is amazing how feelings of love can make everything else seem inconsequential.  The fact that Terra is in fact a member of an extinct mythical species means absolutely nothing to me right now.  I love him.  I stood up and said “Thank you for everything Terra.” 

I then walked right over to him and passionately kissed him.  He didn’t resist as I pressed my lips tightly against his and stuck my tongue into his mouth, savoring his sweet taste.  My arms boldly wrapped around him as I embraced him.  There was no space between our bodies and I could feel his forged muscles through his clothes as we pressed tightly against each other.  Kira let out a loud “Nya!” in surprise at my actions, but I don’t care.  I simply focused on the wonderful feeling I was experiencing from this kiss.  My heart was beating wildly and I felt alive like never before. 

Only when I was about to run out of breath did I finally let him go.  That was my very first kiss.  I know that my face and ears are now a bright red, but I don’t care.  “You said earlier that I had ruined your vacation.  This is how I’ve decided to take responsibility.” I said that to him while my eyes were lowered. 

I received no response, so I timidly looked up at Terra to see that he had an absolutely dumbfounded look on his face which was as red as mine.  It was too adorable and also too funny.  “Pfft, hahahahahaha!”  I couldn’t help but burst out into laughter.  This was also something that I hadn’t done since my mother died.  My first smile, my first kiss, my first laugh.  I look forward to all the other firsts that I am going to experience together with Terra in this new life of mine.

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