The cannon fodder of quick travel is not sad

Chapter 110 Flowers and Weeds 1

Chapter 110 Flowers and Weeds 1
This is a story about weeds.

Then, the weeds were trampled to death.

Covey is that weed.

He died in the alley where Siru had just come.

He was covered in wounds and had been stabbed several times.

In a pool of blood.

With a pair of big eyes open, looking at the gray sky above his head, the pain and fear of being beaten still remain on his face.

But there was no light in the eyes anymore.

Do not look down.

The deep knife mark on his neck was shocking.

Her whole life was like weeds, lowly into the dust.

But the weeds are tenacious and can still grow again in the spring breeze.

Covey died.


No one cares.

The reason is that she met a "very good" girlfriend.

Especially "good", it can be called the needle after the tail of the wasp.

No solution.

Ke Wei is an orphan.

Just a few days after birth, he was thrown at the gate of the Juju Nursery.

There was only one piece of paper in the swaddle.

Write her date of birth.

Even the name is uniformly taken by the period nursery school.

Very normal.

There are many such cases.

Ke Wei is no exception.

Anyway, memory begins, in the courtyard.

There are many children in the Full Stop Yard, big and small, boys and girls, without father or mother.

Of course, if there are parents, heh, who knows who they are.

All abandoned, all the same.

all know.

The conditions in the Full Stop Home are not good, with many children and limited supplies.

Mainly rely on social donations.

There are few things but many people.

Not enough points.

Where's Ke Wei?

One girl.

and small.

Allotted things are often snatched.

If the food is taken away, there is only hunger.

Often hungry.

More and more sallow and thin.

Thin, small and dry.

It looks like malnutrition.

Three-, four-, and five-year-old children are a good time to be taken away.

Fair and tender, with a pair of big eyes open, dark and ignorant, looking at you with incomparable innocence.

Soft and cute.

My heart melted.

Maternal love overflows, I really want it.

There are many who have been successfully led away in this way.

It's like a popular dating show, where you stand around and let people choose, and the best-looking and cutest ones are taken away.

Ke Wei didn't even have a chance to appear.

Usually they are kept in huts.

Do not go out.

She is so skinny, and if she is seen, it might ruin the reputation of Period Courtyard.

Not good for kids.

Don't give me food.

Fake charity.

Keep the money donated to raise your children as your own.

You might even be suspected of doing something immoral in private.

The target of public criticism.

This world is fake and true.

Three become tigers.

The dean did not dare to joke about the reputation of Full Stop Hospital.

There are so many children in the courtyard anyway.

Whoever takes it is not the leader.

Some people go, some people come.

With such bumps and bumps, Ke Wei still grew up.

Became a big kid.

It's school age.

Not all children in Full Stop Courtyard go to school.

Maybe scared, maybe too stupid.

Few can persist.

But Kewei wanted to go.

I really want to.

Even if the older children who have gone to school say that the outside world is scarier, she wants to go.

And, is it really that scary?

Will Full Stop Hospital be scary?
Kewei didn't believe it.

In her mind, the Full Stop Courtyard was the scariest place.

My memory is full of the past when I was bullied.



Close the little black house.

Not an iota of love.

How could the school be better than the Period Court?



I heard that there are also many children together.

very many.

More than period courtyard.

With so many people, no one should notice her anymore.

With this mixed feeling of anxiety and expectation, Ke Wei went to school.

The schoolbag is old, the pencil case is old, and the clothes are also old.

Only her mood was new.

So fresh.

This is school.

so many people.

There are adults and there are children.

The school is so beautiful.

so big.

Much bigger than the Full Stop Courtyard.

The house is also very beautiful.

Everyone has a smile on their face.

Kewei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

How could such a beautiful place be as terrifying as the rumors.


Compared with the Full Stop Courtyard.

School is heaven.

A nutritious breakfast should be served every morning.

milk, bread.

There is also lunch at noon.

The students in the class said that the milk is not good, it is fake, it is mixed with additives, and the bread is also very hard. It looks like it was made overnight.

Don’t eat a lot of them.

Throw in the trash can.

But Kewei ate the milk bread every time.


The milk is sweet and the bread is soft.

It's delicious.

Why do you say it's not delicious.

You can't even eat such good food in Shumayuan.

I'm lucky enough to get a box, but I can't keep it.

Now you can eat it every day.

Simply blissful.

New Year's can't compare.

Ke Wei felt distressed every time she saw a classmate throwing away milk and bread.

It is a pity.

Pick it up when no one is around and put it in your schoolbag.

Take it back and distribute it to the children in the Juduyuan.

There are so many children in the yard.

It costs a lot.

It's good to be full.

Want to eat delicious food, dream.

But the more times they picked it up, the more they were discovered.

All booed.

Ke Wei is a little trash woman.

Dirty rat.

Poor ghost.

The world of children is the simplest.

Some words hurt, but they are too young to know.

Those who don't know are not to blame.

The teacher also knows.

Talk to Ke Wei.

She knew that Ke Wei was from the Period Academy.

A little distressed.

Women are always easy to soften their hearts.

Just say, what you are doing is wrong. There are a lot of bacteria in the trash can, and you will get sick if you eat it.

Girls should love to be clean, and only if they are clean can they make friends.

Digging through trash is dirty.

Ke Wei lowered her head.

Bit sad.

He whispered, "They didn't eat any of those things. It's a pity to lose them."



Let Ke Wei go back.

In class, Ke Wei was praised.

Said she was thrifty.

But digging through trash cans is wrong.

not clean.

Criticized several people.

Said they were wasted.

This is how the storm ended.

Ke Wei is very obedient.

She knew that only by being obedient could she stay in school.

Did not go through the trash can again.

But there are no friends anymore.

Everyone stayed away from her.

dislike her.

think she is dirty.

Call her little trash woman.

The teacher can't help it either.

But even so, Ke Wei never thought about leaving school.

She thinks the school is good.

Can be full.

I can still study.

The teacher is also very good.

Will not curse, will not beat people.

The classmates in the class, well, are a bit annoying, they always follow her and call her little trash woman, but at least they won't steal her food.

On such days, she is very satisfied.

I usually sit alone in my seat, reading quietly and reading.

Very well-behaved and obedient.

Not noisy, not noisy, not crazy.

Although there are no new clothes or cards, I can learn a little more about the world every day than I did the day before.

Very happy.

Ke Wei likes to study and read books.

Still smart.

I did well in every test.

Also went to junior high school.

There are more things to learn in junior high school.

Many people struggle more and more later.

But Ke Wei learned it easily and has always been at the top.

I got a very good grade in the high school entrance examination.

He was admitted to Yingsha Noble School.

In the name of social special enrollment.

Ke Wei:......

In fact, there is no special feeling.

As long as you can study, it doesn't matter where you are.

This school also said there are no tuition fees or living expenses, and there are scholarships available.

But there are conditions.

That is, the results must remain in the top three.

very harsh.

Ke Wei decided to go.

Because she is 16 years old.

Full Stop Court has regulations.

At 16, you have to leave.

Now that you have civil capacity, you can do whatever you want.

We can no longer burden the orphanage.

Ke Wei has nowhere to go.

There is no money yet.

I still want to study.

The conditions given by Yingsha are really too tempting.

just go.

She knows Yingsha.

Insha is so famous.

It is the most famous noble school.

Many people squeezed their heads and wanted to go.

But no.

not qualified.

Not enough levels.

The worst of them are upstarts.

Getting rich overnight depends on luck.

For example, buying a lottery ticket won tens of millions.



But there is no background.

Not even an upstart.

A native farmer.

The upper class has upper class circles.

So what if you have money.

Like no one.


Even if you're just on campus, there are a lot of people you can't afford to offend.

Unforgiving family.

When you come to Yingsha to study, you must first learn how to behave with your tail between your legs.

Check the situation.


Not capable.

Only in this way.

Be very careful about everything.

Never offend anyone.

The cost of offending people is high.

Maybe genocide.

Oh, it's impossible.

But maybe it will eat dirt from now on.


The family is in trouble.

It's over.

Yingsha brings together the vast majority of the children of the rich and powerful in the universe.

It is simply a concentration camp for the future rich.

Just grab one.

They can fly on the branches and become phoenixes.

Diosi counterattacks.

It's normal to have such climbing thoughts.

A branch is taller than a branch.

Who doesn’t want to live a better life.

No problem.

Even if you can't become a phoenix.

It would be nice to meet some rich people.

Networking is important.

It has been since ancient times.

But Yingsha is too strict in recruiting students.

Ordinary civilians cannot meet the requirements.

Either he has money, or, like Ke Wei, his grades are so good that he is specially recruited.

Can only look forward to sigh.

Ke Wei is looking forward to, looking forward to, and grateful.

Yingsha, it can be regarded as a new start for her.

Will meet new classmates.

Learn new knowledge.

Take a new journey.

She rented a house near Yingsha and used the bonus from Yingsha.

Walk to school every day.

But the students seem to have their own circle.

Never talk to her.

Nor do I sit at the same table with her.

Ke Wei sat alone in the last row.

A little lost.

She actually knew.

The classmates looked down on her.

Everyone knows that she is a special recruit from the society.

No money and no power.

Not even parents.

There is no need to communicate at all.

It's so realistic.

But anyway, no one bullied her.

Not even sarcasm.

Just turn a blind eye.


In the eyes of those people, Ke Wei was just an ant.


Why pay attention.

Anyway, I can't afford to turn any waves.

Ke Wei thought this was fine.

No one cares about her.

She can calm down and study.

Yingsha’s teachers are all hired with high salaries.

And dug from other places.


The teaching staff is particularly strong.

compared to other schools.

Can learn more.

Ke Wei is like a very quiet sponge.

Trying to absorb knowledge.

I am really studying very seriously.

But in the eyes of others, it is very strange.

are outliers.

wuli God, this is a noble school.

Are you here just to study?

It is different in which school you study.

Don't take the time to build a good relationship with your classmates.

You don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

What is the use of light reading.

It's great to find a good job in the future.

Get thousands of dollars a month.

I can't even afford a bag.

Can it be compared to being a young mistress?
Especially those who got rich overnight.

Just to mock Ke Wei.

Said she was a wooden person.

Elm head.


Ke Wei:......

Listen to them quietly and continue reading with your head down.

She knew that these people were actually out of balance.

Like themselves, they are also the kind of ants who are excluded from the circle.

Just talk.

Nothing malicious.

Just ignore them.

Because of her hard work, Ke Wei easily got the scholarship.

Save your money carefully.

Holding a bankbook and hiding under the quilt, having fun secretly.

If this continues, by the time she graduates, she will be able to save her college tuition.


It will be even more different.

I'm looking forward to it.

I don’t know which university I will enter.

Yingsha also has a university.

But Kewei wanted to sleep with someone more normal.

Not so frosty.

Alone for a long time.

Just long for warmth.

Eager to share.

longing for friends.

Friends, there are many kinds.

Heart is under the kyte.

Knowing the face but not the heart.

Who knows what he was thinking when he smiled at you.

Maybe I hate you to death.

It is a pity.

Ke Wei made a best friend who cheated her to death.

That girl's name is Chen Keshan.

I was transferred to their class when I was in the second grade of high school.

It is also special enrollment.

But in fact, it came in through relationships.



I want to fly on the branches.

While these diamond kings are still young and easy to deceive.

But it cannot be known.

And pretend to be cynical about money being dung.

Very aloof and doesn't like money.

I hate you rich people.

When she came, Ke Wei sat alone in the class.

Of course, he sat next to Ke Wei.

Both are special admissions.

it's the same.

No one looks down on anyone.

But Kewei came before her.

Chen Keshan still doesn’t know many things.

Just ask Ke Wei.

All kinds of inquiries.

Ke Wei:......

How do I know?

I feel like I don’t have enough time to read every day.

Still going to listen to gossip?
Oh, am I crazy?

Anyway, don't know anything.

Of course, she doesn't care either.

Chen Keshan:......

With a wooden face.

Ah, hey, you've been here for a year.

Ask three questions.

Are you sorry?

Chen Keshan couldn't ask anything.

I feel a little bad.

Lie down on the table.

Coincidentally at this time, a few nouveau riche who usually come to mock Ke Wei came again.

There is another special admission in the class.

Definitely come to welcome me.

Hehe, congratulations on making a pair, two commoners.

Poor ghost.

Ke Wei was fine.

are used to it.

But Chen Keshan is different.

very angry.

He slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

He started yelling back.

You rich people, don’t you just have two money, you don’t rely on your parents, why do you look down on others.

I am poor and have no money, but I have dignity and you cannot trample on me.

I look down on you rich people the most, you are worthless in my eyes.

Your money stinks like shit.


Say a lot.

The nouveau riche opened his eyes wide, dumbfounded.

They're actually just here for a mouthful.


It has no other meaning.

 I will try my best to update twice a day, but it is really sad that there is no manuscript!

(End of this chapter)

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