The Character I Created Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 17

17 – Get away from her (11)

“We are going to kill the Demon King.”

Erina’s eyes widened as if shocked by my words.

I don’t think I ever thought I’d talk about the Demon King.

“The Demon King…?!”

Nameless use You look quite surprised at my words.

The demon king was not something that could be teased in his mouth.

“Then I hope…!”

“Yes. I have an engraving.”

This is a fact that I didn’t even tell Erina.

As expected, the two of them were stunned when they heard what I said.

“That’s… What do you mean? Seohyun-nim was also protected by the goddess?!”

“Yes. Unbeknownst to me, it was engraved.”

To be precise, as soon as I fell into this world, I was immediately branded.

It was also one of the reasons I thought the goddess was the culprit.

But who would have predicted that the real darkness would be right in front of them?

“This is…”

Erina’s face turned earthy.

She bit her lip as if something unexpected had happened.

The same goes for unnamed uses.

She shook her head flutteringly as if she did not understand what she was saying.

“Does this mean that both of you are blessed…?”

“Yes. We are both.”

She will know.

No one dares to say that they have protection.

You must have understood what I meant.

We sincerely intend to punish the Demon King.

“How long do you plan to run away?”

She couldn’t live forever being chased either.

This time, we somehow overcame the crisis, but the pursuit will continue in the future.

“In that case, wouldn’t it be better to go with us?”

Will I die after living as a fugitive for the rest of my life?

Or will you aim for the Demon King with us?

Anyone could tell which one was the wiser choice.

Of course, it’s not easy.

I couldn’t fathom how many hardships awaited.

This is from Erina who can’t shut her mouth while being shocked by my side right now.

“Wait a minute! I…!”


She lowered her voice and looked at her.

Startled by my eyes, I lifted her head without touching it.

“It’s impossible for the two of us.”

“No! It’s enough just me and you!”

“That’s nonsense.”

It is impossible to defeat the Demon King even if there are only two people working together.

If you ask the nameless dragon next to you right now, you will shake your head.

At least three people to act as a party. Or there had to be four.

In that sense, the nameless dragon is an excellent companion.

“Not as good as you, but strong enough.”


“You know. You’ll get a feel for it because you’ve fought it yourself.”

The first person to block Erina’s attack.

He blocked the attack even when he was ambushed with injuries.

Although as time went on, I became more defensive, but I was quite surprised by what I was watching.

Even the ability is very high.

Among all the colleagues I met at the beginning, there was no stronger one than this.

It is a power you never want to miss.

From Erina’s point of view, a new colleague would not be welcome.

But she did not intend to continue to be forced.

‘It would be more comfortable being alone with me.’

In that sense, I had to bring the nameless dragon to my side.

If she’s with me, even Erina won’t be able to hold me and shake me.

‘Even by a majority vote, you can create a majority.’


Erina asked her all over as she couldn’t think of anything to refute.

She has a look that she doesn’t want to die, but I have no intention of giving up my opinion.

Even semi-forced, she got permission from Erina.

Now, only the party’s choice remains.

“So what do you do?”


Unexpectedly, she was worried.

I thought she would come in as her colleague saying thank you for putting her plate this much.

As I pondered for a while, the eyes of me and Erina passed.

She was hoping to say no.

‘Please accept…’

She pretended to be Taeyeon, but inside she was nervous.

If you say this and get rejected, there’s no situation where you’ll be embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, the answer I received was a little futile.

“Can you give me some time to think…?”


Who would think that things in the world would be easy?

In the end, the story ends with the nameless dragon withholding his choice.

Even so, I didn’t know that I would refuse rather than refuse in that situation.

‘I’ll think about it until tomorrow.’ An ambiguous answer came back.

Neither Erina nor Erina could laugh at each other’s absurd answer.

But, judging by her attitude, she didn’t seem likely to accept the offer.

So I decided to hold on to it one more time.

“Where are you going?”

The nameless dragon hidden behind my words is startled.

“Aren’t you sleeping…?”

“I was watching in case a monster appeared.”

It’s a lie. There was a reason, of course, but she noticed that she was leaving without a word.

As I was about to go to bed, I suddenly noticed that I was checking to see if I was sleeping.

“Are you going to leave without answering?”

“…I’m sorry.”

I bowed my head to see if I couldn’t look at my face.

I wasn’t really angry. Just a little disappointed

I thought that we were close because we owed our lives to each other, but it was an easy thought.

“Why are you leaving. Without a word.”

“If I’m with you…”

“Do you think it’s a nuisance?”

Excessive leaps and bounds. Rather, I want to be together, so why worry alone?

But he seemed to know what he was afraid of. The nameless dragon is a chased body.

If she makes her her companion, I will become a target for her demon lord’s army.

“I am Yongin. If you are with me as a being who is being persecuted everywhere…!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

From now on, you will continue to face the forces of the Demon King.

Isn’t three people better than two people fighting each other?

“If there is even a rumor that you are going with me, you may be kicked out of the capital.”

“It’s okay if you hide well.”

The security in the capital was not so strict.

If you hide your horns and wings well, you will be able to enter.

Of course, it would be a bit dangerous if caught.

“…I might.”

“Don’t say that it might not help.”

If she is with me, it will be absolutely reassuring.

I could be sure of that.

The nameless dragon was an attractive companion, enough to take all the risks mentioned so far and still want to recruit him.

More than anything else, let’s imagine that she goes alone and is captured by the Demon King and runs into an enemy like in the first episode.

It is literally a catastrophe. All efforts so far have not been in vain.

“Are you going to go alone without a destination and injured? Anyone will stop.”

“But Erina-sama didn’t like me,”

“I’ll try something. Don’t worry about that.”

I know that Erina is wary of her.

I don’t even think that the relationship between the two will get better right now.

But I will take full responsibility.

I wanted to be with the nameless dragon while taking Erina with me.

It was good to call it greed.

If not now, when would you be greedy?

I wanted to bring both of them to my side.

“You really…”

I never made an offer of a friend with a light heart.

Finally, she seems to have noticed my resolve.

“Do you think it’s okay for me to be with you..?”

It’s okay to be together, Lani. Half right, half wrong.

From noble mtl dot com

If I had to choose yes or no, it was close to no.

“I mean help.”


“Help. I need your strength. It’s impossible to kill the Demon King with normal skills.”

She is no ordinary NPC. She is not a weak companion either.

Yongin with innate strength and a character who was active as the boss of the 1st round.

He was the best colleague I could find anywhere.

“Do you need my strength…?”


There was a moment of silence. But the atmosphere was different from before.

Finally, she looked at me with determined eyes.

“I am Yongin. If you become a partner, it means that you will have to walk through the hardships that you would have to walk alone.”

It’s already been decided. I wasn’t afraid even if there were ups and downs in my already thorny road.

“If rumors spread that you are with me, you may be rejected by everyone in the world.”

I wasn’t really afraid. A world that will perish if left unattended.

One person’s trust was more important than everyone’s trust.

“And… I’m not as strong as you think I am. I’m not good-natured.”

That’s not it. You’re underestimating yourself too much.

Objectively, she was strong.

And she had a warmer heart than anyone else.

“If you still need me with so many problems.”

Confirming my resolve, I went forward and held out my hand first.

She grabbed the outstretched hand. And she bowed her head.

“Thank you in advance.”

So I met my second colleague.

The next day, the nameless dragon was by my side.

Erina was blinking her eyes with a sign of tiredness from her sleep.

The same goes for unnamed uses. It was a busy night with a lot to think about.

Nevertheless, many things were completed in one day.

“The preparations are complete.”

It’s time to return to the capital.

Erina glances at the nameless dragon, and she says nothing.

I gently patted her restless back.

I guess my body improved a lot in one day, so I no longer needed my support.

I had some courage, so I approached Erina’s side.


“Why do you do that?”

The nameless dragon shrugged in the still cold tone of voice. Still, he didn’t stop talking.

“Thank you in advance.”

At her words, Erina sighed heavily. She replied without looking at her as if she couldn’t help it.

“Yes. I see.”

Then the nameless dragon carefully reached out his hand.

He was shaking hands like me yesterday.

She was also trying to get along with Erina.

“I’m done.”

But Erina glanced at her outstretched hand and turned around to ignore her.

The nameless dragon smiled with a bewildered expression.

‘It’s not easy.’

Then suddenly Erina came up to me and caught her by the arm.

She crossed her arms and met her gaze.

“By the way, why didn’t you tell me that there was an engraving? You didn’t believe me that much?”

“No. I meant to tell you anytime. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in advance.”

She wanted to hide the fact that she had received her protection from the goddess.

She said she did not know what Erina would do to the goddess if she told the truth.

But in order to convince the nameless dragon, she was forced to tell the truth.

‘I’ll have to meet the goddess and talk.’

She had many questions she wanted to ask when she met the goddess before.

Before she could answer her, she broke up and she hadn’t seen her since.

“Why are you doing this? Your expression suddenly turned bad.”

Because of whom, I know my head like this.

In fact, she was smiling with a carefree look.

Me too. In a situation where she couldn’t laugh, she smirked.

There are too many things to do in the future. Can i do it all

I had already made up my mind to do this, but my worries took precedence.

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