The Child Emperor

Chapter 184: Fighting for the Seal

“The messenger from the Northern Protection General’s camp has returned safely,” the sentry’s distant shout was much faster than the arrival of the “messenger” himself, echoing through the central tent but failing to garner the attention it deserved.

Inside the tent, chaos reigned.

Zhang Yanghao, Xie Ying, and Ding Hui each brought a attendant, forcing Prince Donghai back into the central tent. Zhang Yanghao shouted sternly, “Prince Donghai, if you want to seize the seal and rebel, you must get past me first!”

Prince Donghai staggered back several steps, angrily retorting, “What nonsense are you spouting?” His heart sank, realizing he had fallen into a trap. Given Zhang Yanghao and the others’ status, they had no right to stand guard outside the central tent—they were clearly let in by Chai Zhi.

The three subordinates lifted the curtain, and Zhang Yanghao loudly declared, “Prince Donghai, upon hearing about troubles in the court, you harbored treacherous thoughts, intending to seize the Grand Marshal’s seal and lead the Northern Army soldiers back to the Capital to seize power. Is this true or not?”

Outside the tent, numerous officers, guards, and subordinates were startled by the shouting inside, exchanging glances but not daring to make a sound or move.

Prince Donghai laughed bitterly in his fury, “You have quite the nerve, don’t you? Do you even know your place? Even if I did intend to do something, what makes you think you could interfere? Get lost!”

Having grown up in the aristocratic circles with the status of a prince and supported by the Cui clan, Prince Donghai had never been defied. Zhang Yanghao and the others naturally feared him and instinctively recoiled at his rebuke.

Ultimately, Zhang Yanghao, bolder than the rest, glanced at Chai Zhi inside the tent, drew his sword, and said, “Prince Donghai, your usual arrogance is one thing, but seizing the seal and rebelling is treasonous…”

Suddenly, a commotion erupted outside the tent. Dozens of guards brandishing weapons charged towards the central tent. Leading them was a fierce figure, wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, cutting through anyone in his path.

Chai Zhi exchanged a telling glance with Zhang Yanghao.

That glance foiled the plan. Zhang Yanghao, a gambler who had repeatedly failed at conspiracies and suffered many beatings from his grandfather, had learned to read people. He realized that if Chai Zhi was using signals instead of words, it was an ominous sign: the seemingly invincible Chai clan might need a scapegoat.

Zhang Yanghao, sword drawn, did not strike. Instead, he feigned extreme fear, stepping back with a trembling arm.

Xie Ying and Ding Hui, who had once abandoned Prince Donghai at Riverside Village and sought his forgiveness ever since, were less experienced. Convinced by Zhang Yanghao, they were determined to eliminate Prince Donghai, rushing forward with drawn swords, ready to kill him before the gathered officers.

Prince Donghai instinctively raised his arm, seeing his subordinates still several steps away, too far to save him in time.

With a clang, Xie Ying’s sword was deflected. The stunned Prince Donghai was yanked away, narrowly avoiding Ding Hui’s blade.

In the critical moment, only Chai Yue and Meng E came to his aid. Chai Yue deflected Xie Ying’s sword while Meng E pulled Prince Donghai to safety.

Xie Ying and Ding Hui, barely skilled in martial arts and only sixteen or seventeen years old, were weak but full of youthful ferocity. Missing their first strike, they charged again, slashing wildly like madmen.

Chai Yue, not adept with blades, dodged after blocking two strikes. Prince Donghai, held by Meng E by the collar, stumbled but did not fall, dodging blade after blade in a close shave, too scared to even scream.

The sudden chaos left the gathered officers in the central tent frozen, regardless of their hopes for Prince Donghai’s fate.

Zhang Yanghao stood at the entrance, mortified. If he did not act, he would lose even the Chai family’s support. With a roar, he stepped forward to join the fray, but was struck heavily on the back of the head, blacking out and falling.

Prince Donghai’s attendant finally broke through, unimpeded by the dozens of guards outside. He knocked Zhang Yanghao down with his shield and struck Ding Hui on the back with his sword hilt, then kicked Xie Ying aside, standing protectively before his master with a fierce gaze at Meng E, like a lion protecting its prey.

Meng E released Prince Donghai and moved to stand beside Chai Yue, her true charge.

Outside, the other guards brought by Prince Donghai were blocked, entangled with Northern Army soldiers. Both sides held back, uncertain of how the situation would unfold.

Prince Donghai clung to his attendant’s belt, feeling a slight relief. Chai Zhi, reacting quicker, loudly ordered, “Prince Donghai and his men are plotting treason. Guards, seize them!”

As the Provost Marshal, Chai Zhi’s orders were immediately obeyed. Soldiers swarmed, surrounding the guards Prince Donghai had brought, hesitating only at entering the central tent, which required the Northern Army captain’s direct order. Only a gambler like Zhang Yanghao dared to storm the tent on noble status alone.

Liu Kunsheng, leaning back with arms spread and feet on the desk, had been frozen in this terrified pose for a while, not daring to move.

Prince Donghai realized he had underestimated Chai Zhi. In desperation, he clung to his attendant’s belt with one hand and pulled out a slip of paper with the other, shaking it and shouting, “I also have a secret order from the Northern Protection General! Who else has received it, stand up now!”

The tent was silent, with no response. Prince Donghai felt a wave of embarrassment followed by anger. Had Lin Kunshan been right? Was Han Ruzi just bluffing, using him as a pawn?

Chai Yue, who had previously saved Prince Donghai, now spoke up, “I also have a secret order from the Northern Protection General. Officers, the one commanding you to defend Shattered Iron City is the Northern Protection General. Chai Zhi only arrived yesterday; we cannot let him seize control!”

“That’s right, he’s the one seizing power!” Prince Donghai shouted hoarsely.

Before reinforcements arrived, Chai Yue had already convinced some Northern Army officers in Shattered Iron City to support him and the Northern Protection General. These officers now stepped forward, followed by a group of soldiers.

Chaos erupted inside and outside the central tent. Some fought, some mediated, while most were confused, retreating or holding their positions. The sentries continued their routine, shouting “All clear” despite the chaotic scene before them.

Seeing his side gaining strength, Prince Donghai felt reassured, realizing Han Ruzi hadn’t deceived him. He released his attendant’s belt and pointed at Liu Kunsheng inside the tent. “Speak up now, who do you support? Or hand over the Grand Marshal’s seal!”

Both factions suddenly understood that the neutral onlookers still held the majority. These soldiers only heeded orders from one person or one object: Liu Kunsheng and the Grand Marshal’s seal. Whether he spoke or handed over the seal would quickly end the chaos.

Liu Kunsheng refused to speak or hand over the seal. Though he had received the Sword Imprint, he was cautious, unwilling to take a stand. He suddenly lunged at the desk, tightly grasping the official seal.

His ambiguous stance deepened the chaos, emboldening the crowd. The first to rush forward was Chai Zhi, shouting, “The Champion Marquis ordered me to hold the seal!” Prince Donghai pushed his subordinate forward, joining the scramble, “The Grand Marshal’s seal is mine!”

Right General Feng Shili and Left General Han Tong, closest to the Northern Army captain, also lunged forward, unsure whom they supported.

Chai Yue wanted to help but was stopped by Meng E, who had orders to ensure Chai Yue’s safety.

Zhang Yanghao lay unconscious, while Xie Ying and Ding Hui scrambled up, shouting as they joined the fray. Their target was not the seal but Prince Donghai. Fortunately, they had the sense to discard their weapons beforehand.

Their involvement spurred several officers into action. They unbuckled their swords and joined the melee barehanded.

Inside the tent, a dozen people brawled like street thugs.

Outside wasn’t much better. Initially, more spectators watched, but the generals’ disregard for rules incited the soldiers, who joined the fray, helping friends and attacking foes.

Chai Yue, stunned by the turn of events, had believed the Northern Protection General’s meticulous plans would ensure order. He never expected such chaos.

With no other choice, Chai Yue stepped out of the central tent, commanding the soldiers to stop. But without the Grand Marshal’s seal, few obeyed, retaliating when struck.

“All clear!” The dutiful sentries continued their calls, though their expressions belied their calm declarations.

Unable to quell the chaos, Chai Yue observed. From the tent’s high vantage, he saw the turmoil below clearly. The soldiers remained still for now, but this calm couldn’t last. With the main command in disarray, it would soon endanger the entire Chu army.

Chai Yue didn’t know the guard assigned to him by the Northern Protection General well but trusted him. He turned and said, “We must seize the Grand Marshal’s seal, or else…”

“I got it!” A triumphant voice rang out from the tent as Prince Donghai emerged, holding the seal.

The real hero wasn’t him but his attendnat, who, having mastered advanced martial arts, dominated the close-quarters combat.

“Stop! Everyone, obey my orders! The Grand Marshal’s seal is in my hands!” Prince Donghai shouted excitedly. After Han Ruzi’s two successes in seizing seals, he had finally succeeded once as well. And more spectacularly at that, having managed to seize the Northern Army’s Grand Marshal seal.

For a moment, the chaos outside ceased as all eyes turned to the tent. Seeing Prince Donghai holding the seal, they resumed fighting.

Prince Donghai’s smile froze, puzzled by his failure to command authority after seizing the seal.

Provost Marshal enforcer Chai Zhi staggered out, collapsing beside Prince Donghai, a knife wound in his back bleeding profusely.

His death triggered even greater chaos.

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