The Child Emperor

Chapter 189: Opening the Gates

Prince Donghai was eager to get away from the chaos behind him, hoping to distance himself as much as possible. He had to admit that he was not suited for winning in the midst of turmoil. Competing with Han Ruzi in such matters was meaningless; he was better at strategizing in the halls of power.

Someone behind him shouted a reminder. Prince Donghai looked ahead blankly and saw a rider approaching from the direction of Divine Hero Pass, waving his arms to signal them to stop. “Divine Hero Pass… The Northern Protection General…”

Prince Donghai only caught these two words. He spurred his horse to speed up and passed by the rider. No one could stop him, no one at all.

The horse couldn’t keep running indefinitely. No matter how much Prince Donghai urged it, it slowed down. The people behind him caught up. Lin Kunshan sighed in relief and smiled, “Prince Donghai, no need to worry. The Chu army is in chaos, maybe even fighting the Xiongnu. They won’t catch up anytime soon.”

“Won’t catch up? No, no. I’m not worried about them. I need to get back to the Capital as soon as possible. I’ve realized that only in the Capital can I thrive, be safe, and hold absolute power. Lin Kunshan, if you get me back to the Capital, you will have done a great service.”

“Prince Donghai, are you not going to the Southern Army?”

“No.” Prince Donghai had changed his mind and was firm about it. “I will seize the throne directly and then summon my uncle back to the Capital.”

“Alright.” Lin Kunshan had no intention of questioning him directly.

Prince Donghai glanced at him, “Don’t think I’m being unrealistic. I’m well-prepared, much more so than when I tried to seize the Northern Army’s Grand Marshal’s seal. And I’m not under anyone’s control.”

Prince Donghai stopped there, frowning slightly. “Who was that blocking the road just now?”

“Looks like a messenger from Divine Hero Pass. I sent someone to inquire. Let’s keep moving.”

Prince Donghai appreciated subordinates who thought for him. He looked up. On both sides, the peaks towered, covered in snow. The road was wide but winding, with no end in sight. “How far are we from Divine Hero Pass?”

“More than halfway there, Prince Donghai. Don’t worry.”

Prince Donghai sighed, full of thoughts. He patted the horse’s neck, not daring to urge it too much. Suddenly, urgent hoofbeats sounded from behind, strikingly out of place among the slow-moving convoy. He was startled but then remembered it should be the subordinate he had sent to inquire.

His entourage consisted of fewer than fifty people, all found by Lin Kunshan. He didn’t know any of them. His only loyal follower had died in the central tent, and another had been left behind in Shattered Iron City, not brought along.

Prince Donghai sighed again, not looking back as he proceeded. Lin Kunshan stopped to wait for news and quickly caught up, riding alongside him for a while. He said, “A group of rebels attacked Divine Hero Pass.”

Prince Donghai reined in his horse. “What? Rebels attacked Divine Hero Pass?”

“They haven’t captured it yet. They’re reportedly closing in, probably trying to seize the grain inside.”

“These aren’t rebels; they’re traitors and bandits. How could I be so unlucky? Traitors ahead, chaotic army behind…”

“Let’s get to Divine Hero Pass first.”

Prince Donghai suddenly remembered something. “Fate seers know bandits. Maybe the chaos was instigated by you lot!” He grew more excited as he spoke, not caring about the rebellion itself. “You can persuade them to make way, can’t you?”

Lin Kunshan smiled wryly. “Prince Donghai overestimates the abilities of fate seers. We can at most fan the flames. Whether things happen or succeed isn’t up to us, and we don’t know that many people.”

“Ha, now you act modest.”

During the rest of their journey, Prince Donghai and his entourage encountered several more messengers. The messengers assumed this small group was heading to support Divine Hero Pass and were very pleased, saying a few words before hastily moving on.

Each messenger brought increasingly dire news. Thousands of rebels had already reached beyond the south gate, occupied several unguarded military camps, and were clamoring outside the city, preparing for an assault. There were fewer than a hundred soldiers available inside the city, and though there were over a thousand civilians, they were too frightened to help defend and had shut themselves indoors.

Lin Kunshan asked each messenger the same question: “Are there more civilians or bandits among the attackers?”

He explained to Prince Donghai, “If there are more civilians, the situation is out of control. Even if Master Chunyu himself intervenes, it might not help. If there are more bandits, since we’re all from the pugilist world, I might know a few and can negotiate for you.”

The messengers couldn’t answer this question. The city’s chief clerk was nearly frantic, continuously sending people to plead for help from the Northern Protection General, even claiming that if they couldn’t hold the pass, they would surrender.

Prince Donghai wanted to curse the heavens.

That evening, they arrived at Divine Hero Pass. The guards thought they were reinforcements. Despite their small numbers, it lifted their spirits. They quickly opened the gates and led them to the office to meet Chief Clerk Hua Bao En.

Chief Clerk Hua was in the hall praying to gods and Buddhas, with statues and plaques of various deities lined up on the desk in three rows, coexisting harmoniously.

He didn’t recognize Prince Donghai, but in such times, anyone coming from the north was a savior. Chief Clerk Hua immediately knelt down, eager to relinquish his duties.

Prince Donghai didn’t stand on ceremony. He kicked the chief clerk aside and ordered Lin Kunshan to take people to the south gate to assess the situation and report back quickly.

The hall was empty except for the chief clerk cowering in a corner. Prince Donghai was equally anxious and fearful, but he was more composed than the chief clerk. He didn’t beg the deities but threatened them instead. “Ensure my safe return to the Capital, and you will be well worshiped. If anything happens to me, I’ll smash you all to pieces.”

Perhaps the deities did fear threats. Soon, Lin Kunshan’s men brought back news that most of those gathered outside the south gate were bandits from various places, taking advantage of the chaos to gather. They had heard there was plenty of grain and few defenders in Divine Hero Pass, so they had come to seize it. Their morale was high, but they lacked siege equipment. The few ladders they had were not even half the height of the city walls, so they hadn’t launched an attack.

The best news was that Lin Kunshan indeed knew one of the leaders.

Prince Donghai was overjoyed and immediately authorized Lin Kunshan to negotiate with the bandits. As long as they didn’t block the road, any conditions could be agreed to, but the city gates couldn’t be opened. Lin Kunshan was lowered out in a basket.

“I’m the Emperor, I’m the Emperor…” Prince Donghai encouraged himself. Suddenly, he walked over to Chief Clerk Hua and kicked him again. “Why aren’t you burning more incense and praying? The more, the better. Take everything out. The gods may not protect you, but they will protect me.”

The hall soon filled with incense smoke. The night outside grew darker. Prince Donghai was anxious and suddenly remembered something. He rushed out, called a messenger, and ordered him to tell the guards at the north gate, “Without my order, don’t open the gate for anyone.”

The messenger didn’t understand the order but didn’t dare to ask. He ran off immediately. Prince Donghai was burning with anxiety. He had the Grand Marshal’s seal with him. Even if the Chu army was in chaos, someone would come to reclaim it. He couldn’t stay at Divine Hero Pass for long.

A soldier reported that Lin Kunshan had negotiated with the bandit leaders, but the gatekeepers refused to let him back in, nor would they lower the basket again, fearing they might bring in spies.

Prince Donghai ran out but turned back, grabbing Chief Clerk Hua by the ear and dragging him to the south gate. He had learned his lesson. An official seal and title weren’t enough. To the ordinary soldiers, familiar faces were more effective.

It was already late at night. Prince Donghai had just reached the south gate and hadn’t climbed the wall when someone came riding up, “Another group of Chu soldiers is coming from the north…”

Before the man could finish, Prince Donghai shouted, “Don’t open the gate, no matter what. They’re not Chu soldiers, they’re… Xiongnu spies!”

Such a lie wouldn’t hold for long. Prince Donghai dragged Chief Clerk Hua up the wall and looked out. The road was filled with fire pits and torches, with countless shadows moving around. Lin Kunshan stood alone with a torch a few steps from the gate.

“Is it General Han?” Lin Kunshan shouted.

Prince Donghai was stunned but quickly understood. The title “Prince Donghai” was too burdensome for the bandits. Lin Kunshan was protecting him. He replied, “It’s me. How did the negotiations go?”

“The heroes are willing to let you pass, but they have one condition.”

“What condition?”

“This autumn’s harvest was poor, and it’s now winter. The villages are out of grain and can’t survive. They hope to borrow some grain from you to get through the winter.”

Lin Kunshan’s tone made him sound like one of the bandits. Prince Donghai had no choice but to trust him. He shouted, “I’ll come down.” He kicked and pushed Chief Clerk Hua down the stairs. “Open the gate.”

Chief Clerk Hua, battered and bruised, became increasingly submissive to Prince Donghai. He immediately ordered the gate to be opened. His orders were effective with the soldiers, and the gate slowly opened. Prince Donghai, controlling his urgency, waited for Lin Kunshan to come in, constantly looking back, fearing the appearance of Chu soldiers.

Lin Kunshan came in, originally alone, but now with two others following him. Prince Donghai was startled but had no choice but to face them.

Lin Kunshan introduced, “These two are heroes from Anyang Mountain, known as…”

A burly man interrupted, “Our names are insignificant. Let’s be straightforward. Will you give us grain or not? How much? We have seventeen villages…”

Prince Donghai suddenly had an idea. “I’ll give you grain, not just grain, but the entire Divine Hero Pass.”

The two bandit leaders were stunned, and Chief Clerk Hua was so frightened he collapsed. Prince Donghai kicked him hard. “Open the gate wider and come with me.”

He turned to the bandits, “To be honest, the Xiongnu will soon attack. The Chu army has been defeated and can’t hold Divine Hero Pass. Rather than let it fall to foreigners, I’d rather give it to our own people. If you can hold this pass, it will be a great merit, and the court will reward you generously in the future.”

The bandit leaders exchanged glances. They didn’t want to defend the city for the government, but the granaries and wealthy households inside the pass could be looted in a day or two. They nodded simultaneously. “Alright, General Han is so generous. We will be righteous too. Take as many people as you want out of the city. We will escort you and ensure no one stops you.”

“Let’s go then.”

Prince Donghai couldn’t wait any longer. He led the way out of the city, followed by Lin Kunshan’s men and Chief Clerk Hua. The gate guards glanced at each other, threw down their weapons, and followed suit. If the commander was abandoning the city, they didn’t want to face the bandits alone.

A few dozen steps out of the city, they mounted their horses. Prince Donghai took one last look at Divine Hero Pass, thinking it was his land to reclaim eventually. For now, let the bandits hold off the pursuers. Han Ruzi, whether alive or dead, would no longer pose a threat.

Outside the north gate of Divine Hero Pass, Cai Xinghai was leading a hundred soldiers as he called out for the gatekeepers to open the gate.

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