The Chronicles of Dwynveia - a Slimeling LitRPG

Chapter 25 - The Paladin of Ereshkigal

I didn't know what to say. I wasn’t particularly willing to open my mouth either because the image of someone in fuzzy slippers, PJ pants and a floppy ears hoodie knighting someone was well… you know… bringing unhealthy amounts of merriment to me, which I didn't want to express given how I was the knightee and the knighter was the Goddess of Death. So, I was thrilled that a system window appeared before my eyes and took my mind off the situation.

You have been divinely granted a class: Shadow Paladin

Note: This class cannot be changed

Note: You retain all the already received bonuses from the class: Tenebral Stalker

New Skill Acquired: Umbral Arcana- Current Level: 1 (0% total progress to level 2)

New Spell Acquired: Flickering Lights

New Spell Acquired: Quench Torch

Instead of the usual “knowledge download”, I started to understand my connection with the shadows permeating all of existence for the first time ever. While I would always be more comfortable in darkness, no shadow could exist without light. Finally, getting insight into my nature was…

‘Exhilarating, isn't it?’ Ereshkigal asked. ‘Understanding yourself is always something, eh?’

I could only nod.

Did she just read my mind?

‘Now rise Sir Lilyth, yada yada, whatever.’ Ereshkigal continued, chuckling. ‘Just get up from the floor and make me proud.’

‘I’ll do my best,’ I said, getting back on my feet.

‘What was the phrase Marine Recon likes to throw around? “All it takes is all you got”? That’s all I can hope for. Anyway, to help you on your quest I have decided to grant you the traditional gear of a full member of the Tenebral Order. Normally, it would take months for you to earn these, but I am a bit short on Holy Knights these days. To be more precise, I didn’t have any until, like, a few minutes ago.’’

‘So… all of this…’ I gestured at the room and the armour stand. ‘All of this is just because I am the first to come around in a while that even remotely fits the requirements?’

‘Pre-cise-ly,’ Ereshkigal said with a heart clearly noticeable at the end of the word. ‘I knew you were one smart slimy cookie.’

I didn't necessarily share Ereshkigal’s enthusiasm, but I didn’t think it was the first time I had been the only candidate for a job either.

‘So what am I to do… as your knight?

‘For now, stop Laachersain, then, I guess, focus on building yourself on Dwynveia. Do some quests, clear some delves, you know, have some fun!’

‘What? Shouldn’t I be investigating this question-mark thing?’

‘Eventually… yes. Right now, you have no money, no contacts, no allies. Nothing. And, I need you alive and well-equipped to run my errands. So take your time. Once you feel ready, or have something worthy to report, go to a village called Lin-Vyme. One of my last priests is running a monastery dedicated to me and the other “old” gods. Just speak to my statue there and I’ll be able to talk back to you. ’

I nodded and asked:

‘Wasn’t Caeileera able to talk to Akh’ret while praying?’

‘Yes. But I don’t think you are much of a praying type. Believe me, I don’t mind. Anyway… go check out what I got you.’

I walked up to the armour stand and started to investigate the items there.

Item: Shadow Dragonhide Leather Jacket

Class: Medium Armour - Torso - Divine

Rarity: Unique

Quality: Masterwork

Durability: 50/50


Soulbound - Cannot be stolen. If lost, can be resummoned by the owner at any time. If damaged, durability is restored at twice the owner’s natural healing rate.

Adaptive - The powers of this item grow along with the user

Item: Shadow Dragonhide Leather Bracers

Class: Medium Armour - Arms - Divine

Rarity: Unique

Quality: Masterwork

Durability: 50/50


Soulbound - Cannot be stolen. If lost, can be resummoned by the owner at any time. If damaged, durability is restored at twice the owner’s natural healing rate.

Adaptive - The powers of this item grow along with the user

Item: Cloak of Ereshkigal

Class: Cloak - Divine

Rarity: Unique

Quality: Masterwork

Durability: 50/50


Soulbound - Cannot be stolen. If lost, can be resummoned by the owner at any time. If damaged, durability is restored at twice the owner’s natural healing rate.

Item: Scabbard of the Black Rabbit

Class: Utility - Sheath - Divine

Rarity: Unique

Quality: Masterwork

Durability: 20/20


Soulbound - Cannot be stolen. If lost, can be resummoned by the owner at any time. If damaged, durability is restored at twice the owner’s natural healing rate.

The name of the last item gave me pause. I took the sheath into my hands and saw a drawing of a rabbit’s head stamped into it. I looked at Ereshkigal who was standing right next to me, doing her best to appear innocent. Led by an impulse, I pulled the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. One of the floppy ears landed on her face. She broke out laughing and playfully punched me in the arm. That finally made me lose my composure and I joined her.

‘Sorry,’ Ereshkigal began once we’ve both regained our senses. ‘I just had to. It’s for your Blade of the Black Rose. I’ll get rid of it if you want.’

‘No, it’s fine,’ I responded. ‘I will be more than happy to carry your sigil into battle. I’m more of a cat person, but rabbits are a close second.’

Sparks of playfulness appeared in her eyes then.

‘Yay,’ she exclaimed and jumped into the air.

‘All of this will appear in a box next to you in the dungeon,’ the goddess continued. ‘I don’t think your friends would appreciate you suddenly growing a suit of armour.

‘Speaking of my friends, what about Aki, though?’ I asked. ‘I wouldn't have survived this without her.’

‘Don’t worry,’ The goddess smiled at me. ‘She’ll also get her reward. The problem is that I lack the connection with her that I have with you. So, something appropriate is getting arranged for her, but it would need to go through… different channels. I doubt she will be disappointed with it though.’

‘Lastly, I also have this for you.’

A black oval object appeared in her hand. She threw it towards me and I barely managed to catch it.

Item: Rune of “Fist of Wind”

Class: Magical - Air Arcana

Rarity: Extremely Rare

Durability: 10/10

Description: Allows the user to learn the “Fist of Wind” Spell. Casting the spell without sufficient knowledge of Fist Arcana may lower its effectiveness and/or cause it to fail

Spell Effect: Imbues caster’s chosen fist with the elemental power of wind. Striking a target with it unleashes a devastating torrent of wind. Causes knockback.

Cost to learn: 2 Perk Point


I immediately popped it.

You have learned a new spell: Fist of Wind

Type: Elemental - Air - Attack

Description: Imbues caster’s chosen fist with the elemental power of the wind. Striking a target with it unleashes a devastating torrent of wind. Causes knockback.

Casting time: 2 seconds

Note: Insufficient knowledge of Air Arcana

You have spent 2 Perk Points (Current Number of Perk Points: 0)

‘Glad you like it,’ Ereshkigal beamed at me.

‘Where did you get it? I mean…’

‘I don’t do Air Arcana? I really enjoyed the punch you threw at Löwe, so I pulled some strings with Nyx, the Goddess of Air and Storm, to get this. Formally, she’s known as Ter’ius but decided to go by Nyx as she likes it better. There might be a bit of a catch to it, though.’

My stomach sank.

‘So…’ Ereshkigal continued, giving me her most innocent smile.’I may have agreed for her to borrow you from time to time.’

‘Wait… so I’m to be some divine errand girl now?’

‘Would you look at the time? I’ll let you get back to your quest. Toodles!’

‘STOP…’ I began, but Ereshkigal snapped her fingers and I found myself back in the Tower of Trials.

I was sitting on a bed, once again wearing my damaged clothes. I must have sprung up while trying to stop Ereshkigal.

‘Oh!’ I heard Aki shout. ‘You’re awake!’

I felt her pounce on me and wrap her arms around my torso. I hugged her back.

‘Are you feeling okay?’ she asked me. We've found you in a bad state. What happened?’‘I told her about what I learned in the control room. I could feel Aki tense up when I mentioned this has been for over half a millennium.

‘Oh my gods…’ she stammered out. ‘This is horrible.’

‘Yeah,’ I sighed heavily. ‘Yeah, it is. What was that green light when you found me with Caeileera?’

‘Oh,’ Aki said, slightly embarrassed. ‘She put you to sleep with a spell.

Suddenly, there was a flash and something thunked to the floor. It was a large wooden box. I pulled myself away from Aki which allowed me to get my first good look at her since I left her with Caeileera. She had a black eye and slightly torn clothes. I decided not to comment on that. Nope.

‘What’s the box?’ she asked and got up.

I told her about my meeting with Ereshkigal, of my knighting and the new gear I got. I skipped the part about her gift. It would make for a nice surprise. I also left the rabbit stuff out, for obvious reasons.

‘Congrats, I guess…’ Aki said, unsure.

‘Yeah. “I guess” describes it best. Where did you find a bed?’

I was less than thrilled to learn that it had been Löwe’s but beggars can’t be choosers, I supposed.

‘Can you give me some privacy, babe?’ I asked her. ‘I want to change.’

She nodded, but before she left I kissed her on the cheek.

First, I checked the spells I got with the class.

Spell: Flickering Lights

Type: Umbral - Illusion

Level: 1 (0% progress to level 2)

Effect: Creates a series of flashing orbs within a ten-metre range

Duration: 5 seconds

Spell: Quench Torch

Type: Umbral - Utility

Level: 1 (0% progress to level 2)

Effect: Puts out a small source of fire within a five-metre range

Casting time: 10 seconds

Not that useful given the circumstances. Still… The Flickering Lights spell makes for a decent distraction.

Next, I went through my notifications. They were screaming at me to go through them for a long time.

The following attributes have progressed:

Strength: +43% (58% total progress to level 12)

Dexterity: +42% (112% total progress to level 14)

Your Dexterity Attribute has increased to level 14 (6% total progress to level 15)

Agility: +80% (113% total progress to level 11)

Your Agility Attribute has increased to level 11 (6% total progress to level 12)

Endurance: +80% (89% total progress to level 11)

Vitality: +204% (218% total progress to level 11)

Your Vitality Attribute has increased to level 11 (59% total progress to level 12)

Your total health has increased

Your total stamina has increased

Intelligence: +20% (57% total progress to level 17)

Cunning: +15% (20% total progress to level 9)

Willpower: +70% (157% total progress to level 14)

Your Willpower Attribute has increased to level 14 (28% total progress to level 15)

Your total mana has increased

Resilience: +40% (110% total progress to level 7)

Your Resilience attribute has increased to level 7 (5% total progress to level 8)

New Skill Acquired: Air Arcana- Current Level: 1 (3% total progress to level 2)

New Skill Acquired: Water Arcana- Current Level: 0 (5% total progress to level 1)

The following skills have progressed:

Bastard Sword - Two-handed: +34% (112% total progress to level 6)

Your Bastard Sword - Two-handed skill has increased to level 6 (6% total progress to level 7)

Earth Arcana: +90% (156% total progress to level 2)

Your Earth Arcana skill has increased to level 2 (28% total progress to level 3)

The following spells have progressed:

Rock Spikes: +62% (106% total progress to level 4)

Your Rock Spikes spell has increased to level 4 (3% total progress to level 5)

Gust of Wind: +73% (73% total progress to level 2)

The following traits have progressed:

Predator’s Instinct: +???%

Once I level up, there will be plenty of things to spend perk points on.

In the box, besides the armour, there was a fresh set of clothes.

Thank you, Ereshkigal!

I left Löwe’s bedroom feeling I looked pretty badass. Outside, I found Aki and Caeileera outside, staring at each other warily. The Sanguine appeared to have changed. She was now wearing an exquisite form-fitting black robe with lace-of-gold embroidering on the cuffs and a red leather stole attached to her belt. Caeileera did keep her boots, choker and bracelets, and I could a bag strapped across her torso. She also had some scratches visible on her face and I could have sworn she was missing some hair.

So the discussion was productive on both ends. Good. And hey… they didn’t kill themselves while at it.

‘Looking sharp, Caeileera,’ I said to the Sanguine.

‘Right back at you,’ she smiled back at me. ‘The Pipsq… Aki suggested my outfit was inappropriate given the circumstances.’

I believe the phrase was “dressed like a whore”?

‘Thank you for helping me, both.’

‘No problem,’ they both responded at the same time.

That made them pause and glare at each other.

Still some issues to work out, I see.

In the silence, I heard some scratching noises in the distance. They seemed close, but they were too quiet to tell for sure, and then suddenly stopped.

Did I imagine these?

‘Anyway… shall we get going?’ I asked, hoping to defuse the situation. ‘I want to get a move on before trouble finds us.’

There was a heavy thud just outside the entrance.

‘Oh…’ said a raspy muffled voice from the door to the room. ‘I am afraid, trouble has already found you.’

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