The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 246: The Conquerors Newborn [1]

Parc froze, his thrusting halted as all the hairs across his body went on end and he felt an imperial weight suddenly crushing him. He looked to Summer, met her darting silver eyes and gulped, "what do you mean she's in labour… she's not due for another three weeks." He reasoned already pulling his shaft free from Coco's damp honeypot. The girl was left blinking both remorsefully that they couldn't finish and curious to what was being spoken about.

Velvet had also parted from Coco's nipple to watch Parc face Summer fully. She'd only met Summer on a few offhandish occasions, normally when Ruby and her sister Yang, stayed behind to meet with her for dinner or something of that likeness. They had shared a few words, mostly around Ferry and her studies and Summer seemed genuinely concerned for Ferry in those moments. There had been a time where Summer had approached the table and Velvet had heard the girl mutter a low 'mom' to the woman, which in the moment turned Summer into the likeness of a human statue for a few seconds before calming.

"Yeah, well, you tell the baby that. Because it's going to be out here in the next day for you to tell in person." Summer spat urgently.

"No-that's-I'm-" Parc fumbled, his mind racing trying to reason with the concept that Esdeath—of all people—was on the verge of bringing life into this world, a life of his creation.

He knew all the extraneous details, the science between penis meets vagina, penis goes 'Wee!' inside and a baby appears nine months later but in the moment all that logic, all that knowledge and study just couldn't be bothered to show its head and turned him into a veritable idiot.

Before he knew it Summer had hastened to his side and sent a wallopping slap across his cheek and awoke him from his dazed standing. He rocked his head, looked at Summer and his mouth fell open, "she's actually in labour?"

"Yeah." Summer's voice was exaggerated.

Parc's throat trembled, his head spun towards the hidden door Summer had come from, "P-Peach, did you call Peach?"

"She's on her way, now would you get going, I need to wait for her."

"Right, yes, I'm going." Parc lifted one leg and set it down but seemed to move nowhere fast as the tunnel he approached began extending kilometres more than he'd made it to be.

"Put your dick away!" Summer called down the tunnel hearing from its depths the echo of a zipper being shut.

Turning back to the room, Summer paused on Velvet and Coco as she swept a trickling of sweat from her brow. Both girls were nigh naked, they still had on their skirts but their blouses were wide open and both were brazenly revealing their reddened nipples to the world. Velvet was the worst of the two, she looked like she'd dropped a bucket of glue and it splashed over her body, that was just how milky her body was.

"You two should get dressed. Professor Peach is going to be here soon and you don't want her seeing you two like this."

Coco rolled her eyes and hopped off the table, she eyed around, found her panties and pulled them on. Huffing annoyingly as Velvet gingerly began buttoning up her clothing. Summer's cheek twitched as she watched the girl, there wasn't a single chance in hell that people were going to mistake what she'd done with how dirty she was.

Pressing her fingers onto her forehead, Summer sighed, "Velvet dear, there's a bathroom behind the worm statue. Showers and everything, there should also be some of my extra clothing in there. Change into those. You can't be seen like that."

"Yes ma'am," Velvet hung her head and after collecting her sperm soiled panties made way to the worm.

Coco stayed behind, "so… he's a dad?" she asked.

"Soon to be."

"He going to be a good one?"

"I have no idea. I think so? Hard to say considering his main thing is his… penis."

"It's a good penis," Coco snickered, "hit all my g-spots. Thanks by the way, if you hadn't gotten here I might have broken like little Vel." Coco glanced over her shoulder to Velvet who was staring at the curled gold worm statue utterly confused about how it was a door. "I should probably go help her."

"You should." Summer was few for words, the tenseness the chill coming from the tunnel was sending into the room was only causing her spin to tingle nervously. She couldn't imagine how frigid that room must be, worse than Atlas in winter she was guessing.

Coco made way to Velvet and just as the girl discovered a loose brick that when pressed, caused the wall to shift and open, the two disappeared inside. The masonry shifted back into place.

In the silence that filled, Summer's mind was left to wander. She looked to the table Parc had been screwing those two atop then turned her gaze upwards, searching the ceiling until she found the tiny black dot of a camera. She gulped, scratched her leg and tapped her foot. She'd been on the opposite end of that not long ago, not minutes ago actually. She'd been watching, pleasuring herself at the same time.

She knew it was sick, that she shouldn't be touching herself while Parc was thrusting away at other girls… younger girls… but she couldn't help herself. Parc had sent her the message that little dot of text that told her to turn the television to the camera's he'd planted all across his compound. Almost every room had a camera, even the perimeter looking out towards Beacon was laced with hidden cameras.

At this point, she wasn't sure who was more ornery with their camera's, Parc or Ozpin. Ozpin likely had more but that was because he had more places to watch so he didn't have them so close together while Parc, he'd laid them down at every exit then tested them dozens of times with the help of his Nightraid girls as he had them try to break in without him seeing. So far the only one he was still struggling to find was Akame. However she was getting in, Parc wasn't privy to, either that or she was just so skilled at her job dozens of camera's just refused to acknowledge her existence.

Summer lowered a hand to her belly and felt the gemstone protruding from her groin. Shivering from the low taste of pleasure the touch produced. It was ominous how just having sex with Parc grew this crystal on her and turned it into a new g-spot for her. Though it wasn't as powerful as the ones inside her, she could use it as a secondary clit by gently rubbing it in circles. It hadn't quite made the mark for her usual masturbatory endeavours yet.

Making haste up the steps towards the door, Summer glanced to the worm statue and pleaded with the girls to stay in them for so long as it took for Peach to get her and down the tunnel and was soon standing atop the cliff-face staring off into the distance where a silhouette of an elderly woman was swiftly approaching.

Professor Peach, Thumbelina Peach fully, was Beacons resident plant sciences professor who often moonlighted as the nurse. She had also been working for Beacon much longer than anyone else, ignoring of course the immortal Ozpin, coming in at a neat thirty years having started when she just turned thirty-four.

Her age clearly showed, wrinkles—though not overly prominent—still dashed various aspects such as her cheeks and forehead. They didn't addle her skin tone, even now near two decades after Summer had graduated she still had pristine colouring that was almost doll-like. At one point, at least, to Summer's memories, Thumbelina had been quite the woman. Beautiful with a pert bottom, wide hips, and plump breasts. Something Summer had to hear a sickening amount of times as she was something like the school sex icon for all the boys back then.

Peach approached rapidly, in her wake flowers would raise from the soil and rapidly decay, returning to the soil in a cycle of life all dealt with within a handful of seconds. "Where is she?" she questioned gravely as she looked down at Summer. One would think age would shrink a woman, Thumbelina only seemed to grow taller.

"Inside, we'll need to walk for a bit though." Summer lead way down the steps and held open the door for the professor. Further guiding her deeper into the cantilever and towards the open tunnelway.

As they stepped down onto the arena platform, Thumbelina paused and turned her gaze over the room, nose flaring breathing in thick whiffs of sex and a scent like that of wet rabbit. "I take it Velvet Scarlatina has finally fallen to Evans?"

Summer jolted and jerked around, "how do you-"

"I may not be a Faunus deary, but I have had hundreds of Faunus girls in oestrus come through my station asking for rutting medication. Every single species has a different smell to them and as I can smell something more human, I also am guessing Coco Adel has fallen?"

Summer gaped as Thumbelina gave her a curt wink and a knowing smirk, simultaneously tapping her nose as if to say 'you can't hide anything from me.'

"I must say, this is quite extravagant no?" Thumbelina stepped past Summer and into the precipice of the tunnel. Forcing a few deep breaths she saw it come from her mouth in thick foggy clouds. "And what a chill. Almost like a ghost has decided to haunt this place. This feels more like I'm being abducted to act as a sacrifice to some forlorn eldritch deity, Summer dear."

"That's… it's normally not this chilly. It's just…" Summer paused, even she barely knew the intricate details of what Esdeath was, she knew she had some type of magical control over ice. So magical in fact that at first Summer had thought her to be another maiden but Parc was staunch in that she wasn't. That Esdeath was just a normal, mentally deranged psychopath with powerful control over the elements who was definitely NOT a maiden. "Esdeath's semblance is going a bit… berserk? I guess."

"Oh my," dire seriousness stole Thumbelina's wrinkled expression, "then we must get that baby out before she causes them any permanent harm."

"That would probably be for the best."


Coco pressed Velvet against the wall, water cascaded down over them and in the dull light of the bathroom provided by Summer coated them with a glisten of wetness. Velvet drew still, not resisting Coco as her team leader dug her leg between Velvet's and pressed her lips close to her human ear.

"How about we finish what Parc couldn't?"

Velvet squirmed, licked her lips and gulped. She was still itching down there, her body had wanted more of Parc's taste but it couldn't have it. Not now at least. So Coco would just have to do as a replacement.

Coco knew at least where to hit, so she would be just as satisfying to her rut.

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