The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 249: Frustratingly Good

"Honestly," Glynda grumbled raising from her seat, her heels clacking against the stone arena just as the last of the students filtered out. "Asking children to name your own child. That's just irresponsible." Her voice was softer than usual, less confrontational.

Parc glanced curtly over his shoulder and rose a brow at her attitude. "I'm not good at naming things… Babies, she's not a thing, she's a baby…" in milliseconds his expression drained and tightened, "holy fucking fuck, I'm a dad." His mouth hanging open slightly ready to devour any passing fly.

Glynda shimmied around and tilted her head to get a better view of his dazed, kilometre stare into nothingness. "I can barely believe it myself." She huffed and straightened her dress. "Honestly, someone like you seems particularly verse to putting your child in dangerous situations."

He broke from his daze and glared Glynda's way, "just because I have enemies, doesn't mean I'm going to be putting her in danger." Hissing through his teeth, he puffed and stood, "if anything I should be bloody terrified of her. She's Esdeath's daughter and if she so much as inherits Esdeath's nonsense SHE'S going to be the one putting me in danger. God I hope she only gets it after she's grown up." Parc sucked in his lips and paced off to the side lost in thought.

The sun blared in through small slits at the top of the wall allowing the barest shade of dull yellow lighting into the room, bathing both Parc and Glynda in its golden radiance. He'd yet to turn on the lamps but was likely soon to do so as the sun was setting. Just as quickly he was likely to disable them as he'd be leaving to get back to the bunker to check on his daughter and run through more idea's for her name.

"What exactly would she inherit then? That unusual frost from last night I'm presuming?"

Parc halted his pacing and spun his head to Glynda and smirked. Cracking one knuckle he faced her fully, "I'm not going to answer that."

Rolling her eyes, Glynda crossed her arms and tightened her fingers around her elbows. "Forget I even asked." She wasn't going to let him have her body again. Not for such a meagre question. 'Then again,' memories from the night before relapsed and played again inside her.

'If you can, get what you can out of him. I don't care how, just do what you can.' Ozpin's voice echoed in her ears and the image of him hunched over his desk, lips burried into his fists. He was stoic, but he was more paranoid than ever. He'd basically told her to sell herself as a whore to become a spy.

Glynda trailed her gaze over Parc and those thoughts shifted to others, of an alleyway, a dress, and a little black pill. She looked back to Parc, grit her teeth the just as quickly looked away. She couldn't think about those things, if she did it left her uncomfortable and tight down there.

Scanning her, Parc saw a slight tremble to her hips that accentuated her tight bottom just barely hidden behind the pencil skirt conforming to all her desirable contours. As he drew up to her chest he could only smirk brighter when he saw the points at the top of her bosom rising but not quite lowering as she caught her breaths and calmed herself.

A sparkle rose to Parc's eyes and as he turned his gaze down to his notebook, that sparkle died. 'Is now really the time to be a pervert?' he mulled the thought, weighing the pros and cons. He had a newborn but the chance to tease Glynda, it didn't come around as often as he'd like.

The war of angels and devils as brought about by cartoons raged atop his shoulders. On one, his left, was the angel tugging him to his daughter. On the other, the devil was staring holes into Glynda's skirt and going 'awooga,' for some inexplicable reason. Of course, they fell into verbal spats with each other in search of a victor, dick or brain.

'Not like I'm abandoning her,' Parc bit his lips, felt a buzz in his pocket and checked his scroll.

'I know you enough to know if you don't do what your thinking about, you're going to whine. Your daughter will be fine. Just clean yourself up before you get back.'

Parc eyelids widened and he looked up to his hidden camera and chuckled. How Summer was siding with the devil, he wasn't sure. He just hoped she wasn't going to have her fun in the same room as his daughter.

Stuffing the pseudo-hone into his pocket he flicked away the angel and grew his devil horns and let his heavy footsteps inform Glynda of his approach. "I wonder what you're thinking about for this to be happening." Reaching around her belly he lifted a hand to her breast and teased lightly the bump of her nipple while his other hand danced down her fleshy thigh before trailing inwards.

Just as swiftly Glynda had summoned her riding crop to her hand and flicked it like a wand, forefully tearing Parc's hands from her body.

"Don't touch me like that. I don't have any will to deal with you right now. Not in that manner." Her voice was venomous and scathing. "Not after… that."

Parc could only laugh in low, rumbling tones. "After what, Glynda? After I took you to dinner and on a nice date?"

"No, everything else."

"And that is?" he made it clear he wasn't going to let go till she said the words herself.

Glynda ground her teeth to dust and through her spectacles launched a beam of concentrated hate, "you. Ejaculated inside of me. I could have gotten pregnant!"

"You wouldn't be the first."

She recoiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh for the love of- that's not even the worst part! You put this thing on me!" she slapped two fingers against her groin but only got a hateful smirk from the widely smiling boy.

"This thing? I don't know about anything, you'll have to show me this 'thing' for me to know what you're talking about."

Going silent Glynda's lips almost curled back like a snarling hound but swiftly stilled herself with a few well timed and lengthy breaths. "I'm… going to ask you one time. Can you remove this thing." Glynda had gone to professor Peach in the past, not long after her date with Parc as she was concerned about this hollow crystalline ring that had formed just above her crotch and pubes. Whenever Peach tried to get a sample the woman would always smile as if knowing something about its origin, not to mention any time a knife or needle neared the gem Glynda would feel an uncontrollable urge to shout out and stop her. It was embarrassing, it wasn't even her own will telling her to do that and yet she couldn't stop herself from doing it.

"What. Thing?" Parc leaned closer and spoke each word slowly, powerfully.

Glynda could only tighten her lips and growl. This man, he was so cocky, so infuriating. If she didn't have to deal with Ozpin's nonsense on a nigh daily basis she may have even thought him to be the worse offender.

"You really want me to show you?" He shrugged and she rolled her head. "You're sick, you know that. You have a newborn and your trying to get in my pants."

"She'll be fine. Summer's looking after her." He could have told her he got the very womans permission but that would spoil the fun.

"That changes nothing. She is still yours, and you still need to take care of her."

"I will, and I plan to." Parc dug his hands into his pockets leaving only his thumbs out and placed most his weight on his right leg. "Thing is, she's got years to go before she'll care about not seeing me every single day. So, in my books, I've still got some time to play around."

"Honestly. Of-" she went silent, practically face read and practically steaming from her ears. "Fuuu… calm. I. Am calm." Shutting her eyes she whispered those softly spoken words she slept to every night whenever she tried and failed to meditate.

By the time she'd opened her eyes once more, he was gone. She was about to spin and slap out her crop only for Parc to predict her move and steal her hand. His grip tight, almost crushing as it forced her crop and catalyst for her semblance from her grasp, sending it thumping to the ground as he stole her other arm and jerked it behind her back.

She struggled at first as a buzz in Parc's pocket rang from Summer sending a 'don't you dare.' That he could only later imagine was said with scathing expectation of the boy.

"What? Going to **** me now? Because I won't bow to you?" Glynda spat.

Parc chuckled, his breath stinging against the nape of her neck. "I might be an asshole Glynda, not that much of one. No," his voice dropped lower into a whisper, "it's just, I thought you would be interested in knowing that your last question… the one where I told you Ozpin's little war is more personal." She recalled it well enough like he'd said it just yesterday. Parc eased his grip on Glynda's wrists and soon released her but she didn't immediately escape away from him. "That, that's the very question that Ozpin has been bugging Ozpin so much."

She turned her head back but could barely see anything bar the tip of his shoulder over his. "I guessed as much."

"Then you're very smart. I know people who you could hit in the face with that information and they'd barely understand the first two words. I'll tell you this as a little bonus… the maidens didn't start by a man sharing his powers to four cutesy girls who helped him out on a shitty day."

Just like that, Glynda couldn't feel him behind her anymore. She spun nigh instantaneously and saw only feathers falling like they always did. Her head turned all over for a sign of where he went but there was nothing. It would be pointless either way, she knew that. The last time she'd found his hidden path he'd filled it up and built a new one.

Clasping her fingers to balls, she was calmed only by the sting of her nails digging into her palm. When she opened it, she sent out a volley of her aura laced with her semblance and lifted her crop into it. Staring down at it she bit her tongue and in the rising frustration let out a billowing scream and threw it halfway across the room. Before it even touched the ground she faced her palm towards it and halted it midair, having it slowly return to her hand and then back into its sheath on her boot.

Pinching her blouse, she pulled it into a more comfortable position and glared at her raised nipples. She could swear they were harder than before. "I… hate this school. Everywhere I go, someone is antagonizing me, annoying or some other BULLSHIT!" Glynda stomped her foot and billowed, she didn't care if Parc had microphones listening in, let him. Not like he'd tell Ozpin, he'd already seen more of her than she'd let anyone else in recent memory see.

Steeling her gaze she made quick work of the steps and left the cantilever. Muttering words of swears and frustration under her breath. When she returned to her room she at first was hesitant to take 'that' out of her drawer, ultimately she did but just as well, she found it insufficient. It brought her close, kissed all the right spots but it was cold, lifeless.

'Frustrating.' Tossing the wettened shaft to the side, Glynda laid back with one arm over her eyes. Her cloths laced with sweat and her panties with her nectar. Letting her head fall to the side, her gaze fell to her wardrobe, its two handles locked together with a thick chain and a piece of paper still settled within the crack as another way of telling if 'he' ever invaded her personal space more than he usually did.

"Bastard. Why'd he have to be so frustratingly good at sex. He's half my own bloody age for gods sake."

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