The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 252: The Visit [2]

Parc glanced over his shoulder and let out a little amused huff when he saw Blake standing idly by, fingers pinching her nose and face a bright red as she attempted to collect and the treats from the drawers, tipping them after fumbling with the wrapping until she could only puff her cheeks, hold her breath, and make use of her other hand.

"You know, it would be much easier to just, y'know, breath normally?" he chuckled, knowing full well the aftermath something like that would do to the girl.

Blake turned an eye to him and for the briefest of seconds a scowl pressed her features as she ripped open the bag of biscuits, poured out the contents and returned to pinching her nose, gasping as the air left her lungs and returned to her.

Though as it returned Blake's entire body shivered and her eyes rolled. Even though it lasted barely a few moments it was enough for Parc to grow a wider smile.

'It would be so easy,' shaking his head he picked from the shelves a few tubs filled with loose tea leaves and a few small boxes with the DIY tea sachets Summer so enjoyed using for her more floral arrangements. He set them neatly atop the silver platter right by Weiss' double walled mug so she could have her pick of drink. He had originally been anticipating her wanting coffee or something of the sort, but no, the girl wanted the simple boiled and flavored water. With a dash of honey of course.

Moving to pluck the cola from the fridge for himself and Yang, Parc also collected a glass bottle filled with syrupy grenadine and gave his own glass a slight shot before filling it up to just below the three quarters mark as the rest would be filled with ice.

Setting back the grenadine, Parc's gaze wandered over his collection of flavorings and paused at one in particular. Catnip. Exactly why someone decided to turn catnip into a syrup he wasn't entire sure. He did suspect that the producer was likely to be some form or another of cat faunus, especially considering it had come come from some faunus run company just like all the other syrups.

Parc glanced at it for a few moments then tossed his gaze to Blake. She wasn't looking. Taking that opportunity he took it and began unsealing it, removing the heat shrunken plastic around the cap and swift unscrewed the thin metal cap. Bringing it beneath his nose he took an analytical sniff and rose his brow as he could only sense a weak fragrance of mint with a surprisingly pathetic lemony undertone.

'This gets cats off apparently?' he looked once more to Blake, her back was now turned to him as she herself scoured the fridge for something or another. 'I mean, I get cats off as well… and phrasing Parc. Absolutely brilliant phrasing.'

As Blake turned back, she licked her lips as if tasting something other than Parc in the nonexistent winds of the subterranean kitchen. When she latched to him she met his almost amused eyes and trailed down to the bottle of pale yellow syrup in his hand. She couldn't read the label as his hand was covering it, but she could see them, those awfully familiar triangle leaves each divoted numerous times on every side before tappering out to a wide tip.

"That's…" she gulped, "that wouldn't happen to be catnip, would it?" her voice was garbled as she hadn't lifted her fingers from her nose even then.

Parc looked down to the bottle then back to the girl with as malicious a smirk he could produce and held it out to her. "Why don't you have a sniff and tell me?"

In seconds Blakes expression morphed, eyes widened, skin paled and her lips fell open as if to say no.

"I can't really smell anything. Then again, catnip isn't something for my type."

Blake could only watch and feel as this cold aura erupted from Parc like he was trying to lull her into a trap. It wasn't hard to see, if she released her nose and took a sniff undoubtedly a bunch of his scent would join the catnip, which for her wasn't the greatest thing to happen.

"Uhh," Blake nervously dashed her gaze away, turning to the door as if seeking to escape towards it. "Catnip… it's uh, not my favorite." She lied a lie so blatantly dishonest it showed on her ears.

"I'm sure. But who knows. Maybe you'll like this one. I could even make you a drink with it. Non-alcoholic of course."

Eying up the bottle, Blake could feel that horrible pounding of her heart hastening as she knew very well what she was around catnip—something she could only blame her mothers bullying on. "No, no, seriously, I'm, I'm fine." Licking her lips, she tried to turn away but Parc just flurried himself before her causing her to start, thankfully still keeping her fingers locked tight to her nostrils.

"Aww, come on Blake. What cat doesn't take the chance to try out some cat nip."

Parc stepped ominously close and without even touching her, Blake could feel the counter against her back as he came to block her every escape route like a towering, impenetrable wall. She could escape, she knew that, just a few well placed movements and some good usage of her aura and she could be out of the kitchen and away from him—even if that was for a small amount of time.

"Just one sniff."

It was clear to her that Parc was intent on this. On getting her enraptured in his grasp and turning him into another of his pets. Perhaps this was her destiny because in that moment, the thought of falling didn't seem all that bad. She tried to push those thoughts away, she barely knew him but by his smell. Even with how sensitive it was she shouldn't let herself be controlled by it, but it was just so… alluring.

Swallowing in lump, her breath escaped in a tremble and she shut her eyes. When she then opened them a faint surrender shone in then as she slowly released her nose and let Parc bring the bottle beneath her nostrils. With one small shake, she breathed in the deepest breath she could.

For her, for cat faunus in general, catnip was a drug. It set off those receptors in their heads that lurched on euphoria. Far was it from being a drug for sexual arousal but still, it had the abilities to make both boys and girls weak in the knees.

As the scent swept down her throat and into her lungs her eyes swiftly began to flicker and her legs began to wobble as she instinctively began nuzzling her cheek into the tip to spread the scent across herself. When that wasn't enough her hands rose as if to take the bottle but Parc wouldn't release it into her grasp leaving her to unconsciously lull out her pink tongue out and lap up what little of the syrup she could.

Then came the second assault. If the catnip had been the front line force wearing down her defenses, Parc was the cavalry so casually parading through her walls, decimating them and leaving nothing but a wake of rubble in the aftermath.

Her body moved as if marionetted by that invisible demon known as instinct, it forced her mouth wider and pushed her tongue out even further down the neck of the bottle, following that small bead of yellowish syrup only to trail lewdly up to the tip as if she were teasing the underside of a mans cock.

Parc beamed brightly, 'this girls got it in her.' Her fingers dug into his hand and pulled the bottle closer and towards her increasingly moist lips before parting around the ring. Once more letting her tongue dance across the rim before burrowing into the bottle where she began to bob her head.

Squelches and slurps escaped her joined by the rhytmic purring of her throat.

And never once did her lust hazed eyes loose focus from his own.

Throughout it all, she peered deep into his rubies with her ambers, completely lost in her own world of a cat in heat.

Parc licked his lips feeling a tightness rising in his trousers. No sooner was he pushing Blake deeper against the counter, his body pressing to hers and letting her feel his man hood poke her belly through both their garbs.

"Let go." He whispered.

Blake didn't even hesitate to follow his order, her hands fell from his and swung loosely until they grasped the edge of the counter. Her lips still plump and tight aroung the head of the bottle, still revelling in the intoxicating taste of sweet catnip and the arousing scent of Parc's incomparably fragrant body.

Lowering the bottle, slowly Blake released it as well, her tongue trailed with it, snaking like a little worm with the bottle as if refusing to let that taste go. When finally her tongue could snake no more, it fell free leaving a trail connecting her and it.

Like a panting dog, her tongue hung limply as she puffed out steamy breaths one could only find in a woman so lost in her own lust they couldn't think anymore.

Clunking the bottle down on the counter behind her with little care to the possibility it may fall, Parc swiftly bowed his body and brought his face close. He started from her chest, pushing warm breaths against her skin and surely rose higher.

Blake's tongue was drawn like a magnet to his lips and he was happy to meet her.

He let his own tongue, let it tease the tip of hers and rolled around it, letting Blake feel his gentleness, but just as quickly he let her taste his forcefullness as he brought her tongue into his mouth and gently bit down. It dealt her no pain but it told her simply, 'I am in control,' and her instincts were more than ready to let him.

She felt his hands, calloused and rough, press against her sides and dug beneath the black triangular coattails of her vest to come in bare contact with her rosy and aroused flesh.

His hands pressed further up, one tried to pry between her skin and her shorts while the other danced circles upon her hip. As he let free her tongue, he wasted no movements in stealing her lips proper and finally pushed his hand into her shorts, pressing even beneath the side strap of her panties.


But just like that, as with all moment where one loses themselves. Something must come along to stop it from happening. Parc's caresses halted, his digging digits paused and his eyes skirted to the side to meet with the brow raised, hands on hip posture of Summer.

"I get that you're a boy with urges. But come on. My daughters are in the other room and we're getting thirsty." She glanced to Blake but even with all her mature experience it was abundantly clear from her cheeks and the slight squirm of her body that she was growing just as aroused.

Rolling his eyes, Parc extradited his lips from Blakes and freed his hands from her pants, soon placing his right on his hip and let the left hang free. "This is the second time you've cockblocked me this week Summer."

"Uh-huh. As if that means anything to you." She puffed. Looking to Blake she could see the girl trembling heavily and staring with predatory intent at Parc as if moments away from pouncing and having him plough her into oblivion. "You are like enemy number one for faunus, you do know that right?" her steps brought her swiftly to his side and soon she was tugging and pushing him away from Blake.

"I'm aware." He was also using that to his best, at least, where the White Fang was concerned. "I just think Blake's got it worse. She's been bottling it all up for a while now." The girl didn't respond, simply panted.

"I'm sure that's why and not because you like being pushy."

"Eh, not like I'm always pushy." She eyed him with the most 'oh really?' expression he could have ever imagined. "Okay, maybe mostly pushy. But I can be more receptive of a ladies advances… if they actually did any advancing that is." He could recall barely two who fit that profile. Four including Mez and Suzuka.

'Oh yeah… those two exist.' He thought.

Summer sighed, not letting it be known to him that she firmly inscribed that little tidbit of information into her mind for later use, "could you just go get the drinks done? The girls haven't noticed anything because their too stuck with Khione but I think Yang's getting a little suspicious now."

Parc chuckled and shook his head, "Yang's always suspicious. Especially when she's suspicious of me." It was less frustration and more an endearing trait of hers that was bound to make her one of the more interesting girls he could target.

"Yeah. Because she's smart. Now would you hurry it up. The waters just getting colder the longer you sit around pitching a tent."

With a shake of his head, Parc threw his hands up in surrender and filling the cups with the still steaming water, proceeded to leave the kitchen and made way to the lounge.

As his shadow faded from view, Summer turned back and looked over her shoulder towards Blake. The girl was so completely lost in rapture that she was still shivering even though he was gone. Sniffing the air, curious if she too could sense what Blake could, Summer sighed. That's when she saw it, between her legs dying her white shorts a darker shade, moistness.

"Oh for the love of-" Summer slid to the sink, took out a glass and filled it to the brim with cold water then faced Blake. "You're going to thank me for this later." And threw the water across Blake's body.

With feline reflexes, Blake bolted and jumped in surprise from the wetness and the cold ness and without the possibility to respond, Summer had already spoken.

"Oh no! Blake I'm so sorry! Come on, let's get you dried up. I think I have some clothes that might fit you."

Internally, Summer was thinking, 'I am a terrible mother.'

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