The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 256: Black Cat Down 3

Parc spoke softly and his words went half unheard as Blake could only see the real him as a construct of her mind and kept pumping her fingers in and out of her snatch. Eliciting lewd squelches and low pants.

Parc leaned back out of the doorway and peered down the ways to the lounge, unable to see much in the dull, low light of the bunker. Turning back to Blake his smirk grew brighter and he stepped into the small toilet and shut the door behind him.

Flipping on the light it seemed just enough to shock Blake out of her senses from the sudden blaring white and the way it forced her to wince and squint away.

Her fingers halted their motions as she blinked and cleared her vision. When next she opened her eyes she couldn't help but feel a knot rising in her stomach when she finally processed the body looming over her.

Parc watched as her throat rolled, downing a thick clump of saliva and as her eyes twitched and jaw trembled. Blake looked down her body, saw how she was slumped on the toilet, her ass on the top while her hand overlapped her crotch feeling up the slickness of her body's juices dripping, wetting the floor and leaving her finger glazed and glistening.

She didn't say anything at first, didn't do much either. Just sat there. Staring. Parc knew she was likely in shock that he was there smiling down at her like the devilish bastard he was.

"You forgot to lock the door," he whispered to her more for the fun of it than any reason to hide his words from the others.

She dashed her eyes to the door and saw the lock turned upwards but as Parc twisted his body, his fingers snaked towards it, gripped the vertical latch and slowly lowered it. No doubt telling her there was no more escaping the inevitable.

With a single shuffling step, he drew so close she could almost feel him against her knees. One hand dropped to his crotch and pinched the fabric away, though it quickly returned to form and slowly rose, telling her all she needed to know about his lust.

How he could get it up after what he'd likely done to Summer, she didn't know. But in that moment her mind didn't get the chance to even think about such a thing. Sucking in her lips, Blake tried to push herself upright and clamp her legs shut, her skin a rosy hue of embarrassment.

Before she could fully clamp her legs shut, Parc shot one foot out and pressed it between her own and slid her right leg off to the side. "I've already seen it, Blake." He stepped closer and his smell, it was almost toxic with how quickly it was filling this toilet and with how it was rising goosebumps and heated flushing to her skin. "No point in hiding it now."

For some inexplicable reason his words just clicked with her, while not completely, her body loosened just enough that the already weak will to hide had dissipated near completely. Ignoring of course the hand now dropped to her crotch to fully hide her womanhood.

"What are you going to do to me?" His voice was shaky and much like her current self, unkempt.

A chuckle left him in low, rumbling tones, "not too much." Leaning down he grasped the tank and lowered himself closer to Blake's height, though stayed just a shade above her. "See, I've got a lady just a room away who's needing some TLC after what I just put her through. And you…" his left hand fell to her cheek then her chin and lifted her head. His thumb like a cruel serpent raising over her chin and towards her lower lip and pulled down the plump line. With little effort, he was able to push the digit into her orifice and let her bite down lightly on the tip. "I know if I start anything now, we won't be done till morning. Maybe not even then. And you've got lessons in the morning don't you?"

Blake knew there was no answer to that question expected. Letting her lips lower, they wrapped around his thumb as her tongue danced circles and a weak suckling suction came to bear.

"So," Parc leaned even closer till his breath kissed her feline ear like a warm summer breeze dashing across her body. "I'm going to make you an offer and I fully expect you to accept it." The further he descended, the more goosebumps her heart pumped a furry in anticipation.

"You see," he began, "I'm planning a little trip to Menagerie come the winter break. Now, you're coming with me." There wasn't any room for argument. His statement was solid as stone, as unrelenting as a storm, a domineering as a king. Blake didn't even have the will to say no or think of the implications returning there would bring her way.

"And while we're there…" he freed his thumb from her reluctant lips and eyed the wet strand of saliva connecting it to her. Lifting it, he let his tongue reach out and stroke away her spittle and tasted her, even if it was in a second-hand manner it was still enough to make Blake's fingers tremble over her mons as if ready to start stroking again at any moment. "…I'm going to make sure you can't think of any other man ever again."

By then Parc could practically hear the furious pounding of the Faunus 'bitchs' gruff whimperings and pleadings for him to spread her legs, to ram his manhood into her body and leave her a quivering mess there and then. She wouldn't even resist. That much was for certain at that point.

Going silent, Parc lingered just over her, dominating her with his scent and almost titanic seeming size that blocked out the light and left her in shadows. And then he rose, his back straightening but crimson eyes that almost rippled with a dull hazy red glow stared down at her. At that moment he wasn't a human, not even a Faunus. He seemed like a beast, not an animal, but a monster. A demon, Blake racked her mind searched for the right one. Her eyes wandered over his body, her pussy tightening with lust at every scar and defined muscle that chiselled him to perfection, then to his pants, to that tenting protuberance. Even hidden behind that concealing fabric she could see it could rival those pornographic comics she'd hidden in her room back on menagerie.

That's when she found it. Succubus, no, Incubus. It was like Parc, his body, his smell, his mere presence would elicit the lust of any women he encountered like he had been built for that sole purpose.

In the future, even the past, Parc was never going to settle with just a single woman or simply a few. He was a hunter on the prowl, hopping between women like they were candy, tasting and enjoying everyone while sucking them down until they were these minuscule husks left unable to live without him filling them anymore.

It was terrifying.

It was arousing.

It made her body twitch and squirm with excitement that she'd be joining their ranks.

She knew by far such a thought was sick and deranged. That she, for all the confidence and silence she exuded, was lusting to be another of his pets. Another Kurome calling him master while spreading her ass ready for him to take whichever hole he sought for.

She gulped but she couldn't down the amount of coveting saliva collecting in her mouth instead only able to clamp down her teeth and let some ooze from each tip of her mouth.

He looked down at her, condescension and control over the scene in his eye. Then he reached out and said, "stand up Blake." And she did without argument, without even reaching down to her panties and shorts and left them dangling there around her ankles and leaving her crotch on full display for Parc to marvel and enjoy.

One hand snaked behind her back while the other to her hip, then suddenly and roughly, he tugged her close until her breasts smooshed against his chest until she could feel her nipples pierce his skin like diamonds. With her close, both his hands dropped to her ass and dug deep into her tight ass flesh.

"Ahh-" Blake cried a weak, low moan as his right dug the deepest, prying open her cheeks so his left could move into the crevice, down over her asshole before finding its way towards the bottom of her slit, but only that far.

Blake instinctively pushed her ass out and lifted herself onto her toes as if telling him to keep going, but he didn't. Instead, his hands retracted just as quickly and he lowered himself to her human ear to whisper.

"First day of winter break, meet me at the Vale air docks at twelve and I'll help you scratch this little itch of yours." Cruel. It may have been only three weeks away, but that was three weeks she knew would be a torture of an unimaginable scale.

Parc spun Blake around, pressed her against the door and continued to say, "but, I guess you need something to hold you over till then." Licking his lips he pinched the collar of her blouse and peeled the almost sticky-with-sweat garment over her shoulder and brought his lips to her supple red-tinged flesh. It started with a spin chillingly warm lick but quickly it devolved until his lips latched tight like a lamprey and began to suckle a hickey on her shoulder. A mark of ownership, as impermanent as it was.

And then, she felt his teeth clamp down onto her skin. It hurt, but only a little. Even then her body didn't see it as pain but as pleasure, as a sign that no matter how much cream or concealer she may use to hide the hickey, his mark would always be there. Dug deep into her skin.

When he released her and lifted away his lips, he gazed down proudly at the mark he'd left and looking to Blake, saw her melting away by the moment. His smirk turned to a chuckle and he lifted himself from his hunched position. "Pull your pants on. I think you need some sleep."

After all of that? She began to think. 'After that how am I supposed to be able to sleep?' he didn't care and she knew that. He cared little about her coming night hidden in the corner biting down on her pillow while she danced her fingers across her slit, pushing out her ass offering it to his invisible manhood.

Slowly, Blake bowed her body, reached down to her panties but paused as her face came just centimetres from his tented cock and stared at the bump with watery eyes.

"Soon Blake." He stepped back and Blake could only stare wistfully at the distance between her and it and soon pulled her pants up. Uncaring for the uncomfortable feeling of the fabric clinging to her thighs and slit turning a shade darker.

Standing there, she looked up to him wanting to say something to convince him else wise but he wouldn't change his mind. Pivoting hesitantly, she faced the door, gripped the handle and twisted but found it unable to open. Pausing in confusion she soon remembered he'd locked it and gingerly she unlocked it.

Opening wide, she paused for a moment and looked back over her shoulder. Just in time to see Parc grip the front of his pyjama pants and pulled them down, releasing his member for her to revel in its glory.

Then, he stole that glory. He turned, faced the toilet, pointed his back her way and told her once more, 'not yet.'

Chewing her lip raw, she lowered her head and let the door creak slowly closed. Hearing a 'clink' coming from it as Parc locked it behind her.

It took only a second for Blake to wobble and find herself leaning against the wall for support. She spun onto her back and lifted one hand to her shoulder and dug beneath the blouse. She felt the deep impressions of his teeth, how her skin had slightly lifted with the pressure of the hickey and quivered all over at the sting just a simple touch brought her.

Then he lifted her hand to her face and 'felt' her expression. Pushing herself off the wall, she hobbled with unsteady steps down towards the lounge, grateful for the darkness as it hid the sluttishly horny expression she now held.



So… this a cliffhanger, cockblock, or both?

(Don't worry, I'm anticipating 1, 2, maybe 3 chapters before Blake's complete fall. So you don't have to wait that long. (Oh, I should also mention, the next thing to happen's going to involve a certain boisterous blondie.) Sadly, Weiss might not get as much love this time but then again, she's had her share of chapters in the past so this seems only fair.)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.