The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 84: Pleasurable Madness

Over ten minutes had passed since Kurome had dragged Parc off towards the dinning room where the rest of the Jaegers were waiting for them. But elsewhere, not very far. Infact in a place Parc and Kurome just were.

There was an unconscious maid with froth on her lips and white, rolled up eyes. Her hair a thick brown dressed in a more revealing variant of the usual maidly attire one might see in a noble house.

Slowly as the minutes passed this maid was returning to consciousness. Her white eyes turning down with a directionless gaze revealing two shiny brown orbs.

"Ohh…" the maid groaned, pushing herself up with one hand while the other went to nurse her aching head. "What hap-END-!?" she yelped, suddenly hunching over holding her stomach where a shiver assailed her body feeling a powerful itch in her lower extremities. A yearning. A desire for something, but what?

It was no hunger; her stomach did not rumble.

It wasn't a pain, it didn't hurt.

"Hnn-" the maid whined grinding her legs together, feeling just a little bit of pleasure from her thighs grinding against her mons. "W-what happened to me," she whimpered in a confusion of pleasurable yearning. Her expression melting as she dug her hands between her legs, pushing her skirt down, feeling her fluids of desire soak through her dress.

Lifting her hands up, the maid saw her fingers layered in a fine glossy fluid. Her hands shaking all the while as she tried to recall the last thing she could remember before going out like a light.

And what she saw, a face of a boy with dark black hair and glowing red eyes. A face she was all too familiar with. "Parc…?" She placed a hand on her forehead feeling the intense heat she was letting off, legs still grinding together to sate her agonizing desire.

"What did he do to me?" the maid mumbled nervously attempting to push herself up to her feet, having to climb the door frame to even get off the ground. And once she was her thighs were pressed together while her lower legs were separated leaving her partially shrunken down compared to her usual height.

Her eyes flickering as more of her nectar streamed down her inner thigh becoming visible as it passed by the bottom of the skirt. The maids eyes wandering down to the floor she had just been sitting, seeing a large puddle where she had just been.

"Ohhh…" she whined holding a single hand on her belly, slowly taking steps forwards into the hall, keeping her right hand on the wall. Slowly making her way towards an exit she knew was close by. "I-I need to get to Najenda," her eyes flickered to a soft pink hue hidden beneath the haze of agonizing pleasure.


"…" Najenda puffed out a stream of smoke, plucking her cigarette from her lips as she listened to the sound of drilling, hammering and the regular grinding of metal. Staring as she watched a dead man mould and form metal with his bare hands and fire into intricate forms of cogs gears and wires as well as thin plates he would shap into semi circular plates.

It was an interesting sight to say the least, watching this literal corpse moving about doing things so skillfully. She recalled back to when she first encountered this corpse back in the valley days back being lead by Chelsea in her cat form.

She'd learnt the story behind it, how Kurome was the one to kill Stylish and turned him into this and how he sent it to be their prosthetic developer for both her and Sayo back at the home base. Having finished his little letter to her with a, 'by the time I get back, I'll be having your body. Sincerely, your guy on the inside.'

"Hah!" Najenda snorted raising to her feet to stretch her legs out, patting down her thighs with a single hand. Her other, once prosthetic having been dismantled for part by Stylish's corpse so he could improve it and slim it down. Leaving her armless at least for a little while more. "Cocky bastard."

Stepping out of the abandoned blacksmith far from Kyoroch in a just as abandoned village, Najenda stretched out her arm, feeling several sharp pops as her spine realigned itself. Still getting accustomed to the strange weightlessness from her right side. It'd been a long time since she had that made, and just as long since she took it off. Only ever having done such when she went to get maintenance done on it.

Walking through the village, Najenda could smell the fresh air but somewhere within it she could also smell death. Likely a remnant from whatever it had been that took this place down in the past causing everyone to flee to either Kyoroch or one of the other villages around here.

As she arrived by the village entrane, Najenda paused in her stride, seeing a figure clade in black and whites hobbling towards her. Hunched over the figure, the woman held her belly with both arms wrapped around her as if hugging herself.

Suspicious at the figure, Najenda darted towards one of the buildings and hid behind a wall, digging out a dagger from her thigh, prepping it to attack if they proved themselves a threat."

"Hnn-ahhn-st-ghhh-stop it~"

Najenda heard pained whimpering's coming from the woman as she got nearer. 'Is she… moaning?' Najenda thought hearing the woman's voice more clearly just as she passed by the building she was hiding behind.

"Fhuck-fuck-fuck, hnnn~" as the woman entered deeper into the village, she suddenly collapsed onto her knees, forehead coming to rest on the dirt road while her body shivered. That was when Najenda noticed the woman's body, clad in a revealing maids dress was completely soaked at the bottom, barely an inch over her lower body was not laced with some form of sharply smelling musk.

'What is this?' Najenda still on edge approached the woman from behind, the stench of musk only getting stronger the closer by she got.

"Nhooo~" the woman arched back as her body convulsed soon followed by a puddle of clear fluids forming beneath her. Her dark hair shimmering away to reveal that of bright, stringy pink hair laced with sweat.

"Chelsea?" Najenda exclaimed, relaxing her posture but not completely as she could see something was very wrong with the assassin. "Are you alright?"

Hearing a voice from behind her, Chelsea's trembling softened. Her head slowly turning to face the silver haired general. Her eyes a glassy sheen, lips parted enough to let out a thick stream of drool out of her mouth.

Najenda's eyes sharpened, something about how Chelsea was looking at her was… off putting. Desire. That was all Najenda could see. There was no mischief in them, no teasing aura. Nothing but lust.

Chelsea pushed herself to her feet, turning to face Najenda still hunched over holding her belly. Taking small steps towards her.

Najenda frowned, holding her knife tighter, "Chelsea. Stop where you are and tell me what's going on." Of all the times she could be found without her arm, when one of her assassins was going through some strange ailment.

Chelsea didn't respond initially, just continuing to grow closer to Najenda who was growing even more concerned. "Chelsea! Stop. Now!" she shouted.

"Nhooo~" Chelsea smilled a lustful smile, "It won't sthopppp~ Nhii~" Chelsea twitched, the sound of a spurt coming from her as a small mist shot out from under her dress, "Yhull help me sshtop it," Chelsea gulped sending another trail of drool down her chin, forming a string as it dripped off her chin towards the ground, severing partway through the drop.

"What are you talking about? Stop. Now. I don't want to hurt you, Chelsea. Let's talk. Just stay there." By now Najenda had lifted her dagger up, pointing the tip at Chelsea who just wouldn't stop moving. In fact only growing faster in her hobble like stride.

"Chelsea! Stop! I do not want to hurt you!" Najenda yelled, her body lowering prepping herself for the oncoming woman

"Mhak iht shtoppp~" Chelsea grew a mad look in her eyes, lunging towards Najenda when she was close enough only for Najenda to dodge out of the way letting the girl stumble past where she had just been standing and collapse onto her stomach, leaving a trail of droplets that dyed the ground a darker hue behind her.

Chelsea quickly pushed herself back up, returning to face Najenda, "helph mheee," Chelsea cried, tear in her eyes, she just wanted this maddening pleasure to end.

"I want to, Chelsea. But you need to tell me what's going on before I can do anything." Najenda grit her teeth as Chelsea kept hobbling after her, speeding up even more than she had before.

"I jhust whant it to end-d-d!~" Chelsea charged towards Najenda who once again dodge out of the way, wanting to wear Chelsea out and not harm her because whatever was going on was clearly not of her own volition.

But this time, just as Chelsea passed by where Najenda had been standing, she kicked of the ground, barreling her shoulder into Najenda's chest.

"Ghu-" Najenda groaned as both she and Chelsea toppled to the ground. Finding her arm pinned above her head by Chelsea who now straddled her stomach, dripping sweat and drool onto her cheeks while also feeling a misty warmth growing on her stomach.

"Chelsea. Get off of me. All your doing is making me angry!" Najenda tried to argue watching as Chelsea grew a maddened smile, her tongue lulling out of her mouth.

"I dhon't chare. Jhust make it shtoppp~" Chelsea lifted her left hand up, gripping the centremost button of Najenda's suit top that sat halfway down her breasts revealing a large portion of the top of them and unceremoniously tore her hands down. Popping the buttons off and causing Najenda's breasts to flow freely with only a bit of fish netting covering them, leaving her nipples that poked through the gaps in them open.

Najenda was far from the type of woman to care for revealing herself to others, a fact she had shown to Parc once in the past when he got to use the spectator teigu before it was stolen by Krave. "Tsk. I warned you Chelsea. I'm sorry, but this is going to hu-rt… Shit," Najenda grumbled, in the heat of the moment she forgot one especially important aspect of herself. She was missing an arm and that made for an exceedingly difficult time resisting a girl with two of the appendages.

"Jhust mhake it shtooppp~" Chelsea whined, keeping Najenda's arm locked above her head while lowering her face to the left most breast, unceremoniously biting down on the reddened cluster of nerves. Drawing a sharp breath from Najenda's throat as Chelsea began to tease it with her tongue, rolling it in circles as well as pulling a few powerful vacuums on it.

It didn't take long for Najenda's nipple to grow rigid and aroused even though she herself could only grit her teeth frustratedly at her own weakness.

With a loud pop, Chelsea pulled her lips from Najenda's breasts, barely illiciting a small groan from the general.

Chelsea's breathing was rough and exaggerated as she raised herself up moving up on Najenada until she could place her knee down on the generals arm , pinning it down and leaving Najenda staring up at the insane, drooling girl above who was digging a hand down to her skirt to pull it up and show off the soaked panties beneath and the bright red and puffy labia spilling out over it.

But just as Chelsea was about to lower her hips, a loud thunking noise and a sharp pain against the back of her neck caused Chelsea's eyes to roll and her body to hunch forwards, unconscious once again.

With Chelsea's hold on her weakening, Najenda was capable of pushing her off and raising up onto her butt, spitting out what little of Chelsea's nectar had landed in her mouth before turning to her saviour who held their hand out to her.

"Akame… thanks," Najenda muttered taking the hand and was quickly pulled to her feet. Turning back to the unconscious girl whos skirt had hiked up enough to show off her musk soaked undergarments.

"What happened?" Akame asked.

"I don't know," Najenda growled, massaging the stump of her arm in frustration, vowing to never be caught armless once again. "Tie her up. I have a feeling what's happening to her won't just end when she wakes up."

"Mmm…" Akame nodded, giving Najenda a quick look. "General. Your chest is exposed." She said.

Najenda rose a brow, turning her eyes down to look at her two protruding, fish net covered mammaries, one of which had turned a bright, fiery red and was particularly hard compared to the other. "I know."



And now begins a Night Raid segment


Right, so this question has no baring on anything in the close, close future, but I'm expecting to at one point go into the pokemon world. (I'll be doing a bunch of polls when that comes around for all the ladies because holy crap are there alot)

But with pokemon comes the issue of... pokemon, specifically the more humanoid types... like gardevoir, and lopunny and Hatterene... And why do I have a forboding feeling I already know what you all think I should do with them?


Ps. please mention if you ever see any black boxes with questioon marks in them. No idea why it happens but it does.

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