The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 94: Ruins

"I'm just going to say this now. But how did you not think to check the ruins?" Parc asked as the group of both Jaegers and Night Raiders alongside Tatsumi and Wave's girlfriend, Aina. The two demons of Mez and Suzuka taking the back of the crowd. "This seems like a very big oversight on your part."

Esdeath hummed a little as she held her stomach with one hand a slightly green face, "I have been dealing with other issues, darling. Like a parasite leeching at my health and a husband who enjoys sodomizing poor women."

"You're not masters wife," Kurome blurted out from between Parc and Akame, who was sending him sharp glares ever since her sister asked if she'd be joining Kurome as one of Parc's 'bitches.' A thing that lead to a very scary moment of near instant death on Parc's part.

"Silence you!" Esdeath snapped at the girl. Regretting the decision not a second later as her eyelids flickered nearly sending her collapsing onto the ground had Parc not caught her.

"Only master gets to order me around, Esdeath."

It had taken Akame the entirety of the night they spent trekking into the forest to get so as remotely used to her little sisters new favourite word of 'master,' and her sudden rebellious nature towards the most dangerous person this side of the hemisphere. Even more perplexing for her and the other… well, everyone, was how Esdeath hadn't killed her yet for repeatedly going against every word she uttered about Parc.

"You little shit," Esdeath ground her teeth together sucking back in the vile taste that nearly rose fully from her stomach. "One of these days Kurome, I am going to hang you from a cliff."

"Master would never let you hurt me." Kurome nuzzled her cheek into Parc's arm.

Behind Parc he could just hear the stares being sent his way from Mine, Sheele and Leone, the first of which was left with a new nervous twitch as she watched the events unfolding before her. Sheele looked more jealous that Kurome got to hold Parc's arm than anything else. Leaving Leone, who was wondering about how she was feeling backed up without her favourite toy over the past month and a half.

"Lubbock, , I want you clearing out the buildings. Susanoo, can you get breakfast prepped quickly. I want us gone by noon."

"Yes general," the humanoid teigu said pulling out a pink apron from somewhere on his body, wrapping it around his body.

"I can help, if you don't mind," Bols piped in scratching the back of his masked head as he walked up to Susanoo who gave him quick nod and affirmation before both walked off to start a fire and get their meal ready.

Najenda's gaze soon falling onto Mine and Sheele, "You two check on Chelsea and get her dressed."

Parc grew a curious glint in his eyes, he'd heard about the girl from Kurome when she met her weeks back when he had her send Stylish's puppet to them. But he never got the chance to properly meet the girl and now it was sounding like she was injured.

"Did something happen to her?" he asked.

"We think Bolic drugged her with something when she infiltrated the mansion. She's been…" Najenda paused, "…'excitable' since then."

"Huh," Parc exclaimed, having forgotten for a split second that this girl could apparently transform herself into a cat. So getting into a mansion was likely childs play for her. "and by 'excitable' you mean violent?" the moment the words escaped him, he felt something was off. Especially when Najenda gave him a blank stare, with parted lips pondering if she should really discuss 'that.'

Eventually deciding that Parc, as one of her own Night Raiders probably deserved to hear the story. "No. By excitable, I mean she's in a very intense state of arousal," Najenda said pressing a hand to massage her chest, still feeling the phantom suction from Chelsea's sudden assault.

Parc watched Najenda's actions with a raised brow, 'did Chelsea… no, Najenda wouldn't have let that happen. But arousal?" Parc thought, from what he saw with Aina, Bolic's drugs didn't illicit any form of true arousal, it was more just putting her in a state of euphoria making her very susceptible to the lewd. Honestly to him it sounded more like something he'd order, something along the lines of 'go insane with lust,' which now that he thought about it, might make for an interesting night.

Somehow, Parc's memories seemed to spin and fall upon one image, a maid collapsed on the ground frothing at the mouth with eyes rolled into the back of her skull. All from just locking eyes with him for a few seconds and the strange event of his eyes turning that pure red. Just then a drop of sweat formed on Parc's cheek.

"You, uh, wouldn't happen to know what disguise she used, would you?" he asked hopeful it wasn't what he was thinking.

"A maid, dark hair, brown eyes." Najenda sked, eyes turning to slits suspecting something from Parc's sudden nervously twitching cheek. "You wouldn't happen to know something about what happened would you?"

A flinch assailed Parc, drawing a curious tilt of Kurome's head while Esdeath just leaned against a wall holding her head going through a particularly bad session of sickness.

"I think so?" his voice gaining a higher pitch the longer he drew out the last word.

"Care to elaborate?"

Truly, he had no idea if his hunch was accurate let alone if that actually was Chelsea he knocked out. "Well, uh, a few days ago Suzuka-" He pointed to the scar faced demon behind him, who perked up hearing her name tossed out, throwing her own excited glance Parc's way, "-decided to follow me around buck naked. After I lost her I got a really bad headache and ended up knocking a maid out by staring at her, I didn't really put it to mind at that point."

"And you think that maid could have been Chelsea?" Najenda groaned nursing her head with her mechanical arm, "how does that not surprise me. And judging by how you put it, you have no idea how to stop it?"

"None," he shook his head, "but judging by the symptoms…"

Najenda's shoulders slumped, eyes twitching uncontrollably, "oh for the love of," Najenda threw her head back, "you know what, Suu! No haste on breakfast. We're leaving before dark," turning back to him, she gave Parc a blank stare, "fix her. Now." Of all the danger beasts Parc had encountered, none had let out a growl as menacing and terrifying as an irked Najenda.

Parc's body shot straight, "yes, ma'am." Taking a step away from the irked general, Parc paused, "uh, where is she?" searching the surroundings for Mine and Sheele who had already disappeared somewhere to deal with the girl.

"Leone. Guide him," Najenda waved Leone towards the buildings, turning her back on Parc and the others. Grumbling out, "I get my tit sucked because Parc can't control himself, god dammit." audible only to a snickering Leone and Koro, who had no idea what Najenda meant.

"Well done Parc!" Leone cackled slapping him hard on the back, "you just get back and your already getting laid, lucky bastard!" she pressed her hand onto him to push him forward with a small hobble from the dog eared girl still clung to him.

"Kurome. Let him go," Akame said, not wanting her sister near whatever it is Parc was about to do.

Turning to face her sister Kurome just rose a brow, "only master can order me sister. And it's not like I haven't seen it," she hmphed at her sister, "It is fun watching master make new mistresses. I can't wait to watch him break you in as well sister!" She happily chirped even though Parc was stood petrified and Leone was cackling like a mad cat-woman.

Akame on the other hand was just as stoic as Parc. Her head moving at a chameleons pace to look up at Parc with squinted eyes. "We… will see about that." Leone's laughter came to a sudden halt an 'eh?' escaping her, surprised at the tone Akame had said it with. "But your not going with him."

"That's masters decision."

In turn, Parc felt Akame's gaze grow ever stronger, burrowing into his body until he said. "Kurome, why don't you spend some time with your sister. You two haven't spoken in a while. You should catch up."

Kurome's eyes grew glossy, cheeks puffing out as she whimpered like he was abandoning her. Her arms still loosening from his arm to step away from Parc and next to her sister, keeping her misty eyes stuck firmly on Parc, pleading him not to leave her alone. Playing at his love of cute, girl shaped puppies.

'Oh god, please don't look at me like that.' Parc force himself to look away as Akame dragged Kurome away.



Coming up with chapter names is a bitch.


I'm looking into Marvel and DC as a possible future world/s, (likely one of the last if not the last before I finish TCB.)

But, I am far from versed in either of them, meaning my only experience of either of them is the movies which I last watched long ago.

But I like the comic characters more.

But I barely know them. Hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink.

Yeah but really, send me characters you'd like to see. Doesn't just have to be the big well-known ones. Maybe some lesser known ones you all like. Either way, I don't know them and will be looking into most of them before really deciding if I'll actually do it or not.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.