The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 97: Aftershocks

As it turned out, Parc's hunch that Chelsea needed a bit of 'loving' to calm her down was more accurate than he had believed at the time. As now, hours after their session Chelsea had found herself nursing her steaming head, body hunched over as she sat next to the fire Susanoo was cooking at.

Not to far away were Mine and Sheele each resting their heads on each other, Mine on Sheele's shoulder while Sheele atop Mine's head. Still left reeling after Parc vigorous reunion with them. The only two who were in that veritable orgy seeming unaffected by the session being Leone and Parc himself.

The former stretching her muscles letting out soft mewls with a large smile on her face. "God, I missed that," she muttered dropping a hand to her belly. Still feeling a slight slosh in her belly from what hadn't leaked out of her.

On the other hand, Parc had found himself getting awkward stares from most of the Jaegers… and Tatsumi… and Lubbock. Najenda only offering a sideways glare, still clearly annoyed at her having had to experience having her tit sucked because Parc had somehow made Chelsea go rogue.

"Oh god, I feel sick…" He could just hear Chelsea mutter over the crackling of the fire. The memories of her days long arousal and her forcing of herself on Najenda, Sheele and Mine now coming to surface in her mind. So fresh were the memories that she could still taste Mine's juices, though, that was likely because of some remnants now that she thought about it.

"Hey, at least its over now." Parc spoke over the crackles.

Chelsea shifted, her head coming to slowly lift and send him a blank glare, "this was your fault in the first place!" she growled an unintimidating growl. "What did you even do to me!?"

"No, idea," he just shrugged in response, bringing a spoonful of stew to his mouth only for an 'ahem' to resound from besides him. Originating from the blue haired general giving him a raised brow that just ordered him to feed her because her bowl was already empty not ten minutes after they started eating.

"How do you not know!?" Chelsea threw her hands out and yelled.

"Because I don't? I mean, it just sort of happened," he said bringing the spoon to Esdeath's mouth letting her down the stew in one with barely any chewing to be seen. "Not like I planned on turning you into a sexual deviant."

"I'm not a sexual deviant!" She argued the loudest she could, attracting the eyes of even those set up in the furthest reaches of the clearing they were in.

"Says the girl who forced herself on three other women, tongue fucking one, chewing the nip of another and eating out the last," Leone in all her glory burst in putting Chelsea's endeavours on the centre stage. Sending the colour of red to become Chelsea's main feature.

"I didn't have a choice in that! I wasn't sane!"

"You still did it."

"Because of him!"

"Yeah, and now you have the best toy to help clear yourself up if you every get the rapey rapey urges again." Leone smirked, giving the girl a wink.

"I'm not a-" she earned stared from the three girls she'd had pressed beneath her this week, causing her to flinch and shrink in her seat. "You know what, just, never do that to me again." She threw her hands up, letting them fall onto the back of her head, pressing it back down to contemplate the last week of pure lusting she'd gone through. Forcing the after shocks and churning of white liquids sending shivers through her body to the furthest reaches of her mind.

"I make no promises and take little guilt in the things you did that I was unaware of," he replied finally getting the chance to eat his own food after Esdeath let out a satisfied sigh and began to rub her belly.

Chelsea's head lifted once again, cheek trembling in his direction, grinding her teeth together, the words of annoyance she held for him not coming out.

"I told you master would bend you over," from behind Chelsea, soft footfalls approached as Kurome alongside Akame approached the fire, each carrying their own emptied bowls. Akame staring with intent at the pot hanging just above the fire filled with enough stew for another bowl or two.

"Shut up, don't remind me," Chelsea groaned rubbing her temples in circles.

"Now you can be masters cat for the rest of your life," she said, a radiant smile taking to her lips. Parc just able to see the slight holy glow shimmering in from behind her. "Master will make you happy forever."

'Somehow, I've created cult leader…' Parc thought staring at Kurome and her 'holy' assassin shaped form, her arms opened wide towards Chelsea.

"Uhhh, riiiight," Chelsea's words trailed off. Head slowly bobbing as she tore her eyes away from the sparkling assassin. "Please tell me you told her to say that."

"Yeah-No, that's all Kurome. I haven't ordered her to do anything in a while." He was quite interested to see how far Kurome could take this whole thing as its already looking like she's been slowly converting Akame with her like overexaggerated stories of Parc's 'heroism.'

"You… have got a problem," Chelsea muttered, doing her best to ignore the sparkles Kurome was figuratively exuding.

"What, Kurome, or just in general?"

"In general."

Chuckling he responded with a nod, "yep, can't deny that."


"So, this is where you have hidden yourselves?" Esdeath hummed curiously staring up at the large building carved into the cliff face of one of the mountain ranges surrounding the capital. "You revolutionaries certainly know how to fabricate the same thing," she snorted comparing the building to the one Krave had discovered in the past finding little differences to it.

"Doesn't beat the empire and its psychopath factory," Najenda huffed pinching her cigarette between her fingers, puffing out a small ring of smoke.

The time they had spent travelling together had been relatively silent on all fronts. Few if any words spoken between the Jaegers and Night Raid. Often the only things being heard was the small talk either side held with themselves. The only ones truly bothering to chatter with the other side being Kurome who chatter more often than not devolved into Parc related speak with a few times between her and her sister speaking about how their lives had been since they were separated.

As the group was about to continue the trek towards the building entrance, a sharp screeching noise entered their ears, the leaves in the trees waving as a wave of energy swept over their bodies, disappearing just as quickly as it appeared.

"What was that!?" Wave exclaimed, racing a hand to his teigu alongside the other Jaegers, except Esdeath who remain as eternally 'chill' as ever and Kurome, unconcerned with a weird noise.

Parc already knew what it was, he had experienced it in the past after all, "it's fine. You can all calm down. She's not hostile."

'And certainly not a danger.' He smirked staring into the depths of the forest where he felt the ripple of Maya's screeching come from.

"That's likely Maya out hunting," Najenda spoke up as she rolled her shoulder getting her satchel into a more comfortable position. "We'll do introductions later, for now, uhh, Lubbock, you and Leone show the Jaegers to some of the empty rooms they can set up in. The rest of you, try to get along. We're stuck with each other for a while now. So please, try not to break too much. This place costed a fortune to build."

"On it boss!" Leone saluted, beginning to lead the Jaegers, and Tastumi and Aina towards the headquarters. Akame and the other Night Raiders lingering behind for a moment getting nods from Najenda telling them they could do their own thing for the time being.

"Kurome, let's go," Akame reached out grabbing Kurome's wrist about to drag her sister away but waiting for Kurome to get her own nod from Parc. Leaving only him and Najenda stood in the field right outside the base.

A silence came between the two, only broken when Parc spoke nearly a full minute after the others had left. "Najenda, what do you think our chances of winning this war are now?" he tilted his head back, sucking in a deep breath of the sweet woody scent encompassing the land around him.

"Ha!" Najenda laughed, "that's a rhetorical question, right? If Esdeath is really working with us Honest may as well just come offer himself to us on a platter." She answered.

"So, you'd say he's already dead then?"

With narrowed eyes, Najenda stared at Parc, "chances are yes. At this point I'd say Honest's days are quickly coming to a close."

She could just barely see his head bob once, then twice, "so then, wouldn't that mean I deserve a reward of some sort? I am really the reason behind all this after all," a small little bit of arrogance in that statement.

Raising her brows, Najenda crossed her arms. Soon letting her eyes fall shut, lowering her head down. "I suppose you do," she sighed softening the grip she'd had on her arms. Already predicting where Parc was going with this whole suggestion.

Opening her eyes, Najenda remained still finding Parc standing just centimetres away from her, a flurry of dark feathers framing his body. A cocky grin on his face as he looked down at her. 'Oh now your asking for it,' she grit her teeth. "Don't get so excited," she snorted. "I ain't ready to go that far just yet."

Trailing her mechanical hand up to Parc's collar, she suddenly tugged him down. While he just calmly accepted the tug, even helping with aligning himself properly to press their lips together. His tongue being the first to press and invade Najenda's before she returned the sensation in kind.

And as they did, Parc threw a hand behind her, roughly grasping her taught ass above her dark pants. Pressing her closer to his body, even pulling her onto the tips of her toes. Keeping in their embrace until Najenda finally ran out of breath and was unable to keep it going any more.

"That's… enough for now. You'll get the rest later," she pushed him back, parting his hand from her ass and letting her turn away from him, sauntering towards the base. Butt swaggering too and fro in a seductive manner.


"Oh fuck-oh fuck-oh fuck-oh fuck-oh fuck," Najenda repeated on end the moment the door to her bed chambers shut behind her. Practically launching herself onto her bed to bury her face into the pillow she'd been missing oh so very much since they left to kill Bolic.

Soon flipping onto her back, pillow still in arm staring over it into the ceiling. The feeling and taste of Parc's lips still fresh on her mind. Only exemplifying the uncomfortably sogginess of her britches showing she was more than ready for going that far with him.

Her heart on the other hand? Well, that wasn't quite that far.

Years, that's how long it had been since her last even so as remotely romantic talk with a boy. And a kiss like that, now that was something, she was completely unaccustomed to.

Opening her arms up, Najenda dropped her pillow onto the bed, both her metal right and flesh left lowering to her pants. Quickly undoing the button and zip. Bouncing her butt just a little that she could pull it down and off.

Giving her enough room to open her legs and peer down at the mess that was her black lace panties. Soaked with her juices that trickled even down her thighs. Gulping, Najenda brought her warm left hand down to her crotch, stroking the camel toe that formed, stopping right at the small nub piercing through even the fabric.

Swiftly pulling her hand away when she felt the jolt of pleasure it caused her.

"I… am not ready…"



Okay so I've been seeing this alot lately, but whats with the issue with the lesbianism scenes?

I understand the last few have been less than stellar and plan to take that into account and improve upon them in the future. But i'm seeing quite a bit of dislike for the yuri scenes. Why is that? Is it just not in your fetish range or something like that?

Because, well, I'm sorry then, but it will be popping up every now and then to break up the pace and give me a break from describing Parc's penile endeavors. I can say they won't be too common (the purely female on female scenes) but with Parc added to the mix it should be expected, especially in scenes with 2+ girls going at it.

There's simply too many girls and too few boys for there not to be Yuri in some form. Especially with some series I want to take Parc to.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.