The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 499

Chapter 499

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ advises you to focus.]

‘Ugh, he’s such a nagging constellation,’ Choi Yeonseung thought to himself. He had entered the area in the Abyss that Chef of Endless Gluttony had told him about. -The Monk Pursuing Glory is quite clever to build a place like this.

[You have entered the ‘Temple of Glory’.]

[Praise the Monk Pursuing Glory!]

The Temple of Glory—as the name suggested, it was an Abyssal domain ruled by the Monk Pursuing Glory.

What made the Temple of Glory special among the many, many kingdoms of the Abyss was the fact that any household member of any constellation could enter at will. Even if they didn’t serve the monk constellation, they could come in and train at the temple as they wanted.

‘So he allows everyone to enter the temple in order to allure them? As expected of the Monk Pursuing Glory.’

-...N-no. I don’t think it’s like that.

The goddess of sloth was taken aback. Good god constellations generally didn’t run their realms as poorly as Choi Yeonseung. It was common for them to operate according to their personality and attributes in an elegant and haughty manner.

The Monk Pursuing Glory most likely didn’t have the ulterior motive of stealing the household members of other constellations...

In the goddess of sloth’s opinion, it was clear that in order for his household members to truly gain glory, they had to be able to take on the other mortals of the Abyss.

Of course, the household members might have to struggle, but almost all constellations out there were crooked to some extent.

‘They’re all crooked.’

Choi Yeonseung considered himself a benevolent and generous constellation. In fact, if the orcs in his realm were asked, “Which constellation in the Abyss is the best?”, almost all of them would say Choi Yeonseung.


The goddess of sloth wanted to say something, but Choi Yeonseung wasn’t completely wrong...

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ advises you to enter quickly.]

[Even now, the household members of the evil god constellations are corrupting the mortals who don’t know anything.]

The chef constellation had sent Choi Yeonseung here for a simple reason.

The household members of the evil god constellations were hiding their true identities and corrupting innocent mortals, among them human hunters. Thus, it was best to nip this problem in the bud.

‘The chef constellation is also an evil god constellation...’

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ asks what is on your mind.]

“Uh, nothing... Nothing.”

The chef constellation cast Choi Yeonseung a sharp gaze.


“Uh... I’m worried.”

“What are you worried about, Odaigon?” asked Garagoncha, the orc warrior. The ferocity of their first meeting had long vanished. Since then, Garagoncha had become a great farmer worthy of a straw hat.

Additionally, he had also mastered martial arts and developed his intelligence while plowing the ground, so he would sometimes give surprising advice to Odaigon.

It had been quite peculiar at first, but Odaigon had gotten used to it to some extent.

“Various races are coming to worship Master.”

Choi Yeonseung had succeeded in conquering the Third Abyss Kingdom and received various rewards, some of which being rather unexpected. They were the Abyssal races he had met in the realm. Several elf tribes and dwarf tribes came to serve the Undefeated Incarnation of Training.

Choi Yeonseung accepted them because there was no reason to refuse, but Odaigon was worried. How could he show the greatness of Choi Yeonseung to these new minions?

There were many ignorant races in the Abyss who didn’t understand greatness. What if they entered Choi Yeonseung’s realm and said irreverent things like “Huh? What kind of place is this?”

The mere thought of that stressed Odaigon out!

However, rather than being angry at such disrespect, a truly wise household member would educate the ignorant mortals.

“I'm worried that these tribes don’t have good eyes...”

“Don’t worry, Odaigon.”

Garagoncha waved the basket that was heavy with his produce.

“If they truly deserve to serve Master, they will see this golden field and realize its value. If they don’t recognize it, they don’t deserve to serve Master. Give me a chance. I shall welcome the new tribes and show them around the domain.”

“Okay, Garagoncha! Your wisdom pleases me.”

Odaigon was relieved by Garagoncha’s confidence.

Most orcs were worth less than a goblin’s toes, but Garagoncha seemed to be worth at least half a goblin.


Tangol, the elf hero, set foot in the realm of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training along with the other elves. Even the mortals who didn’t want to serve a constellation changed their minds after that ordeal in the Third Kingdom.

There was a constellation they actually wanted to serve!

“Welcome! I’ve been waiting.”


The elves looked around and flinched at the sight of the orcs. Generally speaking, elves didn’t get along with other Abyssal races, especially with orcs. However, they were surprised by how hospitable the orcs of this realm were.

‘What are the orcs holding?’

‘Isn’t it monster meat?’

‘I hope it’s edible. Their food smells...’

As the elves whispered to each other, the orcs brought out the fruits and vegetables they had worked hard to harvest.



“We have prepared all of this for the new subordinates of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training.”

‘...Are they really orcs??’

The elves exchanged puzzled looks. It was strange to see Garagoncha talking like an elf elder.

“Now, come this way! Your long journey must’ve been exhausting. We have prepared a banquet for you.”

The elves were even more confused after seeing the large table full of fruits and vegetables.

“No, we eat meat...”

“Now, please try some apples! They are freshly picked!”

Tangol couldn’t reject the orcs’ sincere gesture, so he reluctantly took a bite of an apple.



Elves were quite good at growing fruits themselves, but they had never eaten anything like these apples grown by the orcs. Not even the apple trees in the most deserted and pristine forests of the Abyss yielded such delicious apples.

“A... Amazing.”

“The Undefeated Incarnation of Training has taught us everything. Hey! Bring our guests some rice wine.”

The elves quickly got drunk after a few wine bowls.

“No meat...”

“Serves the elves the next vegetable course!”

Some of the elves tried to ask if there was any meat, but the orcs didn’t give them a chance to do so. They served fruit and vegetables one after the other.

Meanwhile, the dwarf tribe that had arrived late was escorted to another banquet hall and received a large amount of meat prepared by Choi Yeonseung.

-Here is the meat that Master had prepared for you.

-Oh my god! Such kindness!

-I heard that dwarves like strong drinks, so I prepared this.

-The Undefeated Incarnation of Training is so generous!

The elves looked enviously at the dwarves’ banquet hall, but the orcs didn’t notice the eager eyes.

“Bring me the next vegetable!”


They had arrived in the hell of vegetables!

It would’ve been different if they didn’t taste good, but they were actually delicious, so the elves couldn’t really get angry. Some elves promised themselves that when they returned, they would get meat first.

“We also want to engage in this kind of farming. Will Master allow it?”

“Master is very generous. He will allow anything.”

“If you allow us, we would also like to raise some animals.”

“Master is generous.”



Odaigon, who had been watching the tribes happily, was taken aback a bit.

‘Wait, isn’t the ratio of farming and breeding too high?’

Odaigon naturally thought that the dwarf tribes would just craft various things. Thus, he was naturally flustered when they said they would farm and raise animals.

“There must be mines in the forest or in the industrial complex that haven’t been discovered yet. If you’re interested...”

“Hmm. Our tribe has been digging underground for ore all our lives. But seeing the grace that the Undefeated Incarnation of Training has given us, we realize that this is real life.”


Odaigon was sweating profusely. His master wouldn’t be upset about this, would he...?


The driver of the Golden Blood Fish looked around curiously. They weren’t at a training school on Earth, but in the Abyss. He had never thought he would find himself in a place like this.

“Hey, stop staring at everything around you. This whole place is tacky anyways.”

“Ah, sorry.

The hunters from the Golden Blood Fish had managed to step foot in the Temple of Glory thanks to the clan’s amazing negotiation skills.

After negotiating with various constellations connected to the clan, they were given a pass to the temple.

“It’s not the era of globalization, but the era in which you have to train in the Abyss in order to become strong.”

“Why are you talking like it’s so sudden? Humans from other countries don’t talk about it openly, but they’re probably very excited about this place.”

No one could deny that the number of monsters appearing on Earth had increased dramatically in recent years. Besides that, there was also the invasion of the evil god constellations.

Thus, the value of skilled hunters was naturally shooting through the roof. Because of that, even the hunters who generally just played around instead of risking their lives in raids had become seriously interested in raids.

However, one couldn’t become strong right away just because they wanted to. The dungeons on Earth were limited, and most of them were already owned by clans or companies.

As for the dungeons that weren’t owned by anyone, most of them were incredibly dangerous, to the point that any hunter would risk their lives going into one!

In the past, there had been a long list of hunters going into dungeons and risking their lives in order to become stronger, but modern-day hunters weren’t willing to do that.

-Find a way to easily become strong.

-Which constellation should we worship in order to quickly become stronger? Not in competitions, but in raids...

-What clan is good at raiding safely?

Hunters wanted to find a way to use the knowledge they had accumulated during their careers to get stronger quickly and safely.

One such method was training at the Temple of Glory, which had become surprisingly famous. It was one of the few places in the Abyss where disbelieving hunters could enter thanks to the kindness of the Monk Pursuing Glory!

“It’s safer here than in the dungeon, but don’t let your guard down. They say that the temple’s trials are unexpectedly harsh.”

“I’m already prepared for that. We’ve made it here, so stop complaining.”

There were Abyssal races walking around in groups of two and three around the entrance of the temple. They seem deep in thought, probably thinking about how to overcome the challenges and hardships this temple would throw at them and about what they would gain out of this.

Of course, the rewards would differ according to each individual’s effort, so they all had to be cautious.

-Ghah! You bastard...! Aaghh!

-There’s a fight!

“A fight?”

“What a bunch of idiots. There are many Abyssal races that can’t control their anger. Focusing on the challenges and the rewards isn’t enough. It’s unbelievable that they’re already at each other’s throats.”

“...Hunter Choi Yeonseung?”


At that, the leader of the hunter team turned around instantly. The one kicking and punching the Abyssal mortals was...

Choi Yeonseung...



The clan leader hadn’t thought he would meet other humans besides his comrades here, let alone one from the same country!

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