The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

With evil schemes unfolding everywhere, even the realm of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training wasn’t safe.

All the household members of the realm headed to the Farm of Harmony with stern expressions. It was the first area that the constellation had established it was a symbolic land that continued to be of constant interest to this day.

‘It’s just an orc farm. What...’

Hwang Gyeongryong found it ridiculous, but the orcs seemed so serious that he couldn’t say anything. Having grown and leveled up while serving Choi Yeonseung, their intelligence and personalities had changed in a surprising way.

Last month, Hwang Gyeongryong had gathered the orcs and asked, “What direction should the Farm of Harmony go in?” Then he was baffled when the orcs gave him a seminar on Abyssal farming.

No matter how he looked at it, these weren’t orcs anymore.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s start with a simple tribute to Mater before we start the meeting.” Garagoncha, the orc warrior, took his seat with a solemn expression. The other orcs followed suit in a reverent manner.

Hwang Gyeongryong really didn’t want to do it, but he couldn’t help it when the orcs glared at him.

“Ah! Great Master, you have blessed us with wisdom...”

‘I’m going crazy.’

“We stand in front of the crops, which are symbols...”

‘I’m actually losing my mind.”

It was only after the orcs finished their tedious speeches and oaths that the household members were freed.

The rice wine made by the orcs was passed around, and everyone received a plate of rice cake made from freshly harvested grains. The vampires, who had joined the realm relatively recently, carefully took a bite of the steaming rice cake and looked surprised.

Indeed, these cakes compensated for those long-winded speeches!

“We have gathered here today for one reason. The arrogant Greedy Owner of the Treasure House doesn’t have the decency to sacrifice his kingdom and repent for his past sins. He is provoking our master by setting insolent rules!”

“Kill him!”

“Let’s go to his realm and wipe out everything that draws breath!” The orcs were intoxicated by Garagoncha’s cry and exclaimed in fury.

Hwang Gyeongryong finally let out a sigh of relief. That was what an orc should be like!

“Calm down. Indignation only leads to weakness.”

“That’s right. Don’t let your anger sway you. Only loyalty to Master is noble.”


The orcs who had shouted calmed down after hearing their comrades and looked bashful. Then, they proceeded to take a cross-legged position and meditate.

They did that to cast away their anger.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me...’ Hwang Gyeongryong decided to just look away.

“I understand everyone’s anger, but this is a battle between constellations. We can’t just break the rules. That’s why I called everyone here. Which one of you can go against the arrogant rules of the enemy?”

“Me! I’ll do it!” One of the elderly orc warriors raised his hand, and his peers clapped and cheered. “My strategy is to weaponize food!”


Hwang Gyeongryong snorted. ‘What nonsense is this?!’

As a seasoned economist who had built one of the world’s largest companies, he knew how difficult that strategy would be to implement.

Weaponizing food—in other words, trading food with the Fourth Kingdom belonging to the Greedy Owner of the Treasure House. If high-quality and affordable food came in large amounts and the mortals of the Fourth Kingdom became dependent on it, the realm would essentially be captured.

The problem was...

It was very unreliable.

For one, the mortals of the Fourth Kingdom weren’t fools and wouldn’t completely give up on making their own food. No matter how much cheap and tasty food came from the outside, they wouldn’t depend on it entirely.

In addition, there were many other competitors from Earth. If the orcs took control of all the food in the Fourth Kingdom to put pressure on its denizens, there was a good chance that the other companies involved would barge in and say, “Then take our food!”

This plan was impossible to pull off for many different reasons...

“First of all, we must destroy all the food in the Fourth Kingdom! Let’s burn their fields and scatter the ashes! Loot all their crops and livestock!”


Hwang Gyeongryong looked at the orcs like they were lunatics.

The orcs gave a standing ovation out of admiration.

“That’s the plan!”

“Most impressive, Elder!”

Hwang Gyeongryong didn’t really feel lonely in the Abyss, but at this specific moment, he really missed the people of Earth.

‘I should’ve been kinder to the brains of Dragon Industry!’

He suddenly regretted always passing his work to his subordinates while thinking, ‘Why do I have to do that?’

“I have a question.”

“Yes, Goblin King.”

Fortunately, Odaigon was still in his right mind.

“If other competitors also sell food, won’t this undermine the very essence of the plan?” freēwē

“Hmm, you make a good point, Goblin King. Of course, we need to prepare for that as well. If you give us the order, we will burn down our rivals’ warehouses and poison them.”

Hwang Gyeongryong’s jaw hit the floor at the sheer scale of their plan. How much would it take to destroy all the food storage warehouses of the various major companies on Earth?

‘You nut jobs!’

“Hmm... I’m not sure it’s feasible, but I like the idea.” Odaigon nodded approvingly.

Ganonvial, the lich, and Illingars, the demonic beast, also nodded.

“I like the aggressive strategy.”

“I like the way you capture primal desires!”

Hwang Gyeongryong shook his head, hoping that the next strategy would actually be useful.

“I will speak next.” Garhansha, the vampire king, stepped forward. “My plan is to target the household members of the Fourth Kingdom directly. If you give them wealth and power, they will naturally fall.”

As expected of a very old vampire, Garhansha knew how to corrupt mortals. If they offered sweet fruits in the name of the Undefeated Incarnation of Training, those in power in the Fourth Kingdom would quickly become drunk on them and kneel.

After they tempted those in power, everything would be easy. Garhansha just had to use those mortals in order to gradually take control of the kingdom.

“Of course, this plan has to be carried out delicately and secretly. Any mortal is bound to be enraged after realizing they have been deceived.”

Naturally, targeting those in power didn’t mean that all the mortals in the kingdom would give in. If this plan was executed poorly, the kingdom’s greatest mortals could refuse orders and rebel.

If it came to that, the plan would be a complete failure.

“The important thing is to proceed slowly, like getting your clothes wet in a drizzle. By the time the rebellious mortals draw attention, it will already be too late.”

An orc asked curiously, “Are there still some arrogant bastards who don’t serve the Undefeated Incarnation of Training?”

“That is a good question. There is another way to deal with them. We shall deal with the active and troublesome ones with force while attracting the passive and pacifist ones with persuasion and inclusion. If we pick out and eliminate the rotten apples like that...”

“As expected!”

‘No... This bastard is scary in a totally different way!’

Hwang Gyeongryong got goosebumps as he looked at Garhansha. As expected of an evil vampire, he had a truly sinister and villainous plan. It was the kind of plan that would work well on Earth...!

“Not bad.” Odaigon was fine with Garhansha’s proposal, but the rest of the household members shook their heads.

“It will take too long and it’s too passive.”

“I feel like it’s too focused on scheming.”

“I don’t think it’s worthy of our master’s reputation...”

“You... You guys...!” Garhansha huffed in resentment, but this didn’t change their minds. He was comforted by the other vampires and returned to his seat.

“Now, who’s next?”

“Ah.” Odaigon, who had been waiting, flinched suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Master is calling me. I have to go.”

“Wait, Odaigon! Please pass my plan to Master!”

“You cheeky fellow! How dare you break the established rules and act so despicably?”

“Shut up! Why do the means and methods matter if we follow the right path?”

The orcs’ fierce argument with each other caused the vampires to tremble.

This place was really scary!


“Master, did you call?!”

“Yes. Nice to see you, Odaigon. Have you been well?”

Odaigon politely greeted his master, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time. As Choi Yeonseung’s realm and household expanded, Odaigon saw him less and less frequently. However, his loyalty was as strong as the first time they met! His loyalty would endure no matter what ordeals he had to go through!

“Why did you call me?”

“Ah, nothing serious. The lord of this realm is a goblin, so I figured I could use your help.”


Odaigon was taken aback because the reason seemed rather trivial, but his expression didn’t change.

“Understood! I’ll step up.”

There were several mortal lords in the Fourth Kingdom of the Greedy Owner of the Treasure House. They were small rulers that wielded the power delegated by the constellation in their own respective areas!

Naturally, their wealth was considerable.

Uranta cocked his head upon seeing Odaigon.

“I-is this human helpful?”

“Don’t worry, Uranta. Despite his appearance, Odaigon is the wisest out of everyone!” Choi Yeonseung said confidently as he walked forward with Odaigon.

The goblin warriors guarding the realm looked at both of them.

“Outsiders are required to offer a worthy treasure in order to enter the realm of our great master,” one of the goblins explained with stern eyes.

This was a natural admission procedure for outsiders. If they couldn’t offer a valuable enough treasure, they wouldn’t be allowed in the realm. This rule had been enforced for a very long time.

Odaigon nodded knowingly. Some goblin tribes used to adhere strictly to such treasure customs.

“What do you think we should do, Odaigon?”

“I will offer them something that will satisfy them. There are many treasures in the warehouse of my kingdom. Persuading these little warriors won’t be difficult.”

“I knew I could count on you, Odaigon.” Choi Yeonseung nodded.

As Odaigon searched for the treasure, Choi Yeonseung scanned the goblin warriors. They were staring at him with strange expressions, and one of them eventually murmured, “Wa... Wait.”


Choi Yeonseung paused. Something was really off about them.

“You...” frёewebnoѵē

‘Did they find out that I’m a constellation?’

Choi Yeonseung couldn’t believe it. None of the constellations had picked up on it, but these goblin warriors did?!


“Aren’t you the one who defeated Acafenrir, the planet-eating wolf, and saved the kingdom of Ephes?”

“That’s right! Absolutely right!”

The goblin warriors nodded among themselves in surprise. They even took out a book and compared the picture drawn in it to Choi Yeonseung’s face.

“I’ve heard you’re a human hero, but I never thought I would get to meet you like this!”

“Come in! You deserve it!”

The goblin warriors hurriedly opened the gates. Choi Yeonseung stepped forward with a dazed expression.

After finally finding a useful treasure, Odaigon looked up.


“We can just go in. It seems that word of my aid to your kingdom has spread far and wide in the Abyss. Thank you, Odaigon. It’s all thanks to you!”


Odaigon thought to himself, ‘I think you would’ve been just fine without me...!’

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